MTL - Plane Source Code-~ End task

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At this moment, Curry had a bluish short sword in her hand, and her face was like ice, but the voice of James talking to her came from all directions:

"Key, give me ..."

Seeing the key appeared, James couldn't help even the danger in front of him. He appeared from above Jonathan's head and turned into a human figure. He grabbed the box with his hand and flew out.


Curry flew out of the lancet tied with gold wire, and the cold light flashed to the back of James. As a baron-level vampire, James responded very quickly. He tilted his head, and the short sword penetrated the half puller directly from the root of his ear. cheek.

His face was torn directly, but James' eyes were filled with joy. Just a few meters in front was a dark passageway, and he was absolutely safe to cross it.

A silent blade of air appeared and disappeared, James' head groaned and fell to the ground, and the curry hand that had just recovered the thorn needle swung a short sword into the darkness, but the short sword disappeared into the darkness as soon as it disappeared. trace.

With a squeak, the short sword flew back from the darkness. When Curry caught the short sword, the pineapple hidden in the darkness sealed Jonathan's acupuncture and said,

"Curry, admit defeat and leave. You should see the news. The Taurus was also killed. At least there is a reward for killing one person. There is nothing left without leaving. As for the Necromancer in your hands, it is me. Just fake. "

The sound was familiar, and the corner of Curry's mouth fluttered and said:

"You're not dead?"

Pineapple says:

"I ca n’t die. I ’m the captain in another place. Everything that happened here was arranged by me, so do n’t be depressed. You are the most normal person in the madness. Leave to join another team or rebuild one. Normal madmen squad, maybe we will still be fighting side by side in the future. "

Curry turned to put away the nuclear bomb and dagger and giggled for a while. She touched her heart with her hand and said:

"Where am I still normal? Since the palace practice, I was normal even if it was normal, but you are right, all the players are dead, and I can rebuild a normal crazy team."

Pineapple emerged from the shadows, looking at his former teammates, Curry nodded and said:

"I have chosen to terminate the mission, and the reward for killing one person has been reached. Now your hostile squad has ended and the mission has been completed. It seems that the benefits of this world are also the mushroom squad. Take good care of the pineapple. Hope to meet us again Still not an enemy. ",

"Take care."

In the sound of pineapple's care, the curry body flickered and disappeared, but a series of main god's prompts came from the pineapple's ear:

"The annihilation of the Eurohawks squad, the mission is terminated, the withdrawal time is determined by the captain of the mushroom squad, and the team has gained 100,000 experience points;

One member of the grid killing mad team is rewarded with 3,500 points, and the two members of the European Eagle team are killed with 7,000 points. The total remaining experience value is 136,500 points. "

Pineapple has actually killed two task teams, the team members far away in London and Shanghai are even more pleasantly surprised, that is to say, they only need to find the remaining benefits, as far as danger, without the hostile team everything no problem.

Removed the heraldic space of the war dead missioner and cleared the traces of the fierce battle in the hall. The pineapple unlocked Jonathan's cave and exited the city of the dead. He disappeared. As for what will happen to O'Connor and others, he has stopped I'm going to ask.

Just in the Sahara desert, pineapples have been penetrating for twenty years. Satellites launched in the sky have connected everyone in the squad. The changes have been great in the past two decades. At least, he did not use an experience value, but his combat effectiveness increased. As many as three floors.

After Tang Shenshen and Feifei, together with the resurrected Xiaoye and Meng Xiong, captured the Scorpion King's Death Bracelet and Judging Spear in London, they rushed to Egypt with the pineapple and went to the desert oasis pyramid to kill the Scorpion King. The Death Bracelet also After returning to the pineapple, the spear of judgment was handed over to the cute bear who practiced the question of sky guns as a weapon.

In the eighteenth year, they got the eye of Shangri-La, went directly to the Himalayas, grabbed the mother and daughter of Ziyuan, took away all the undead springs, took away the Oracle scripture classics, and then went to the Laoshan mausoleum to destroy the stone. Qin Huang, after two years of practice, Pineapple told everyone to withdraw from the world.


In the small room of the Lord God Space, the ring sofa now looks extremely lively. After being resurrected, Xiaoye still likes beautiful women, but she promised that she would never do bad things again, otherwise the body would be eaten clean by ants and could never be resurrected.

Pineapple did not remind her that the Black Book of the Undead could indeed summon the soul, but it was not unlimited. If it died after three resurrections, the soul would be beaten into the bottom of the abyss Huanghuangquan. Even the heavens would not make her by then. resurrection.

After the resurrection, Meng Xiong gave the news like pineapple and others guessed that he was snoring with Li Qianhuan in the woods and even started the last step, but he just finished his work, Li Qianhuan left for less than three minutes, and a knife light split him Two paragraphs, and the killer was holding a samurai sword in a red tight-fitting combat suit, and his mouth was grotesquely reporting the name of his deadpool.

However, before dying, he broke away from the position of cadre at the department level. Meng Xiong did not regret it. He was most looking forward to returning to the X-Men world to bring out Li Qianhuan, but he still needed to enter the X-Men world. At the time point ~ ~ 200,000 experience points are not what Meng Xiong can or may consume now.


In addition to Meng Xiong and Xiao Ye, Barbara who came from the team was the most eye-catching, especially when they knew Barbara's antenna and Meng Xiong learned that Pineapple actually pulled the girl back to the team, they looked at the pineapple with some eyes Something is wrong.

There are pineapple, Erhei, antenna, and cute bears in the whole team. The antenna is to find one or a bunch of beautiful women for a walk in the world. The cute bear is not a pure boy. As for Erhei, there are three thousand women He did n’t feel much about sleeping with some girls. Only pineapple, for so long, has been cultivating and improving combat effectiveness, and in addition to studying weapons and equipment, he has always looked at the beauty of the mission world. One.

The world-famous beauty Xueyuan, the beauty of the X-Men world, is now wearing a waiter's bracelet to work in the universe of pineapple's heart. If pineapple wants to pop, just call them out. But it seems he hasn't done it in these twenty years.

Now Pineapple actually spends 20,000 experience points to make Barbara transfer to the mushrooms. Except for Barbara's fighting power, all men think that Pineapple has an idea about Barbara, and this will get them around.