MTL - Plane Source Code-~ Gathering Cairo

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As for her ability to sense the brain waves emitted by the people around her, gradually she can use the power of the Phoenix to block out of her head, so that her mood will be more clear and comfortable. In her opinion, all this is provided by the antenna. Therefore, it doesn't make sense for her whether the antenna is lurking in, or whether she is studying here.

"What are you going to let us do?" Hank asked.

Pineapple says:

"With my team members outside to restrain the Apocalypse, I will rescue Professor Xavier."

What would the Apocalypse do without the Heart of the Universe, and Pineapple did n’t know the next change, but the Heart of the Universe was in his hands, and the Apocalypse must find him and deal with others. His team alone was not that easy. At the top of the class, the Magneto King, the fourth-level angel, and the storm girl, even if Tang lurks deeply, she only has one chance to shoot.

Moreover, in addition to these people, there are four quests with four levels of 10,000 magnetic force and other various means. If they are crazy, it is not easier than 10,000 magnetic king, so the people present are useful except for a cute bear.

"Boss, what should I do?" Meng Xiong asked nervously as the war began.

Pineapple smiled. The cute bear did not lose face for at least the past two days, but he can't see through at a glance. Even if he does not have any points in the future, he nodded and said:

"You are here to assist the teachers to settle the students and remember to beware of accidents."

Arrange the cute bear, Pineapple looked at the emergency news still on the wall, the white lines rushing into space above represent the nuclear missiles, and now he is waiting for this group of people to decide.

"I went with you. The professor was arrested in front of me. I must help him out."

The first person to stand up and decide is Shockwave. With a slightly impulsive character, he blasted the entire school with a shockwave in the movie. Almost everyone was buried for him, but his combat effectiveness was also clearly demonstrated.

Laser Eye Scott, wearing ruby ​​glasses, said immediately:

"I will go too. Apocalypse intends to control the world. I will fight alongside my brother."

The golem and old friends of Xavier and Eric, she nodded and said:

"I'm with you."

"Then I'll go too," said Beast Hank in a deep voice.

There are also Nightwalker and Quicksilver. The nightwalker has a simple character. Although he has the appearance of a demon, his temperament is the same as that of a real Buddhist monk.

"I'll go too, I think my ability is still useful."

In the end, only Quicksilver was left. He looked around for a while and looked a little tangled. Pineapple stood up and walked behind him and patted his shoulder gently.

"Fast Silver ... Pitrow Maximov, you have to choose to face it if you want to find the answer. You have unparalleled speed. This is a powerful ability for you. The future choice is yours. In your hands, it depends on how you view the world. "

Quicksilver said silently:

"Well, to save the world, I will go with you."

Pineapple looked at the beast and said:

"Hanke, you take the other person to the plane to Cairo, I will go there first, then you will be in charge of directing them, and I will lead Apocalypse to leave."

If Tang is deeply involved, Pineapple will let her direct. If not, the rest of the team is not suitable for this range of command. The big problem is to let Erhei and others pay attention to a few guys in the first team.

After the arrangement, Pineapple left the warship directly. After a while, Hank and Erhei took off on a stealth fighter. As for pineapple's preparations, let ’s not mention that Hank and others arrived here in Cairo. Because of the strange look of the nightwalker, he and Shockwave stayed in the stealth fighter hidden deep in the woods, while others walked forward and backward into the city to a street full of characteristic snacks.

Erhei went along with Antenna to buy snacks, and along with them was Antenna ’s new girlfriend, Qin Gelei. As a beautiful woman, she was very taboo about these snacks;

Not far behind them, Hank, Witchgirl and Scott chatted with each other. They seemed to be as interested as tourists from outside, and Quicksilver was scrambling around, suddenly walking to the front, and finally to the end. But never leave the team's 100-meter range.

"Two blacks, baby."

The cry came from a small alley, Erhei and the antenna turned to look around, Feifei was smiling at a roasted pigeon, and the two walked forward with Qin Gelei smiling, Feifei pointed. A full adobe house next to it says:

"Let's go into the courtyard. I bought it here."

The antenna looked back and walked into the small courtyard next to it. After a while, Hank and others followed him. In the small courtyard, everyone sat down in the pergola ~ ~ Feifei whispered:

"The pineapple monitor installed at the entrance of the cave has not responded yet, indicating that Apocalypse does not know that the cosmic heart for soul transfer is no longer there, and I saw five guys from the first team today at the gate of the most luxurious hotel in the city.

I installed hundreds of monitors around it. Just before you came, the beautiful girl came out alone. Now we are going to this street. Are we trying to kill her? "

Erhei heard the beautiful girl look directly at the antenna and said:

"We can't expose it yet. You kill her. Remember to clean it up."

The antenna was slightly awkward. There was something in Erhei's words, but he said nothing but raised three fingers, and squeezed his brow against Erhei, then said to Qin Gelei:

"Qin, I'll go as soon as I go. If there's something wrong, they'll know."

For the first team, Tang Shenshen and Feifei took pictures of each other's looks. It is impossible to recognize the wrong person. The antenna copied the power of Phoenix. Of course, they are not afraid of each other's magnetic force. As for the two, who can still see the true chapter. .

The antenna quickly walked down the street according to the route Feifei said. After a while, he saw a beautiful girl with a cute look. This one looked at him with his forefinger secretly. He deliberately went to this beautiful girl. Ahead, I bought a roasted pigeon and watched it go forward and right away. Just when the two met, he pretended that he didn't see the pair of oily pigeons on the girl.


The girl was Masami Ichikawa, and she couldn't help but scream when she was stained with oil. She was wearing custom-made designer clothes at this time, and wasted by such a mess. When she frowned, the antenna was a little embarrassed. Pulled out a paper towel and continued to help her to apologize:

"Yes, sorry, I didn't see you in front, miss, or I'll pay you back." Rw