MTL - Plane Source Code-~ Star sucker turned north

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Star absorption is even simpler. As a modified method of Beiming Shengong, Star Absorption can absorb other people's true energy from a long distance. Compared with Beiming Shengong, it can only rely on contact to absorb the true energy, but it is much tougher, but the defects are more obvious. , That is the true energy that cannot be assimilated and absorbed;

In the end, although Ren Zhixing assimilated the assimilated energy, he seemed to have a huge worry that he would never use the energy of others for his own use, and that Beiming Shengong would cause trouble in addition to absorbing too many people's skills at one time. This method can be absorbed indefinitely.

Thinking for a while, the pineapple sat up and took out the star-stuck secrets. This thing is a mass-produced copy of the crazy devil team. It is copied with a copier and there is no discrepancy between the original version. There are many maps on it, and there are various annotations. In the heart of the sentence, he wondered secretly, saying silently:

"In the north of the poor, there are those who are under the sea, and Tianchi also ... The hand yin and lung meridian and the veins are the foundation of the magic, of which the Shang point of the thumb and the middle point of the two **** descend to Dantian, especially The most important thing is to take the former and store the latter. People have four seas: the sea of ​​the stomach, the sea of ​​water, the sea of ​​the twelve sutras, the sea of ​​the qi of Dantian, and the sea of ​​the brain. "

After reading the entire Secret Sucker Secret, the front is the practice method, but the back is the application method, but at a glance, he discovered the connection and difference between this secret book and Beiming Divine Power.

The suction of the stars spread to Beiming Shengong, and the practice method is almost the same, but there is one place that is completely different from Beiming Shengong.

Anyway, I have seen Tianlong Babu. The Beiming magical power in it proposes the sea of ​​Tanzhong acupuncture, but the suction of stars is to **** the internal force of others into Dantian. This is only the difference between Tianyuan, but it shows that the martial arts has always put Dan Tian is a misunderstanding of Qi Hai.

Of course, pineapple does not know that this is wrong at this time. Human energy is in the sandalwood. Dantian is just a way to save energy. The bigger the so-called Dantian, the tougher it is and the stronger it is. Just Tanzhong.

Beiming magical powers indicate that there must be his reason for the transformation of the absorbed qi stored in the sandalwood. Pineapple looked for a while, he looked at the cultivation method and pictures on the secret urn, and began to cultivate according to gourd painting. Only when he was concerned about Shen Dantian, he It is intended to sink Tan Tan.

Over the night, nothing was cultivated. Pineapple was going to go around, but when he went out, he found countless eyes staring at him. He felt a numb in his vest, and finally had to recall the experience of farming and began to dig and sprinkle. Vegetables were sprinkled with water. In addition, a lot of silt was dug from a pond next to the courtyard to be dried for fertilizer.

For the next whole month, pineapples were planted as honestly as they used to be in the countryside. Looking at the lush vegetables on the ground, he simply called each of the households in Linger who he was more familiar with. Let him know how many people are in this village.

There is an entry and an exit. After two days, the farmers around the village sent pineapples a pair of male and female pigs, a group of chickens, ducks and geese, which made the pineapples a little bit more busy every day. Conveniently, the chickens, ducks and geese put the tube in for a few days and they knew they would return to the fence at night.

In this way, the two pigs raised by the pineapple are almost two hundred pounds. The chickens, ducks, and geese should lay their eggs. A group of big white geese and ducks catch fish and shrimp loach every day in the pond and the next stream. They eat very fat. However, the native chicken flock scourges the ground's turf in the bamboo forest, and dozens of chickens bring hundreds of chicks to the bamboo forest floor, which is close to one acre wide, so that it will not grow.

With so many chickens, ducks, and geese, you have to sell them, and it ’s impossible to send them every day. Besides, it ’s not rare that everyone breeds. After a while, Linger let a dozen villagers pack a lot of chickens and ducks. Geese and pigs, sheep, and sheep that are already on the shelves are sent to the mountain for sale, but pineapples are still not eligible to go out.


On this day, pineapple closed his eyes and practiced again. Suddenly he jumped in the Tanzhong acupoint, and his thumb Shaoshang ached for a while, followed by the whole cycle of hot and cold air in the Taiyin Lung Meridian and Renmai.

The pineapple surprised in his heart did not open his eyes. He didn't practice star absorption. If he wanted to count it, it could only be regarded as the combination of Beiming magic and star absorption. Star absorption was stronger than Beiming and Beiming. Divine power fusion is far more powerful than sucking stars.

After working hard all night, Pineapple gradually became familiar with the slightest vitality of running. He slowly opened his eyes and murmured with a smile on his face:

"Cultivation is really troublesome when I'm too old. Four months later, all the corn I plant now is old corn, and the rice in the field is ready to be harvested. I finally practiced this method. This method should not be complete. Ming is not a star sucker, so I call him Bei Ming star sucker and wait for a period of time to practice Zixia magic.

But why do I still have fifteen points of experience rewards for practicing this method ~ ~ This is strange. In the task, the guardian of Tianmen successfully has 10,000 experience points. Defeating a martial art has different experience. Killing the mushroom team has a thousand experience points. I did not expect that there will be rewards for practicing an exercise. "

Pineapple didn't think of it, but it did n’t mean that what he did was useless. As long as he did n’t enter the Tianlong Babu, there would be no Beiming magic, but he changed the star-absorptive gas sea in Tan according to the book in his memory. The power of fusion has a horror absorption method that **** stars, which can be regarded as a kind of improvement of skills. Of course, the main **** without bugs will of course give a little reward.

Beiming **** the stars by engulfing the exercises. Although Zixia's magic exercises are auxiliary exercises, they have normal fighting power. As for the tricks, Pineapple feels that she is old, and she will learn simple but powerful in the future. It is already morning. He had to drop down and collect the old corn.

In a blink of an eye, it has been more than a year since the Pineapple Cultivation Association attracted stars from the North Underworld. This day was also a sunny morning. The pineapples collected more than a dozen large baskets of corn, chopped down the corn stalks in the ground, and prepared for a few days to burn. As a fertilizer, he just returned home and dried old corn in the courtyard. He chose some dried corn to be threshing. Three figures appeared from the path behind the valley and quickly reached the front of the courtyard.


An unexpected exclaim, then a dark red figure fell in front of the pineapple like a lightning, and one hand directly clasped the pineapple on the shoulder of the pineapple and shouted:

"You live in the house of the divine doctor. What is your relationship with the divine doctor?"

Pineapple was still sitting on a stool and peeling corn. At first glance, when the shadows flickered, his shoulders were caught. In his panic, Beiming's star-absorptive power turned, and the figure shook his hands with a powerful energy and passed along the shoulder well. Pineapple sandalwood, but in his heart he instantly returned to his mind and stopped increasing the suction to devour this energy. rw more exciting novels, welcome to visit everyone reading school