MTL - Players Please Respect Yourself-Chapter 1 Redeemer

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   Chapter 1 The Redeemer

  On the morning of November 11, 2019, on Singles' Day, on the Earth in a parallel world, on this death day when all single dogs were abused, Wang Hao, a 21-year-old college animal, was leaning against the railings to play a mobile game by the Zhujiang River in Gwangju.

   Obviously he was standing there like this, which frequently attracted the attention of passing girls.

  Because he is handsome, he is the kind of 'if a girl is blind and doesn't want him, he turns around and throws away his morals and says "dear" to the legendary mother-in-law, and he can be that girl's father that night'. His handsome has ignored the age group, killing all fields.

  Unfortunately, Yan Zhi can not be eaten in all places. For example, the female Tyrannosaurus can be praised as the water supply and drainage major of the Civil Engineering College...

   He doesn't care, humming Eason Chan's magic song.

   "There are no girls in my class, and I don't feel **** in my heart—"

   "Playing until I forgot the dog abuse festival came quietly, mmp didn't have time to talk about—"

   As soon as he finished singing this paragraph, Wang Hao heard that a nice female voice with a seiyuu level should be arguing.

   "Damn it! I'm not allowed to fall in love until I'm 18, and now I'm getting married a few months after graduation? What a joke!?"

"From childhood to adulthood, every penny is used by your family. After three months of graduation, you have three jobs and you are too embarrassed to say that you can be independent? Yes, you can return the money you spent studying in the UK to your family first, otherwise you will give I will marry immediately."

   "Don't marry! Force me to die for you to see!"

   "Death? Jump into the river if you have the ability!"

  Wang Hao couldn't hear clearly with the earphones on, and saw a shadowy figure flying past him across the railing.

   Hey, there is a river over there!

  Are all girls so rigid now?

   Accompanied by the loud thud and the water splashing into the sky, listening to the screams from the crowd, and looking at the girl's aura sinking to the bottom, Wang Hao was extremely painful.

   "Save her! Someone! Help my cousin!" the woman in the designer clothes shouted.

   This is Jiang He!

  Who dares to go down if the water is poor.

  Wang Hao sighed silently, put his mobile phone into his schoolbag nimbly, stuffed it into the woman, then took off his jacket and trousers in front of her, leaving only a pair of boxer pants.

"Ah You…"

   "Too many clothes will make them heavy when they enter the water." After that, Wang Hao rushed to the railing.

   Even if the child who grew up in my village was a hero to save the beauty, maybe...Bah, how can there be any kind of repayment these days, people's consciences are eaten by dogs.

   Well, save people as if I was greedy for her body.

  Thinking about it this way, Wang Hao is still a beautiful plunger, jumping into the not-too-turbulent river.

   That girl is easy to find, and once she sinks to the end, she doesn't know what the structure is. Dive five meters, approach the silly girl who is instinctively struggling because of the desire to survive, and punch her in the back of the neck to be honest.

   He floated up in three or so times, and lifted the girl's big pp up, Wang Hao heard a mess of shouts.

   "Ah! I was rescued!"

  's hand was light, someone should have grabbed the girl.

   Just when Wang Hao was relieved and ready to catch up to take a breath, suddenly a huge suction came from the soles of his feet.

  Fuck! Did I encounter turbulence?

   Bully the mountains, not the water. What Jiang He is most afraid of is the undercurrent that cannot be seen on the river.

  Wang Hao instinctively wanted to break free...he failed.

   Just when he was confused, someone seemed to be talking:

  【He is qualified. I'll tie him up (windfall luck)! 】

  【Wait, I want to implement a new project! Send him to the land forsaken by God to be the (redeemer)! 】

   [No, that is too cruel, too anti-human, right? 】

  【Don't forget what happened to the guy who was selected before. We gave them hundreds of millions of dollars by winning the lottery jackpot, and it turned out that it wasn't a blessing, it was more of a curse. The soul of every lottery winner is rapidly degraded by alcoholism, revelry, profligacy and drug abuse. Man, it's easy to (making a staff) and (selling a sword) when you're too happy. 】

【All right! As a result, we definitely did it wrong before. Human beings can only appreciate what they get when they have paid hardships. Rest assured, I will absolutely keep his life safe. As for whether his soul fell in the end, or whether he got some shocking benefits as a redeemer, it depends on how he chooses. 】

   Wang Hao found himself waking up from his confusion, and a consciousness appeared.

   [Sao Nian, I am the sniper system, number 11, you can call me sniper number 11. As long as you nod your head, you can become our blood-earning... ugh, it's the 10,000th participant in the (Bloody Ring). Although the chances of survival are one in ten thousand, it's a hope, or you'll be drowning right now. 】

  What kind of **** arena, it's not a good bird when you hear it, every minute the other party is playing with gu or something.

   "Why is this happening?"

  【Because you saved a rich girl who was doomed to die. While you were forced to take away her fortune, your own destiny could not bear such a huge fortune. 】

Why does the reason for    sound so strong?

   Wang Hao didn't know how to describe his mood.

   The situation is stronger than people!

   "I just wanted to ask, what happened to the previous 9999 hosts?"

   The sniper sounded serious, always feeling like he was snickering: [Hang up! 】

  Wang Hao angrily(╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻

Although there are 100,000 MMPs in his heart, as a good young man of the new era who is disgusted by his integrity, of course, he is: "Please forgive me... Accept! Last question, how can I escape from the **** arena ?"

  【You will know when the time comes! 】The sniper increased his tone.

"All right…"

  [The **** ring new member welfare lottery starts...] The WeChat icon appeared on the sniper's face: [Congratulations on becoming my host, Xi Ti (Sea King Bloodline), and join us in the grand event! 】

   A big wave hits my face…

When Wang Hao woke up, he was pleasantly surprised to find that he, who had only one abdominal muscle, had become a super sportsman with an inverted triangle body and six-pack abs, and two huge chest muscles, which completely exploded many girls who specialize in airports. .

   A head of shoulder-length black curly hair, a beard that is exclusive to macho men, coupled with that very masculine, knife-shaved and ax-shaped face with a Chinese character, it is so powerful that it explodes.

   The next scene also shocked Wang Hao's kryptonite eyes.

   As the system prompt appeared on the retina of his left eye, Wang Hao saw his own attributes:

   Name: Jason Momoa (Wang Hao)

  Title: [Horse King]

  Level: lv1.

   Strength: 112 (10)

   Agility: 88 (10)

   Constitution: 182 (10)

   Intelligence: 18 (10)

   Will and Judgment: 136 (10)

   Charisma: 125 (10)

   Bloodline: Aquaman bloodline lv1

   Specialties: Natural King lv1, Water Element Specialization lv88, Melee Mastery lv111, Intuition lv72

   (Note: 10 in parentheses represents the average level of 18-year-old males in the Chinese dynasty)

   Seeing this, Wang Hao was so happy that he flew up.

  Nima, this is a god-level start!

   What is it like to travel through another world, come to a B-level demon king or something, Wang Hao is confident that he can hang the opponent with any level of training.

   The only pity is that it seems impossible to change the name. Then the title is Mawang? The young master is the king of the sea, what's the matter with the king of horses? Do you want to slap the dragon mother, then hang up, and then change the world to preach the Tao?

and also…

   This damned weakness of the body is a god-like thing?

   In the next instant, Wang Hao finally discovered the problem.

  The initial attribute looks very good, the point is, he suddenly found himself in the middle of a desert with the same style as the Sahara desert.

   Wang Hao instinctively felt bad.

   This is no ordinary desert.

   Above the desert, there is a cloud of dust that condenses but does not disperse, dark red and black. It obviously has its own will. When Wang Hao's figure appeared, it suddenly turned into a huge, fierce and expressive eye that turned from black fog, and it glared in the direction of Wang Hao.

  In an instant, thousands of voices echoed in Wang Hao's mind.

   "Have you finished your homework?"

   "Can I afford a down payment on the house?"

   "You're a pick-up man again..."

   "The roommates' women's clothes are prettier than you!"

   Wang Hao suddenly realized that this was the resentment of the host who died here before.

  Although I really wanted to say the word 'grass' in Chinese and Japanese, but I felt - good! Harmful! afraid! ah!

   Shocked all over!

   hurriedly glanced at his attribute panel again, Wang Hao's face collapsed.

  There is a negative effect on it [Desert Curse]: As a sea tribe, you are cursed by this land, and all attributes except intelligence are reduced by 90%.

   That is to say…

"My lord, I'm useless!?" Wang Hao looked at the only loincloth-like thing on his body, and then felt the 'cool' weather of 45 degrees Celsius. , give me an explanation!"

  【Dear host, this is the (land abandoned by the gods), a place abandoned by the gods for exiles or corpses. Anyone who survives here will encounter a hellish start. The former owner of your body was a poisoned sea clan. Don't worry, the toxins in your body have been removed, don't thank me, this is a gift from the **** arena. 】

   As if to confirm what Sniper No. 11 said, a portal-like thing suddenly opened not far above him diagonally.

   A very Cthulhu-style humanoid fell.

   Its head, above its nose, resembles a human, and its mouth begins with a bunch of purple octopus tentacles.

  It is only half body, and the part below the chest seems to be bitten off by some giant creature. Seeing Wang Hao, it spat out a mouthful of blood, jumped a few times, and hung up!

   Before Wang Hao came back to his senses, a blue-skinned guy resembling a lizardman fell off with his hands and feet nailed to a large wooden cross.

   He wasn't dead yet, his mouth opened and closed, spitting out bubbles, as if he was calling for help.

   If Wang Hao was not there, it is estimated that the vultures circling in the sky would immediately rush down to enjoy the feast.


  【You must first survive in this barren land where exiles from different worlds gather, and then find a way to get a (bounding stone). 】

   "[Delimiting Stone]?"

  【Have you seen the huge cross in the distance? 】

   Following the sniper's prompt, Wang Hao saw the farthest end of the horizon, and there were several towering things that looked like crosses. It's too far to see clearly, and I can only feel it, just staring at the thing, there is a smell of rejection.

   An idea immediately penetrated into Wang Hao's mind - those who approached, the soul flew away!

  【The Land Abandoned by God is the gap between the world and time. Only by obtaining the delimiting stone can you be regarded as a formal foothold in this space. Of course, if you can really do it, then there will be the first benefit for you. 】


【right! Among them, it allows your soul to return to your body for a short time. 】

   "Wait, I'm not dead yet?"

  【You are still on the verge of death in the original world. Once you are out of the Conferred God plan, you are a dead person. 】

  Wang Hao took a deep breath: "What should I do?"

   [Find a way to find or build an altar of the sea by yourself. Through sacrifice and offering, you can interact with the original you in this world. In this way, you can transfer helpers from your own world, and when you have enough power, you can also use the power of this world to mend your broken body. 】

   Feeling the design drawing of the altar that suddenly appeared in his mind, Wang Hao did not forget to ask: "Help?"

  【Under the condition that the original world knows the truth, you can use indirect methods to get help and extract mental energy to maintain your survival needs. Once the truth is discovered, you will be severely punished. Also, you better speed up, you can't find the altar within 24 hours, and your original body will die. You here will be screwed too. Well, next, it depends on the creation of the host. 】

   Having said that, Sniper No. 11 seems to have completely disappeared from this world. Only the analysis of the items that jumped out from time to time on the retina told Wang Hao that the system was still there.

   With the scorching sun above his head, he felt that he was the octopus **** on the teppanyaki. After a few sunbathing, his skin was hot.

   Wang Hao still did not leave immediately.

As he carefully observed the surroundings, he thought: The altar is simple, as long as you get a few bones of the sea clan, put them in the shape of the sea king's trident and put them on the stone, a junior sea altar will be done; put the curse first On the one hand, that thing has no clue; the key now is to survive.

   Too thirsty!

  As a sea clan, water shortage is a big problem.

  The thirst reaction was worse than he thought,

   Throat is like a soldering iron!

   If he was still a normal human, he probably wouldn't be so miserable. But he has the bloodline of the Sea King, and the impact of water shortage on him is definitely doubled. Retina shows physical attributes plummeting.

   Finding a water source is almost a survival instinct.

  Without closing his eyes, Wang Hao already knew which direction there was the smell of water based on the perception on his skin.

   Just as he was about to walk, a question suddenly popped up in his mind: How did my previous 9999 hosts die?

   This kind of death rate, I'm afraid there is no novice village at all. In other words, as soon as the novice village went out, there were some four demon kings wearing the hood of fierceness blocking the door. Wang Hao really wants to leave, I am afraid that he can play the GG of life in joy (reverse) immediately.

   Psychologically, I felt like I was breaking out in a cold sweat.

  Be careful!

  Be careful!

   Even if I am a brave man, I must be a cautious and sickly brave man!

   Don't try to trick me out of the novice village until you're ready!

   However, if I stay here, I will undoubtedly die of thirst, so what should I do?

   "His!" A burst of tearing pain made Wang Hao notice that the skin on the back of his hand actually started to crack.

   "Click!" Another sound, this time the upper arm of the right hand cracked. The bloodshot from the crack felt evaporated within seconds.

   Wang Hao was startled and shouted: "System! What can I do!? I'm going to die!"

  【The host is invited to explore and research on your own. 】


The more critical the   , the calmer he became: I must first find something to block the sun.

  Wang Hao's eyes quickly searched around this mass grave.

   "Clothes? Sunshade? No! Ordinary things are definitely not enough! I will be cursed to death by the desert!" Wang Hao knew very well that the curse caused his body to lose water at a rate far exceeding that of ordinary people.

   He won't last long.

   Finally, he cast his eyes on a pair of dark armor.

  Even among the hundreds of skeletons with different relics, it is still the one that attracts the most attention.

   The sun seemed to hate it so much that he didn't even want to project it onto the icy blackboard.

  No, it should be said that all the sunlight is consumed by the dark atmosphere around it.

   The whole set of human-shaped armor lay quietly on the top of the pile of bones, just like an undead king standing on the sea of ​​blood and corpses.

   The angular armor is domineering and chilling. The fist-sized, shocking big hole on the left chest told Wang Hao how the original owner fell.

   His eyes were completely drawn, and Wang Hao unconsciously stepped forward and walked over.

   One step!

  Two steps!

  Three steps!

   Walking up to the top of the Skeleton Mountain, with the armor facing each other, Wang Hao stared at the pitch-black full-face helmet, feeling the unwillingness and disdain that came from inside!

【You are too weak! 】

   There was no sound, it was just the humming from the armor that made his soul have such an idea.

"So what?" Wang Hao glanced at the elbow of the armor, where there was a sharp horn like a bull's horn, but the tip of the horn was disintegrating at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if the entire armor was made of sand and was about to blow with the wind. Dissipated: "I'm going to die, and you're almost done. Why don't we make do with it?"

  【Do you know what price you have to pay? 】

   "A humble struggle is better than an immediate death." Wang Hao grinned, and a large piece of mouth skin fell from his chapped lips.

  If you can survive, just throw it away.

   System prompt: [Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Demon King-level Battle Armor (Silent Abyss)! 】


At noon on November 11th, an announcement popped up on the largest multinational game platform [Si Tian]: [The world's first true virtual reality online game "Land Forsaken" is about to be tested and recruited in the Celestial Kingdom. First test player! 】

  【Limited to 99 people! The only optional race for players - Crayfish]

   New book, urgently looking for a recommendation ticket. Also, invest if you want to. Yunfei is a more than ten-year-old author, and he has several sets of high-quality products from the starting point. Investing in my schoolbag will not make any money.



   (end of this chapter)