MTL - Please Sink In Happiness-Chapter 23

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The soldiers pulled the trigger together, and the bullets poured down the barrel. Li Ergou immediately took Aishwana's hand and hid in the bunker aside.

He could clearly see the trajectory of the bullet, and the bullet seemed to him like a slow-motion film released frame by frame.

Countless bullet holes were left in the wall, and Li Ergou and Aishwana were safe.

"Is it only this level?" Li Ergou laughed jokingly, "I advise you to hurry up and put out the fire. If I remember correctly, this slave arena should be an ancient building built three hundred years ago. That's right, or do you prefer to let the flames continue to rage on this beautiful arena, and you must let me die first?"

The major of this squad pondered for a moment, thinking that Li Ergou made a lot of sense.

At this moment, he has a reorganized army of 400 people in his hands. Looking at the current fire, if the current fire is left unchecked, the slave arena will indeed be completely destroyed. When the big nobles above are held accountable, the guilt will be inevitable.

"Captain," the major said in a deep voice, "you have a hundred people under your command now, so it should be more than enough to deal with those two defenseless men?"

"But, he is the famous gun of Dongzhou..."

"Your soldiers aren't carrying fire sticks!" snapped the major. "Tell you, if the slave arena is destroyed, we'll all be sent to court martial."

"Sir means..."

"If you can kill him or capture him alive, that's your credit, but if you can't, you don't have to force him." The major looked at the fire pillar and said, "At least, don't let him interfere in putting out the fire, anyway, even if they really They escaped from the arena of slaves, escaped from the city of Saint-Charles, and as long as they don't have a citizen's pass, they can't survive on our land after all."

"Yes, sir! I see!"

Under the command of the major, the army of more than 300 people immediately started the firefighting operation. The high temperature and the billowing smoke from the fire seemed to make the soldiers very uncomfortable, but at this moment, they could only bite the bullet. Otherwise, the nobles of this city will never spare them.

They fetched water from nearby wells, but the flames were a drop in the bucket.

This is good news for Li Ergou. The longer they put out the fire, the more Li Ergou can take this opportunity to break through.

The more than 100 soldiers who had gathered around ran towards Li Ergou's bunker one after another.

"Fuck you! I'll die for you!"

The bunker was a blind spot of vision, and Li Ergou launched his first raid with the help of the blind spot. When the group of soldiers ran to the wall, Li Ergou immediately slid and killed them by surprise. In a blink of an eye, he cut off three of them. Soldier's throat.

At the same time, Li Ergou immediately made a dodging action. He could see clearly that the trajectory and speed of the bullet were all under Li Ergou's control. As long as he concentrated his energy, it was impossible for the bullet to hit him.

"Come on, bastards! Come dance, this is the last chapter of your death!"

Seven soldiers armed with spears charged towards Li Ergou, trying to stab him into a hedgehog.

But they were self-defeating.

"Aha, thank you for your weapons, and I accept them with gratitude!" Their movements were so slow that Li Ergou snatched three long spears in one arm, and held a dagger in the other hand. The seven soldiers cut their throats in one fell swoop and said at the same time, "In return for the weapons you gave me, I will give you a merciful and painless death!"

For Li Ergou, under the absolute difference in strength, it is like a game of unparalleled lawn mowing. If it is not for protecting Aishwana, let alone dealing with a hundred people, Li Ergou feels that he Even the soldiers of the fire-fighting unit can be wiped out in one fell swoop.

too weak.

Just ridiculously weak.

Li Ergou threw the remaining six spears as javelins, and a skewer came.

The soldiers began to panic.

This black-haired man is no different from a demon.

"You weaklings, it is a mistake for you to even survive!"

The pillar of fire burned higher and higher, and Li Ergou held a long spear and was invincible.

"Burn it, burn all the sins, and everything will come to an end!"

His laughter was extremely presumptuous and extremely arrogant.

In about a minute or so, he had killed more than 30 soldiers, and the rest of the soldiers did not dare to fight in melee, so they could only hide in the distance and fire bullets.

But that doesn't mean safety. Li Ergou's speed is extremely fast, and he often rushes in front of the enemy with one sliding step. The attack range of the spear is a full two meters, which is a good length for a spear. , but Li Ergou was a little dissatisfied, because the marksmanship he learned in the past was more than five meters long. He thought that after he escaped, he must find a way to create a suitable weapon.

The spear pierced the body of a soldier. Li Ergou put the spear on the ground, like a pole vaulter, jumped into the air, stabbed in mid-air, and successfully killed five soldiers. .

They are about to be killed, and then they will be able to break through. Thinking of this, Li Ergou becomes more and more excited.

"Aishwana, we are about to be free!"

But as soon as the voice fell, the night sky that was cloudless just now was covered with dark clouds, and a thunderous explosion burst, flashing blue light.

A gust of wind blew in the arena.

This is the sign of the torrential rain.

"Ah, it's rain, it's rain! We're saved!"

At this time, the team of 100 people, which had already lost more than half, suddenly cheered, because once the flames were extinguished by the rain, Li Ergou would have to face the containment of the remaining 300 soldiers.

At that time, even if this man has the ability to reach the sky, he will die here.

The second lieutenant, who had been hiding behind the soldiers just now, also showed extraordinary courage at this time, and ran to the front and laughed loudly:

"Hurry up and surrender, don't make unnecessary struggles anymore, everything you've done is in vain, look, even God is on our side, rain, put out the last hope of you slaves! Your life will be meaningless in the end."

It's just that he didn't see Li Ergou's expected expression, he didn't beg for mercy, he didn't panic, and he didn't despair.

He just lifted his black bangs and smiled arrogantly:

"It's so sad that you call the tears of the sky rain."

"Oh, I didn't expect you to be a poet?" said the second lieutenant grimly, "but it's a pity that you and your companions are going to die."

"It's so sad, you don't seem to have figured out who the sky is crying for."

Chapter 48 The battle in the city

Li Ergou rushed to kill the enemy with a spear. It seemed that because of the rain, Li Ergou did not intend to retain his strength. He had to kill them all as soon as possible and then break through.

"Damn Dongzhou people, there are really two times, but I might as well tell you the truth, today is your death, hahaha!" The brave and fearless second lieutenant pointed his flintlock gun at his soldiers, "Get on me! "


"Hurry up, or I will crash you!"

The second lieutenant was a qualified war supervisor, and under his supervision, the soldiers had to bite the bullet.

"You too, hurry up and kill him with magic!"

The pistol was pointed at a flower girl in a magic robe. The girl had to sing magic. After a while, the ball lightning exploded in the direction of Li Ergou and Aishwana.

"Don't blame me, there are so many things in this world that have to be lamented. It's not necessarily a misfortune to look at **** everywhere, and die again to return to heaven."

The thrown spear pierced through the girl who released the magic. In order to live with the person she loves, even a woman, Li Ergou is not relentless.

The first drop of rain had already fallen, but under the raging fire, the first drop of rain evaporated quickly, and then, under the thunder and lightning, the rain clouds accumulated more and more.

Finally, the torrential rain poured down and wet Li Ergou's hair. Aishwana stared at the back of her beloved, and wanted to stand with him and fight together, but his back was so far away.

"If only I could fight like him and become a useful person, that would be great..."

Otherwise, she is really worried that she will be bored by him one day, and in Aishwana's eyes, she is completely a burden.

"I'm back, Aishwana."

When she returned to Aishwana's side again, the rain had already wet Aishwana's hazel hair.

He took her hand:

"Let's run, we have to get out of here before the flames are put out by the rain."

"Okay, two dogs."

Li Ergou smiled. Now he doesn't feel nervous at all. He fled with the person he liked and fled to the other side of freedom and hope. Isn't this a kind of happiness?

The major saw Li Ergou and Aishwana fleeing back, and for a while he forgot to send someone to hunt them down.

If tonight, he can successfully put out the fire, it will not be a capital crime, but he has released so many slaves, and he thinks that his military rank may not be guaranteed.

For this rank, he sold his grandfather's medal and his father's fields.


The major had to sigh, hoping that the heavy rain could put out the flames as soon as possible, but the tower-shaped building on the side seemed to have been burned by the flames for too long and collapsed under a thunder.

Li Ergou naturally had no interest in the rank of major and the fire in the slave arena. He took Aishwana's little hand and walked through the streets. The path in the dark night looked a little gloomy, and the sound of gunshots could be heard everywhere in the city streets. , another slave was shot, and they cried out in pain, probably just behind the baroque building facing Li Ergou.

"Please, let's go in!"

There were also slaves who tried to knock on the door of the residents, but all the residents seemed to have a surprisingly tacit understanding, and no one opened the door for the slaves.

The slaves thought that the only door that blocked them was the gate of the slave arena, but this city can also be said to be a cage, and the door that really closed them was the gate of the city.

In order to capture slaves, troops from the outer suburbs of the city are also rushing towards the city.

If you die under a bullet or a blade, it's actually a lucky death.

Some soldiers took pleasure in torture while dealing with slaves.

"Please kill me, I don't dare anymore..."

The officer on the horse put a rope around the slave's neck, and then tied the rope to the saddle. Under the traction, the slave fell to the ground, and the strong horse dragged the slave, making his back rub against the ground, A bloodstain was dragged out, but because it was raining at the moment, the bloodstain was quickly washed away by the heavy rain, leaving only a faint smell of blood.

Aishwana happened to see this scene, she had no resistance to cruelty, and she was so frightened at the moment that she turned pale.

"Good, it'll be fine."

Li Ergou gently stroked her wet hair, put it in his arms, and patted her back.

This gentle gesture seems to have given Aishwana infinite courage.

Thirty seconds later, Li Ergou used the flintlock pistol he had just captured to aim at the officer riding a gallop.

A second after pulling the trigger, the head of the officer who was dragging the corpse for fun was opened.

"Aishwana, let's ride."

Li Ergou hugged Aishwana in a princess hug, then using the walls of the surrounding buildings as a fulcrum, he suddenly jumped onto the frightened and frantically galloping horse.

Glancing at the inhuman corpse of the slave who had been tortured to death long ago, Li Ergou sighed and cut off the noose with a dagger.

"I'm sorry, but at least you didn't die in the slave arena. May you not repeat the same mistakes in your next life."

At this moment, Aishwana was hugged by Li Ergou's arms. She turned her head and threw away the rosary she used to disguise herself as a teenager. The next second, her messy hair wet by the rain was like silk. Spread out, compared to cuteness, Aishwana should be regarded as a **** girl.

Staring at the black-haired young man who was riding a horse and his eyes fixed, Aishwana's eyes were a little blurry.

"Two dogs."


Aishwana raised her neck and seemed to consider that doing so would obstruct Li Ergou's sight, but she couldn't help but kiss Li Ergou on the lips.

"Finally kissed...hehe."

"Silly boy, this kind of thing, after we are free, you can do whatever you want."

Li Ergou said.

Just now, it was his first kiss.

Also her first kiss.

Li Ergou thought that the first kiss would be in a garden, a movie theater, a pub or a love hotel.

But I didn't expect that it would be on horseback. There were still the sounds of slaves and soldiers fighting around the city, and the sound of gunfire was still heard.

Everyone's misfortune has become irrelevant at this moment. Li Ergou laughed loudly, covering his blushing face with arrogant laughter, and he shouted boldly and recklessly:

"But thank you, Aishwana, for kissing me, and I love kissing you myself, my Aishwana! When we're out, I'll make you the happiest girl in the world!"

His voice attracted the soldiers. The soldiers tried to block Li Ergou, but when they saw the wheat-colored cat-ear girl in their arms, they were shocked by her **** and charming appearance.

"What a beautiful woman..."

"If you could give such a woman to..."

The soldiers gave evil grins, the last expressions they had in their lives.

The flintlock pistol in Li Ergou's hand was emitting gunpowder smoke. Compared with modern pistols, this old antique was much more difficult to aim, but it was unfortunate that Li Ergou was a shooting genius.

The fierce horse stepped on the corpse, and Li Ergou said coldly:

"Whoever blocks me, die!"

Chapter 49 The plan to get him

The galloping horses disappeared in the rainy night. In the north street of Saint-Charles, countless soldiers were waiting in battle. They set up roadblocks, and apprentices who were good at magic stood by, ready to sing magic at any time.