MTL - Please Sink In Happiness-Chapter 34

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How could someone as elegant as the eldest go to barbecue?

With that said, the voice of the man just now finally became clear, and it turned out to be that guy.

Yes, it must be that guy. It was he who brought down the eldest lady, the source of all evil.


Charena picked up her sword and ran upstairs, followed by the female magician behind her, shouting to wait for her.

On the balcony on the second floor of the barbecue stall, Li Ergou in a tuxedo was toasting with Miss Ivy in a black trench coat.

"Miss, how can you drink beer? Also, what the **** are these on the table?"

kebabs, lamb chops, toast, gluten, roast leeks, roast broccoli, roast…

Why don't you add some roasted dog meat? Xia Leina's eyes are fixed on Li Ergou, which is enough to swallow her life. The elegant lady in the past would sit on the stool of the commoner and drink from the commoner. Inferior beer only to drink, and inferior food to be eaten by commoners.

Not allowed, absolutely not allowed!

"Li Ergou!"

Seeing the maid with sakura pink hair, Li Ergou immediately stood up, showing a weak expression:

"Calm down, Miss Chariana."

"My name is Xia Leina!" Xia Leina said sharply.

"Yes, I know, Miss Xia Lena, from your irritable personality, you are probably lacking in vitamin C. I suggest you drink more milk and go to bed earlier at night." Li Ergou reassured her in a gentle voice.

Chapter 15 Thoughts on Shalena

Xia Leina's sword was unsheathed, and just now, the shocking sword reappeared, even faster than the slash at the dinner two days ago, but this time, Li Ergou avoided it lightly. her attack.

"Liar..." Xia Leina gritted her teeth, her eyes like an angry lion, "You said a few days ago that you couldn't dodge my sword, why did you dodge it today?"

The young man in the tuxedo narrowed his eyes slightly to look at Xia Leina, and the seemingly ordinary eyes made Xia Leina feel a little terrified, as if she was being stared at by a pack of wolves.

"Miss Charena, did you mean it just now? If I hadn't evaded the sword just now, my arm would have been cut off, right?"

The black-haired man's voice was calm, but he was not angry, like an uncrowned king.


Xia Lena suddenly felt a little discouraged.

In fact, Shalena didn't do it on purpose just now.

Seeing Li Ergou's face when mocking her, she couldn't help but think of the engagement between Prince Louis and the eldest lady, so she couldn't control her emotions for a while, and cut it off regardless of the consequences.

- Never swing your sword at your partner, Cortana.

His father's teachings lingered in his ears, but now, his father's broken sword has remained in the land of Dongzhou forever.

She hated Dongzhou, the land that took her father away, and she also hated Dongzhou people and this black-haired man named Li Ergou.

In fact, after thinking about it carefully when he calmed down, Li Ergou didn't do anything wrong, everything was just messing around.

However, she just couldn't accept the characteristics of Dongzhou people with black hair and black pupils, as well as that strong and restrained character.

"What are you looking at? If you don't agree, come and fight with me!"

Although the reason for the loss is reasonable, but the momentum cannot be lost.

Li Ergou wanted to stand up, but was stopped by Miss Ivy's hand.

She cocked her slender thighs and stared at Xia Leina coldly, which made Xia Leina feel uncomfortable.

The eldest lady has never looked at herself with such eyes before.

"go back."

The icy voice has no trace of warmth.

Aishwana, the demihuman girl behind Li Ergou, also cast a disgusted look, her small hand tightly clutching Li Ergou's big hand.

The drunkards who are not too serious are still shouting:

"Fight, fight quickly, don't make a fuss if you can."

"It must be this man who was stealing food outside and was discovered by his wife."

"Domestic violence, hahaha, come and see the scene of domestic violence!"

Xia Leina's face turned pale with anger, her hands trembled slightly, she endured the anger in her heart, and looked at Miss Ivy obediently.

Now, she urgently needs a good explanation, otherwise she will be hated by the eldest lady.

"Miss, I..."

However, before she could finish speaking, Demi appeared behind her, her slender palm lightly placed on Charena's shoulder:

"Let's go, it's time to go home, Xia Lena. What you did today is indeed a bit too much. Go back and reflect on it."


"Okay, let's go home. We are the maids of the eldest lady. We can't disturb the eldest lady's meal. This is the most basic etiquette."

Charlene bit her lip unwillingly:

"I understand."

After bowing deeply to Miss Ivy, she followed Demi and disappeared into the barbecue shop.

And after she left, Miss Ivy's frosty face returned to her normal appearance. This young lady seemed to have countless masks and could switch her expressions seamlessly.

"She is Charlene Rhine Wilkester, my most important subordinate, two levels higher than yours. She is the daughter of the number one swordsman in the Western Continent in the past."

"I know." Li Ergou nodded, poured himself another glass of beer, and slid two skewers, "After she swung her sword at me that night, I took the time to collect information about her. She is currently She is also a well-known adventurer in Tirona, who has rescued countless people who have fallen into desperation. She is somewhat arrogant and arrogant in her personality, but her nature is not bad. She is helpful, diligent in cultivation, and loyal to you. The most respected subordinate."

"Are you angry just now? She almost cut off your arm with a sword just now." The golden pupils slowly looked towards Li Ergou's left arm.

Li Ergou smiled and did not answer immediately, but after drinking another glass of beer, he asked back:

"If it was you, would you be angry?"


"Then I have no reason to be angry."

Feng Qingyun pale looks like she is lying. At the dining table, the only person who is angry is Aishwana. She is clutching Li Ergou's shirt, and her face is still pale now, as if she is afraid of something.

"Good, it's all right," Li Ergou gently touched the cat's ears and handed her a glass of juice, "Come on."

Under the doting of Li Ergou in every possible way, Aishwana relaxed and leaned on Li Ergou's shoulder like a spoiled child.

If Li Ergou was really stabbed to death by a sword just now, she wouldn't want to live anymore, she would fight with the maid.

"Li, what do you think of Xia Leina?" Ivy asked with a look of interest.

"To be honest, I think Xia Leina is a very cute child." Li Ergou had a faint smile on his lips, "I can't see any shrewdness on her body. If she hates you, she will say it outright. If she likes you, she will wag her tail. To be honest, I quite like this kind of outspoken person, and even if she is hostile to me, she will show it outright, so that I can have time to be prepared."

"It turns out that it's interesting to see the point of view of the problem."

"No way, I've seen too many superficial brothers. Those who call you brothers will stab you in the back in turn. Who can stand this?" Li Ergou's pitch-black pupils slowly Looking at Ivy, "So because of this, I think Xia Lena is much cuter than you, of course, I don't mean you are the one who stabs you in the back, but if you want me to give you my back, I'm sorry I did not."

"Thank you for being so frank, Li." Miss Ivy said, "I once asked Charlene whether she believed in human nature as good or evil. The answer she gave me was that human nature is inherently good, and that child would not take the initiative to guard against others. For close people, she will show her belly like a puppy to trusted people, and I am her closest person."

"As you can imagine her temperament, people who often look violent are safe, but an elegant and charming lady like you is not at all. I think you are like..."

"like what?"

"As your attendant, I'm not going to lie. Miss, you feel like a poisonous snake lurking in the grass."

"Li, I thought you were an unruly wolf, but I didn't expect you to have such an outstanding talent for observation." Miss Ivy's hand slowly touched Li Ergou's fingertips, charmingly. He smiled and said, "I'm really becoming more and more interested in you."

"But Miss, I was bitten by a snake."

Li Ergou gently shook off her hand, politely but refused to be thousands of miles away.

Chapter 16 The Curve Saviors

A crucial local war is taking place on the northern border between the Kingdom of Shengluer and the Federation of Fars. This war affects the direct interests of the nobles and businessmen of the two countries.

The winner will receive glory and inexhaustible wealth.

The loser will be doomed and become a joker who is made fun of.

Across the sea, the North Sea Parliamentary State, which has nothing to do with this war, has decided not to take sides.

But behind the scenes, they had already secretly communicated with the Fars Federal State.

The purpose of doing so is also in line with the mainland equilibrium policy they have implemented over the years.

We will never allow any country on the mainland to stand alone, and try our best to help weak countries resist powerful ones.

In the eyes of the members of the parliamentary country, although the old king of Shengluer is old and sickly, and Prince Louis is domineering and domineering, the first army power in Xizhou is still the Kingdom of Shengluer. . A series of contemporary famous generals such as Gao Le and Gan Mo Ning, no matter how you think about it, the Shengluer Kingdom has a bigger chance of winning.

So more than three months ago, the parliament decided to support the Federal State with a huge advantage of 370 votes to 200 votes.

In the white palace of Fenglu City, one of the three marshals who led the war, Marshal Forenzo walked into the palace with his head held high.

Although there is deep contempt and disdain for this prince in his heart, as a military marshal and a great noble from the northwest coastal territory, he does not allow himself to express his inner thoughts on his face.

"His Royal Highness Louis, just wait, you are about to bow down to the cowards of the Fars Federation at this glorious moment when the whole country is boiling, and sign the victory treaty that belongs to us, which will be the greatest victory in the history of our country. Great victory." His high-pitched voice echoed through the room.

"Because you fought that war, right?" Prince Louis smiled disdainfully while drinking red wine.

"Yes, because this war is led by me, the most prestigious marshal in the kingdom, this war must end in victory."

"I see, so what do I need to do?"

"You don't have to do anything, Your Majesty. You just need to wait for the good news."

"The implication is that you **** lie down at home and wait for the man to fly. Is that what you mean?"

"If Your Highness is willing to look down on yourself like this, then I have nothing to say. In short, please wait for the good news, Your Highness."

Afterwards, the majestic Field Marshal left the palace, and soon, the final battle will start in the outer suburbs west of the northern border. Now it seems that Field Marshal should have the victory, as if he has seen the dawn of victory. Deafening flowers and salutes await in triumph.

It is also true that the Shengluer Kingdom is the first army in the Western Continent. The musket team is much more than other countries. The elites who use cold weapons are also warriors who can fight against ten. Thinking about it this way, even if You can win even with your feet.

"Stupid. Stupid."

Prince Louis raised his **** at the closed door, then poured the red wine on the expensive white carpet, with the purest malice in his smile.

At this moment, the door was knocked again.



"come in."

The man who pushed in the door was a male elf. He had a handsome appearance and looked only in his twenties, but the elf race was never a race that could estimate age by appearance.

Now, he is over forty years old. He is the famous Marshal Vitaro Sylph Lianqing. He is also a great noble who controls the Forest of Southern Elves and the two provinces. His wife controls The blood nobles of the southwestern province, the Lianqing family's skills in political marriage can be said to be textbook-level. If the Lianqing family wants to rebel and become independent and separate from the Shengluer Kingdom, then this huge army power will instantly become a powerful country. divided into two.

"Yo, isn't this my old husband? What wind brought you here?" Prince Louis greeted in a cordial tone.

"Stop doing this." Marshal Lian Qing walked into the mansion, his expression looked very disdainful, as if he was looking down on Prince Louis.

If it was someone else, Prince Louis would probably have jumped up and scolded his mother, but who called this lord his old husband?

Therefore, Louis also showed a rare restrained smile, and coldly shouted to the servants beside him:

"You all get out of here, why are you so clueless? Didn't you see my old husband coming? Get out of here, you **** dogs!"

After hearing Louis's words, the attendants and guards had to bow and retire, closing the door at the same time.

While they were leaving, Marshal Lian Qing stretched out his finger, and a soundproof magic circle immediately blocked the sound of the entire room.

At the same time, Marshal Lian Qing's expression also changed, no longer contemptuous, replaced by a serious expression with frowning.

"Louis, aren't you going to do something about it?"

"Do I need to take action?" Louis asked back with a light smile on the corner of his mouth.

"If Forrenzo wins this war, he'll gain unprecedented prestige and status. You know what that means, right?"

"It means that the Shengluer Kingdom will no longer be able to get rid of the enfeoffment system. At that time, there will be countless noble lords in the divided country. We seem to be people from the same country, but the emperor is far away, and each lord is in their own country. The territory is considered a king, the power will be more dispersed, and the country will be weaker and weaker." Prince Louis gently stroked his blond hair, and said sharply, "And this is the reason why the kingdom of Shengluer has now gone from prosperity to decline. one of the reasons."

He stood up and walked leisurely beside Marshal Lianqing as if taking a walk, saying: