MTL - Please Start Your Show-Chapter 123 The 123rd Raiders:

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After the warmth was enough, Lu Jianyan only asked poorly about a critical question: "When did you start preparing this with Fifth Yi?"

"Just as I know we have finally achieved the right result." Yao Wushuang spreads his panic and won't even blink his eyes. The silver-stained eyes are filled with sincerity, giving people a sense that he always has one comment. a feeling of. This is the place where medicine is not bad. Many people lie when they feel guilty and do n’t dare to look at other people ’s eyes, but medicine is not the opposite. At any time, he loves to look at Lu Jianyan ’s eyes and talk.

Because what he said was the truth, he never lied, but he concealed some key information with skill.

"Well, then I'll put it another way," Lu Jianyan knew too well that the medicine was safe, and knew he would not be honest. "When did you know that we are destined to be together?"

"When did you know, when did I know."

"I knew it a few years ago." Lu Jianyan hung his chest and looked coldly at the medicine, although at that time Lu Jianyan was still trying to change the CP line to the friendship line with the medicine, but he was still early. Just know. There is no impenetrable wall in this world. What Lu Jianyan can know is that there is no reason why the medicine is safe.

Playing word games with Lu Jianyan won't have any good results.

The medicine did not hesitate, and I didn't know how to answer.

Lu Jianyan continued to press and asked: "The day we were together, my brother just came out of" Killing Game ", and it was a mess. You must not discuss this with Fifth Yi, right? And I remember that I was with you all the way Fifth Yi, it is impossible to take the time to write this for you, so much. In the next few days, you and Fifth Yi are both busy with each other. You are almost my conjoined baby, but Fifth Yi is very little. I have some free time. I suddenly wanted to know, how did you meet the fifth Yi? "

"Just, just those weird abilities, you know ..."

"I don't know. Be more specific."

"Well, it was before I became younger." Yao Wushang was under the weight of Lu Jianyan, and finally told the truth, dejected, "You know, I went to the universe next time when I disappeared, and then I got smaller and came back and was found by the **** operator. In the meantime, something else happened. "

"It doesn't seem to be that important, otherwise you don't have time to study this." Lu Jianyan shook the notebook on her hand, and said something deliberately.

"It may also be that the content I heard is too important." Since Wushangwu decided to be frank, he was not prepared to cover up. "It is important that I understand the importance of playing in time. So let me, I I met someone who knows all the future, everything we are going through today, he has experienced, over and over ... "

"Like Dr. Chen?" As far as Lu Jianyan knows, only Dr. Chen has similar ability and time goes back.

"Not quite the same." There was no way to regret what the man had experienced.

Lu Jianyan is not ignorant of what medicine is implying, but he also knows that it cannot be explained in detail, and he is not too unwilling to face the consequences of this problem.

But in the end, Lu Jianyan took a deep breath and asked: "So, what is our chance of winning? Nine deaths?"

"No no no, it's not so scary. But you know, not only that person knows what will happen in the future, the master brain can synchronize."

In other words, if the first universe killed the main brain with method A, then in the second universe, method A would not work, and it would even be used by the main brain to fight back. The third universe has to change to B, and so on. Just like viruses and antivirus software, they are always advancing with each other, one after the other.

"So overall, the survival rate is half and half." The drug is innocuous.

"And what is the situation we are facing now?" Lu Jianyan was not stupid. From the painlessness of the medicine, he had understood that the answer he wanted should not be ideal, but he still wanted to hear the medicine out of danger.

The medicine-free face was dignified: "A new routine, he has not tried it."

"We are pioneers."


There was a silence in the suspended car. After a long time, Lu Jianyan regained his mouth and looked out the window and muttered to himself: "Master An clearly told me that as long as we are together, most of them are HE."

"It's true that most of them survived." It's like the last universe that legendary missioners went to, they are the winners.

There are only a few victims, but the parallel world sacrifice.

"Remember the text I showed you before?" There are always a few people who want to die ", the emperor in it died again and again, and every time it will go back a period of time, one day, three days, three Months, three years, and so on, and finally returned to childhood to finally make a happy ending, and the rest of the eyes died miserably. I was thinking at the time, in case he returned to his own world? Parallel universe. So is that story HE or BE? "

Use many parallel universes to complete this one.

There is no reason to lose your temper, because this is already the best way that legendary missionaries can think of to help them survive as much as possible.

No one wants to be the one to be sacrificed.

"We aren't destined to sacrifice!" Yaowu has already figured this out, "It's a new routine for us, and it's also for the main brain. It doesn't know what will happen in the last second. This is our disadvantage Is our advantage. "

Lu Jianyan nodded: "You're right."

And, Lu Jianyan found that there was much more communication between Yaowuwen and Father An than he knew. Lu Jianyan finally reacted. Sometimes someone could not be found. It may not be that he could not be found, or that there was an inner ghost around him, but that the person he was looking for had been found, but the seeker had concealed the news.

"If we fail, what will happen to the end?" Lu Jianyan generally asked again about his self-abuse.

"It's all gone."

"Couldn't senior Ming Ming deceive the main brain again?" At least leave them a place for the taskman. Even though Lu Jianyan was so disgusted with the tasker, but if it was absolutely necessary, he would rather his family and friends become taskers rather than let them die.

"Since the first generation of the main brain was killed by his own bug, the method of the senior Ming Ming has failed."

The wish to the main brain has become a wish that only one main brain can accomplish, not everything can be done. The road to using the wishing bug to kill the main brain is blocked.

Moreover, no one can become a legendary quester.

The routine of sacrificing their own systems and getting key points they could not get anyway has also become a delusion, the main brain has already been patched.

It evolves all the time, much faster than humans.

"How do we win this kind of thing ..." Lu Jianyan never despaired, because he would never give up the fight. But at this moment, after learning all kinds of reality, even Lu Jianyan had a brief confusion.

The medicine held Lu Jianyan distressed. This is why he didn't want to tell Lu Jianyan. If the ending must be dead, he would rather Lu Jianyan cherish the hope that they will win, at least in that case. Part time. Lu Jianyan is happy. He could only keep telling him, "We can do it, because you are Lu Jianyan."

Even if so many Lu Jianyan failed, Yao Wu also has confidence in the one he loves. It doesn't make much sense because he loves him. Among countless Lu Jianyan, his love Lu Jianyan will stand out.

Lu Jianyan clenched his hand, and said his last wish: "Promise me, if the outcome is not ideal, don't leave me alone, okay?"

Just from the perspective of the observer, listening to the leisurely story of Fifth Yi and Lou in the parallel world, Lu Jianyan has an unexplainable desolation from his heart. He simply couldn't imagine what would happen if it turned out that he and the medicine were innocuous. God's [Fifth Yi] for the parallel world is too cruel.

"Every universe you will say this again," Yao Wuzuo seems quite happy, "and I will always have only one answer to you, to die together to die, to live together, you don't want to get rid of me!"

Lu Jianyan took the initiative to step forward and kissed the medicine without a problem, or it would be more appropriate to use a fierce bite to describe it.

"I regret it. I should enjoy this last day with you."

Finally, Lu Jianyan fully understood the purpose of the medicine, because once he knew the truth, he would definitely choose to play a day without any care without knowing anything, before he thought he still had In the infinite future, go to enjoy happiness and joy with his lover.

Just a few hours apart, to Lu Jianyan's state of mind, it seems like a gap between heaven and earth.

The medicine deepened the kiss, and the hands began to wander freely, the breath became hot, and the voice was low and ambiguous: "Fortunately, I prepared a planB, and we can still have a very hot day."


The next day, the fairy tale should wake up.

It is necessary to arrange the "battlefield" on the sea far from the crowd. There are only two ways to do this, build a cruise ship, or set up an island.

Lu Jianyan and others finally decided to combine the two. Everyone took a luxury cruise to a private island on the floor, and when the main brain was in trouble, the war started.

The banner on this trip was to surprise Brother Lu and celebrate his coming out of "Kill the World" alive.

In this way, the special forces such as Captain Wu, who is also a brother of Lu's teammates, can be invited to one place. It would be innocent and innocent. All the ship crew and service personnel on the cruise ship are played by informed soldiers and nine groups of agents. None of them are ordinary people.

The cruise ship was kindly provided by Miss Zhu Si of the Ship King family.

Zhu Si is one of the memory avatars of the An singer who tried to open the harem before, and maintains a delicate relationship with you as a twin. Since she came out of the virtual doomsday, she has no previous memories, but how much did she know that she did something that offends people. In order to make up for it, she has been actively starting from the idle side and thinking To repair the relationship.

When she learned that Lu Jianyan wanted to give his brother a party to celebrate at sea, Miss Zhu Si set out to lend out her favorite luxury cruise ship without any pain.

This cruise ship has a very meaningful name-the Victoria.

Victoria is the character of victory in Roman mythology. It is the goddess of wisdom and war, Athena. Victory is always accompanied by victory.

Lou Yixian's private island was his mother's previous dowry. After he married Wuyi Yi, the island became one of Lou Yixian's new wedding objects. Not surprisingly, this island will also become Chu's dowry in the future. Lou Yixian said that this would become a thing passed down from generation to generation in their family, more practical than antique jade and antiques.

Ordinary people may be unaware of it. They just got on the boat just to see Lu's brother. When most people knew that the Lu family had such a party, the Victoria had set sail from the port of T city.

Fans can only sigh.

On the sea front of the sea and the sky, the water shimmered, and the sea birds slid in groups and disappeared at the end of the sun.

Lu Jianyan and Yaowu were standing on the deck, enjoying the blowing of the sea breeze. By the way, they counted the number of people once again using the ability of Yawo, so as not to harm the innocent.

Lou Yilei, Fifth Yi and the Chuchu family are heartlessly enjoying the open-air hot tub on the cruise ship. Chu Chu is covered with a yellow little yellow duck swimming circle. I don't know how happy I am. Lou Yixian had to bring Chuchu, because he felt that he was going to die, and his family was going to die together.

Sister Lu and Wang Ziqi are lying side by side in the sun on the deck chairs, as if they are really just on vacation.

Brother Lu was punching the sandbag in the training room, his eyes were fierce, and he didn't know when and where, Brother Lu became so powerful. Obviously Lu Jianyan remembered a long time ago, although Brother Lu could do some self-protection, he couldn't even hide his mother's pan.

Ye Bei, Divine Operator, and Xiao Tu all accompany Brother Lu. Ye Bei lowers his head on the virtual screen and doesn't know what he is doing; Xiao Tu is still in the shape of a rabbit, squatting on the floor sweeping robot, and cheers to his master; Son ... Lu Jianyan thought that this guy must have been doing fortune-telling in divine divination, but he was uncharacteristically sitting there cross-legged very quietly, as if he could soar at any time.

The Captain of the Armed Forces and the Vice Ravens were patrolling again and again, leading the team, working with the nine groups of personnel to protect the safety of the personnel on the ship and conduct possible investigations.

The main brain, senior Ming Ming, and legendary missionaries may be hidden among anyone who is currently active on the ship.

These are the three most mysterious people and the biggest variables.

Lu Jianyan didn't show up on his face, but the hand on the railing clenched the medicine without any problems. He wanted to draw strength and courage from him. In the end, he finally achieved his wish and began to try to become a hero to save the world.

It feels strange.

Because he suddenly preferred that he had never been this hero.