MTL - Please Start Your Show-Chapter 127 The 127th time is Raiders:

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With endless pain, the main brain's wounds became larger and larger, and Lu Jianchan deliberately aggravated the movements of his hands like stirring margaritas. The bloodthirsty excitement could not be hidden under the eyes.

The wound began to change from hot red to black in coke, until it was completely shattered. In the end, with a scream of screams and groans, it turned into a gray, viscous smoke, giving people a kind of Disgusting. Wu Yiyi and Lou Yixian were walking around holding Chu Chu, watching the final death of the culprit who had brought so much pain and trouble to them.

Chu Chu is still young and knows nothing. When a sneeze passes, the last light smoke is blown away, leaving the main brain completely out of sight.

The mood of the people who watched this scene quietly was a little complicated. Compared with the rest of the life after the disaster, they were all happy, they were even more confused. So easy, the main brain is dead? This is far from their imaginary decisive battle, and it is also considered by some people who paddling all the way. This feeling will be stronger.

It's like the prince period couldn't help but want to ask, why am I here? See how my little sister-in-law saved the world? Even if Xiaohui doesn't have this ability, I can't betray my wife!

Although all this happening is in line with the traditional protagonist's rule that the villain must die, it still feels very routine.

The main thing is ...

Which protagonist is Lu Jianchan? !!

On the same day, Lu Jianchan's joke made a comeback. What about the rest of them? Lu Jianyan and the medicine are all right?

Lu Jianyan & the medicine is safe: "..."

"Which elder brother or elder sister can show kindness and tell me what is going on?" As a building that has already tried his best to protect her daughter, she finally found her mouth and asked about the beginning and the end. The expression of "a stubborn face.jpg".

Starting from the sudden counterattack of the **** operator, it's wrong. To be precise, from the fifth villain's sudden change to the villain, the idle IQ has been completely offline, and he can't keep up with the development rhythm. From "What is that?" To "This is okay?" To "Who are you?" Until the last "Chuchu baby, look, your uncle Lu has transformed!".

Captain Crow stood happily with Lou, and it turned out that it wasn't just him alone, it was really good.

The old [Fifth Yi] immediately revealed a… amicable smile, which had a kind of meaning of “knowing everything and not talking”: “What do you want to know?”

Fifth Yi took his daughter and took a step without a trace. It happened to be between [Fifth Yi] and Lou Yi. Not to mention he is on guard, at least not so happy. Even if the man is a parallel world, even if the man has suffered, but what does he care about? He was such a heartless bastard.

"You are a legendary quester? The fifth parallel of the true parallel world?" Lou Yi is not a fool. He has some reasoning of his own.

[Fifth Yi] Nodded: "My first waistcoat in this world was Mr. Zhou, then Mr. An, and then God. You call me whatever you like."

Fifth Yi ’s mother ’s surname is Zhou, and Lou ’s leisurely mother ’s surname is An. [Fifth Yi] will use these two vests with little surprise.

"So, [Fifth Yi] is actually the main brain. He pretends to be you, and wants to draw you out and kill you?"

"Yes, you are so smart." [Fifth Yi] The sincerity and sincerity of boasting, almost all eyes are on the floor, even if it is not his floor, it does not affect him like his fresh appearance.

Lu Jianyan had been wondering before, why did he live in City B when he was a kid, and Father Zhou happened to be in City B. When he grew up, he moved to City S, and Father An was also in City S. He thought it was a coincidence, and now he wants to come. The goods are obviously following the floor. Lou Xiao fat was in the kindergarten and elementary school in city B, so Father Zhou has been diligently picking up bottles in city B; waiting for the floor to draw a long bar and returning to S city as a king crab, [Fifth Yi] immediately changed After getting a vest, the fart went to S city.

[Fifth Yi] Surely won't do anything to Lou Yixian, but he still can't help but want to live beside Lou Yixian.

Lou Yixian didn't know the stories behind it. He always felt that [Fifth Yi] was taunting him, similar to what Fifth Yi usually loved to do. If he is really clever, he should be transparent at all, just like Lu Jianyan, so far I know everything, and the whole process is in my grasp: "After that?"

I didn't understand the rest.

"In simple terms, it ’s almost like the main brain knows every step of me, and I know every step of the main brain. It wants to find me according to the steps of the last universe, and then beats me by adding an unexpected step. As it happens, I think so of."

[Fifth Yi] The struggle between the last universe and the main brain was almost the same as now. Except for the final battle, the main brain was dragged by [Fifth Yi] for too much time. "That sentence. Therefore, in this universe, the main brain learns lessons, does not prepare nonsense at all, and starts to prepare for the killing ring because it is obvious that [Fifth Yi] must be among these people. Since it cannot be found, then Just kill them all, you can always find them.

[Fifth Yi] anticipated this step of the main brain in advance, and discussed with the medicine, Lu Jianyan, a longer-term plan than the main brain thought.

as well as……

"Your guess is correct. I do have an artifact that can kill the main brain." [Fifth Yi] emphasized affirmation of Ye Bei's guess.

The set that killed the main brain with a logic bug would not work in the second universe, so he naturally had to find some other means.

However, this artifact that can kill the main brain is not an object in the public's subconscious. When you hear the word "artifact", you can't help but materialize it, but in fact, it is a force that destroys the world. Can turn people into weapons for a short time. However, limited by the complicated universe rules, the artifact power of each universe can only be used by the aborigines of the universe, and it is the only existence that can balance the main brain.

In other words, [Fifth Yi] has no way to turn himself into an artifact, he must choose a person to become an artifact in each universe.

This artifact is not unique, but y-i times. This universe is used up, the next universe will be found again, and after it is found, it will start to arrange the fusion of the artifact and the indigenous people, and the fusion will take some time.

[Fifth Yi] What I have been doing in the early stage is to find the power of artifacts, that is, during the period of Father An, pick a bottle by the way and love the earth.

Artifacts logically always appear in the world where Lu Jianyan lives, otherwise the main brain would not die with Lu Jianyan and others.

And there are not many people who can choose [Fifth Yi] assured choice of fusion artifacts. He generally only chooses Lu Jianyan, Yao Wu Wu, Lu Jian Cambodia, and Ming Ming. Four of them are the youngest.

"Because I'm better?" The two Lu Jianchan stood side by side, standing together side by side, like twins, making it impossible to tell who was who, whether they were speaking in tone or acting like a mule. , Are exactly the same, the spirit is so terrible.

"Because you are stupid, it is not easy to detect this." [Fifth Yi] Tell the truth.

Regardless of Lu Jianyan, Yao Wuyin, or Wu Ming's seniors, it is easy to perceive the changes in his body, and then find out the [Fifth Yi] in advance, and feel that [Fifth Yi] is not good intentions, and each time is a blood and tear lesson. But Brother Lu is not the same. This second-year boy only feels that he has become more powerful again. Lao Tzu is indeed a natural candidate.

Artifacts are put into the body and must be awakened before they can begin to fuse.

Once the late awakening is about to begin to merge, the main brain will be alert. This kind of natural enemy setting similar to the biggest weakness is stranger if the main brain is not found.

For this reason, Lu Jianyan felt that the time in their world had somehow accelerated, that is, the main brain was making a stalk from it. It wanted to find the artifact before destroying it completely, and then destroy it.

"[Fifth Yi] Appearance time!" Fifth Yi understands, no wonder that guy always sees Chu Chu frequently, it thinks that Chu Chu is an artifact, after all, Chu Chu was born too coincidentally.

[Fifth Yi] complexion Tieqing: "How could I risk my daughter!"

"My daughter!" Fifth Yi had to swear sovereignty.

But the main brain really thinks so. It feels that Chuchu is the easiest one to feel relaxed. It cannot understand too much human feelings, so it is natural to think that [Fifth Yi] can sacrifice Chuchu, after all, in the strict sense It's not even his daughter, he is a parallel world person.

When the artifacts began to merge, [Fifth Yi] sent Xiao Tu to Brother Lu, protecting them nearby and taking care of them nearby to avoid errors.

Xiao Tu ’s immortal ability was given by [Fifth Yi], so that Xiao Tu was not killed by pet killer Brother Lu.

It's also because Xiao Tu's other ability is temporarily unavailable. To be precise, Xiao Tu's ability is not space transmission, but his ability to master space, which is a very vulgar portable space flow. In the 1114 small world, he could not use the transmission space because he used all the space abilities to store his friends, that is, the real liar, the **** operator classmate.

After the late strength could not keep up, Xiao Tu basically could only maintain the rabbit shape throughout the process. Now, he can finally release his friends.

The first thing the **** operator got out of space was to stretch a big lazy waist and ask: "Looks like we won?"


"Is this lying down and winning? Well, I've already arrived!" Zhuge Liang, the god-operator, afterwards.

Xiao Tu jumped up sharply, and then gave the **** operator ... ankle, count you as paralysis!

By the way, the time when Father An disappeared, while waiting for the artifact to awaken, he was contacting the **** operator.

Ye Bei cold-faced, he finally understood why he thought it was a fierce battle, but in the end he basically belonged to the whole process of paddling, and only contributed a materialized ability: "Ye Nan helped you to connect with the **** Child. "

[Fifth Yi] Shrug: "You have to admit, none of you thought that silly white sweet also has great power."

Ye Bei has been hiding Ye Nan carefully. As a ally, the **** operator and Xiao Tu cannot be curious. After the **** operator finds Ye Nan through the chef Wang who left the 1114 small world, he and Ye Nan's [ Wuyi] took over. The **** operator belonging to the fourth universe has no way to send it to other universes, it will be detected by other master brains, and there is no way to stay, he stays, [Fifth Yi] cannot replace his identity, the master brain's task to himself The person has extremely perverted control.

Fortunately, Xiao Tu has the space ability, but because of the storage of such a large living person, he can no longer use this ability to do other things.

Sister Lu and Wang Ziqi's hands together suddenly increased their strength and twisted her fiance's waist fiercely: "The black technology of the Wang family was given to you by Ye Nan, huh?"

Prince Prince smiled awkwardly. Ye Nan always wanted to compensate him. What can he do? Get the benefits out of your hands? Talking about business.

Therefore, Ye Nan will have endless money, except for what Wang left to him, the rest is the royal family paying his royalties. Ye Nan felt that taking out technology from other worlds was not his copyright. He simply took all the money out to the Third World to do charity work and helped many people who really needed help.

Ye Bei didn't understand the Wang family, but ... Ye Ming, who was so sloppy as he should have been, why did he go to Ye Bei to see him that day and did what seemed like a final farewell.

"It makes sense, no matter how clever, if you don't know anything, how can you cooperate with you to that extent." [Fifth Yi] Put a sip, although Lu Jianyan and others did not show it intentionally, but It's just that she despised Ye Nan's move and disagreed with it. "So many universes tell me the experience is that you should never underestimate anyone, no matter what his personality is."

Because Ye Nan knows everything, he can calm down and let what he does and what he does, the degree of cooperation is the highest among all people, because he knows that he can't help anything. If he doesn't go out to make trouble, he can make Maximum contribution.

"What's going on with those two Lu Jiancang?" Lou Yixian hasn't figured out what these two are.

The two Lu Jianhan rushed upstairs to make a grimace together, and said in unison, "Guess."

"Cough." Lu Jianyan gave a cough and motioned to his brother to speak well.

"I'm the real Lu Jianchan." The one who mastered the artifact and killed the master's brain raised his hand.

"I am also Lu Jian Cambodia, 1101 of the small world." ‘Lu Jian Cambodia’ put one hand on the parallel world, and waved with one hand.

1101 Little World never saw the response from 1114 Little World. Naturally, I was anxious, thinking that the medicine would be safe, or that she would lose her memory. At first I was struggling with no way of positioning. When I could n’t send it to people, [Fifth Yi] who was able to cross the parallel universe borrowed ‘Lu Jian Cambodia’.

"My brother said, I'll do it once, and you'll do it once, and we'll clear it up." Lu Jian Cambodia said.

"I can never say such things." Lu Jianyan stared at 'Lu Jian Cambodia' expressionlessly. He would rather take the risk by himself than let his brother explore the unknown.

‘Lu Jian Cambodia’ reluctantly turned around and looked at Brother Lu: “Sorry, I did n’t succeed.”

Brother Lu is a bear child no matter what the world is.

Brother Lu looks at his brother in grievance: "Brother, let me go. I haven't seen what other universes look like, let alone that they are still killing zombies over there. How cool! More than holographic online games. interesting!"

Lu Jianyan sneered on the chest.

'Lu Jian Cambodia' made a wise decision to evacuate the scene ahead of time, and said to [Fifth Yi]: "After the mission is completed, I will not stay much. After all, we are still in hot water."

Also lest he be taught by his brother here and go back there and be taught again.

"I'm here, I'm here." Xiao Tu actively raised his hand. 'Lu Jiancang' brought his own coordinates of 1101 and it was easy to send them back. Although there might be some problems, hey, Xiao Tu still wanted to practice his hands. .

‘Lu Jiancang’ was also big-hearted, and he gladly agreed. He heard that the medicine became smaller when it came back, which sounded very challenging.

The moment Xiao Tu opened the dark space-time passage on the ship, the wind swept through, and Chu Chu was suddenly crying, his face flushed, as if very painful. Fifth Yi just turned around and helped her daughter block the wind, but she also missed the scene of something rushing out of her daughter's body.

‘Lu Jiancang’ was standing at the entrance of the passage, as if he was blinded by something, he shook his head, and then he resumed Qingming. He waved to Lu Jianyan and others, and turned away without saying anything. Cool to have no friends!

After the space was closed, Lu Jianyan was not aware of it: "No, **** it! What tricks are you guys playing?"

[Fifth Yi] Very innocent: "What trick?"

"This is not my brother at all." Lu Jianyan pointed to the remaining Lu Jian Cambodia. The two brothers stood too close together, and deliberately learned from each other, so that Lu Jianyan, who was an elder brother, did not know who was who. Knowing the moment his real brother left, he realized that the two idiots had actually played a trick of swapping identities!

Brother Lu, who really mastered the artifact, shook his fist in a confusing space and smiled at the thick smoke: "You wouldn't think I wouldn't even feel like killing or killing myself Right? "

Opposite Brother Lu seemed to be shaking something, and the scene was blurry, like a screen with poor signal.

"Well, it's boring to pretend. It's not easy to cheat you out of Chuchu's body. Then, sorry, the ferry ticket to the 1101 small world will become a real journey to hell." Brother Lu He deepened his smile and felt the power of the artifact once again.

"You ... impossible!" There was a complete panic over there, even the voice changed tones, and what about the good y-i times? !!

Brother Lu does n’t have the kindness to answer. The so-called yi ji 神 of the artifact is the yi ji 才会 that will disappear completely until the main brain is killed. It is better to neutralize the energy of the main brain energy than to kill it. The main brain is completely gone, and the power will be neutralized. "Let's make a quick decision. I want to go home for dinner."