MTL - Poison Genius Consort 2: Emperor’s Swallow-Chapter 19 This grace, she remembers

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Princess Huaining saw Xiao Lianyan laughing, she was so angry that the whole person was not good, she was kneeling in the same place, and she did not want to retreat at all.

Man Gonggong soon made another embarrassment, smiled at her, clearly urging. The lord in the sedan chair never makes a sound.

Princess Huaining knows that Jing Wang will not speak again, and if she does not retreat, she will be even more embarrassed at the end. She slandered Lonely Fly to return to the carriage at a glance, reluctant to order, "come, retreat, give way to Jing Wang brother!"

The coachman and the prostitute did not dare to delay, one driving the horse, one helping the cart. When the carriage retired, the man-in-law shouted the sedan.

The carriage retreats, the sedan chair enters, and the Princess Huaining is still holding the lone swallow. The solitary swallow moved two steps, and the eyes of Princess Huaining were blocked by Jing Wang’s big sedan chair.

God knows how the face of Princess Huaining will look ugly? Lonely swallow couldn't help but scream and laugh, she was trying to sneak, but stopped again, turned around and took the picture of the carriage of the horse to express her gratitude, and then left.

Although it was only a coincidence, the Royal Highness of the King finally saved her. Although I couldn't see the true content of the legendary prince, but this grace, she remembers.

Where is the world so many coincidences!

At this time, Jun Jiuchen in the sedan had already picked up the corner of the back window. He looked at the back of the lonely swallow. The deep light reflected a few points that had never been played by a woman, but it was just playing. So.

This girl can't do anything for the time being. After Cheng Yifei resumed, he would certainly take the prescription and check it out. He was quite curious about what information Cheng Yifei could pull out of her mouth.

Lonely swallow left the alley at the fastest speed, deliberately circled a long road and went back to the pharmacy. When the delivery room was poor, the moon came out, she could be said to be exhausted.

She thought that Cheng Yifei’s admirers had found trouble, and the awkward admirers had also found trouble. For the time being, what other people should be looking for her trouble? Can she take a breather?


At night, these troubles are blamed and come to the door!

Lonely swallow slumbered, and Li Xiaolai, who was in charge of the incident, knocked at the door and said that the lonely man was waiting at the gate of the palace. There was a big urgency at home, so that she must leave immediately!

The drug girl’s errands were closed on the 10th, three shifts at noon, and most of the time they lived in the palace. Basically, they were not allowed to leave the palace. It is reasonable to assume that the management of the shackles will directly reject the lonely people, unless there is a bribe.

The original Lord Niangniang went early, and after her grandfather passed away, the head of the family was the second uncle. Lonely lord is a hypocritical miser! Lonely swallowing wonders, what is the big thing in the lonely home, can make the lonely two master spend a lot of money, and pick her up in the middle of the night?

Li Wei urged it tightly, and the solitary swallows didn't even have time to dress up. She was wrapped in a broken cotton jacket and ran to the gate of the palace with a whistling north wind. After seeing the servant of the lonely family, she realized that the so-called big thing was that the family came to the door overnight and wanted to retreat her marriage.

"Now?" Lonely swallow asked incredulously.

"Exactly, Missy is still in the carriage. Everyone is waiting for you!" The servant's tone is not very polite.

Lonely flying swallows looked up at the brighter moon of the third day, bowed his head and sighed, "Rely!"

Who is going to retire in the middle of the night?

Is this culprits so eager to wait? How much he hates her! Will it die when he comes to dawn? As for this insulting person?

"What are you talking about?" The servant did not hear the snoring of Lonely Fly.

Lonely swallow did not answer, he slid into the carriage, Shen Sheng said, "Go back, hurry!"

Marry back to marriage!

Because of the name "祁彧 fiancee", she got into trouble and a bunch of black pots. Even if she doesn't find it, she will look for it...

(Pay attention to the setting of a pharmacy, the previous written is the female doctor, the pharmacist, the pharmacist's setting, now changed to the drug female / worker, pharmacist, pharmacist, drug supervisor, big pharmacist. The previous article has been fixed .)