MTL - Poor Family-v2 Chapter 1002 Seven metropolitan systems

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  Chapter 1002 Seven Capitals

  Early the next morning, Li Yanqing held the first military-state meeting in the meeting hall of Zhizheng Hall.

  The so-called military-state discussion is a joint meeting attended by military generals and prime ministers to discuss major military-state matters.

This time, Li Yanqing summoned Liu Qi, Wang Gui, Wu Jie, Cao Sheng, Yue Fei, Han Shizhong, Zhang Jun, Liu Guangshi and other generals in the name of the generals of the world to gather in Lin'an. The defense envoy is not in control of all, but because he has the power to command the army, he is also called to participate in the discussion.

Of course, there are still some who have not yet arrived, such as Cao Xing, the governor of Tongguan, Liu Ziyu, the governor of Lingxia, Wu Lin, the governor of Hexi, and Tang Huai, the governor of southern Sichuan. no.

   There are also five Prime Ministers participating in the military affairs, Fan Zhixu, Gao Shen, Cao Yan, Zheng Wangzhi, and Li Gang.

This time the military and state discussion was presided over by the Privy Councilor Gao Shen. Seeing that everyone was already seated, he stood up and said with a smile: "Today, there are all the military and political officials gathered together. I am afraid that everyone has guessed that there will be a big event. There are indeed two important things to discuss today. The first The big thing is the reform of the military system.”

  Li Yanqing observed the faces of the generals. When Gao Shen mentioned the 'reform of the military system', everyone basically did not change their expressions, and their expressions were calm, except for Liu Guangshi's expression.

  Li Yanqing sneered secretly in his heart, only Liu Guangshi is the most guilty!

Gao Shen continued: "His Royal Highness also proposed that military reform should be carried out gradually and should not be too radical. Therefore, the Zhizheng Hall unanimously voted to restore the military supervision system since the Sui, Tang and Five Dynasties. Interfering in military affairs only monitors military discipline and whether the generals are in compliance, but it has not been officially implemented yet. If you have any ideas and opinions, you can put them forward first.”

  All the generals were silent. At this time, Yue Fei said: "Since the establishment of a supervisory army is a system, I hope to improve it. If everyone works according to the system, there should be no problem."

  Everyone nodded their heads repeatedly, and Yue Fei suggested that they had their heart set on it. Since it was a system, they did not object to it. They just hoped that the system would be fair and just, and that the supervisors would not deliberately make things difficult for themselves.

  At this time, Li Yanqing interjected: "Yue Dutong is right. Since it is a system, it will be strictly implemented in accordance with the system. The implementation of the military supervision system is also to better protect everyone and prevent everyone from encountering unreasonable disasters."

  Speaking of this, Li Yanqing saw that no one objected anymore, so he said to Gao Shen: "Please the Privy Council to improve the military supervision system, first show everyone the draft, and if everyone has no objections, then it will be formally implemented."

  Gao Shen quickly agreed, "It can be completed this afternoon, and I will copy it to everyone tomorrow morning."

  At this moment, more than a dozen people moved over to several large tables with map models on them. Everyone was refreshed. This was what they expected to see today. Everyone stood up and gathered around.

Several large tables made up a model map of the Song Dynasty. They were all made of mud and then fired into ceramics. Various cities, bridges, official roads, mountains, rivers, and various characters were all made lifelike. .

"This is a map of the world's mountains and rivers that I ordered people to spend three years to complete. At present, it is only half completed. The southernmost end is Mingzhou Port, the northernmost end is Mobei Grassland, the westernmost end is Shazhou, and the easternmost end is Silla. .”

Li Yanqing pointed at Yanshan Mansion with a wooden pole, "Today I want to tell you the latest news. Jin Guo has sent an additional 100,000 troops to Yanshan Mansion. This happened last month. Jin soldiers sent more troops to Yanshan Mansion in three batches. The latest The first increase was ten days ago, bringing the number of Jin soldiers in Yanshan Prefecture to 130,000. If you add the Jin soldiers from Datong Prefecture, Hebei and Central Plains, the number of Jin soldiers has reached 200,000, which does not include Yanshan Prefecture If we add up the Han army from Gao Qing, the Ji army from Gao Qing, and the Qi army from Liu Yu, the total strength of the Jin army will reach more than 400,000."

  Many people gasped. The army of the Song Dynasty was only 600,000, and the number of Jin soldiers exceeded 400,000. It really surprised everyone.

"This number is indeed surprising, but we don't need to belittle ourselves. Today's Song Army is not as vulnerable as it was three years ago. We have cavalry, many crossbow troops, powerful firearms, and sharp heavy armored infantry. , we can completely fight the Jin soldiers, in fact, except for the 200,000 Jin soldiers, the fighting power of the Qi army and the Ji army is not strong."

   At this time, Fan Zhixu asked with some concern: "Yanshan Mansion has increased its troops by 100,000, but Jin Bing has plans to march south?"

  Li Yanqing shook his head, "The Jinbing's Mobei campaign is not over yet. Under such circumstances, it is unlikely that the Jinbing will launch a southern expedition, and it is more likely to be a defense against our northern expedition."

  Speaking of the Northern Expedition, the expressions of all the generals became a little unnatural, Li Yanqing said with a smile: "It seems that the word 'Northern Expedition' tickled everyone's itch."

  Han Shizhong said with a smile: "Your Highness, of course, speaks to everyone's heart. You can't really wait until the armistice agreement is over before launching the Northern Expedition!"

Li Yanqing slowly said to the crowd: "Recently, there have been many voices in the court calling for the Northern Expedition, and the Jingzhao Army has written letters one after another, demanding that the army leave Tongguan. I am not opposed to the Northern Expedition, but my request is that the Northern Expedition must win and must have The harvest, at least the Central Plains can be regained, so the key is not whether you want to go to the Northern Expedition, but whether you are ready for the Northern Expedition?"

  Li Yanqing said to Han Shizhong again: "Please tell me, Dutong Han, how far has your army trained?"

  Han Shizhong hurriedly said: "The humble job has trained 30,000 spearmen to deal with enemy cavalry. It has been two years of training. It can be said that the morale is high, and the soldiers are elite, and they can fight."

   "What about the equipment?"

   "It is completely equipped by the imperial army, and there is sufficient food and grass."

  Li Yanqing nodded, "It sounds good, how about your opponent?"

   "Liu Yu has deployed 20,000 troops each in Sizhou, Suzhou, and Pizhou, under the command of Qi general Fan Qiong. Once we make a northern expedition, these three armies will immediately converge."

Li Yanqing continued: "As far as I know, the Jin soldiers have deployed 20,000 cavalry in Xuzhou, commanded by the general Xiemao Ali. Once we go north, will the Jin soldiers go south to support? If the Jin soldiers go south to support, what should we do?" response?"

  Han Shizhong pondered for a while, "These issues His Highness mentioned are tactical. Once the Northern Expedition is decided strategically, we will discuss the specific tactics."

Li Yanqing said lightly: "I like to make decisions before I do things. I will never fight blind battles. Let me tell you this! The chessboard I showed you has your respective positions on it. The Northern Expedition will definitely be carried out, no It will be dragged on indefinitely, but you are pawns, you must obey the unified order of me as a chess player, please wait patiently for my military order."

  Han Shizhong stopped talking. Of course he understood Li Yanqing's meaning. A game of chess in the world is not just about his family going north. To make the various armies cooperate with each other, only the chess player Li Yanqing can manage it.

  Li Yanqing smiled again: "Although the unified dispatch is arranged by me, the specific operations still depend on you. Let's talk about it! Everyone has any strategy for the Northern Expedition, please speak freely."

  Yue Fei smiled and said, "Then let me say a few words first."

He picked up the wooden pole, pointed to the southern part of the Central Plains, and said, "The northern expedition of the Jingxiang army must go to the front line of Dengzhou. I suggest that the Guanzhong army go to Shangluo Road to go out of Wuguan and go south, and join my army in Dengzhou. Liu Yu in the Luoyang area With an army of 20,000, if I and the Guanzhong Allied Forces seize the Dengru line and point at Xuzhou, Liu Yu's army will inevitably go south from Luoyang, which will create opportunities for Tongguan's army to attack Hangu Pass, and it will also give Zhang Dutong's army south. Cross the Yellow River and attack Luoyang to create an opportunity, Luoyang will inevitably fall, and our front will continue to advance eastward, and we will be able to form a response to General Han’s Northern Expedition.”

Li Yanqing nodded, "General Yue's plan is our greatest advantage at present. In fact, we are encircling the Central Plains. To the north is Zhang Dutong in southern Shanxi, to the west is Jingzhao Army, to the south is Yue Dutong, and to the east is Zhang Dutong. It is the main force of the Northern Expedition. No matter which side we get a breakthrough from, it will cause Liu Yu to lose sight of the other. At present, Liu Yu has more than 100,000 troops and 20,000 golden soldiers. So we first look for a breakthrough point and open it up. And if you go down with the knife, it will be like a broken bamboo."

  Li Yanqing pointed to Liangshanbo on the map, "The breakthrough point I'm talking about is here!"

  (end of this chapter)