MTL - Poor Family-v2 Chapter 1046 Northern Expedition to Korea (Middle)

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  Chapter 1046 The Northern Expedition to Korea (2)

The Song army stopped two miles away from the south of the city. Zhang Shun ordered Ruan Xiaoqi to lead an army of 10,000 troops to the north to intercept. At that time, it was pitch black inside and outside the city, and the dark city walls stood in the wilderness.

  Zhang Shun stared at the city wall. If the Ruan brothers hadn't reminded himself, he would not have noticed that their army had already arrived in Koryo. What's the difference between this and the city of Song Dynasty?

The Song Army and the Goryeo Army have fought many times. The Goryeo Army’s cavalry is not bad, but the infantry’s combat effectiveness is relatively weak. This is why Li Yanqing sent 50,000 troops, but the 50,000 troops are the elite of the Western Army, especially good at night battles. As long as they fight normally, an army of 50,000 is enough to occupy the capital of Koryo.

   After a while, a scout rushed back to report, "Report to Dutong, the city is very quiet, and there is no soldier in sight."

  Zhang Shun nodded, turned around and said to a blasting team composed of twenty soldiers: "It's time to act!"

Twenty people rushed out. They took two city-exploding thunderbolts and a few long wooden boards and ran towards the south gate. Kaijing City also has a moat, but the moat is not wide, only two feet, and a few long wooden boards will do. ride over.

  But just as the soldiers put the wooden planks on, hundreds of archers suddenly appeared on the top of the city, aiming at the 20 soldiers of the Song Army below the city with random arrows.

Twenty soldiers of the Song Army couldn't dodge in time, they were hit by arrows one after another, and there was a scream. Two soldiers holding Zhentian Lei were crossing the bridge. also sank to the bottom of the river.

At this time, the top of the city was full of flames, and tens of thousands of Koryo soldiers stood on the top of the city with their bows and arrows. The leader was a middle-aged man, who was Da Kuang Tuo Junjing of the Koryo Dynasty. Although the Song army blocked the sea, Someone on the shore saw the fleet and hurried into the city to report.

At this time, Li Ziqian was not in the capital, and Tuo Junjing, the second figure of the Goryeo Dynasty, was in charge of the city. Tuo Junjing was stunned by this news. Then there are others.

Tuo Junjing immediately understood, needless to say, it must be Wang Kai's **** who asked for help from the Song Dynasty, Tuo Junjing gritted his teeth with hatred, but now he can't take care of Wang Kai, first break the Song army's sneak attack, and then clean up This little bastard.

  Tuo Junjing immediately ordered all 20,000 soldiers to be deployed to the city, and the flags and drums were silenced, giving the Song army a head-on blow.

  Although 20 Song soldiers were killed, Tuo Junjing was a little disappointed. He thought that the Song soldiers would come to climb the city wall with thousands of people at night, but he didn't expect that the Song soldiers sent 20 soldiers to sneak attack. What did they want to do?

  Zhang Shun was furious. There was an ambush in the Goryeo army, but even if there was an ambush, he would break through the city. He immediately ordered: "Ten thousand crossbow troops, suppress the enemy at the top of the city!"

Ten thousand god-arm crossbowmen rushed up immediately. The god-arm crossbow had a long range and a killing distance of 150 steps, while the range of the archers at the head of the city was between 80 and 100 steps. Obviously suppressed the Goryeo soldiers.

  A crossbowman with ten thousand **** arms divided into three sections and shot arrows at the top of the city. The dense arrows did not stop like raindrops, suppressing the soldiers of the Koryo army, unable to raise their heads.

At this time, another team of blasters rushed forward. Under the cover of crossbow arrows, they successfully arrived at the city gate, nailed two giant thunderbolts directly on the city gate, lit the match, and immediately jumped into the moat to avoid it. Hundreds of Song Army crossbowmen at the city gate also turned around and ran wildly, lying on the ground after running dozens of steps, hugging their heads tightly.

  The rest of the Song army also squatted on the ground and covered their ears one after another, but the Koryo soldiers on the top of the wall looked bewildered. No one understood what happened?

At this moment, two earth-shattering explosions sounded at the city gate at the same time. The ground trembled, the city wall shook, black gunpowder smoke filled the entire city tower, and the soldiers on the city head covered their ears in pain. The impact of the explosion, tinnitus, dizziness, powerless sitting on the wall.

  The big explosion killed more than 500 Koryo soldiers directly above on the spot, and dozens of deep cracks appeared on the wall near the city gate. If there is another explosion, it will collapse.

  The thick wooden city gate has disappeared, and the suspension bridge has been blown to pieces, leaving only an iron chain hanging on a piece of wood dragging on the top of the city. The city gate is wide open, and the buildings in the city can already be seen clearly.

  Zhang Shun roared, "Kill! Kill and go into the city."

   Tens of thousands of Song soldiers roared and rushed to the city, and Tuo Junjing also shouted at the top of the city, "Go down to the city and fight the enemy army, drive them out of Kaijing!"

  A tragic street battle broke out in Kaijing City.

Of the 60,000 troops of Goryeo, except for the 20,000 deployed in Kaijing, the remaining 40,000 troops were deployed in Uiju on the south bank of the Yalu River. Uiju was originally the territory of Liao. Northward expansion, Goryeo seized Uiju and renamed it Sinuiju.

The reason why the 40,000 troops were deployed in Yizhou was also because the Jin soldiers suffered consecutive defeats in the Song Dynasty. The entire Jin army in the Song Dynasty was destroyed, which not only made the Jin country panic, but also made the Goryeo state extremely nervous. The Song Dynasty successively sent 100,000 troops, causing Hebei and the Central Plains to suffer, and millions of people died under the iron hooves of the golden soldiers.

  The people in power in Goryeo knew that once the Song army counterattacked the Kingdom of Jin, Goryeo would be liquidated.

  In order to prevent the Song army from entering Goryeo, Li Ziqian personally led an army of 40,000 troops to garrison the front line of the Yalu River, but he never dreamed that the Song army would come from the sea and directly captured Kaijing.

Li Ziqian got the news five days after the Song army captured Kaijing. When he heard that he was killed by Wang Kai's confidants in the Korean Palace in the city, the monk Miaoqing led the Song army to kill him, and his five sons and eleven grandsons were all killed by the Song army. When he was completely killed, he yelled, vomited blood and fainted. It was not until the soldiers tried their best to rescue him that he slowly regained consciousness.

  Li Ziqian burst into tears for a moment. He was fifty-three years old this year, and his five sons and eleven grandchildren were all killed, which meant that Li Ziqian was dead.

   "Wang Kai, you are so ruthless!"

  Li Ziqian knew very well in his heart that killing all his children and grandchildren could only be done by Wang Kai, especially the monk Miaoqing, despite being a monk, he was cruel and cunning, and it must be his idea to invite Song Jun.

  Li Ziqian calmed down slowly, and asked again: "How is the situation in the capital?"

The soldier who reported the letter cried and said: "Street fighting broke out at three o'clock, and it continued until noon the next day. The 20,000 troops stationed in the capital were killed, including ordinary people. There are dead bodies all over the streets, it's horrible."

   "What about Taku Jun-kyung?"

   "He also died. I heard that he led hundreds of people trying to escape, but was ambushed by the Song army outside the city. None of them survived. Tuo Junjing's head is still hanging at the north gate."

  Li Ziqian lamented, the tragedy had already happened, and now he was thinking about saving the mess, and after much deliberation, he had no choice but to ask Jin Guo for help.

  Li Ziqian immediately wrote a letter, ordering an envoy to rush to Shangjing to ask Wanyan Sheng for help.

  . . . . . .

  Pingzhou, three generals Wang Gui, Yue Fei, and Han Shizhong led an army of 150,000 troops and were ready to fight. Once the Jin soldiers support Goryeo, they will tear up the armistice agreement and attack Liaoyang Prefecture.

This is a bet made by Li Yanqing that the gold soldiers are not ready yet and will not support Goryeo for the time being. The Song-Jin armistice agreement clearly stipulates that once the Jin soldiers launch an attack on the Song army, no matter where it is, it will be regarded as Jin Guo violated the armistice agreement.

In the north of Pingzhou, with Liaoyang Mansion as the center, the Jin soldiers also deployed 100,000 troops to confront the Song army, while another 100,000 troops were deployed in Shangjing, and 30,000 troops were deployed in Linhuang Mansion. All the troops are gone, and the Ministry of Bohai has made it clear that there are no soldiers available, and the Koryo army is also stretched and has no soldiers to support.

As for the Khitan and Xi slave armies of the Jin Kingdom, they have basically been squeezed out. In addition, Yelu Dashi established the Xiliao Kingdom in the northwest, causing many Khitan and Xi tribes to rush to join them, especially the nobles of these two tribes. Almost 60% of them moved westward, which further weakened the number of Khitan and Xi people.

In the center of the Shangjing Imperial Palace, there is a large tent woven with gold thread and covered with tens of millions of gold leaves. It covers an area of ​​five acres and is resplendent and shining in the sun. This large tent is the emperor of the Kingdom of Jin. Wang Zhang.

Walking into this royal tent, it is like a sea of ​​gold and jewels. Boxes of gold ingots, all kinds of utensils made of gold, are inlaid with rare gems, even porcelain is inlaid with gems, and the floor is covered with precious stones. In the middle of the big tent, there are four rare night pearls hanging, the middle one is as big as a grapefruit, and the other three are the size of goose eggs, shining faintly with pearls.

The wolf lord of the Kingdom of Jin, Wanyan Sheng, likes gold and jewelry the most. The place where he lives and implements government orders is full of gold and jewelry. In the middle is a large rosewood chair covered with a rare white tiger skin. Wanyan Sheng is sitting on it. On the big white tiger chair, lying or standing on both sides, surrounded by dozens of beautiful concubines.

   There are also eight other maids holding wine jugs, fruit bowls, and wine cups, lined up on both sides.

At this moment, Wanyan Sheng was squinting his eyes, listening to Wanyan Zongwang's report. A piece of bad news was coming from the west. Eighteen tribes in the grassland met at the banks of the Tuwula River to discuss the golden plan, and the Song Dynasty also sent a chancellor Cao Yan and Zhao Kai, the servant of the household department, went to participate.

   This news made Wanyan Sheng feel that a crisis was coming.

  (end of this chapter)