MTL - Portable Space: The Group Favorite Milk Bag Brings the Whole Family To Open and Hang-Chapter 840 this is unreasonable

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  Chapter 840 This is too unreasonable

   Rabies is still called "flat bite disease" today, and it is also called hydrophobia.

  As early as the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Ge Hong’s "Elbow Reserve Emergency Prescriptions" recorded treatment methods, but most of them were useless.

  For example, "Treat eight dog bites, first coffee to remove blood, moxibustion sores ten strong", which means that when a person is bitten by a mad dog, the dog's saliva and blood should be removed from the wound, then roasted with moxibustion sticks, and then sterilized at high temperature.

   There is also: "It is to kill the bitten dog, take the brain and apply it, and there will be no recurrence."

  It means to kill the mad dog that bit people, take its brain, and apply it on the wound of the bitten person, so as to prevent the onset of rabies.

  This one, how should I put it, seems incredible. In fact, this is the first step in the rabies vaccine. After all, Pasteur created the world's first rabies vaccine, and the virus was extracted from the dog's brain.

   But this one alone is still useless, which probably means that the vaccine is not inactivated?

  In today's world, there are still many so-called "secret remedies", such as incense ash before Buddha, and other detoxification remedies, but in fact they are all useless.

  The case fatality rate of people suffering from rabies is almost 100%, but it does not mean that people will get rabies after being bitten by a dog. Therefore, most of these secret remedies are just a coincidence that people do not get sick, rather than that the medicine is effective.

  Yan Shirong asked her: "Xinbao, if a person suffers from hydrophobia, if he bites again, will he kill others?"

  Xinbao nodded: "At the last attack, the saliva also contained the virus, and there is a certain chance that it will be passed on to others."

  Yan Shirong said: "Do other doctors know about this kind of thing?"

  Xinbao said: "You should know, this is a very common thing."

  She also gave them a detailed account of several stages of rabies.

   Such as the latent period, prodromal period, acute nervous period, and paralysis period.

   During the incubation period of rabies, there are no symptoms, and the pulse cannot be felt.

  After entering the prodromal period, symptoms such as headache, fever, fear, anxiety, agitation, etc. will appear at this time. The most common time for this period is two to four days.

  When you start to be afraid of water, it means that you have entered the acute nervous stage. You are afraid of water and wind, you have difficulty breathing, and you will be extremely afraid even when you mention the word "water". The time is about one to three days.

   Then it enters the paralysis period, the convulsions stop, coma, and usually die within a few hours.

  Hao Huashi said: "Your Majesty, I'll go out and ask the people in Tinglou."

  Emperor Ming Pei nodded sullenly.

  Maybe he is really old and can't hear such things. He is really scared, holding his heart and refusing to let go.

  Yan Qingshan and Yan Shirong were sitting on one left and one on the right, with their knees on each other, and the three of them were silent.

Xinbao's whole regiment was tightly bound, unable to move, only his little head was still flexible, look at this, look at that, took out a bottle of pills from the space, and poured them into the gap between Yeye's arms with great effort. Pour it out, pour it out, and stuffed a grain into Yeye's hand.

  Emperor Ming Pei didn't care what it was, he took it and swallowed it.

  Xinbao wanted to hand it to Daddy, but her two little arms were pressed down, so she could only stretch out her little hand under Yeye's arm: "Daddy, brother."

  Yan Qingshan took both of them, and when Xinbao looked up for Hao Hua, he realized that he was not there.

  Hua Shuang squatted down, and took the bottle of pill from the gap between the three of them: "Master, when Hao Shao comes back, this subordinate will give it to him."

  Xinbao said: "You also eat, and each of you also eats one."

  Hua Shuang wanted to say no, but they were really scared, she finally nodded silently, and Hua Han and the others each ate a pill.

The shadow guard came to report again: "It was found that this person is from Pingfeng, his surname is Yu. The child's name is Yu Yang, and his father's name is Yu Dashan. Yu Dashan's wife died early. Together with his parents, he opened a small food shop in Pingfeng. The only ones who came The father and son, who just entered the city yesterday morning, were already afraid of the water and the wind when they were seeking medical treatment at the medical clinic.

  The more he said, the colder their expressions became.

   It will take three or four days to travel from Pingfeng to Beijing!

  Xinbao said before that there are no symptoms during the incubation period, and the pulse cannot be felt, and the subsequent symptoms cannot be identified as rabies. Those symptoms, such as fever, are easily confused with other diseases!

  Normally speaking, you must first invite a doctor locally, and after eating for at least a day or two, you will find that the heat cannot subside before rushing to the capital.

   But they are here now!

  It shows that these people rushed to the capital as soon as they got sick, and they rushed to seek medical treatment in time, and rushed to Xuanhu in time! If there is a slight delay in the middle, people will die on the way.

  But as soon as a child has a fever, he treats it as an incurable disease and rushes to the hanging pot. How many can there be?

  This is so unreasonable!

  Emperor Ming Pei gritted his teeth, and said solemnly: "Arrest them all and interrogate them to death!"

   "Yeah," Yan Shirong pressed his hand: "Don't worry, that's where Xinbao hangs the pot, don't make a fuss there."

  He said to Yingwei: "When Dabai goes, bring the child out, and bring out the family, and then ask Wei Xuanxiao and Cui Dunyi to investigate. He only said that we received a tip that this person wants to harm Xinbao."

  Emperor Ming Pei tore off the jade pendant from his waist and threw it to him: "Three days, I want to know the result."

  The shadow guard went in response.

  Xinbao was still in a daze.

   Rabies is incurable, but what if there is a vaccine?

  The earliest rabies vaccine was invented by the Frenchman Pasteur.

  First pass the virus several times, then take out the rabbit spinal cord together, and dry it in a sterile bottle.

  Fourteen days later, take out the shrunken spinal cord, grind it into an emulsifier, dilute it with normal saline, make a vaccine, and inject it into the dog's brain.

  Afterwards, the infected spinal cord that had shrunk for 13 days was injected, and after the toxicity was enhanced step by step in this way, it was found that when the common rabies bacteria was injected again, the dog did not get sick.

   This means the dog is immune.

   This is the original rabies vaccine, and it should be possible under the current conditions.

  However, today is no different than later generations, especially in farming families. Almost every family has a dog, and it is not a big deal to be bitten by a dog. Even if it is made, will they come?

   What's more, there are no syringes nowadays, and it is difficult to sterilize, and every step of the way has to start from scratch.

Xinbao turned her head and asked Yeye: "Yeah, rabies can be cured when you are bitten, but it doesn't mean that you will get sick after being bitten, but it is useless to use the vaccine after the onset. There is no cure... But this vaccine is very troublesome and may cost a lot of money, because this method is difficult, there are many steps, and many things that are not available now. Xinbao can't do it by himself, and may have to be done by others. Maybe you still need a very powerful person, so can Xinbao do it? That's, that's...does it make sense to do this now?"

  Emperor Ming Pei touched her little face, and said softly: "Xin Baoer, you don't have to think about how much money you spend..."

  When he said this, his nose was sore for a moment, and he actually choked up for a while, before continuing: "Xinbao..."

  (end of this chapter)