MTL - Protect Our Patriarch-Chapter 21 Open the door to a new world for 2 brothers

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   For these episodes, Wang Shouzhe did not pay too much attention to it, but turned the topic to the main topic: "By the way, brother, the value of live fish in your fish file is the highest, right?"

"Yes, in addition to spirit fish, some of the finest live fish have the highest value. Perch, eel, siniperca, calamari, shad, and cockles are all known for their freshness and tenderness, and they are quite popular among wealthy merchants, etc. Like it, the only requirement is freshness." Wang Shouyi frowned, "Uncle Liu’s fishing fleet has a live water tank. After landing from the live water tank, it needs to be transported to Changning Acropolis overnight in a special carriage, and we also need to be in the shortest time. Delivered to the buyer. Even if it takes a very short time, there will be many mistakes. Six to seven out of ten will die. After death, the value will drop by half and can only be sold as fresh fish."

After thinking about it, Wang Shouzhe said: “In this way, the cost of transportation and the fatality rate of live fish are the two keys. To solve these two problems, even if the catch does not increase, you can earn a lot of extra money in a year. ."

  The reason why he rushed to inspect the various industries of the family is to see every aspect of the production of the family industry. If he can make some optimizations with his modern earth people's thinking, it can increase the output of the family property.

   "If the fourth brother can solve the death of the live fish, it is conservatively estimated that an extra 70 or 80 dry gold will be added each year." Wang Shouyi couldn't help but feel distressed on his face, "whatever died is pure profit."

   "It's hard to tell right now, I have to look at your original plan, the second brother."

   "Fourth brother follow me." Wang Shouyi led Wang Shouzhe to the backyard of the other yard, where there were two carriages parked. Unlike ordinary carriages, they do not have a passenger car, but each housed a large wooden barrel. He said, “One of the carriages contains living water and fish, and the other carriage only contains living water. Every other hour. , It is necessary to replace part of the water in the fish barrel. But even so, after a little more live fish, it will still cause death. I am already considering whether to add a wagon to fill the water, but the cost of consumption will be Increase a lot."

   As soon as he saw Wang Shouyi's means of transporting live fish, Wang Shouzhe's eyelids twitched. The number of valuable live fish that Uncle Six can catch every day is not much, and at most it is only one or two thousand catties a day.

   Such an amazing method is used for transportation? These fish buckets are also unexpectedly crude. There is no aeration or filtration at all, just two words, change the water!

   In order to change the water, a carriage was used to load water. This is not enough. Wang Shouyi is planning to add a carriage?

   But Wang Shouzhe knows that, Wang Shouyi is not to blame. Because this is a basalt world, everyone is thinking about how to improve the realm of cultivation and how to improve their personal strength.

   Of course, not all human elites do not study some natural subjects. It's just that even if those people have studied some of the results, they will cherish themselves. All kinds of knowledge are strictly kept secret and it is difficult to spread outside.

   It’s not to blame them, even the knowledge that Wang Shouzhe has researched will be used only for family secrets, so don’t even think about letting him spread out to benefit other families.

Wang Shouzhe was an unsatisfactory salted fish when he was at work in his previous life. On holidays, he would often go fishing with friends. He caught a lot of catches. He also bought aeration pumps and tried to feed the fish slowly, but found that it was just aeration fish. The same died very quickly, and he understood some simple principles after a little data search and study.

   If you want to feed the fish and eat slowly, you have to let your water tank meet three conditions.

   The first is the amount of dissolved oxygen in the water. Fish need oxygen to survive, but the oxygen in the water is limited. The more fish put in a bucket, the greater the oxygen consumption. This can be achieved by increasing oxygen.

  The second is clean water quality. Fish feces and food residues will produce ammonia and nitrite, and respiration will produce nitrogen. These are all factors that cause fish to die, which can be solved by means of changing water and filtering.

   Another thing is temperature. The higher the temperature, the greater the activity of the fish. The oxygen that needs to be consumed will increase, and the ammonia and other toxic substances produced will also increase. Therefore, keeping the water quality at a relatively low temperature is also very effective.

After combining these three points, the two entered Wang Shouyi’s study. After thinking for a while, Wang Shouzhe drew a simple sketch on paper. The top layer of the wooden barrel containing the fish was filtered, and the filtered water fell into the wood like rain. In the barrel, this uses the simplest principle of dripping oxygen.

   And using the simplest words possible, I shared the principles of oxygen and toxic substances with Wang Shouyi.

Wang Shouyi has been working at the fish stall for more than ten years, and he quickly understood Wang Shouzhe’s principle. He suddenly realized: “I suddenly understood a lot when I heard the fourth brother say this. The elders in the family just passed down and said to change the living water. The reason is that the fish needs the vitality in the water. If the vitality is not enough, it will become stagnant water, and the fish will die. The fourth brother means that using the rain drip method can increase the vitality in the water. I never thought about it."

   "This is from the ancient books. It's hard to say whether it's effective or not. You have to do a few more experiments and comparisons." Wang Shouzhe nodded secretly.

"Fish eats live gas and exhales dead gas. The feces in the water produce more poisonous gas. The **** poisonous gas in the water is filtered through the cotton cloth layer, the broken charcoal, and the gravel layer. The water is non-toxic, and the fish will naturally not die. Why didn't I expect it? ?"

Wang Shouyi became more excited as he said: "The fourth brother said that the hot and cold conditions are also quite reasonable. The colder the sky, the fewer live fish will die, and the more live fish will die in summer. It turns out that the hot fish is more active, so they need it. The more wonder the transportation during the day is not as good as the evening! If you add some ice in the water..."

   The theory taught by Wang Shouzhe seems to have opened the door to a new world for Wang Shouyi. Many things that have been puzzled before, have all been figured out all at once.

   "Second brother, if you understand it, you can ask the craftsman to make a few small devices and try it out." Wang Shouzhe looked at the sky, "It's getting late, I have other things to deal with, so I will leave first."

   As the patriarch, Wang Shouzhe did not come to invent and create. What's more, knowing that it's easy to do is hard, and letting him go to slap those things with his own hands may not be able to do well.

   As long as Wang Shouyi understands the principle, he is enough to undertake the next work.

"Fourth brother, don't leave in a hurry." Wang Shouyi dragged him, "You rarely come to the fish stall once, and the second brother hasn't had a good reception yet. We have dinner at [Baiweixuan] at noon. The live fish in that restaurant are all of us. The tastes of all kinds of dishes are superb. The second brother has a few more places that I didn’t want to understand. What do you mean by the siphon effect drainage type? What is the principle of using a pump to increase the vitality of the water tank? How to use the pump principle to let water flow Go high..."

   got it!

  Wang Shouzhe listened to his "hundred thousand whys". Although he was a bit big, he knew it was a good thing. Wang Shouyi has been operating fish stalls for many years. If he can really immerse himself in this way, the business of fish stalls will get better and better in the future, which can be regarded as a great contribution to the family.

   In this Changning Wei, it is not only Wang's fish stalls, but there are more than ten aristocratic families operating the fish stall business. Especially the Liu family and the Zhao family have done a larger scale than the Wang family.

   The better their own fish stalls do, the more wealth they create, while actually squeezing the opponent’s living space.

   Therefore, Wang Shouzhe spent more time, and then started the "enlightenment education" with Wang Shouyi. Both the siphon effect and the hand pump require pipes. The use of pipes in this world is quite crude. There are only bamboo pipes, ceramic pipes, and copper pipes, but they are barely enough.

   It’s okay if the manual pump can't do it temporarily. Use a simple siphon principle to **** out the bottom water and ask the guy to pour water into the filter layer manually. The transportation volume of such a carriage has greatly increased, and the rate of live fish has also greatly increased.

  Wang Shouyi was fascinated by it, even when he was eating at noon [Baiweixuan], he pulled Wang Shouzhe and asked endlessly.

   "Second brother, are Baiweixuan really the best restaurants in Changningwei?" Wang Shouzhe ate the dishes of Baiweixuan, and suddenly felt that the taste was average, but it was better than the quality of the ingredients.

   Of course, the level of seasoning is still better than that of the Wang family chefs, and there is still a big gap between the taste and the earth.

"Fourth brother, I ate 32 big bronzes and 73 corners for this meal..." Wang Shouyi's face turned black, and he cried out injustice, "This is all the private money that Brother Yu has saved with his hard work. You can even pay for such delicious dishes. Not satisfied?"

Wang Shouzhe touched his chin. The gap was guessed to be the pot of sodium glutamate. When he was on the earth in his last life, MSG and chicken essence flooded every corner of the food world, and his soul’s memory of deliciousness has long been mentioned. Very high degree.

   If MSG can be produced, can it also become an industry?
