MTL - Raising a Fox Consort: The Cold Demonic Wang’s Sweet Love-Chapter 10 Swimming little fox

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After a full meal, the wine will be held in a huge hot spring by the night.

I saw this open-air hot spring, the area is large, the pear blossoms open, and the spring water is imported from the outside.

The paved ground is a carefully selected stone road.

Rockery, white jade bridge, octagonal pavilion, flowers surround...

Every place is a lens, so beautiful that people can't move their eyes!

Goodbye to the big hot springs, the water waves, the blue smoke, and the surrounding, like a fairyland on earth!

At this moment, it has already entered the night.

As night falls, the lanterns hang high and the cool breeze.

Staying here, as long as you look up, you can see the bright moon that hangs the sky, and the twinkling stars.

Looking at this situation at the moment, Su wine is even more amazing.

Although, in the first pass, Su wine is not acceptable.

However, nowadays, looking at the dreams such as fairyland, the extravagant hot springs, and the beautiful scenery of the heavens, Su wines feel that it is good to come to ancient times earlier.

After all, if you are in modern times, you can see such a beautiful sky, and you can enjoy this comfortable hot spring! ?

Hot springs!

The favorite of Su wine!

Thinking about it, every time during the winter vacation, Su wine will go to the hot springs with family members or friends to have fun.

But now, where still need to wait for the winter vacation! ?

Looking at the hot springs in front of the water, the wines of Su wines are bright, and then, regardless of the three seven twenty-one, the hind legs jump, and then the whole body jumps straight toward the hot springs. .

With the sound of ‘噗通’, the water splashed and the soda wine was already in the hot springs.

I only feel that my whole body is surrounded by warm hot spring water. It feels so wonderful!

As a result, Su wine is even more forgotten, constantly in the vast hot springs, free to swim freely.

I was not aware of it at all, because her actions just shocked us to wait for us...

Looking at the hot springs in the hot springs, the little foxes who are free to swim around, waiting for a few squats on the side, are even more stunned and stunned, and the chin is falling.

You must know that their family, the four masters, have serious cleansing, and the things they use will not be shared with others, let alone this hot spring! ?

This hot spring, since its inception, has only been used by their four masters, and will never use this hot spring with others.

What's more, now this little little fox! ?

This little fox is going to be a big disaster!

This is the idea that everyone is in the mood.

Therefore, looking at the eyes of Su wine, it is with a variety of sympathy and compassion.

Thinking, waiting for the end of this little fox, those few of us, I couldn’t help but sigh.

Cute little fox, maybe you won't survive in this world! ?

Just as everyone thought about it, they saw the man standing on the edge of the hot spring, just looking at the little fox who was swimming around in the hot spring.

Immediately, he slowly untied his waistband...

With the man's move, the big red robe on his body, followed by a slow slip, revealing the man's hardcover upper body...

The lights are dim and soft on the man.

Looking at the man's back, the few who are waiting behind us, all looking blushing hot, heartbeat accelerated.

Where is the little fox inside the hot spring! ?

However, just as the few nieces were planning to watch silently, they saw the man suddenly turned slightly.

The sharp eyes of the sharp knife smashed toward them.

"Go down!"

The man spoke, although the voice was light, and the tone was inside, but with the majesty and fierceness of the frightening war!

It is said that the people who were still immersed in the beauty of men only felt shocked, their backs were cold, their scalp was numb, and they were frightened.

Immediately, all of them were scared and pale, and then they hurriedly bowed their heads and quickly retreated.