MTL - Raising a Fox Spirit in My Home-Chapter 4 Buy root cucumbers to drop fire!

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Li Yundong looked at the little fox not far away, and his anger suddenly dissipated. He unconsciously put Wu Hui in his hand and ate it and said: "You, you..."

Li Yundong never imagined that this girl had come to the school, and he began to think involuntarily in his mind: How did she come? Is it really what happened to me, looking for me to settle the bill? Still... me, me, what should I do?

The little fox came all the way and finally found Li Yundong, the "human Yuan Jin Dan" who would move in her eyes. The joy in her heart was naturally unstoppable, but she quickly responded, and her heart was secretly vigilant.

No, you can't get lost! If he is exposed, he is not aware of what is wrong, but it is not good!

When the little fox remembered that she was in the mountains, her master once taught her: If you want him to ignore your origins, just make a move, absolutely invincible!

That is, pretend to be poor!

The little fox forcibly resisted the idea of ​​grabbing Li Yundong in a hurry, moved a small step, and went to Li Yundong with a sullen face. A pair of big eyes flickered and looked at Li Yundong, who could almost pour the copper in the eyes. It is refining that it is hard to be born!

Wu Hui, who was on the side, stared at the girl in front of her, and kept yelling in her heart: there was such a beautiful beauty! There are such beautiful women! !

The beauty of the little fox is devastating for men. For thousands of years, no one has ever heard of mortals who can withstand the seduce of foxes.

Whether it is the King of Summer, or the King of Shang, or the King of Zhou, they are all planted in the hands of the foxes, such as sisters, singers, and scorpions.

The ancient emperor is still so, not to mention the college students in the ivory tower?

Wu Hui just ate a big loss, but it seemed to have forgotten it. He blushed and said loudly to the little fox: "This beauty, this guy is not a good person, just want to start..."

Li Yundong didn't look at him. He pressed his hand on his head and pushed him a fart: "Roll!"

The surrounding students looked at Li Yundong and the little fox like a play, and they confessed to the relationship between the two men.

"I see, it must be something that Li Yundong has done badly for this beauty!"

"This brother, I am against you! Look at his guilty look!"

"I have your lungs, you blinked your eyes? This beauty is not the top place? Fan Bingbing compares with her, that is the residue! Can she see Li Yundong?"

"My grass, you just blinked! You didn't listen to me saying that Li Yundong did something bad for her?"

"I rely on, blind eyes and have a logical relationship with what you say?"

"Don't make a noise, watch the show!"

These people have a lot of arguments, but without exception, they speculate that this girl is looking for Li Yundong to trouble, and Li Yundong must have done something wrong with this beauty.

Some boys looked at the pitiful appearance of the little fox, and the sense of justice in the heart swelled and secretly groaned: If it was really Li Yundong, this guy would be sorry for her, and if he had to go out, he would also slap him!

Things that can happen very quickly have caused everyone around me to fall through the glasses.

The little fox gently pinched Li Yundong's sleeve with his fingers, swaying, his head pressed low, and whispered: "How come you are gone?"

Li Yundong also secretly stunned his heart. He heard the little fox say this, and suddenly his brain crashed, but he reacted a little: "Ah?!"

The little fox looked up and looked at Li Yundong pitifully: "You don't want me?"

The words of the little fox were too light, not everyone heard it, but they were really listening to this sentence!

"No? Post it?? Is there something wrong?!"

Everyone is in awe!

The boys suddenly changed collectively and became a group of big estrus animals. Li Yundong was glaring at the red eyes. As long as the boy’s mouth was not in the mouth, they would shout: I want, I want! Beauty, I want!

Li Yundong was full of brain paste, and his IQ was seriously reduced. He just stared at the little fox and couldn’t speak.

The little fox tears began to swirl in the eyelids, and they were crying out. Li Yundong came back to God: "Well, don't cry, don't cry, have something to go back and say!"

The eyeballs were round and round, and the incredible Ding Nan couldn’t help but come up and said to the little fox: "Hey, you know this guy is..."

The little fox hand pressed on her head and learned how Li Yundong pushed Wu Hui. If he didn’t look at it, it would be a push: "Roll!"

Ding Nan fell a bit, but her appearance is not as good as Zhou Qin, but in the school is a good figure in the flower level, where has this humiliation?

She sat on the ground and looked at the little fox and Li Yundong, and could not return to God.

Sun Li looked much calmer. She said coldly: "I said, are you shooting Qiong Yao drama here? If so, trouble changing places, this is school!"

Li Yundong accompanied Sun Li with a smile, no way, people are the squad leader, although not a system cadre, but don't take the bean bag improper dry food!

My credit for this semester is now pinched in the hand of this little pepper! The power of the squad leader is not big, it is not small, and it is her job to record the attendance every day. As long as the little pepper bulletin is privately enemies, I will read it this semester.

Li Yundong didn't know how to face the little fox, but there was such a beautiful woman who fell in love. His heart was obviously dark. He coughed and said to the little fox: "You wait for me at home, I will go back and tell you." ”

Saying, put on a look that is not confusing, and walked toward the teaching building.

But when he got to the big classroom, he just sat down and smelled a scent, but the little fox followed him like a smug daughter, and sat next to him.

Li Yundong, in front of everyone, although he made a look of Liu Xiahui, but deep inside, he was very eager to see the little fox follow him. At this time, he was shocked and happy: "How did you come in?"

The little fox thought that Li Yundong would drive her away, tears falling down: "You don't want to drive me away..."

That looks like Li Yundong’s heart is going to change: "Oh, no one wants to chase you away!"

The little fox looked up and stared at Li Yundong: "Really?"

Li Yundong focused on nodding: "Of course!"

The little fox suddenly smiled and smiled into a crescent moon: "I am so happy!"

Li Yundong asked curiously: "Hey?"

The little fox opened his eyes and smiled at the tip of his nose: "Su Shi, my master gave me the name."

Li Yundong asked curiously: "Your master?"

Su Shi’s heart was tight, pretending to be a look of innocence: “Well!”

Fortunately, Li Yundong did not continue to ask questions. He smiled and said to the little fox: "My name is Li Yundong."

The dialogue between the two people only heard the students in the big classrooms close to them screaming: the relationship is just about to die, but the name is not known!

There are also some students who are sorrowful and inexplicable: how can such a beautiful woman look at the most wasteful firewood in our school? Where is my appearance worse than him? Where is the body worse than him? Where is talent less than him? Where is the family background worse than him? What does this beauty like him? Business Panel here? Is there Wang Fa?

The little fox Su Shi finally reached the first step of his goal: to stay with this guy.

Then she will realize her second step: hold on to the man tightly.

Su Shi thought inside: The master also said that in the past, if you want to grasp the heart of a man, you must first be compliant with him.

However, what is the best way to do it? He, he did not ask for anything, I, what do I take, what to take?

The little fox soon thought: Oh, I am stupid, he doesn't mention it, I won't ask for it?

So the little fox smiled and asked: "Yundong, are you cold or not?"

"Yundong?" Su Shi yelled that Li Yundong's bones were almost crisp, and he looked at Su Shi with a strange look.

The little fox looked at Li Yundong with a look: "You don't like me calling you so much?"

Li Yundong’s eyes swept away, but he saw that all the boys were extremely contemptuous and embarrassed. His man’s vanity was greatly satisfied: “Like!”

Su Shi smiled again and again: "Yundong, are you cold or not?"

Li Yundong smiled in the heart: Tiannan City is a southern city. Now it is at the end of May. You ask me if it is cold or not?

He replied casually: "Not cold."

The boy sitting behind Li Yundong had a cold war. He couldn’t stand Su Shi’s voice that made the man’s bones soft, and muttered in his mouth: “I’m going to die cold!”

Su Shi naturally wouldn’t care about the boy who said that she couldn’t eat the grapes. She originally wanted Li Yundong to say that if she was cold, she would rely on the past and warm up Li Yundong. But this guy said that it was not cold, and the eyes would be a turn. Said: "Then you are not hot?"

Li Yundong is a little dumbfounded. There is air conditioning in this classroom. How can it be hot: "It is not hot."

Su Shi’s mouth is getting up, and the heart is complaining, not cold, not hot. What do you want to do?

However, Su Shi is an indomitable, soft-skinned temper, or else she will not steal the Jindan in the thousands of difficulties. She asks: "So, are you hungry?"

Li Yundong was said by her, and she was screamed in the stomach. He was attacked by Yuan Jindan for three days. The inside of the stomach was empty, and there was always something in the heart, so I felt that I was not hungry. Su Shiyi said that the revolution immediately began in the stomach.

The inside of the stomach is like a drum, and the iron is like a mountain. Li Yundong nodded honestly: "It’s very hungry!"

Su Shi was overjoyed: "Is it good for you to buy some food?"

Li Yundong smiled gratefully. He was very uncomfortable with such a beautiful woman who was so considerate to him. He said quite tactfully: "That's alright."

Su Shi finally found a chance to be diligent, and she was overjoyed and immediately ran out of the classroom.

Li Yundong looked at her back and shouted without saying: "Hey, didn't give you money!"

Su Shi ran out of the classroom, and did not know how many boys were attracted back, and rushed out of the campus with an obsessive look.

Out of the campus, Su Shi looked around and looked forward, suddenly found that he did not know where to buy things!

But this problem is obviously difficult to stop her, her nose wrinkled, smelled the smell of meat in the air, and then touched the taste.

There is indeed a vegetable market next to Tiannan University. The little fox has been moving all the way, and she has successfully touched it.

Although the little fox has not been to the world's vegetable market, but has not eaten pork, he has always seen pigs running.

She smirked and ran to the side of the meat stall, was about to buy a few pounds of pork, but suddenly remembered: fish oysters, meat fire, this thing is getting angry!

Li Yundong swallowed the person Yuan Jindan, and he was the ultimate in qi and blood. He has broken through the extremes that mortals can achieve, so the fire in the body is naturally great.

Eating meat is absolutely harmful to him.

The little fox thought about Li Yundong, but forgot to think about it from the perspective of an ordinary person.

Do mortals have raw pork?

But fortunately, Su Shi is thinking from the dialectical point of practice, and finally did not buy two pounds of raw pork to go back, otherwise Li Yundong is afraid not to look at the two pounds of raw pork and laugh.

Thinking of this, Su Shi went to the food stall from the meat stall, and thought in it: Since this guy can't eat the fire, then eat something cool and cool down!

Fish oysters, meat fire, radish cabbage to keep safe!

Su Shi looked at the food stall, picked a full carrot, and then wanted to pick a cabbage, but she thought about it and finally thought: I don’t eat raw cabbage, this guy probably won’t eat raw. Cabbage?

So Su Shi put down the cabbage in his hand and looked around. He picked a long and thick cucumber and thought of it in the diet. The cucumber is cool, sweet, and can thirst and eliminate trouble. Summer!

You can also have a full stomach, but you can also reduce the fire, but also raw!

Ha, I am so smart!

The fox in the heart of the smug, just nodded and swayed his tail.

The owner of the food stall is a middle-aged grandmother, with a slap in the face, looking at the little fox with his eyes open, and his heart is amazed: Hey, how come there are such beautiful prostitutes! Fox has come to this way! This wants the man to find her, and she must not be drained by her?

She saw the men around here see Su Shi, and then the cat smelled like a fish, and the saliva ran across the water, and I couldn't wait to swallow the little fox into my stomach.

Humph! Sao fox!

The owner of the food stall snorted and turned around to see that his wife actually did the same!

She suddenly became angry and reached out to her wife's ear and said, "Would you like to call someone home to let you see it?"

This uncle is obviously a wife and a strictman, suddenly smiled, not dare to look again, just from time to time to look at the light in the eyes.

In the big mouth of the dish, there was a sang in the muttering mouth. She looked at Su Shi and picked a carrot. She picked a cucumber and then her body gradually drifted away. Her heart was angry and she felt that something was wrong, but Su Shi’s beautiful appearance kept her from responding.

When Su Shi went far, Daxie remembered one thing, and he slammed his thighs and shouted: "This little slut, dead fox, actually didn't give money!"

After Su Shi left, Li Yundong sat in his seat, and his head was full of Su Shi’s smile. It is obvious that this little fox has already traced his soul.

Waiting until someone poked him behind him, he woke up from his fantasy: "Ah, what?"

The teacher standing on the podium stood black and said: "Li Yundong, please come over and repeat what I have just said."

Li Yundong walked to the podium with a hard scalp, and his mouth was stunned. He had just traveled to the outside world, and his head was full of little foxes. Where can he say something?

The teacher who taught the history of ancient Chinese literature was a bald middle-aged man. When he saw Li Yundong’s mouthless speech, he suddenly made a fuss, and took out the face of an old master’s face and could not lift Li Yundong’s lesson.

Just after the Chinese teacher finished the attack and prepared to let Li Yundong go back, Su Shi rushed into the classroom.

Li Yundong looked at Su Shi and rushed in. He saw himself at a glance, and when his eyes were bright, he rushed to the podium. He felt secretly in his heart.

But before I could see the opening, I saw Su Shi’s invitation to raise the left hand, and the sound like a silver bell was crisp and said: “I bought you a carrot and washed it for you! You must hurry to eat!"

Said, could not help but say, a carrot was stuffed in Li Yundong's hand.

The Chinese teacher was furious and his face was gloomy, and the temperature immediately dropped.

In classrooms