MTL - Rebirth: Fight For Life-Chapter 716 Go four! Yinglong first driving experience

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   Chapter 716 Advance Four! Yinglong first driving experience

   In Yang Haisheng's perspective, from the porthole of the engine room, it should be in a hangar.

   Then, in the picture, various explanatory texts were clearly superimposed on the screen.

The relaxed voice of the young man surnamed Bai came from the communication channel: "Brother Yang, the official spacesuit helmet will have the augmented reality function, and the entire operation manual of the Yinglong is built into it. So now, also put This layer of functionality is built into the training suit."

   Yang Haisheng said in his mouth: "I received it." But he couldn't help feeling the advanced technology in his heart.

   In the past two days, I have already learned the entire operating procedures of the Yinglong ship in writing. It is not difficult for them to start the simulation operation now.

The design of the    Yinglong itself is closer to their operating habits as pilots than the manned spacecraft.

   On the one hand, this is close to the driving of an airplane, at least in the atmospheric phase.

   On the other hand, much like manned spaceships, there are various prescribed operating procedures.

   "Command center, the take-off inspection procedure has been completed, Yinglong."

   "Yinglong, the runway has been cleared, enter the runway, and prepare to take off."

   "Into the runway, ready to take off, Yinglong."

  The hangar is transparent on both sides, and the runway is directly in front of the aerospace plane, so no tractor is required.

  In Yang Haisheng's perspective, the image seen from the helmet shows that the plane is leaving the hangar, and the flashing path indicator in the field of vision overlaps the ground markings.

   But this was not what shocked the four of them the most.

   The most shocking thing is the vibration from the four seats and the dynamic images seen in the field of vision, which are really too real.

   Yang Haisheng and the others are not without simulation training, including the so-called augmented reality and virtual reality, such technology, or the low-level form of these technologies, everyone has experienced.

   But with the comparison, the feeling is more vivid.

   It is estimated that when I go back and re-examine today, Director Xiong will definitely tell Commander He that the application of quantum supercomputing is too helpful to the entire system.

   But for now, let’s do the training first.

  The plane came out of the hangar, and it could be seen that it looked like an island.

  This is probably the picture of that Flint Island?

   "Command center, preparations for takeoff have been completed, Yinglong."

   "Yinglong, take off allowed."

   "Prepare to take off. Go forward one, count down five, four, three, two, one, start!"

  The voice is calm, showing a strong psychological quality.

   Of course, maybe because it's just simulation training.

   From the monitoring screen wall outside, the engine of the aerospace plane began to increase its eruption, and the Yinglong began to accelerate on the runway.

   "Yinglong, how do you feel?"

   "Command center, Yinglong feels good." Yang Haisheng replied calmly.

   Essentially, this one feels pretty bland.

  The acceleration is not fast, and the vibration is weak... Maybe it is because it is just the beginning.

  The runway is indeed longer than the average airstrip.

  Yinglong does not have as large a wingspan as a general aircraft, and the aerodynamic layout does not get as much lift during takeoff. Coupled with the take-off weight of several hundred tons, it is strange that there is a significant sense of acceleration when taking off.

   Besides, the engine is not in the most powerful working state now.

   But even if it was advancing one, even if it was propelling the more than 400-ton Yinglong, it still quickly picked up the speed.

   Aeroplane engines are really powerful things.

   After sliding nearly 2,000 meters, the Yinglong was finally pulled off the ground. From the simulated footage on the surveillance screen, the plane slowly climbed, and shortly afterward, a picture of breaking the sound barrier appeared.

   "Height 1300 meters, go forward two, countdown five, four, three, two, one, start!"

   Now, Yang Haisheng and others felt the acceleration. But this feeling... Compared with flying a fighter jet or riding a Shenzhou boat, it's really gentle.

   "Yinglong, how do you feel?"

   "Command center, Yinglong feels good and works fine. It is expected to reach 10 times the speed of sound in 113 seconds."

   In this case, everyone will feel the acceleration of a little more than 2G. Even the most ordinary people will not have an uncomfortable reaction, not to mention the protection of space suits?

   Director Xiong is looking forward to seeing whether the rocket engine mode will start normally after reaching hypersonic speed and how it will perform.

   "Go three, count down five, four, three, two, one, start!"

   At the tail of the aerospace plane, the working state of the engine is completely different.

   On the other hand, the angle at which the nose of the Dragon No. is raised is also larger.

   Director Xiong asked curiously: "What is the effect of advancing four and five?"

   Bai Yang thought about it and said, "They are all aerospace elites, so that little acceleration shouldn't be a problem, right?"

   Director Xiong nodded and said, "Don't exceed 10 G for too long, it's fine."

   Bai Yang asked with a smile: "Yinglong, why don't you try advancing four?"

  The corner of Yang Haisheng's mouth is slightly raised: "Four forward, the countdown is three, two, one, start!"

  The acceleration of the Yinglong has obviously picked up, going straight into the sky, and has quickly approached the Carmen line.

   Director Xiong looked at the data on the screen and exclaimed: "This acceleration has already exceeded 7 G, and the structural strength of the Yinglong is so strong?"

  Topol smiled and said nothing.

   For launch vehicles that have high requirements on physical fitness and structural strength, they generally have an acceleration of 5 G. The space shuttle has only three or four Gs, so many scientists with average physical fitness can also go to space.

  Under the observation of Director Xiong, the Yinglong, relying on the ability of the engine, actually provided a comfortable mode of two or three Gs to an extreme speed mode of more than seven Gs, which is really too strong.

   "Then go forward five..."

Bai Yang replied: "Forward five is the vacuum mode, which maximizes the specific impulse. After crossing the Carmen line, you can switch to the forward five, or close it directly, and adjust the trajectory and attitude through the vector nozzle. This depends on the mission and the state of reaching space. , the computer on the Yinglong will provide suggestions, and the commander and driver can also make their own judgments and operations."

   At the propulsion speed of forward four, Yinglong soon came to space.

   Among the four, Wang Yang has never really been to space. At this moment, the view of space seen from the porthole made her a little intoxicated.

  Although she knew it was a simulation, the simulation made her feel very real.

   Not to do you feel weightless?

   "Arrived at the reservation track, turn off the engine, countdown five, four, three, two, one."

   "Yinglong, the seat belt can be unbuckled. Note that it is currently in a weightless state."

   Director Xiong looked at the window, where four people were floating in space suits, and couldn't help asking: "Is this the effect of weightlessness simulated by the magnetic levitation properties of superconducting materials?"

Bai Yang smiled and said: "Yes. With the modeling capabilities of the Quantum Supercomputing Center, virtual reality and augmented reality systems, in fact, the weightless environment they feel is much more realistic than that of a neutral buoyancy tank. At least... not so much. bubble."

   This is indeed Yang Haisheng's true feelings.

   No wonder there are so accurate weight measurement and center of gravity measurement. I want to come to everyone's spacesuit, and there is an independent superconducting material configuration system, so that everyone can feel the almost real weightlessness effect.

   Could it be that there is still a liquid nitrogen environment in the spacesuit?

  According to their understanding, there are only a limited number of superconducting materials that can be applied on a large scale, that is, in a liquid nitrogen environment.

   However, the touch from the skin did not feel such a low temperature effect.

   Is the spacesuit of Flint Aerospace, which is also very good in temperature control, or is there a breakthrough in superconducting materials...?

   (end of this chapter)

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