MTL - Rebirth: Fight For Life-Chapter 736 2A42 30mm turret

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  Chapter 736 Type 2A42 30mm Turret

   Before any other responses appeared, Bao Jiaqi's phone called first.

   "What happened?" Bao Jiaqi's voice was slightly hurried, "What do you mean when you say impulsive?"

Gu Song said: "The factory in Port Moresby is being surrounded. I have to force them to protect me, otherwise they will use Weibo, Facebook, and various online means to sow emotions, including offline Means to buy the content of some interest groups, and all the revenge they can think of that I can use, I can use it. There is no specific impulse to let them guess.”

   Bao Jiaqi's voice paused for a while, and then said: "For a big country, such an open threat will only be counterproductive."

"It's okay to have the opposite effect." Gu Song said calmly, "I have enough influence to make their small actions this time out of control. If their double standards are used on me, they have to think about it. as a result of."

Bao Jiaqi persuaded again: "You must know that because of you, their nerves have become more and more nervous in the past few years. They have not experienced this situation of backwardness in many aspects for hundreds of years. You... Be careful."

Bao Jiaqi is really afraid that he will suddenly come up with some new high-tech means to make them despair, and then take advantage of the current strength comparison, let go of his heart, let go of his arrogance, and give up the idea that he can overtake after all his efforts, ahead of schedule. Push the confrontation into another way.

  In that case... Now China is not ready yet...

Gu Song understood what he said and replied, "I know what to do, and I'm ready to report to you. There is a high probability that even if they bow their heads, they won't be able to stop those ordinary people who have been incited. We need to protect the factory. So internationally, Flint Aerospace will be smeared. It doesn't matter, the main thing is that since PNG is going to be in chaos, let it be in chaos. When the chaos is up, there is only one conflict between us and them that can be slowed down now. The released area will not be accumulated all the time waiting for a big outbreak."

"Flint Group, after all, is an enterprise in China. We were attacked. Out of self-defense, we didn't have nothing to say. I first broke things out on Weibo, first to have a pretext on my hands, and second, to let them For a long time, I had a fear. But when I started fighting later, I didn’t break down. Instead, I sometimes continued to hang their initiative from time to time.”

Gu Song continued: "Three times, first expose the contradiction in Papua New Guinea. If there is a problem with Xiangdao or Wandao later, we will take the initiative. What I have to do is to first put them behind the scenes. The truth about the hands and feet is revealed. Although these truths will be covered up abroad, at home, I can rely on my influence to wake up many people, and let us solve the problems of Xiangdao and Wandao that may arise in the future. "

   After a long time, Bao Jiaqi said: " think so."

"The factory will not stop, and the raw materials have been prepared for half a year. I have a 35% stake in the power plant, but I am afraid that the facilities along the line will be damaged. We have cooperated on so many infrastructure projects there, and we can use this as an excuse to get guarantees. Is the pretense that the infrastructure is not destroyed enough pressure? If necessary, even the shipment of the factory over there needs to be escorted by ships to Flint Island."

   After Bao Jiaqi heard it, he felt confident, and then he said, "I'll go back to Yanjing tonight. In the morning tomorrow, let's have a good discussion."


   "Really?" The great commander's voice was extremely annoyed.

   "The comments are already very enthusiastic. Even on the international version, there are many people commenting and speculating." Howard said, "It has been arranged to let the people over there restrain the spearhead of the situation, but..."

   "What would he do?"

"The most likely... Naturally, just like the last PRISM incident, dig out some evidence and publish it to stand on the moral high ground. As for the further progress, it may be in the aerospace field, such as the last satellite loss... "

   "How dare he?"

   "...The question is, are we ready to intensify the conflict with China..."

The commander    looked directly at the people in the room: "The question is, is this inspired by the people behind him, is it a tortuous temptation? Tentatively, when we face their rise, where is the bottom line?"

   "If it's other small countries, we can ignore it. But only to them, we can't back down!"

"Have you ever thought that maybe this is their conspiracy? We have been thinking, why did they choose Flint Island, why would they invest in such an important factory so far from their native land? Now it seems that maybe it is for today. Maybe, they figured out that one day we'll use other powers to target Flint Space."

   "Even so, if you back down this time, what will the North Bear and other ESG countries think? The cake drawn by HSDA has touched many people's hearts!"

   "Now is never the best time!"

   "Where is the best time? You must know that in the short term, the gap is getting smaller and smaller, maybe now is the best time!"

   "Do you think that even if we put in our best efforts, we can't keep up with those inferior people?"

   "Maybe you shouldn't be so high above, you should lower your noble head, and first take a good look at the current situation!"

   "Perhaps you should have a stronger heart so that you can take on the responsibility of protecting our strong country!"

"how dare you…"

   "Enough!" the commander shouted, "Let's go according to the original plan! After all, I also considered that they would play small tricks!"

  The argument in the room stopped.

  Howard sighed in his heart.

   put it lightly, saying that he had made preparations long ago, but when a threat came, didn’t he get confused and argue again?

  Howard was a little uneasy, not knowing what would happen in the future.

   His eyes swept away, and everyone else in the room seemed to have similar expressions...


  The crowd seems to be growing outside the Flint Group factory in Port Moresby.

The more people    shouted, the more frenzied the people in the front became, so frantic that their expressions had begun to distort.

   "Back! Back!"

  The team sent by Somare surrounded the wall and tried their best to block it.

The    gas bullets were running out, and the leader roared hoarsely to make them back away, not knowing that his expression was also stimulating the crowd.

  At the gate of the factory, Zhao Ye picked up the walkie-talkie and said, "Get ready, I think it will explode soon."

   "Brother Ye..." A voice came from the walkie-talkie, revealing hesitation, "There are so many people, we..."

   "Don't be soft-hearted!" Zhao Ye shouted loudly, "Make it clear, we are their enemies now! The legends here also include cannibals! Have you forgotten?"

The words    made the hair on the players stand up and their hands clenched tighter.

   Outside the door, the leader took out the phone that was distributed to him and shouted: "When will the reinforcements arrive? It's almost impossible to hold here!"

After    said a few words, he hung up the phone ruthlessly, looking like he wanted to fall but was reluctant.

"damn it!"

   aware that something was wrong, he tilted his head subconsciously, and a stone whizzed past his ear.

   "Raise your shield a little higher! A dense formation! A dense formation!" After shouting at his team members, he turned to his deputy and asked, "How many supplies are left?"

   "Both boxes are gone, head!"

   "Play them all at once, and hold them back for another ten minutes!"

   "All out?"

"Excuting an order!"


   Immediately, bursts of smoke emerged from the crowd, and the crowd coughed and covered their faces.

   However, this move seemed to further stimulate the crowd, and the roar grew louder.

   But the next second, in the distance, there was a loud noise.

   Then, there were sporadic crisp sounds.

   Everyone could hear what it was.

   Zhao Ye said in disbelief: "...they...did it first?"

   As soon as he finished speaking, the sound from nearby made him jolted violently, and he picked up the guy in his hand reflexively.

   Then, he felt that something was not quite right.

   A familiar 92B crossed the street corner and drove in front of Juma. The 2A42 30mm barrel of the universal turret at the top of the car was aimed at the crowd.

   Zhao Ye swallowed and felt that he had to report this situation to the boss immediately.

   Thank you truck lorry for the tip!



   (end of this chapter)