MTL - Rebirth In The Novel: Indulging The Female Side Character-Chapter 276

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Before she took Ye Chu to see the Golden Knife, she made a request.

She hopes to see Mr. Jiang.

Although Pei An is threatened by Ye Chu, she is also a person who has experienced the storm.

She will never be confused by the previous events.

Mr. Jiang wants to cooperate with the Golden Knife Club and chooses himself. Then he will not move her life for the time being.

Ye Chu agreed to the matter.

After she negotiated with Jiang Yan, she had arrangements.

On this day, Ye Chu took Pei An to a gallery on White Road.

The car stopped at the entrance of the gallery, but Pei’an’s eyes were suspicious.

She knew the antique shop on Smith Road, but she didn't know the gallery.

Is this place also one of the strongholds of the dark cabinet?

Or is this person cheating on himself?

Ye Chu soon saw the idea of ​​Pei An.

Her voice sank: "But where the secret cabinet has important guests, Mr. Jiang will see them here."

Pei Anan said a little.

Ye Chu continued: "Since I brought you here, I prove that you are trustworthy."

Pei Anan thought about it, she didn't know how many points in the sentence were true and a few minutes off.

Is Mr. Jiang really in this gallery?

Will she be deceived, and this will be a trap?

See you still?

The secret cabinet had previously let go of his life, just for cooperation.

If there is a cabinet, the development of the Golden Knife will definitely be faster.

Pei Anan quickly made a decision. She opened the door and got off the bus.

Ye Chu’s eyes were cold and he followed.

When Pei Anan was about to enter the gallery, Ye Chu suddenly reached out and stopped her.

Pei Pei turned to look at it, Ye Chu stood there, his expression was cold and faint.

Ye Chu’s voice is cold: “Mr. Jiang is inside...”

"But he can't see you, it depends on your performance."

Pei Pei'an gritted her teeth and restrained her temper.

She opened her mouth: "Reassure, no one knows about this."

In the next second, Ye Chu immediately loosened his hand.

Ye Chu turned and went to the gallery with Yan Pei.

As soon as you walk into the gallery, you will see a long corridor.

There are paintings on both sides of the corridor, and lights are on the top.

The light is reflected on the ground and the gallery is illuminated.

At this point, the light is bright and seems to illuminate all the darkness.

However, Pei Anan has never put down her vigilance. She has been taut and has never relaxed.

Pei Pei’an knows clearly that if she wants to reach a cooperation with Mr. Jiang, this is not a problem.

But she can't guarantee the mind of Lu Yu.

Lu Yu’s identity is mysterious, if she set herself a trap...

Pei Pei has always been paying attention to Lu Yu around her, and she has seen her every move.

Ye Chu naturally noticed the movement of Pei An, she did not hide her face, letting Pei An looked at it.

The gallery was silent, no one, and they finally reached the end of the corridor.

After passing through a door, there was an empty room in front of me.

Pei’an’s heart was tight, and his footsteps slowed down a bit.

A slender figure came into view, and he stood in front of him, facing away from them.

All sides are walls, and only the long corridor behind him is the only retreat of Pei An.

In the empty gallery, the feeling of restlessness broke into the air a little.

The rest of the eyes of Pei’an’s eyes passed, and two guns were placed on the table on one side.

The muzzles of both guns are facing the inside.

Pei Anan glanced at Lu Yu, and she found that Lu Yu looked calm and seemed to have known this scene.

Pei Anan stared at the man's back, and the heart could not help but give birth to retreat.

At this time, no one first opened.

As time goes by, doubts and fears continue to expand.

The next second, Jiang Yan turned around.

Pei Anan knows that Mr. Jiang is the leader of the secret cabinet and will never show his true face.

He is now easy to change.

However, Pei An is not sure if she has entered the trap of Lu Yu.

Is this man in front of Mr. Jiang?

Pei An’s mind rolled over, and Jiang Yan’s eyes were calm and she looked at her faintly.

The fundus is dark and spread like the night.

At this time, Jiang Yan’s opening broke the silence that had been maintained for a long time.

"I will give you five seconds now, if you can get the gun on the table first."

After a pause, Jiang Yan said again: "I will give you a chance to shoot me."

Pei’an’s chest was stagnant, and his fist couldn’t help but clinch.

Jiang Yan’s voice fell again: “Now, time begins.”

Jiang Yan’s voice just fell, and Pei’an immediately started running towards the table.

When her hand was about to touch the gun on the table, she suddenly felt the cold touch on her forehead.

She was a stiff body and immediately stopped her movements.

The black lacquered muzzle reached her head.

Mr. Jiang is taking her step and getting the gun.

He is elegant and not flustered. It seems to be doing the most common thing.

But Pei’an was like a hail, and his body was full of chills.

Her suspicions dissipated.

In the silence of death, Pei’an’s body could not help but tremble.

The contest of the talents, the win or loss was judged at the beginning.

She could not have won this man in front of her.

There was another gun in front of her, but she did not dare to think.

Jiang Yan’s voice fell at this moment: “You only doubt my identity.”

Although Jiang's tone was calm, but Pei'an's heart suddenly smashed.

Pei Anan lowered his head and turned his eyes away. He dared not look directly at Jiang Yan’s eyes.

Her body shrank and lowered her posture: "I'm sorry."

Mr. Jiang is the first killer of the Republic of China.

If this person is not Mr. Jiang, he can't complete these actions in a short time, it is a killer's quality.

What's more, he has given her time and opportunity.

Jiang Yan was behind one hand and the other hand was aiming at Pei An.

He was extremely relaxed, as if he was not worried that Pei would escape from him.

"If you are not sincere, then..."

What Jiang Yan means is that Pei Pei will not obey his instructions, and the secret cabinet will not cooperate with her.

Pei Anan immediately cut off Jiang Yan’s words: "I will arrange Lu Yu into the Golden Knife Association as soon as possible."

Since Mr. Jiang will personally meet with her, this means that Mr. Jiang has an intention to cooperate with her.

For the great interests in front of us, it is impossible for Pei An to let go of such an opportunity.

Moreover, Mr. Jiang just wanted to insert Lu Yu'an into the Golden Knife Club and there was no conflict of interest for her.

At this time, she and the goal of the Dark Court are consistent.

As long as the two sides start to cooperate, then for her, she will only get more things.

Under such circumstances, Mr. Jiang and her are only taking what they need.

Pei Anan was immersed in his own thoughts and did not notice the reaction of Jiang Yan and Ye Chu.

The next second, Jiang Yan and Ye Chu looked at each other.

The gallery is so quiet that everything is hidden in the cool air.

The threat has been achieved and cooperation has been set.

It's time to take the next step.


The next day.

Pei An and Ye Chu went to a fragrant hall of the Golden Knife Club.

There are provisions on the Tao, if there is no introduction of people to open the incense hall, it is not a full member of the gang.

Pei Anan led Ye Chu to see her gold knife will trust the men.

In this process, the natural use is the pseudonym of Ye Chu, Lu Yu.

Of course, Grandpa is not involved. On this occasion, he will not be present.

The ceremony was completed, and after the introduction, Ye Chu left from Pei An.

In the long alleys, the darkness is extremely extreme. The summer sun passed through the silence, as if it had faded.

Mo Qinghan stood there, his eyes falling in front.

A woman turned her back to him and walked forward.

He couldn't see the woman's face, only that her back was slim and her back was straight.

Mo Qinghan blinked and looked.

Although he has never seen this person, he feels that she has some incomprehensible familiarity.

Mo Qinghan did not move, still looking at the woman.

There was a man in front of the woman, and the man was carrying something.

The man’s hand was a little heavy, and he didn’t pay attention to the road. He didn’t look at it for a while and almost hit the woman.

At this time, the woman seemed to walk in a few steps inadvertently, avoiding the person.

Mo Qinghan blinked.

He could see that the woman's skill was excellent, but she was subconsciously hidden.

Mo Qinghan took the corner of his mouth.

It seems a bit interesting.

Mo Qinghan's twilight fretting, if he remembers correctly, there is one person as well.

There are distinct strengths, but they must be hidden and secretly plan other things.

Somehow, he remembered the girl who was going to lie.

In the mind of Mo Qinghan, Ye Chu’s face suddenly appeared, his face was cold and his face was cold.

Very clear.

Every time I try to test with her, the two are always tit-for-tat.

Even if the two faces are not revealed, there is a hidden edge in the speech.

Mo Qinghan thought silently, the air seemed to be quiet.

In the quiet alleys, the sky is so cool that it seems that the sunlight is isolated from the outside, with a hint of coldness.

Mo Qinghan is dark and dull.

If this woman is really Ye Chu, what is she coming here for?

After a while, Mo Qinghan slowly turned and walked in the other direction.

Ye Chuwei lowered his head and walked straight ahead.

When I came to the street, the light became hot and the heat came up.

Ye Chuben was thinking about something, and suddenly she noticed someone approaching.

Her body is tight and she is alert.

A dark voice sounded and scattered in the air.

"Your things are gone."

Ye Chuyi, look up.

The front seemed to be covered with a layer of shadow, and a person walked slowly and stood in front of her.

Ye Chu’s heart is tight.

Under the bright daylight, the person's face was illuminated.

It was Mo Qinghan.

Why is he here?

Ye Chu’s hand hangs down and hides in the sleeves. She clenched her fist and was ready to shoot.

Her face has not changed, still calm.

Mo Qinghan reached out and placed a black pen in his hand, shining in the sun.

He looked at Ye Chu and his eyes were a little dark.

This woman's face is extremely strange, not Ye Chu.

But she does not rule out that she has made it easy.

Mo Qinghan opened his mouth: "Is this pen yours?"

He wants to know if the voice of this woman is the same as Ye Chu.

Mo Qinghan's look is dark and unclear.

Ye Chu’s eyes are cold and cold, and she knows that she must never reveal her identity.

Mo Qinghan is deeply thought-out, and every step he does has a purpose.

Ye Chu glanced at the pen, and then she raised her head.

Ye Chu did not speak.

The air is very quiet.

She looked at Mo Qinghan and shook her head, indicating that the object was not her own.

Ye Chu no longer looks at him and walks forward.

She turned her back to Mo Qinghan, but she did not relax in her heart.

Ye Chu walked quickly and left here.

Mo Qinghan did not move the steps, he stood silently, watching her back.

He did not hear her voice and could not know her identity.

The light is silent and calm. The sky was as if it was dull, with a hint of oppression.

After a while, Mo Qinghan turned and left the street.

When leaving, Ye Chu thoughts surging and thinking about one thing.

Sure enough, as Lu Huai guessed, Mo Qinghan was very close to the Golden Knife because of his grandfather.

In this way, it was indeed Mo Qinghan's handwriting that Qin Qin was arrested by Betten Road.

Mo Qinghan’s forces were overhead, and at this time he had a relationship with his grandfather. What did he do?

After leaving Pei’an, Ye Chu returned to Ye Gongguan.

When she went back, the easy face on her face had already been exhausted and she had changed her clothes.

However, when Ye Chu stopped the car, he found someone waiting for her at the entrance of Ye Gongguan.

Ye Chu got off the bus and closed the door.

He ran over: "Miss Miss, you are finally back."

Seeing that he was in a hurry, Ye Chu asked: "What happened?"

"The old lady asked everyone to go back to the Ye Family House." He said, "Mrs. and the lord have passed."

Ye Chuxin is tight.

What happened? She remembers very clearly that there has never been such a thing in her previous life.

丫鬟 Continue to say: "If Miss Two is back, go to the ancestral hall of Ye Family."

Ye Chu nodded and turned back to the car.

She frowned and drove to the Ye Family House.


The summer is thunderous and the sky is getting darker.

Distinct or day in time, the sky is gloomy, rolling clouds, sweeping.

Ye Chu walked quickly toward the temple.

It’s already dark and it’s going to rain.

The road to the ancestral hall is empty, and the Ye Family House is even quieter.

The summer heat is exhausted, and only the thunder is heard in the distance.

Ye Chu’s steps were anxious, and the color of sorrow floated between the eyebrows.

The temple was shrouded in a tree shadow, standing silently, as usual.

She went in.

The Yejia Temple is quiet and unusual, and the atmosphere is solemn.

Ye Chu’s footsteps disturbed the silence of this dead silence.

Mrs. Ye looked up and looked up.

Ye family has arrived, it is time.

"I want to tell you one thing."

Mrs. Ye’s hand was pinched, and the whitish knuckles revealed her nervousness.

Many years ago, she and Ye Chongnian had not come to Shanghai.

There has been a thing that has caused two people to regret their lives.

They have owed money and tried to make up for it.

After all, it doesn't help.

Now, the things that have been concealed for many years will be open to the public in front of the Ye family.

Her mood is like a dark cloud over the window.

Even if it was unintentional, even if they did not find out the truth, it caused the consequences today.

Mrs. Ye opened her mouth.

At this time, the heavy rain fell over the sky.

Outside the ancestral hall is a rain curtain like a waterfall, which isolates a cold world.

The wind and rain slammed into the ancestral hall, as if sneaking into the secret.

"We Ye Family..."

In the old voice, there is an indescribable pain.

"I owe a life."