MTL - Rebirth of the Strongest Female Emperor-Chapter 2670 I don't like 01158 (3)

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Chapter 2670, Section 01158, I don't like it (3)

"Ye girl... don't like me to do this?" Ling Yan stared at Ye Qingyi, thoughtfully.

"I don't like... Lingyan, I don't agree with you to do this, and don't say another one. Let me talk about Ayao. She treats me like a sister. Even if we haven't seen it several times, she can. Helping me, even thinking that I am her twin sister, you let me promise you to calculate Ayao sister, let her die in advance, sorry, I can't do it!" Ye Qingying stares at Ling Yan, tone Unparalleled and determined.

What has been the way she has been in her heart these years?

Supporting her to go down is nothing more than a life control, she never believes that the **** is destined, she only knows... I am ordered by me... not help!

It’s a fate that has been destined to be born, and it’s a piece of fate when you are born... All this is not the day!

It’s what she said!

Your own life should be your own.

"Ye girl, you think, I am very vicious." Looking at Ye Qingyan, Ling Yan asked softly.

Do not give Ye Qingzhen the opportunity to open, Ling Yan stared at Ye Qingyi, smiled slightly: "The life of others, and what to do with me, as long as the leaves girl does not hinder, the death of others, naturally worth it, for me, this world Everything, even the heavens and the earth, can be regarded as a chess piece, but Yeah is not the only one."

Ye Qingwei: "..."

"Whether, since Ye girl does not like my approach, then I will not do it." Suddenly, the words of Ling Yan turned.

“Really?” Looking at Ling Yan, Ye Qing’s look was a bit strange.

"A word of Jiuding." Ling Yan laughed.

"The only chance is that this time, if Ye girl gives up, then there is only one final method." Ling Yan's gaze looked toward the top of the void.

"Let the big yellow dog help?" Ye Qingyi looked at the huge yellow dog who was still eating for the yang in the distance. It took a long time, and Liyang didn't even have a hair...

"I mean, fighting with the sky...there is endless fun." Ling Yan mouth slightly raised.

As the voice of Ling Yan fell, Ye Qingxuan seemed to see that the Emperor of the Cangjie stood on the void, and the whole body was surrounded by thunder, and that sentence was full of joy and joy.

For a long time, Ling Yan and Cangwu Emperor seem to be two extremes.

The Emperor of the Cangwu is not afraid of all things, but why is heaven and earth? I laughed from the horizontal knife to the sky, even if the gods of heaven and earth are ignoring the eyes.

However, Ling Yan is a completely different extreme. He regards heaven and earth as the chessboard, and everything as a chess piece. Just hiding in the darkness, you can count everything, eclipse the heavens and the earth, and make everything tremble.

Lingyan has never had any daring existence. As long as it can achieve his purpose, all the pieces can be abandoned. Human life is a joke for Lingyan.

However, what Ye Qingqi did not expect at all was that Ling Yan gave up the calculations for others just because she did not like it.

"Ye girl, now I, do you like it." Ling Yan stared at Ye Qingyi, his mouth was light.

Hearing this statement, for a time, Ye Qingyi did not know how to deal with it, and even some inexplicable lost.

Soon, Ye Qingying’s gaze and the spirituality were opposite, and the two were opposite each other.

Ye Qing’s lips and teeth are slightly open, and he seems to want to say something.

However, it has not been able to wait for Ye Qing’s opening, a hot and lustrous glow, but it is instantly exploded.

"Be careful."

Suddenly, Ling Yan’s arms were slightly raised, and Ye Qingyu was taken into his arms and retreated toward the rear.

(End of this chapter)