MTL - Reborn in Brazil As a Plutocrat-Chapter 10 start a company

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  Chapter 10 Starting a Company

In a Sichuan restaurant in Chinatown, Fang Lang and Wan Chongxin were feasting on the three dishes and one soup on the table. After completing the transaction, Fang Lang expressed that he would treat Wan Chongxin to a good meal. Of course Wan Chongxin would not refuse such a good deed.

"Mr. Fang, you said that there is still a big business to take care of me. I don't know if you can talk about it now!" For this transaction, Wan Chongxin directly got a sum of fourteen dollars from Fang Lang. The agency fee, plus the fifty-dollar reward offered by Mr. Valentine, totaled sixty-four dollars, which is equivalent to two months' wages of ordinary American workers. Wan Chongxin was already very satisfied, and it would be even better if he could make another deal.

   "Mr. Wan, I don't know how much income you have every month now?" Originally, Fang Lang was also considering whether to find a tobacco dealer directly and buy a batch of cigarettes directly. It is better to make this business a long-term business. If it is a long-term business, Fang Lang must ensure that there are special personnel in charge in the United States and Italy, and it is best to be able to operate as a company.

  Originally the biggest problem was that Fang Lang had no manpower to be in charge of business development on both sides, but this time Wan Chongxin's performance satisfied Fang Lang, so he wanted to give him a chance.

"Uh! Well! To tell you the truth, Mr. Fang, I won't hide it from you. The deal you made for you this time is my first pot of gold. It turns out that I do some odd jobs and have no formal job, so I'm even more I don't have a fixed income." This question made Wan Chongxin a little embarrassed, but he didn't hide anything, he still told the truth.

   "Then if I set up an import and export trading company in the United States, how about you come and work for me?"

   "Aren't you in the military? Do you still have time for business?"

   "I'm not an American soldier, what does it matter?"

   "If I work for you, what will I be responsible for? How much is the salary!" Wan Chongxin has no choice but to be an intermediary. If he can have a stable income, he certainly won't mind.

"You just need to help me, purchase the goods I need according to my requirements, transport them to the warehouse for storage and management, and then clear the handover with the pick-up personnel I arranged. The weekly salary is eight dollars, if you do well You will be rewarded."

   Wan Chongxin thought about it for a while, then nodded and agreed: "No problem! I am very happy to work for you."

Hearing that Wan Chongxin agreed, Fang Lang was also very happy. This means that in the future, there will be a special person in charge of purchasing in the United States. Even if he does not come to the United States next time, Wan Chongxin can be notified after purchasing Own. Then arrange for Captain Cross and the others to help carry the goods to Italy, and set up a branch in Italy to be responsible for receiving the goods and then selling them to the Gambino family. Isn't this a complete trade route?

   "Okay, then you and I will get acquainted with the tobacco market in the United States today. Tomorrow, I will set up an import and export trading company and sign a formal employment contract with you."

In this way, Fang Lang, accompanied by Wan Chongxin, spent an afternoon running around the tobacco dealers in the United States, and learned that the main force selling on the market is mainly British American Tobacco's Lucky Strike brand cigarettes, and Reynolds Tobacco Company's Camel brand cigarettes surprised Fang Lang that Marlboro cigarettes stopped being supplied to the market for some reason.

After agreeing to meet at Wan Chongxin's home the next day, Fang Lang returned to the Charles Joss in the dark. At this time, everyone on the ship was already there, and they were loading and unloading the cargo while discussing enthusiastically. , How much money did you raise, and how much money did I borrow.

  Everyone greeted Fang Lang very enthusiastically when he came back, and Fang Lang responded enthusiastically one by one, and told everyone that he will collect everyone's investment tomorrow morning, and let everyone take turns to find him at breakfast tomorrow.

  After getting a clear answer, everyone stopped surrounding Fang Lang. Fang Lang approached Captain Cross and asked him to discuss whether he could introduce some other captains to him.

"Mr. Captain, what I mean is that if my business can succeed this time, then every time you go to and from the Atlantic Ocean, you can organize the crew to raise funds or go to the place I gave you to pick up the goods, and then I will go to Italy Arrange people at the port to receive the goods you shipped directly at three times the price, and turn this business into a long-term business, what do you think?"

   "Fang, of course there is no problem. You are creating income for all of us. How could we refuse?" Captain Cross stroked his beard with a smile on his face and smiled.

   "At that time, if you have captains of other fleets you are familiar with, you can also let them participate. My demand for the quantity of cargo is that the bigger the better."

"Oh! Is it really possible? But we'd better keep a low profile on this kind of thing. If we go too far, it may attract the attention of the military police, and it will be very troublesome." Although Captain Cross was very happy, he still Fang Lang warned in a vigilant low voice.

  Fang Lang also kept Captain Cross' warning in mind, and couldn't help but think that it seems that he needs to get a little relationship with Commodore Neo Jackson, otherwise he will be very passive when he is checked.

   There was nothing to say all night, and the crew dragged Fang Lang out of the warm bed before dawn the next day. Fang Lang could only pick up the notebooks one by one, and recorded in detail how much each person invested.

When everyone's investment was concentrated in Fang Lang's backpack in the end, Fang Lang was also taken aback. With his own funds, he raised 55,000 US dollars, which greatly exceeded Fang Lang's expectations. He thought he could have Thirty thousand US dollars is already an astronomical figure. It is unexpected that these American soldiers can raise such a large amount of money.

   After receiving the investment, Fang Lang took his weapon, put his backpack on his back carefully, found Wan Chongxin, and went to the US company registration office together to register a company called Global Trade Import and Export Co., Ltd.

  Arranged Wan Chongxin to rent a warehouse near the wharf as an office and storage place. He started purchasing cigarettes non-stop again, because Fang Lang had to go out on his own to understand the market price and avoid being pocketed by the purchasing staff in the future because of the first purchase.

   Being so busy, he finally shipped all the goods to the warehouse the next morning. Looking at the warehouse full of cigarettes, Fang Lang began to encounter difficulties. The cigarettes are not big, but they take up space! Wouldn't it be embarrassing if the luck didn't go away?

   Fang Lang, who had no other choice, finally brought Captain Cross over to confirm the quantity of the cargo. Captain Cross was also dumbfounded at so many cigarettes. There are simply not so many places to load on the ship! Where is this entrainment!

  In the end, there was really no other way but to ship all the goods to the ship first and talk about it. After all, this is a business invested by the entire ship.

   In this way, when the Charles Joss finally set sail, almost every corner was stuffed with cigarettes, and even the crew's lounge was stuffed with cargo.

   Fortunately, this is the common property of all crew members, otherwise it might be thrown into the sea by everyone halfway. Especially when crossing the Atlantic, the convoy was attacked by German Navy submarines. But generally speaking, I crossed the Atlantic Ocean and returned to Italy without any risk.

   On the way back, the U.S. military lost more than a dozen Victory ships, but fortunately, the Charles Jose returned to the port of Naples smoothly.

  (end of this chapter)