MTL - Reborn Russia As An Oligarch-Chapter 15 in trouble

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   Chapter 15 Trouble

  On January 6th, everyone got up early in the morning, because everyone made an appointment yesterday to go to the big market today.

  No one cooks breakfast, mainly because it is troublesome. Everyone eats some bread and some milk to cope with it.

   In another day, the school will start, so today's action is the last collective action for everyone before the school starts.

   Around nine o'clock, Zhou Yuan came over and called everyone to prepare to set off together.

   It is said that you can take a taxi, but the fare is a bit high. Besides, they are nine people, and they have to take three taxis.

   Even if he was as generous as Zhou Yuan, he didn't dare to ask everyone to take a taxi.

   However, there is a bus stop in front of the dormitory area. Almost any bus can go to the nearest subway station, which is quite convenient.

   Everyone dresses like a bear and wraps themselves tightly, even girls who love beauty are no exception...

   Soon we waited for the bus, and everyone got on the bus in a row. The buses here are relatively new large-scale buses, and it is good to sit. Student tickets are especially cheap, and it only costs five rubles to the subway station.

   In addition, there is a minibus like Iveco here, the fare is more expensive, and it costs 20 rubles to get to the subway station.

   The bus ride here is paid by the number of stops.

   Compared with the bus, it is cheaper to take the subway!

  Student tickets are only five rubles, and you can sit anywhere, even if you don’t come out of the subway station for a day, you can take all the lines once.

The subway stations here are a few years old. Most of them were built in the Soviet period, but they are very distinctive. Each subway station has a different decoration style. Some are like European-style palaces, and some are like art museums. It looks beautiful.

  Seriously, Wang Ye never took the subway before he came to Moscow…

   He is from a small county in the Central Plains, and he has no chance to take the subway.

   Even coming to Moscow to take a plane, it was his first time…

  Wang Ye still remembers that in his "previous life", after he came to Moscow, everything he saw was very fresh.

   From a small county town in China, suddenly coming to a big city abroad, it is completely a bumpkin entering the city...

   But now, he is obviously no longer the one he has never seen in his previous life.

   I have lived and worked in Pengcheng for so many years, and I have been to most of the world's metropolises, and I have already seen the world.

   Now look at Moscow in 2001, it's a bit inconspicuous...


   As soon as he entered the subway station, Zhou Yuan began to remind everyone.

"When you get on the subway, if there are many people, try not to sit. Here, on public transportation, you must give up your seat to the elderly, children, pregnant women, and disabled people. Otherwise, those old ladies will really point at you. Nose reprimands you, they are very nosy. In addition, there are really many elderly people here, so we basically don't bother to sit, because if we sit for a while, we will definitely give up our seat..."

   Everyone nodded their heads to show that they had no opinion. When people go to unfamiliar places, they will become more qualified and polite...

   There are a lot of people in the subway station, but it is still not as crowded as the domestic subway station. The space in the car is relatively loose, and you can even see empty seats.

  Because of Zhou Yuan's instructions just now, everyone consciously did not find a seat to sit, but gathered at the connection of the carriages, talking and laughing without feeling tired.

  Young man, standing for an hour is nothing.

   Before you know it, you will arrive at the destination, Izmaylov Metro Station. After leaving the station, walk a distance and you will reach the big market!

   This side is obviously much more lively than Wang Ye's school.

   As soon as I got out of the subway station, it was crowded with people, and there were many cars on the road.

   "Let's go, walk along this road for about ten minutes and you'll reach the market." Zhou Yuan said lightly, obviously he had been here more than once.

  Everyone followed closely behind him and walked towards the market.

Before he had gone far, Zhou Yuan suddenly lowered his voice and said: "Everyone, stop talking, there is a greyhound ahead! Maybe we will check our passports in a while, if we are checked, don't say anything else, only All you need to say is that you are a student of Youda University!"

  The so-called "grey dog" refers to Mao police...

  Because they all wear gray-green uniforms, and they are rather annoying, especially Chinese businessmen hate them.

   These greyhounds get excited every time they see Asian faces, and they will definitely stop you from checking your passport.

   If you have a problem with your passport or visa, then you are in big trouble!

   Even if you have no problem with your passport and visa, it is not necessarily trouble-free, because there are always more ways than difficulties, and you can always find a reason to trouble you...

   In the end, they just bully you who don’t speak the language and are unfamiliar with life and want to “extort” some money.

   This kind of thing, basically every Chinese who has been in Moscow for a while will encounter it, and no one can be spared.

   Of course, if your identity documents are complete and your Russian is good, then chances are you won't have any trouble.

   After all, as a poor student, Greyhound is not completely unreasonable, and generally it will not be difficult for you.

   But if you come here to do business with a business visa, then I'm sorry, you basically don't want to leave without some "blood".


  Whatever they are afraid of, their eyes lit up when the two tall and fat greyhounds saw Wang Ye and the others.

   After exchanging a few words, he walked straight towards them.

After    walked in front of him, he said, "Stop! Take out your passport!"

   Seeing that he couldn't escape, Zhou Yuan could only bite the bullet and said in his relatively poor Russian: "Hello, we are college students, from Friendship University."

   As a result, he was completely ignored, and he just repeated, "Passport!"

   At the same time, their hands were already on their waists, and they came out on duty, but they were armed with live ammunition...

   There is no way, Zhou Yuan can only turn his head and say to everyone: "Take out your passports, turn directly to the visa page, and check for them, it should be fine."

   Fortunately, Wang Ye and the others brought their passports with them when they came out, because before coming, the intermediary had emphasized over and over again that when they arrived in Moscow, they had to bring their passports whenever they went out!

  Otherwise, there is a real possibility of being caught in the game, this is no joke!

  Liu Xiaojie and the others did not dare to come out. They quickly took out their passports, turned to the visa page, and waited in line for inspection.

Zhou Yuan handed over his passport first. He had been here for a while. Passport, visa, and student ID cards were readily available. A greyhound looked at it carefully and found no problems at all. Plus Zhou Yuan also had a student ID card, so he was indeed a college student. .

   His face softened a little, he closed his passport, and said to Zhou Yuan, "You can go."

   But when he checked Wang Ye and the others, the man's expression changed.

   He picked up a piece of paper in his passport and said, "This thing is useless!"

  Because Wang Ye and the others have just arrived in Moscow and they are in time for the holidays, so the visa on arrival has not been stamped, and now they are only getting a temporary visa issued by the school.

   Obviously, this gave the Greyhound an excuse to do something...

   (end of this chapter)