MTL - Record of Mortal’s Journey to Immortality: Immortal World-Chapter 1315 One good idea

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"Several guest officers, the shop is doing serious business, and some of you also sit down and enjoy the show, so as not to disturb everyone's sexuality." The shop's second one came over and persuaded.

"We went into your restaurant and paid for the wine, that is, Grandpa. You can do whatever you want, and roll them aside." Another rogue jumped out, grabbed the shop's second clothes, and squinted his eyes.

"Some guest officials are also talking about it, but you are so troubled and scared away the guests. How can our restaurant business continue? A few people seem to be face-to-face. They are foreigners. The owner of our restaurant is The chief officer of this city, the guest officer, has to think about it, and it is not a good thing to offend our owner. "The shop's second is not afraid, said unhurriedly.

Several rogues set their sights on the young man in Chinese clothing.

"Golden officer? That's Jin Fugui's nagging. He is just a little steward of my Jinlong's gang and dare to call him an official in front of Master Ben." The young man in Huafu sneered, still holding the Tsing Yi Girl, as if holding a little white rabbit.

"You guys from the Golden Dragon?" A little panic appeared on the second side of the shop.

"Blind your dog's eyes, this is the only son of King Long to help the owner." The rogue clutching the store's second man slammed his hand and threw the store's second man to the ground.

Dian Er was stunned, lying on the ground afraid of getting up, his body trembling.

The youth in Chinese clothes looked at the girl in Tsing Yi, and the throat knot rolled a little.

Women see him a lot, but such a young and delicate little beauty is rare to see.

"Cough! Get everyone out." The Huafu youth roared.

The rest of the restaurant changed their faces at this moment. Wherever they needed to be rushed, they fled downstairs and fled downstairs. In the blink of an eye, they left only Han and Ziling in the distance.

"You don't want to ask for trouble yourself, so get out of here." A rogue shouted at the two.

At this moment, Zi Ling turned into an ordinary-looking woman, which did not attract the attention of those rogues.

Han Li's eyes were cold, and the audience just listened to the book, reminding him of his memories from a long time ago. He seemed to have realized it, but was interrupted by these people.

"Despair." He hummed softly, and bounced the chopstick cage on the table.

The chopstick cage moved slightly, and then calmness returned.

Sudden blood splattered on the hands of several rogues, and each person had a chopstick inlaid on his wrist and passed through.

"Ahhh!" Only a few people reacted at this moment, screaming with their wrists.

The youth in Chinese clothing is also the same. His wrist was pierced by chopsticks, and the girl in Tsing Yi was released.

The girl stared blankly at the scene in front of her, then hurried to the storyteller and helped her up.

"Let's go." Han Li stood up, took out a small ingot of silver money, put it on the table, and walked downstairs.

Zi Ling smiled slightly and got up with her.

The two storytellers feared revenge on the young people such as Huafu, and they hurried down the stairs.

The Chinese youth and others were in pain and did not stop them.

"Engong, please stay still." Han Li and Zi Ling just stepped out of the restaurant and the storyteller grandson and grandson caught up.

Han Li's face moved and he stopped.

"Thank you very much for your help today. If Xiao Cui falls into the hands of those people, there is only a dead end." The storyteller thanked Han Li.

The girl in Tsing Yi knelt down, and thanked Han Li for the first time.

Han Li was about to get them up, his face suddenly moved, and there was a strange color in his eyes.

"Brother Han?" Zi Ling asked softly.

"It's just a matter of raising your hands, the two don't have to be so polite." Han Li's expression immediately recovered, waving his sleeves, and an invisible force lifted the two bodies.

The two looked at Han Li's eyes, showing awe.

"These people seem to have a lot of power behind them. You should leave soon. I can save you once, but not the second time." Han Li said.

"Those people are the people of the Golden Dragon Gang. The forces of the Golden Dragon Gang are all over Tiezhou. If they are going to get revenge, where can we escape." The storyteller showed a tragic face.

"The accent of the two of you is different from that of Yushan City. They should come from outside. Where is your hometown?" Han Li asked.

"My grandfather and I are from Gyeongju, and we fled here because of famine in our hometown," said the girl in Tsing Yi.

"Gyeongju? Is there a place where two rivers run side by side?" Han Li asked with a frown.

"Yes." The girl in Tsing Yi froze and nodded.

"Where is your hometown in Gyeongju? Tell me in detail, and the environment around your home, and describe it carefully." Han Li asked with narrow eyes.

The girl in Tsing Yi and the storyteller looked at each other, hesitated a bit, and told them about their hometown and the place where they lived.

"That's the case. That thatched house with a big willow at the door is yours." Han Li chuckled.

As soon as the girl in Tsing Yi stayed with the storyteller, what they just said did not mention the willow in front of the door. How did this person know?

"Let's go, I'll take you home." Han Li waved his sleeves, a golden light shrouded the two, and then lightened slightly.

The eyes of the two were suddenly filled with golden light, and the entire body became extremely light, as if floating in the air.

The next moment, their feet immediately stood on the thick ground again, the golden light around them disappeared, and the vision restored.

Only the surrounding situation has changed greatly. It is not Yushan City, but appears in a small village near the lake.

Han Li and Zi Ling disappeared.

Not far from the two are three thatched huts. A lush large weeping willow is planted at the door, and the willow leaves sway with the wind.

"This is our hometown ..." The girl in Tsing Yi and the storyteller were stunned, rubbing their eyes hard and couldn't believe everything in front of them.

"It seems that the famine in your hometown has passed. There is some money here. You should live in your hometown in the future." Han Li's voice came quietly from the top of his head, and then a piece of silver fell from the sky and fell into the hands of the old man.

"Thanks for the help of the immortals, my grandparents will definitely establish a longevity position for the immortals in the future, worship day and night!" The storyteller responded with a spirit, and worshiped in the void.

The girl in Tsing Yi also hurried to her knees, scratching her head again and again.

In midair, Han Li and Zi Ling stood in the air.

"Brother Han, I didn't expect you to have such a chivalrous heart, not only saved their grandchildren, but also sent them back to their hometown." Zi Ling said with a chuckle.

Han Li did not speak, but closed his eyes, it seemed to be sensing something, and a look of joy appeared on his face.

"Brother Han, why is it so rejoicing?" Zi Ling was surprised to see Han Li's appearance.

"Zi Ling, I have found an opportunity to cut out the good corpses." Han Li opened his eyes quickly, and said the corners of his mouth slightly tilted.

"Really? What's the chance?" Zi Ling asked, surprised and happy.

Han Li didn't speak, pointing at the two below.

"You mean to help others, and it will help you to sense good corpses?" Zi Lingmei's eyes flashed.

Han Li nodded with a smile.

Before, he accidentally helped the following grandchildren to get rid of the entanglement of Jinlong and several others. When the two thanked him, he sensed that an intangible and intangible thing was entangled in himself, making him feel the bottleneck of the good corpses in his body. A little loose.

As for Han Li's return of the ancestors and grandsons to his hometown, just to verify his feelings, when the two thanked him for the second time, another invisible force spread.

But for some reason the second invisible force is much less than the first.

"Yes, helping others is doing good. I remember Brother Han you said that because you do n’t know the true meaning of 'good', you ca n’t sense the good corpses in your body. By helping others, you can deepen your understanding of 'good'. , And then help to cut the good corpse. "Zi Ling is also a smart person, and immediately understood the truth.

"That's it. Now that we have found a way, it's easy to handle." Han Li chuckled, and then the huge consciousness spread rapidly, spreading in all directions.

Now that he has reached the sixth level of divine refining, the power of consciousness has increased again, and the scope of his investigation has also increased greatly. He has shrouded a small area of ​​the Flying Wing Fairy.

Han Li's refining divine skill reached the sixth level, not only the scope of the spread of the consciousness increased greatly, but also the accuracy was greatly improved. Within his range of consciousness, countless monks, as well as the actions of mortals, counted in his eyes. Like them, there are many people who are bullied.

He drew a gimmick, and a golden ray of light emerged, covering the two.

Lei Guang flashed, the two disappeared without a trace.


Flying over Luzhou, a group of masked robbers stopped a team of dart cars on a mountain road. The two sides fought fiercely.

The number of robbers was large, and a surprise attack was carried out from a dangerous point on the side of the mountain. The dart car guards soon lost their lives. Only the bossy old man led the last two dart divisions. Bucket.

"Ah," "ah," two screams, and the last two darts counted a knife and fell into a pool of blood.

There was a tinge of pain in the eyes of the burly old man, but he did not stop. The ghostly sword in the hands of the mad dancer, slashing light, forced all the robbers around.

"Xian Zong, the people in your flying tiger dart board are dead, and you are not hoeing for mercy. The uncles are happy, maybe they can spare your life." Outside of the war circle, a tall robber holding a double knife laughed.

"Three robbers, if you want to kill, Xiangzong is standing tall, will I bow my head to you and other bandit generations!" At this moment, the burly old man has been injured in his left arm and has been bathed in blood for half a body.

"Okay! It's not that it's the chief dart of the flying tiger dart board. It's extraordinary. It's just that you must not only have the demeanor, but also know the current affairs. Since the chief dart is anxious to die, then I will complete you!" Tall robber He sneered and waved his hand.

Several robbers next to him took a step forward and each took out a three-foot long crossbow from the back. The crossbow box was loaded with a dozen arrows and aimed at the burly old man and pulled the organ.

The sound of "嗖 嗖" is loud!

Hundreds of arrows burst out, like a rain cover to the burly old man.