MTL - Record of Mortal’s Journey to Immortality: Immortal World-Chapter 17 Elimination

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"The real person is careful, the bone knife is very powerful, and the red robe is dead under this knife!" Miss Seven reminded her.

When Shiraishi saw the bone knife so powerful, he was already shocked. When he heard the words of Miss Seven, his face changed even more, but when he thought about Han Li, he gnawed his teeth and spurted a snake-shaped flying sword. A reminder.


The blade was black and light, like a black scorpion, wrapped around a bone knife.

The evil spirits of the young man’s mouth sneered with a sneer, and the law changed in the hands.

The bone knife is so bright that it slams.

The black sword light "squeaked" and shattered, and the serpent-shaped flying sword broke into several pieces and fell down.

At the Shiraishi Road, both hands rushed, and a blue-colored shield with the shape of a copper coin flew out and greeted him.

The bone knife is slightly sloppy, but the power is not reduced, and it is on the cyan shield.


Although it was a little difficult, the bone knife still split the cyan round shield into two halves, and a slight meal, then the knife light once again flourished and continued to go to the old road.

The old road was shocked, and with the cyan round shield resisting the gap, the body shape flashed behind Han Li.

If he changed to do it before, he would not be able to fight with the evil youth, but he could still do it with him. But now he has a powerful magic weapon that he was almost destroyed when he played against Han Li. He could not resist the bone knife.

The knife flashed, and it appeared in front of Han Li in the blink of an eye. The Moran cold light came again, and he planned to split Han Li and Bai Shizhen into four.

"Predecessor..." Shiraishi shouted.

Han Li looked indifferent at this time, but the next moment with one hand and one hand, the golden glow of the palm flashed, a golden scale appeared, and the five fingers caught the lightning.

The sound of "铿" sounded softly!

The dazzling knives and the sounds of ghosts and sorrows disappeared, and the gray-white short-blade, which was several inches in size, was caught in the hands of Han Li. It was like a small fish that stretched and bounced between fingers, but it was never able to break free.

"How can it be……"

The evil spirits of the young people’s eyes are almost unbelievable.

This shank knife looks ordinary. In fact, his elders in the family spent a lot of precious materials, imitating the imitation of the Zongmen Zhibao "Heavenly Ghost Knife" refining, the power is great, is the master of the late Dan, nor nor Dare to scorn his edge, at this moment, he was caught by the palm of his hand.

Everyone else at the scene was stunned and his mouth grew tall.

"Liu Shi..." Miss Seven is also a shocked face, looking at the beauty of Han Li's beautiful flashes.

Bai Shizhen also looked dull. Although he guessed that Han Li might be able to block the bone knife, he did not expect it to be such a heavy weight.

The strength of this "Korean predecessor" is how powerful!

He was amazed by his horror.

Fortunately, when the two men played against each other, Han Li did not have a heavy hand, otherwise he has no life now.

In addition to the excited face of Liu Xiaoer, Liu Leer did not feel too surprised. "Stone brother" was originally very powerful in her eyes, it is not surprising to do anything.

"This kind of low-level evil treasure, I have not encountered it for a long time." Han Li glanced at the object in his hand, after a faint sentence, the five fingers suddenly closed.


The mini bone knife was instantly blasted and turned into a little gray light.

"Do not!"

The evil youth suddenly turned white and spurted a blood on the spot.

This knife is his magic weapon, and it is destroyed at the moment, which is equivalent to cutting off one arm.

"You dare to destroy my treasure, then take it to fill it!" The youthful eyes are very venomous, with both hands screaming, screaming, a black gas erupts around the body, and a dark cloud is condensed in the blink of an eye. There are countless fuzzy ghosts, and shadows appear.

Not only that, the evil youths flashed three times in a chest, and squirted three bloods. Each time they squirted, their face was pale. When the three bloods were sprayed, their faces were pale as paper, and a trace of blood was also No.

The blood is exported, and it suddenly turns into a large **** fog, which is integrated into the black cloud.

The black cloud instantly turned into a blood cloud, and it violently rolled over and expanded several times. The vague ghosts inside were also solidified several times, making a screaming roar.

The evil spirits of the young body shrink, silently into the blood cloud.

All this is complicated, but it is just a blink of an eye.

In the moment when the whole house appeared in the blood cloud, it suddenly felt like a sudden fall in the cold cave, and the temperature plummeted.

Even with the repair of Shiraishi's real people, he also slammed a cold war, and quickly ignited a white-lighted jade-like treasure, covering himself and Liu Leer not far away, and retreating far away.

The black men and the rest of the family and the three worshipers were frozen and pale, and the body trembled.

Liu Leer instantly felt that the body was cold, but then it was warm again, and a white mask protected it.

However, it is Shiraishi who does not know when he has appeared beside him, and spurs a jade-like treasure that flashes in white light, and shields it.

Seeing the girl looking over, the old road also smirked a smile, and protected the girl and retreated to a dozen feet.

Han Li looked at the blood cloud in the air, but after revealing a strange look on his face, he suddenly reversed a boxing to a nearby void.


A faint ghost flew out of the void, but screamed in midair and turned into a burst of gray fog.

However, at the time, Han Li’s body was screaming, and several black chains shattered like snakes, and Han’s whole body was **** in an instant.

Then a gray man with two hands slammed out from the other nearby ground, which was another companion who had appeared in Mingyuan City together with the evil youth.

The breath that this person exudes is still above the evil spirits, but the whole body is covered by a black ghost. The two seem to fit together, and their bodies become translucent. It seems to be able to blend into the void at any time.

"Haha, Master Fan is coming right, destroy this guy with me!" The wild laughter of the evil spirits came out in the blood cloud, and then there was a word in his mouth.

The hurricane is rising, and the blood cloud is rolling like a huge wave.

Han Li no expression, standing in the same place, did not move, let the blood cloud cover his own roll.

The ghosts in the blood cloud are filled with bloodthirsty rays, picking up fangs and screaming, and it seems that they want to divide Han Li.

Evil youth see this great joy.

These blood souls are made with special secrets. Between the spirits and the entities, it is extremely difficult to kill. As long as they are wrapped around them, they are like the bones of the skeleton, and they are only killed by the living.

"No matter who you are, dare to fight against my genius, you will be devastated!" The gray-clothed man was surprised to see that the hidden ghosts that were driven by Han Li were seen in advance, and at the moment they also said cruelly.

Then he was swaying, and he was strangely appearing in the top of the blood cloud. Above his hands, two huge black ghosts emerged. The claws lingered around the green light, giving off a stench, which seemed to be highly toxic. , grab it down.

"Brother!" Liu Leer saw this scene, and he had to rush to the past.

"Can't go! Han's predecessors are vast, and there are definitely ways to get out of trouble." Bai Shizhen was shocked and pulled Liu Leer.

Even though he said something, his heart was a bit embarrassed. Suddenly he came to a strong enemy. It seemed to be more difficult than the first one. I don’t know if the "Korean predecessors" can really cope.

In the distance, Miss Seven and three of them are enshrined, and their faces are also changed. Everyone’s heart mentions the eyes of the blind.

Han Li snorted, but he did not see any movements. The body suddenly sounded a burst of firecracker-like sound, and his body shape suddenly rose a lot, and a golden scale appeared on his body.


He just shook his shoulders, and the black chain wrapped around him immediately broke off and opened. After the arms were blurred again, the dense golden fists appeared, and the storm rushed toward the surrounding area.

The sound of "砰砰" is endless.

The black ghost claw touched the golden fist shadow slightly, and immediately the broken and fragile crash of the porcelain was broken. The gray man was also hit by countless punches in the sound of the sound. The black ghost on the body immediately shattered and the figure was broken. The sacks flew out, and the flesh and blood were smeared on the ground. Even the flesh and soul were broken and there was no sound.

At the same time, the whole blood cloud together with the ghosts inside was also swept away by the golden fist shadow, revealing the figure of the evil youth in the thunderous sound.

He was at the moment, but after a pair of Han Li's cold eyes, he suddenly became a stimulating spirit.

Han Li saw this pair of eyes and suddenly took a deep breath, his chest bulging, and then squirting.

"嗖", a white light shot from his mouth, just under a flash, it did not enter the dark cloud.

After a screaming scream, the black cloud suddenly collapsed, and a body with a **** hole on the head fell from the sky. It was a sinister youth.

A silence, the needle can be heard!

"Sword repair..." A small voice suddenly sounded, I don't know who sent it.