MTL - Reincarnated in the Alternate World, I’m A Demonic Lord as Well as a Villager-Chapter 92 Lena is fine, but I have to be right!

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  Chapter 92 Lena is fine, but I have to be right!

  Thirty minutes later, on the bed, the blond elf sat up slowly, panting with her ruddy mouth.

  The girl slowly took off her clothes to cover her lower abdomen which had disappeared from the magic circle and turned back to smooth and white, but was slightly rosy by Xia Mi's touch.

  I don't remember how long I have been warm, it seems that when Xia Mi first touched her, his body was always hot.

  The blond girl felt that her face was still hot, but it was not as hot as it was at first. Her two slender legs were pressed against the bed, and the hem of her skirt fell around like petals. She looked at Xia Mi.

  Xia Mi had already left the bed, opened the curtains of the balcony, sat on a bench, and looked at the scenery outside the balcony with emotion.

   "What an unforgettable study, Lureya... I was completely intoxicated by your stomach just now..."

   "Tell someone's stomach to be like food!"

  The elf girl whose pretty face was still reddish moved her pointed ears, and after pouting, she quietly fell silent.

  The girl is still intoxicated by Xia Mi's technique.

   Indeed, the little belly was very comfortable to touch, and coupled with the influence of the magic circle, the stomach was warm during the whole period.

   "It's really hard to forget... I felt unclean after being touched by the devil for 30 minutes."

   "Then use [Self-purification]."

  Xia Mi looked over.

  The blond elf raised her mouth again.

don't want!

   Sometimes, studying the smell left by the devil on his body is also a way to analyze the weakness of the devil.

   "Yes, it was successful..."


  Xia Mi nodded and got up from the chair.

  The research just now has indeed achieved the desired effect.

  However, how to actually use it still requires actual combat.

   However, his attention has now been switched to other things.

  During the bedtime just now, Lureya vaguely talked about the Envoy, and Xia Mi thought of the 1/2 [Envoy Connection] he got recently.

   I can just talk to Lureya about this matter.

   "Lureya, there is a situation I want to explain to you about the connection of the magician."


  The blond elf raised his head slightly and looked at Xia Mi.

   "The reason why the two of us were able to sign the contract is because of [Magic Envoy Connection], the demon king's exclusive ability. Recently, I may get a second chance to sign a magic envoy."

   In front of this stupid elf, Xia Mi had nothing to hide, and he confessed directly without beating around the bush.

   "It's so unfair! Why can the elves only have one contract object!"

   Lureya became dissatisfied.

   "The point is not here. I want to say that I plan to use this ability to sign a contract with the second person."

   Xia Mi said, feeling that he might be a little more cautious in his next words.

   "In short, you may have a new partner."

  The blond girl stayed on the bed for a while.

   "Eh? The second magus?"

   "Yes. That's right." Xia Mi nodded, "I think you are also a member of our camp now, if you suddenly need one more person, I'd better discuss it with you in advance."

   Lureya was quiet for a while.

   "According to the documents I read in the library, the previous demon kings would have many demon envoys... But signing a contract is entirely your business, and it is useless to discuss it with me."

   Having said that, a flash of light flashed across the head of the elf girl, and the girl felt joyful in her heart. She put her hands on the bed, and her upper body couldn't help shaking happily.

  The Demon King will only discuss with the mistress of this family about such a big matter that is related to the top strength of the demon clan, hahaha, she really has the status of the mistress!

   "Well, since you have decided, I can only agree. Who is that person?"

  The elf girl raised her blond hair with her small hand, with a determined expression.

   "You should be familiar with this person. It's Lena."

  Xia Mi smiled slightly.

   "Lena, she's an old acquaintance, a white-haired human warrior, indeed a material for becoming a magician..."

   Lureya stroked her chin, her voice drawn out.

   "Don't pretend you don't know each other well, you were playing sandbag throwing together in the open space yesterday!"

"Wait, Lina seems to say that she has been promoted to level 1, and she is already a level 73 great swordsman! Good! If Lina is also a magician, then maybe there is no need to run away when other adventure groups attack us !"

  The elf girl got excited, stepped on the bed with her two white feet, and raised her hands in celebration.

  Xia Mi thought that the flat golden retriever would protest, but he didn't expect to accept it so quickly, and the prepared remarks were in vain.

   "Hmm. I thought so too."

  He nodded in relief.

  But the next moment, Luleiya jumped out of the bed, and within a few steps, she was already in front of Xia Mi.

   "No way! If it's Lena! It will definitely get worse!"

  Luleia grabbed Xia Mi with both hands, and pressed Xia Mi on the bench with the strength of the elf girl miscellaneous fish.

   "Are you going to make a ○ pattern on someone's stomach again?! The devil king is too evil! He really corrupted the brave girl! Then you can justifiably touch Lina's stomach, pervert!"

  The elf girl's blond hair fell on both sides of Xia Mi's shoulders, and Xia Mi saw the panic expression on the elf girl's pretty face.

   "I don't know what the point of what you said just now is... But didn't you say it well just now, Lureya."

   "But...but that person is Lena..."

   Lureya froze for a moment, and hesitated herself.

   It's not that Lina is bad, but the girl panicked herself.

  Because of being a demon envoy before, I always felt that my relationship with Xia Mi was more special because of it. Even if Lina and Xia Mi had an Ome relationship that I knew earlier, I didn’t feel afraid.

   But now, if Lina also becomes a magic envoy, the two are completely equal, and Lina can still become the [Ome Demon Envoy]!

  Although I don't know what to panic about, I just panic!

  The blond girl slowly clenched her small hands into small fists.

   "Are you worried about something?"

  Xia Mi looked at the Flat Elf.

  Worry doesn’t have a special place in your heart, how can you say that.

  The blond girl turned her face aside.

"I do not know either!"

   "I don't know why you're still so arrogant!"

  Xia Mi complained.

  But he probably guessed the heart of the flat golden retriever.

   "Lureya, I think our relationship is the most special. Even if Lina has become a magician, I still think our relationship is a little more special."

  The blond girl is still stubborn, her little face does not return to normal.

   "You're just talking..."

   "Of course not. Think about it, the two of us are not a simple magic contract, but a super complicated two-way soul contract that was completed under extremely special circumstances."


  Lureya turned her head gradually, her emerald green eyes looked down at the weak Demon King who was being pressed down on the bench by herself.

"I also won your spirit contract, didn't I? The majestic devil king turned out to be the spirit of an elf girl. This kind of thing is the first case in the history of elves. It is definitely the most exciting thing in the whole academy when it is said! "

   "First of all, if you don't talk about this kind of thing, can you tell it? The spirit contract has never played any role at all!"

  The elf girl felt it was unfair when she mentioned this matter.

   She has always been played by Xia Mi, and she has never gained the initiative!

"Maybe one day it will be possible? After all, you really signed the contract with me using the spirit contract." Xia Mi said seriously, looking over solemnly: "From this point of view, I am actually yours, Lu Leia."

   One sentence blocked the little mouth of the elf girl, and moved the little face of the elf girl three times.

   First he blinked his golden eyelashes in a panic, then his eyeballs turned left and right a few times in a daze, and finally he tried his best to make himself appear normal and pursed his small mouth.

   Lureya, who was a little shy, couldn't say anything else.

  It is true that the Demon Envoy has always belonged to the Demon King, but from Xia Mi’s words, it seems that she is also the Demon King’s master.

  Xia Mi's words let the elf girl find a new spiritual sustenance.

  That’s right, although she’s an envoy like Lina, she’s also the master of the devil king!

  In any case, the relationship between her and Xia Mi will always firmly occupy the unshakable NO.1 position of the word [special]!

   After confirming that the special relationship has not changed, the elf girl has no other worries.

  Lena is quite cute, although the weakness of having too **** is obvious.

   But getting along with Lina is also very harmonious. Lina also looks stupid and cute, easy to bully, and she is strong and very secure.

  But don’t you think there is a problem missing?

  The elf girl felt weird.

  However, after the logic module got rapprochement, I didn't expect that the elf girl in [The Hero and the Demon King's three-day and three-night agreement] had a much happier expression, and let Xia Mi go.

   "Okay, Lena is fine, but what if I'm the number one!"


   "If you want to get the Four Heavenly Kings of the Demon Race, I want the most powerful position!"

   "Ahahaha Lulea, you can really must be you."


the other side.

  The white-haired girl is collecting objects in the slime lair.

   "Hi~ Excuse me~"

   This is the last lair of the first batch of slimes that Xia Mi spread out.

   After the white-haired girl cat enters the cave, she uses the luminous spar as a light to see the slime hiding in the corner.

   "I'm a newcomer, Lina. Has Xia Mi told you? I'm here to see if you have collected anything."

  The white-haired girl was very polite, because she also had the magical aura lingering on the little hand given by Xia Mi, which quickly made the slime relax her vigilance and rub against it like a puppy.

   "Hey, actually I thought slime was cute before, but because he is a brave man, he can only crusade and dare not touch it at all."

  The white-haired girl touched the slime with both hands, and after a while, she began to check the collection of materials in this lair.

"Five gold coins, this is chocolate, not gold coins. There is also a shovel, a pair of black stockings, Miss Skeleton should want it, I also took it away. There is also a broken crystal bottle, um... don't pick this one up Yes, it's rubbish."

  Although it was Xia Mi's first assignment to do this kind of task, the white-haired girl did a good job, not only collecting the materials, but also handling the relationship with the slimes.

  Nowadays, the prestige of the white-haired girl in the slime group is almost equal to that of the golden-haired elf.

  After Lina collected the materials, she began to observe the environment around the cave.

  Because it is a single slime lair, the cave is not big, about the size of a carriage.

   But the surroundings are not very smooth, the stones are uneven, and without lights, it is pitch black, even if a candle is lit, only a faint light can be seen.

  The white-haired girl's eyes flicked around, her pretty face blushed, and she took a deep breath.

  Hey, the environment is so dark and sealed, it’s much better than the atmosphere in the car. If you come here with Xia Mi after killing all the heroes and adventurers, you can play the narrow room prisoner ○PLAY with two people~

  The white-haired girl ran away dejectedly.

   "Goodbye, Slime, I may borrow your place when the time comes~"

   After waiting in front of the slime cave for a while, a portal appeared, and Xia Mi walked out from it.

   "Is it all done?"

   "Yeah!" Lina hurried over and approached Xia Mi: "It's all done!"

   "That's good. Let's go back to the clearing first."

   "Yes." The white-haired girl stood shoulder to shoulder with Xia Mi, looking over with indigo eyes, "Does Xia Mi like slime's lair?"


  How could Xia Mi feel disgusted by the cave he built with his own hands?

   "Me too. It feels like this kind of cave is like a prison... It feels so good... Even if you scream loudly, you won't be heard..."


   "I, I mean, the sound insulation effect of the slime cave is very good, even if there is a party inside, it will not affect the people outside."

  The white-haired girl waved quickly.

   "Generally, no one would choose to hold a party in that kind of place, Lena."

"Feel sorry…"

   Xia Mi, who was confused by what he heard, returned to the open space and closed the portal.


  Inside the village.

  The black-haired magical girl leaned under a tree in thought, circling information from all sides in her mind.

  Elf Lureya: Are you talking about that humanoid race? Sorry, I don't want to mention him.

  Brave Lina: Mr. Theo seems to have a diary dedicated to observing sheep...

  Villager Xia Mi: Theo, recently he has been getting very close with the widow at the head of the village.

  Other villager A: …

  Through the observations of the past few days, and other people's evaluation of Theo, the magical girl Sairi has obtained a rough judgment.

  In the entire village, the most abnormal person in xp is you, the villager named Theo.

   At this time, the old village head of Yili Village ran over.

   "Miss Magician, can I trouble you to go for a walk? I have an important commission and I would like to ask you."

  The eyes of the black-haired girl silently glanced at the hands and feet of the old man.

   is not locked up.

  But it is still prudent to explain one thing in advance.

   "If you want to use my magic to open the lock, no matter what lock you open or whose lock you open, please allow me to refuse."

   "Miss Magician seems to be a bit prejudiced against the influence of this village. How can anyone do such a thing?"

  The village head, Lu Ge, who had been discovered by the old and dizzy-eyed, did not notice that move at all, maintaining the image of the village.


   "It's a very important matter. I'm afraid only you, Ms. Magician, have the ability to solve it. If you can, please come with me." The old village chief Lu Ge asked with an old expression.

  Sai Li thought for a while, nodded slightly, and followed.

  The destination is a tavern.

  Although it was daytime, the door of the tavern had the word closed, and it was very quiet inside, apparently discussing some important matter.

  After Sai Li walked in, she found that there were already three people sitting in the tavern, all of whom she knew.

  Besides Dill, the tavern owner who was arranging the wine rack behind the bar, the remaining three people were the elf girl Lulea, the white-haired brave Lina, and the villager Xia Mi.


  Who do you think is the main palace?

  A: Tablet Elf (Declaration: The identity of the main palace is generally qualified to be the first to come. And they are the oldest!)

  B: White-haired Brave Man (Declaration: Does Zhenggong mean a character who can be at any time for three days and three nights? Then I want Zhenggong!)

  C: Magical Girl (Although she is still single at the age of 20, has 0 love experience, and all ○ knowledge comes from extracurricular books, but it is still easy to get the position of the main palace from the hands of two little girls.)

  D: Obtuse angle (Declaration: Am I eligible to run too! o(Д)っ!)

  ps: Voting results will not affect any plot. But you will get the honor [First Popularity Vote Winner], activate this honor, and there is a chance to get a limited swimsuit in the swimsuit section—OK stretch!

   Didn't expect that! There is also a swimsuit in another world!



  (end of this chapter)