MTL - Return of the Dead [Holo]-Chapter 29

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How many steps does it take to deal with a three-meter-high rabbit?

three steps.

Draw the sword, kill it, draw the sword.

When such a huge rabbit fell to the ground, the movement was no less than the shock caused by the collapsed house during the earthquake. Standing in front of the corpse of this huge rabbit, He Yu's mind suddenly popped up for some reason. This kind of cold joke came out, and the most frightening thing is that this kind of cold joke is still reality, it is too magical.

Originally, He Yu was thinking that he would kill these little rabbits quickly, and then turned around to help Mo Ran. After all, this three-meter-high rabbit was too eye-catching both in terms of momentum and attack strength. Yes, but what he never expected was that before he finished killing the little monsters on his side, Mo Ran had already dealt with the rare elite monster over there.

What speed is this?

Is the person he met really a dead person like himself? Why does he look so...

Even when He Yu was still organizing his words, he suddenly heard such a world message ringing out. At the same time, the golden font unique to the first kill slowly slid across the world channel, in a dead silence On the world channel, this news seemed to blind everyone's eyes, and it seemed that the world channel was extremely quiet.

"Congratulations to player Mo Ran for killing the world boss Six-Clawed Hare King. They will receive double reward items and 800 controllable achievement points. Their names will be recorded in history."

He Yu has also gone through a few first kills. Although he never speaks on the World Channel, every time after the first kill, various people in the World Channel will jump out to speak, gossip, envy and hatred Well, it doesn't matter if you watch and eat melons, it will be very lively anyway, but today is different.

Even if this news has completely disappeared in the world channel, and no one in the entire world channel spoke, at that moment, He Yu even had a feeling that only he and Mo Ran were left in the whole world.

This time the continent's plate changes are global. The main manifestation of inland areas like them is earthquakes. After experiencing such a large earthquake, I am afraid that no one will care about being on the World Channel now. .

Exhaling a breath, Mo Ran jumped directly in front of the loot box, and opened it without thinking.

Like this first kill, rare item

Six-claw ring: A ring made of the hardest phalanx of the long-haired rabbit's six claws.

Attack: 12-15.

Strength +7, Dexterity +8, Stamina +5, Speed ​​+3.

Jump: After it is turned on, you can jump 10 meters in any direction, and the cooling time is 5 minutes.

Looking at this ring, Mo Ran was a little surprised. She did not expect that such a not-so-difficult world boss would drop equipment with speed. You must know that this attribute itself is unique to high-level dungeons. It is rare in the wild, not to mention that this ring also has an active skill of jumping, which is really a good thing for escaping.

She put the ring on her finger without even thinking about it first. Before she could study it carefully, at this moment, a row of faint blue fonts suddenly popped up in Mo Ran's visible comprehensive channel area——

Race channel: Congratulations to the dead player Mo Ran who kills the world boss six-clawed hare king. He will receive double reward items and 800 manipulable achievement points. Their names will be recorded in the history of the dead.

Did the race channel come out at this time?

In the previous life, when Mo Ran came back to her senses, all the channels had already been fully constructed. At that time, she could clearly see news from different channels such as the world channel, race channel, local channel, etc. , these channels correspond to each ethnic group.

As the name suggests, the World Channel is a channel that can be seen by all surviving players, and everyone can post world news, but the primary launcher has a limit of ten posts per day.

As for the racial channel, it is more straightforward, that is, the channel that can only be seen within each race. Humans have special channels for human races, and the same is true for the dead, orcs, and elves. This channel is invisible to other races. It seems It's quite confidential, but Mo Ran knows that in fact, there are often some traitors who will leak the news of this race channel after receiving money.

As for the local channel, it is a channel in the corresponding region, and speaking on this channel will be seen by all people in the same region.

Under these three relatively large channels, there are of course some sub-channels such as guild chat channel, friend channel, and team channel. Speaking of it, there is really no big difference from online games before the end of the world. .

If there must be a difference,

In the initial stage of the end of the world, there were no racial channels, which actually meant that the various races had not yet been fully formed at that time, and when the racial channels appeared, it actually meant that all races had already appeared in "Tomorrow". Whether it is the dead, humans, orcs or elves, they all appeared in this world.

The more it is at this time, the more important it is to seize the territory in advance.

If a race wants to develop, it is directly related to having a well-equipped main city that is easy to defend and difficult to attack. It seems that the dead suffered such a loss in their previous life.

Because their racial characteristics are too similar to human beings, too many dead people mingled among humans at the beginning, and missed the opportunity to build their own main city. In the end, it can only be with humans, that's why the main city was penetrated at the first time in the stage of grabbing the territory.

Without the main city, it means that many facilities will also disappear, such as advanced weapon forging, advanced skill trainers, advanced mage towers that can be teleported everywhere, etc. These things that can only be found in the main city Followed by nothing.

Losing these NPCs who can improve their own strength, the dead embarked on the road of wandering, the more they wander, the more they become a piece of sand, the more they become a piece of sand, the less they can improve their overall strength...

Many things in the world are like chains, interlocking, and all demise is actually doomed.

The events of the previous life passed quickly in Mo Ran's mind like a movie. She didn't know if relying on her own strength could avoid the doomed ending of the extermination of the dead this time, but she wanted to try.

Otherwise, would it be any different if only he survived?

So, she sent the first message of her rebirth in the channel of the dead.

Mo Ran: Are there any other dead?

The light blue font quietly appeared in the channel of the dead, and continued to spread upwards. Finally, because of the quietness of the channel, it disappeared slowly, leaving only a piece of silence, like her heart that was barren and long grass.

It wasn't until the message she sent completely disappeared in the channel that Mo Ran closed the channel message. She took a deep breath and walked towards the rabbit's body. dagger.


With a light jump, she jumped onto the six-clawed rabbit king's body, found the skin on the back of its neck, and stabbed it expressionlessly.

Although Mo Ran has not systematically learned the skinning technique yet, it is very easy to cause damage when peeling the skin, but, as she has done this kind of thing every day in her previous life, the skinning action has become the instinct of the body. It is easy to get used to and succeed after a little groping.

After she peeled half of the skin, He Yu also came up. He also had a dagger on his body, but instead of helping to peel the skin, he chose the fattest and tender part of the rabbit's body and cut it off, ready to take it with him. go back to eat.

After all, the dry food that Luo Chen brought to them had been lost somewhere during the earthquake. No matter how little the dead ate, basic life needs were still necessary.

The two of them did their own thing without disturbing each other, and the silence continued to spread between the two of them. Just when the silence seemed to freeze, Mo Ran heard He Yu's voice slowly rang out: "Just now After such a big earthquake, I think everyone is terrified, and those who have settled down are busy saving themselves, so it is normal that no one sees the race channel."

Mo Ran's hand stopped suddenly, and a warm spring breeze seemed to blow through her heart full of weeds in the barrenness, which made her hesitation a little more lively. She slowly raised her head and only saw He Looking at the back of the rabbit, he squatted next to the rabbit's hind legs, comparing which piece of meat was better.

"Don't worry, this kind of thing can't be rushed. We have a lot of time. We can search slowly, wait slowly, and we will definitely find it." He Yu turned around and looked at Mo who was standing on the rabbit's corpse. Ran, with a very bright smile on his dirty face, he held up the two pieces of meat that he had just cut, and asked cheerfully, "Which piece do you think is better?"

After a long time, whenever Mo Ran thinks of the situation at that time, she and He Yu are really in a panic at that time. There is thick dust all over her body, and her clothes are covered with dirt that she doesn't know if it is herself or a monster. Blood, mixed with dust, dried up, hardened and scabbed, no matter how you look at it, it doesn't match the glamorous first kill you just got.

But in such a dark night, in such a state of embarrassment

That was the first time she experienced the warmth from the same clan and the comfort from her fellow travelers after she had been walking alone on the road of the dead for many years.

It was also at that time that she finally realized one thing in a trance, everything had started all over again, she was no longer the last person insisting, she had a companion.

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-10-1107:46:14~2020-10-1206:44:29~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: Hi yao1;

Thanks to the little angel of the irrigation nutrient solution: so hi yao70 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!