MTL - Royal Road Qingtian-Chapter 35 Transformation for the first time!

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  Chapter 35 The first metamorphosis!

  Qin Fangyang looked at Zuo Xiaoduo carefully, and Zuo Xiaoduo cooperated to put on an awe-inspiring and upright look.

   "Although I haven't been with you for two days, I can say responsibly that you are!"

   After watching for a long time, Qin Fangyang came to this conclusion.

   Zuo Xiaoduo was speechless.

  Under Zuo Xiaoduo's repeated assurances, Qin Fangyang dubiously followed Zuo Xiaoduo to the school gate. At this time, there were not many people, and the road seemed empty.

   "It's over there..." Zuo Xiaoduo pointed.

  Suddenly I was stunned: "I'll wipe it! Where are people??"

  Over there, nothing!

Qin Fangyang looked at Zuo Xiaoduo as the black line on his forehead became more and more dense: "God Zuo, I've been teaching students for a day and I'm already very tired, especially when I meet a bad student like you, not only physically tired, but also mentally tired." Tired. You boys and girls' games...can you stop bothering me?"

   "No...that's not what it means." Zuo Xiaoduo panicked.

   "Finally, let me warn you again."

Qin Fangyang sighed and turned around: "The relationship between a man and a woman is certainly very attractive, and it is also the most difficult thing to resist at your current age; but you must remember that you are a warrior! Don't forget your self-motivation, you are A genius has the opportunity to be promoted to a very high level, but the prerequisite for promotion is not only talent, but also hard work, unremitting efforts!"

   "If a samurai has never encountered any misfortune, it is no problem to live to a hundred years old, to the extreme of the limit of ordinary life."

Qin Fangyang said: "At the level of a martial artist, it is even easier to live to the age of 120 or 30. Once you enter the Xiantian, the basic lifespan will start at 200. If you can go further and reach the realm of Danyuan... a thousand years of life, any You squander it, and after that... that realm is too far away for you, but it is not impossible to live forever for thousands of years, or even to be immortal for tens of thousands of years."

"It's really unwise for you to get involved in trivial matters of love and love at this moment when you are laying the foundation... Normal women can only live for seventy or eighty years if they are full of effort, and, at the best time, they can at most maintain one Twenty or thirty years..."

Qin Fangyang smiled faintly: "Can you imagine that when you are a hundred years later, you will still be a good-looking talent, full of heroism, at most you will become a young and middle-aged image, while your wife will already be old and have lost all her teeth. that what it feels like?"

  Qin Fangyang's smile contained the unbearable vicissitudes of life: "Zuo Xiaoduo, you must be cautious about love, and you can't be too cautious."

  Zuo Xiaoduo opened his mouth and shook his tongue: "'s really not about this...I suspect..."

  Qin Fangyang waved his hand: "Hurry up and go home."

   After finishing speaking, he turned around and walked back to school.

  Looking at the back, it was full of unspeakable depression.

   "I'm really not like this..." Zuo Xiaoduo felt that he couldn't argue for a while, but when he turned his head, he saw that girl appeared again under the lamppost...

  Pink dress, leaning on the pole, looking at the phone, occasionally smiling, carrying a pink backpack...

  Zuo Xiaoduo frantically turned around and shouted: "Teacher! Teacher Qin! She's here! She's here again, she's really here! Ahhhh..."

  Qin Fangyang heard him scream miserably, sighed, had no choice but to sway, and hurried over.

   Hurriedly came to Zuo Xiaoduo, and asked patiently, "Where is it?"

  Zuo Xiaoduo pointed: "That!"

   Suddenly stunned!

  The street light pole is empty, where is anyone?

  Seeing this, Qin Fangyang finally couldn't contain the unknown anger in his heart. He staggered Zuo Xiaoduo with a finger, and said sharply: "You boy, be more honest!"

   Immediately, the figure disappeared, and this time he really left.

   "I was wronged..."

   Zuo Xiaoduo wants to cry but has no tears, wants to speak but has no words.

  Qin Fangyang went back.

   Zuo Xiaoduo was really a little numb to this weird situation, and a rather uncomfortable feeling lingered in his heart.

  If it’s okay for this woman to rob money, I don’t have any on me, but what if this woman wants to rob sex! ?

   Do you want to send a letter to Miss Xiao Nian? !

   But if nothing happens, what if she laughs at me and scares me?

   Just this one, enough for her to laugh for months!

  Unwilling, Zuo Xiaoduo stretched his head while holding the door frame at the school gate, only to find that the woman was still there.

  Zuo Xiaoduo quickly shrank his head back.

   "Fuck, it's really coming for me."

  Look at the wall, and then retreat quickly.


See it again.


   Stretch the head, shrink the head.

   Stretch again, shrink again.

   Zuo Xiaoduo, who had repeated so many times, became more and more uncertain.

  He can feel that this is a real crisis, so he should inform Sister Xiao Nian, this is a surefire solution.

  But... If I turn to Miss Xiao Nian for everything, am I too useless? Sister Xiao Nian is not leisurely now, she is at the critical moment of breaking through the bottleneck...

"Zuo Xiaoduo, don't tell me you have to seek outside help when you encounter troubles. You can't handle anything by yourself? Today, you still have Miss Xiao Nian to rely on, and you have someone to ask for help. Spread your hands and wait to die?"

  Suddenly, Zuo Xiaoduo felt a burst of anger in his heart, and used it to torture his own heart.

"After so many years, my family has lost track of how much money they have spent and how many favors they have given you in order to find a way to find a way to change your aptitude-changing medicine; Miss Xiao Nian, for you, did not hesitate to demean herself to pick up the medicine that others deliberately threw away... She didn't need to be like this at all, she could have been as proud as a phoenix from the beginning to the end, and she didn't need to accept anyone's charity!"

   "Just because of you, I have to let go of my self-esteem!"

   "What has this family been dragged down for you! How long will you drag it down?"

   "Could it be that you will let Miss Xiao Nian come to wipe your **** in the future?"

   Zuo Xiaoduo kept asking himself.

   "Rely on yourself, go your own way!"

   "Everything depends on yourself!"

   It was on this day that Zuo Xiaoduo, who had been under the wings of his parents and sister, suddenly encountered danger, and suddenly began his first transformation as a teenager.

   A change of mood.

  What should I do if I am in danger?

  I can't depend on others all my life!

   Face it, or get rid of it!


  Zuo Xiaoduo put his mind to one side, and walked out with a single step.

  However, one hand is always holding the mobile phone hidden in the trouser pocket. The number of Zuo Xiaonian has been called out on the mobile phone, and the finger is pressed on the launch button. If there is any danger, dial it immediately.

  It is one thing to face things bravely and solve them, but when it comes to truly irresistible dangers, it is still necessary to ask for help immediately!

  Protecting your personal safety is not only for yourself, but also for your family, for your parents and sisters. This is not hypocrisy, it is wisdom!

Zuo Xiaoda strode out of the school gate, and found that the girl in pink was still leaning against the lamppost, still fiddling with her mobile phone, it seemed that all her attention was on the mobile phone, as if she didn't see Zuo Xiaoduo coming out, and everything was out of her mind Heart.

  Zuo Xiaoduo made a look of liberation, and shouted excitedly: "School is over hahahahaha..."

  Xiang rushed out the door with great excitement, and rushed across the road in a flash, and when he turned a corner, he carefully checked that there was no follower behind him, put oil on his feet twice, and rushed towards the next corner like a rabbit shot by an arrow.

Although it seems that he has escaped from the threat range of the weird woman in pink at this time, Zuo Xiaoduo still has no intention of being negligent in his heart, and he has made up his mind. The roof jumps directly to the central arterial road.

  I don't believe that you dare to attack me in broad daylight on the main road with people coming and going!

   Otherwise, why don't you dare to make a move in front of the school?

  Zuo Xiaoduo rushed into the corner like a cannonball. The moment he rushed in, he even heard the whistling wind from the corner of his clothes, because he had already exerted his movement speed to the limit.

  But the moment Zuo Xiaoduo rushed into another corner, he saw the pink goodbye, and his heart skipped a beat.

  I was the first to start, and even exhausted my whole life, the speed could not be faster, but still not faster than this weird girl in pink.

And at this moment, the girl finally raised her head, and the moment the two formally met, Zuo Xiaoduo discovered to her surprise that the girl's eyes were actually gray; when looking at each other, it was as if he was facing a pair of dead eyes It seems that it is really indescribably uncomfortable.

   "Your name is... Zuo Xiaoduo?" The girl's gray eyes stared at Zuo Xiaoduo, and she couldn't see the agility of a living person.

"Miss sister, who are you?" Zuo Xiaoduo had an amiable face, and smiled kindly, showing his dimples, trying hard to make himself appear harmless to humans and animals, and said leisurely: "Miss sister, you are so beautiful, you must find me Is it a good thing? What's your name? How old are you this year?"

  The girl's gray eyes looked at Zuo Xiaoduo as if she were dead: "I've been looking for you for a whole day."

   "My wallet was stolen yesterday, and you helped me find it, thank you very much." The girl said seriously: "I should thank you face to face, both emotionally and rationally."

   Thank me in person?

  Looking at this weird girl with a dark air all over her body, Zuo Xiaoduo instinctively felt his scalp tighten.

   Something is wrong, there is a conspiracy!

  Alarm bells were ringing in my heart.


  (end of this chapter)