MTL - Salted Fish Doesn’t Want to Inherit Hundred of Billion Property-Chapter 135 fresh

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Of course, Qing Qin didn't faint in the end.

Qingqin can't understand the code or something. If it is a plan, it can still be done? Study it.

Current online shopping platforms can be divided into B2B, B2C, C2C, B2G, that is, business-to-business, business-to-consumer, consumer-to-consumer and business-to-government. Most of the current shopping malls, including Taomao and Jinggou, are B2B2C enterprises. In short, they are a supermarket that provides retail services to consumers or allows individuals to settle in to provide retail services.

Naturally, Qibao Mall also follows the tradition of its predecessors and adopts the form of B2C to establish a mall to provide retail services.

The web page style adopts the usual red and white colors of Qibao, click on it and launch it? A row of products for you to choose.

Generally speaking, no? There are no big mistakes, but there are no bright spots.

Qing Qin opened his mobile phone and took a look. He has many shopping platforms in his hand, not to mention the three giants, Taomao, Jinggou, Su Shi, which have deep roots and a good customer base? Sanyong, those who focus on fresh food, those who focus on flowers, those who focus on selling books, those who focus on overseas purchasing, those who focus on trading second-hand idle items, can be found everywhere.

These small platforms have precise positioning and excellent service, which perfectly complement the omissions of large platforms.

Can it be said that the online shopping platform that has just emerged is a huge ecosystem, and different companies have their own ecological niches in it, so that they can live in harmony.

If Qibao were to go to the giants from the beginning to provide comprehensive services, I am afraid that it would not start a wave, and the three giants would join forces to cut off their claws.

However, Qing Qin has seen the huge business opportunities behind this. On the one hand, Qibao was brought back to life by the development of online shopping channels. On the other hand, the process of Taomao's development into a behemoth also fell In Qing Qin's eyes.

This road is difficult, but the reward for the successful is the future of the Internet.

He put down the plan, knocked on the table, and asked the subordinates whose ideas always hit business opportunities accurately: "You are online, no, just go out? Go shopping, what is the first demand?"

The thief must see that he frowned slightly, and he knew that something was wrong, and he was reviewing in his heart? Why was the plan not written well? At the same time, he said: "That must be cheap."

"Anyway? It's also a person worth hundreds of millions," Makino complained, "I? It must be of higher quality, more and more abundant products, and also? It's immediate delivery, what? When it comes to receiving express delivery, it's as fast as receiving takeaway food."

"Oh." Qing Qin nodded, "So? Now Taomao has carried out four rounds of large-scale anti-counterfeiting activities and launched the official mall boutique, just to create a brand and attract more people. Customers who have high pursuits. Jinggou continuously strengthens logistics, optimizes supply chain, and drives innovation through technology, in order to meet customers' needs for speed and efficiency."

Although Qingqin is judging these two giants, the two standing here have unconsciously become nervous.

Sure enough, the next second, the handsome young man with a sick face raised his head, his slightly narrowed eyes like a thin blade, pierced into the bottom of people's hearts: "Do we have a platform? what?"

"Then are we going to compete with for the supply chain?" Qing hand-picked the plan, "To be honest, do we have enough electronic product suppliers?"

The thief will bow his head: "Is it me? No? Think carefully."

"If you want to be an online shopping platform, you must have a bright spot to let us break out of the siege." Makino also lowered his head, "Because the pattern of this field has basically been finalized, Maybe earlier? Possibly, now... me? I don't think much."

"So? Your bonus this month is gone." Qing Qin made a ruthless comment, or the reward and punishment should be clearly defined, otherwise these two or five boys would cause trouble for him at every turn.

"Then this project?" The thief raised his head pitifully, still holding an illusion about this road in his heart.

Qing Qin put away the planning book: "Don't worry about this matter, focus on now, after the press conference, we will hold an internal meeting, not only the executives of Qibao headquarters will be present. , Mr. Thief, and Mr. Ma, let them come over as well."

The press conference was successfully held, and the media who had been interested in this car accident for a long time asked questions. They just wanted to dig out some interesting things such as conspiracy of giants.

The public relations department had already made preparations for a long time, and gave Qing Qin a long speech, and then they felt distressed that their president ran out to work after he had recovered from a serious injury, and taught again It is a trick that will lead to misfortune, directly reject it, and then hand it over to the representative of the public relations department to speak.

The little brother who was just promoted from the public relations department nodded excitedly: "Mr. Qing, just sit there and pretend to be forceful? Leave it to me? No problem."

Qing Qin: It's so real, the media present will cry.

It's all about the promotion of Qibao products.

Media present:…

We? Aren't we here to discuss the grievances and grievances of the giants, why did it suddenly become a Qibao product launch conference?

And the official media who were present also got the news long ago, and their questions were extremely restrained, just to convey a message to the outside world: everything is fine with Mr. Xiaoqing?

The only difference is that at the end of the whole press conference, the last opportunity to ask questions was grabbed by a young reporter.

I don't know if I was fooled by the public relations department before, this person was excited for a long time, and finally got out? One question: "So Mr. Qing, after you return to Qibao, what will you do next? What project?"


He widened his eyes:!

The next second, Xiaoqing, who has never played cards according to the routine, held the microphone: "This is a good question, Qibao will launch a fresh delivery service next."

From three years ago, when many logistics giants started to deploy cold chain, the fresh food delivery service became more and more popular year by year. Among them, many fresh food companies such as Tiantianyouxian, Nuorenduo, and Xianxin?qing have just obtained financing, and the three major express delivery giants are all in the field of fresh food.

At this time, occasionally cross-industry, but generally sticking to one mu and three points of beverages? 's attention.

Even the official media are excited at this moment, handing the microphone forward frantically, just wanting to get a little bit of news.

Qing Qin was calm? He stretched out his hand to his lips to make a zipper motion, and Shi Shiran stood up: "I can't say what I need, and then Qibao Fresh's marketing department will blame me. ? Stealing their limelight, the press conference is over, thank you for your cooperation."

The bodyguards who had been hired for a long time rushed forward and transported their employers who made big news all the time.

This news was posted on the Internet less than three minutes after Qing Qin announced it.

"Qibao wants to enter the fresh food industry! 》

The specific content has not been released yet, and this title immediately aroused the attention of many people.

"What, is Dad Qibao going to enter the fresh food industry? It's not impossible, but I feel that the span between beverages and fresh food is ?

"It's not impossible, I checked the company structure of Qibao, they own 50% of the shares of the Jade Bird Alliance, which is also a giant in domestic fresh food logistics, and there are rumors that , All the ingredients in Qibao Canteen, the first civilian restaurant opened all over the country, are all supplied by the cold chain of Jade Bird Logistics."

"Does this mean that if I place an order for Qibao Fresh, I can make a delicious dish (bushi) that is as good as that of Qibao Canteen"

"Qibao is still good? Good? Let's make drinks, what are you messing with, do you have? The money is mine? It's fine to open a few more Qibao flagship stores downstairs."

"A little doubt that Qing has always broken his head. Is this a plan to play Qibao?"

"When it comes to fresh food, I still recommend Tiantian Youxian first. It has a good name, good meaning, fast speed, high quality, and can be delivered within an hour and a second in the same city."

At the same time when the Internet was shaking, Qibao's internal meeting was also held in the largest conference room of Qibao headquarters.

It seems to be a reappearance of the scene when Qing Qin decided to enter the liquor industry many years ago. Qing Qin stood at the end of the round table, put the documents on the table, and looked around at the eighteen high-level executives present.

Meng Yao suddenly felt a little sentimental, although she hated iron and steel most of the time, but overall it was right? Maybe this one made a mistake but really built a business empire? Xiaoqing is always quite dear, seeing him standing at the helm again in good health, he couldn't help showing a relieved, relaxed smile.

However, the next second, her whole body cracked.

Qing Qin is not asking for opinions, but telling him: "I have a simple idea, Qibao can be an online shopping platform, kill one of the three giants, open Online Mall New Three Kingdoms? Era."

This not only refers to the fierce competition among the current online shopping platforms, but also implies that after Qingqin entered the fourth round, Qibao's failure is the end of being divided up by everyone. "No, this time I am confident," Qing Qin already had his initial thoughts, "The first thing we need to do is to make a breakthrough in the area where the defense of the three giants is the lightest, that is, the three giants. The layout has just begun, and the fresh food aspect of the entire industry chain has just emerged.”

"Mr. Ma, do you have the confidence to defeat others in the fresh food logistics industry?" People are willing to go through fire and water for it, not to mention President Ma who has long received many favors from the Seven Treasures.

"No problem, we have 98 multi-temperature multi-functional warehouses nationwide, and professional cold storages in major prefecture-level cities across the country, and in every state There are 2~3 aquatic and seafood temporary breeding centers and about 5 processing centers in the center of the government.” He didn’t need to look through the documents to reveal the new data, “Qibao has been in the past three years. We have invested at least 40 billion in the Jade Bird Alliance, and it is time for us to submit the papers."

"Dr. Yan," Qing Qin turned to look at Yan Shen, "Can we build a smooth platform and plan logistics reasonably?"

Yan Shen raised his head proudly: "Of course, to be precise, in several developed cities, we can even achieve drone delivery, and the delivery time can be reduced by half. within hours."

Qing Qin turned around and asked about the origin of the fresh produce? At first, it was for the sake of wineries, and then for poverty alleviation targets. They were expanding their industries unknowingly. By the time they turned around, Qibao had already achieved a nationwide agricultural and animal husbandry layout, which could be achieved. Stable supply of fresh products.

And how? What is needed for supply, this has long been figured out step by step in the expansion process of Qibao Canteen.

"It turned out to be a small exercise at that time." Meng Wei sighed in a rare low voice. He lowered his head and wrote down this paragraph in his notebook: The layout is three years, just to win with one blow . Such patience and perseverance are the most glorious qualities of a generation of legendary entrepreneurs.

As Qingqin asked questions again and again, he was more confident in responding to the supervisor's answers. The whole meeting was more like a pre-war mobilization meeting than a discussion meeting. The room is filled with ? Can't wait to make a difference?

Meng Yao reluctantly found out that the general situation was over, and only hoped that when Xiaoqing would no longer be duplicitous, that magical luck would be able to reproduce.

He said: "I have an idea for our fresh food platform this time, group buying."