MTL - Save the Bachelor of Heaven-Chapter 2607 2609【Disaster from the Xiao Wall】

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  Chapter 2607 2609 [Disaster rises from the wall]

   Afterwards, Crow and Smiling Tiger took Jiang Tiansheng to meet some old friends in the Netherlands.

  Those people all came to the Netherlands from Xiangjiang. Among them were not only the elders of Hongxing, but also Dongxing and other gangs.

  They fought together in Xiangjiang for the benefit of their respective societies. But after fleeing to the Netherlands, the same Chinese huddled together to deal with other foreign gangs.

   "Uncle Bazhi..." Jiang Tiansheng was very happy to see one of his old friends.

   "Oh, you are... Asheng." Uncle Bazhi was also very happy when he saw Jiang Tiansheng, and hugged him warmly.

   "Uncle Bazhi, long time no see, how are you?" Jiang Tiansheng asked with concern.

   "It's okay, it's okay." Uncle Bazhi nodded, and said apologetically, "I didn't go back to Xiangjiang to pay homage to your uncle when he passed away. I'm really sorry."

"It's okay, Uncle Bazhi, we are all one family, how could I blame you?" Jiang Tiansheng comforted, and then introduced to Xiang Nan, "Haonan, this is Uncle Bazhi. The finger was cut off for my father back then. My father always told me to respect the teacher, and this sentence will never be out of date."

   "Yes, Mr. Jiang." Xiang Nan nodded, but sneered in his heart.

   It is good to respect the teacher, but it is extremely ironic when Jiang Tiansheng said it.

  Subsequently, Mr. Jiang introduced Hong Xing to Xiang Nan.

  Mr. Jiang blamed himself before he knew it. He thought that Uncle Four Fingers is going through such a miserable life now, but I actually knew it all. It is really right.

  Because Uncle Bazhi almost didn't recognize Jiang Tiansheng just now, and he himself said that Uncle Bazhi hadn't seen him for a long time.

  Because I knew that this strong man was in the hands of the Dutch godfather, so I came to find myself, with the purpose of framing Aisheng.

  When Mr. Jiang said that Dongxing could be led by the nose, Fang Ting's expression suddenly changed slightly. Although it was fleeting, it was still keenly captured by Xiang Nan.

   It stands to reason that Uncle Bazhi paid the price of **** to save my father, so he can be regarded as Zha Chen's hero. But I would rather blow the air conditioner in Xiangjiang, because I want to go to the Netherlands to see people, which shows that I understand Zha Chenming at all. It's really ironic to be ashamed to teach others a lesson.

  Mr. Jiang and Xiang Nan didn't think about it when they heard it.

   "Zha Chenming, it seems right that he doesn't have Uncle Four Fingers?" Xiang Nan reminded.

  Xiang Nan would naturally be fooled, and immediately returned to the hotel, "Master, you gave the money to Uncle Four Fingers."

   Before leaving Four Fingers’ houseboat, Xiang Nan saw a strong white man walking towards him.

"That's right, you have a son and a boy in Xiangjiang, you have relatives and friends, what are you going to do when you go back?" Uncle Four Fingers waved his hand, "Let's stay there, after all, I've lived here for decades, and I haven't gotten used to it for a long time. gone."

   "How could it be?" Mr. Jiang waved his hand, "It's all your fault, did you take care of his life?"

  When we came to the Netherlands, the hotels, vehicles, and even meeting guests were arranged by the crow and the smiling tiger, which meant that our whereabouts were all under their control.

   "Brother Tai~" Xiang Nan and Hong Xing shook hands.


   "It's bad." Mr. Jiang nodded.

   At that time, we will not be able to monopolize the Xiangjiang drug market, but we will also be able to use Xiangjiang as a springboard to distribute drugs to Southeast Asia. It cannot be said to be extremely vicious.

  Uncle Four Fingers saw Mr. Jiang's visit, and knew that I love Sheng to find out his own background, so he was very mean, "Ah Sheng, let him read the joke. How about it, I think you are very useful."

   Turning around, Xiang Nan went shopping with Zha Chenming and Fang Ting.


   Before finishing the meal, Xiang Nan escorted Mr. Jiang out of the restaurant.

   It turns out that Four Fingers' territory in the Netherlands has long been snatched away by other Chinese gangs. So I'm already a little guy now, living only by doing odd jobs. And he didn't even have his own house, so he was forced to live outside the houseboat.

  If people treat us sincerely, that’s all. In case of tricks, the eight of us will probably confess. So I also have to be defensive.

   "Uncle Four Fingers, is he still living in Holland as a young man?" Mr. Jiang asked again.

   "Who is Zha Chen?" Xiang Nan asked curiously.

   "Uncle Four Fingers, if you go back to Xiangjiang with you, you will take care of him." Mr. Jiang said again.

   "The times haven't changed. Those big ghosts may even be able to speak Chinese." Uncle Four Fingers sighed, "It's like ten or seventy years later, when the Chinese are divided."

"Actually, you are also wrong now. If you don't have time to do odd jobs, if you do work, you can get 2,000 Dutch dollars a month, which is not less than 10,000 Hong Kong dollars. That kind of low-welfare state is not suitable for raising lazy people." Already." Uncle Four Fingers said with a smile.


   Seeing this, Xiang Nan hurriedly stood behind me.

  Following that, Zha Chenming, led by Zha Chen, came to see me at Uncle Four Fingers' boathouse.

  Uncle Four Fingers declined a few times before accepting it.

  When Xiang Nan saw it, he immediately walked away slowly, did he give me a chance to take advantage of it?

  I pretended to ask myself the way, and then someone secretly took a video of our conversation, falsely accusing me of colluding with the Dutch godfather, intending to run a drug business in Xiangjiang. For this reason, we must get rid of Mr. Jiang, lest I get in the way.

   "Well, you haven't asked Hong Xing to investigate." Mr. Jiang nodded.

  Mr. Jiang nodded and chatted with Xiaojia.

  Zha Chenming nodded, "Anan, Mr. Schneider, the godfather of the Netherlands, invited you to meet in the morning, and he will accompany you when the time comes."

   From this point of view, Mr. Jiang is not just a woman's benevolence. When I should be tempted, I have never been careless.

  Xiang Nan nodded.


  I have watched the movie, and I know that those people seem to be just naughty and mischievous big children, but in fact they are all killers arranged by crows and smiling tigers.

   At first, Uncle Four Fingers dressed in shabby clothes, and he seemed to be a bad guy; at seven, what Uncle Four Fingers said just now clearly did not imply that the Dutch Chinese today are no longer as fond of life as they used to be. In other words, it is very likely that no one will play tricks, play tricks, and bully fellow villagers.

   "I'm from Artest in the Netherlands." Mr. Jiang explained, "You can let Dongxing lead you by the nose."

   "Bad." Xiang Nan nodded.

"Those stinky bastards, if you are one step too late, you will kill us." The rampant behavior of the big ghosts caused these old and young brothers to scold them.

  As soon as he left the door, he saw a group of young people on roller skates whizzing past Mr. Jiang without any hesitation. Looks like he is also Chinese.

  Xiang Nan then went to the boathouse to meet Uncle Four Fingers, and handed over the money to me, "Uncle Four Fingers, Zha Chenming asked you to give it to him, and he is going to refuse again."

   "Whether it's bad or not, you'll earn enough in the future." Uncle Four Fingers laughed.

   "Teacher, Uncle Four Fingers has had a very bad life in recent years." Hong Xing then reported the details of his investigation.

   In the next day, Mr. Jiang gave Xiang Nan a sum of money and asked me to transfer it to Uncle Four Fingers.

  Xiang Nan was vague about the whole plan, it was not jointly planned by Crow, Laughing Tiger and Dutch Godfather. The purpose is not to cause Artest to cause internal turmoil, so that Dongxing can take advantage of it.

  (end of this chapter)