MTL - Save the Bachelor of Heaven-Chapter 2609 2611【Great Rebellion】

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  Chapter 2609 2611 [Great rebellion]

  Fourteen hours later, the plane arrived at Xiangjiang Qide Airport.

  When leaving the airport, almost all the fit people from Hongxing’s twelve halls, including Big Brother B, Prince Edward, Han Bin, Shisanmei, Jige, Xinge, etc., were there to pick up the plane and waited for it.

   After Jiang Tiansheng got into the car, he returned to his villa under the **** of dozens of cars.

   "Go back to the house and rest first." After entering the house, he first told Fang Ting, and then took twelve fit people to the meeting.

  When Fang Ting saw this, her expression became a little stiff.

   Afterwards, everyone held a meeting in the study.

   "Mr. Jiang, it's great that you are safe and sound. We are all worried about you." Big Brother B said.

   "Thanks to Anan this time, if it wasn't for him, I would definitely not be able to survive this time." Jiang Tiansheng sighed, thinking back to this day, he still has lingering fears.

   "I said earlier that Anan is alert and agile, which is really good." Everyone laughed when they heard it.

   "Mr. Jiang, Dongxing Shuanghu is really too arrogant. They dare to fight you. If we Hong Xing don't show up, all the clubs in Xiangjiang will step on us." Brother Xin said again.

   "That's right, it's time to teach them a lesson." Everyone nodded.

   "I have given an ultimatum to the camel. He must hand over the crow and the smiling tiger, otherwise our Hongxing will go to war with Dongxing." Jiang Tiansheng nodded, "Everyone go back and get ready."

  Everyone nodded when they heard it.

"By the way, Mr. Jiang, you went to the Netherlands this time with such a secret itinerary, yet you were plotted against. I suspect that there is an inner ghost." Big Brother B said again, "If he is found out, he will be torn to pieces. "

   "That's right, whoever has the guts to betray Mr. Jiang, if he is caught, he must be stabbed and killed." Ji Ge also yelled loudly.

  Xiang Nan curled his lips when he heard this.

   This Brother Ji knows how to speak good things about Shunfeng, and when it comes time to use him, he is guaranteed not to fart.


  After the meeting, everyone left.

   Turning around, everyone in Xiangjiang Road knew that Dongxing Shuanghu plotted against Jiang Tiansheng in the Netherlands, and they almost didn't kill him.

  Now the atmosphere between Hong Xing and Dong Xing is tense, sparks are flying, and war may start at any time.

   "Dongxing Shuanghu are too arrogant, Jiang Tiansheng is also something they can afford."

   "That's all right now, if Hong Xing really reunites with Dong Xing, we'll have a lot of fun to watch."

   "Speaking of which, Dongxing is wrong. They are all seeking money. Why should they kill people?"

  People in the rivers and lakes are talking about Dao. In short, the atmosphere on Dao is very tense now.

  Xiang Nan was in a hurry to hold a meeting with Pheasant, Chaopi, Datian Er and others, and reiterated that he must be careful and not be careless.

   Now is an extraordinary period, and the two gangs may go to war at any time. At that time, but the sword and gun have no eyes, and they may die at any time.

  Everyone nodded when they heard this.

   At this moment, the pastor approached Xiang Nan, "A'nan, I ask you something, I hope you can promise me."

   "You don't have to be polite, pastor, as long as I can do it." Xiang Nan nodded.

   "It's like this. My daughter is going to preach in Yau Ma Tei. As you know, that is your territory, so I hope you will take care of her more." The pastor explained.

   "Now?!" Xiang Nan was taken aback, then waved his hand, "Pastor, this period of time is inappropriate. You may not know that our Hongxing and Dongxing are going to fight..."

  He told the story of Dongxing Shuanghu plotting against Jiang Tiansheng.

   "Hey, it's okay, someday you don't fight. She is going to preach, so she should be fine." The pastor waved his hand.

  The clubs also beat short mules when they started filming, rarely hurting innocent people. Besides, his daughter is so clever, even if something happens, she will run away immediately, how could something happen.

   "Okay then." Xiang Nan saw that he was so persistent, so he nodded and agreed.


  Lin Shufen then went to Yau Ma Tei.

  Xiang Nan was afraid that something would happen to her, so he specially asked two younger brothers to accompany her.

   And on this day, news suddenly came that Dongxing Camel was actually killed by the crow and the smiling tiger.

   It turned out that after Jiang Tiansheng was assassinated, he immediately sent someone to contact Luo Tuo and asked him to explain the matter.

  When the camel heard about this, he immediately contacted his brothers in the Netherlands, and immediately brought the crow and the smiling tiger under control, and then brought them back to Xiangjiang overnight.

  Just as he was about to hand over Crow and Smiling Tiger to Jiang Tiansheng, Crow and Smiling Tiger suddenly knelt down and cried bitterly, kowtowing to the camel to admit their mistake.

  Looking at him like this, the camel couldn't help feeling a little bit unbearable.

   After all, he is still relatively traditional in his bones, and he is more loyal. It's not that he has no choice, he doesn't want to hand over his little brother, so he is soft-hearted for a while and neglects to take precautions.

  When the crow and the smiling tiger came kneeling in front of him, they suddenly jumped up and held him hostage.

  The camel never thought that the crow and the smiling tiger would dare to hurt him, so he was caught without warning.

   "Crow, don't do stupid things, let go of Brother Luo~"

   "Smiley tiger, you still dare to commit a crime, let go of big brother~"

   "Crow, what are you doing, he is also your big brother~"

  All the hall masters in Dongxing were shocked when they saw this, and hurriedly dissuaded them.

"Fuck, what big brother, Ma De, I killed Jiang Tiansheng for the good of Dongxing. Not only did he not help me, but he wanted to hand me over. Since he is heartless, don't blame me for it. If you want me to die, I will kill him." I'll kill you first." The crow said with a grim face.

   "Don't come here, I'll kill him if he comes here." Smiling Tiger also shouted.

  The big brothers of Dongxing were all wary, so they had no choice but to stand still.

   Seeing this, the crow quickly hijacked the camel and left with the smiling tiger.

   But after he came out, he didn't let the camel go, but directly broke the neck.

  Anyway, for them, it is now a desperate situation. Based on what the two of them have committed, they will not have a good death in the future. If so, they will simply kill them.

   Moreover, after killing the camel, it can also cause internal chaos in Dongxing. At that time, everyone was busy fighting for the top position, but no one came to catch them.

  They can naturally take advantage of the opportunity to run away, and even a counterattack is not sure. In short, what they have to do is to muddy the water as much as possible. The muddier they are, the more they can fish in troubled waters.


   Knowing that all the leading camels in Dongxing were killed by crows and smiling tigers, fellow Xiangjiang Jianghu couldn't help being extremely surprised.

   "These two people are really deceiving their masters and destroying their ancestors. They are inhumane, and they even want to kill their elder brother?!"

   "Camel is really incompetent. It is the first person to die at the hands of my younger brother."

   "Dong Xing still wants to wrestle with Hong Xing. What kind of arm wrestling should he use? His own people will kill his own people first."

   "Dongxing has already offered a hidden flower, offering a reward of two million for their lives. Whoever can catch them will really get rich."

  Everyone talked about it.

   Not only felt that the crow and the smiling tiger deserved what they deserved, but at the same time they were very excited about the two million Hong Kong dollars hidden money.

  (end of this chapter)