MTL - Save the Bachelor of Heaven-Chapter 2612 2614【Eastern Star Changes Owner】

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   After a period of time, Xiang Nan circled among Xiaojieba, Ding Yan and Lin Shufen, enjoying the blessing of being equal.

  Jiang Tiansheng and Fang Ting broke up. After all, it was because of her that he almost died on the streets of Holland. If Fang Ting had been a man, he would have made a three-pointer and let her know the fate of betraying her elder brother.

  But after all, one day couples one hundred days of grace. Jiang Tiansheng didn't make things difficult for her in the end, he just chose to break up with Fang Ting.

   But the reason why Fang Ting became a star was mainly due to Jiang Tiansheng's support. His fame and status are all there, who wouldn't give Fang Ting a bit of face.

   Now that they have broken up, no one will pay attention to Fang Ting anymore, and her acting career has plummeted to the bottom.

  Fang Ting also knew that staying in Xiangjiang would only be annoying. If Jiang Tiansheng became indifferent to her and his hatred for her deepened over time, then she might be in danger.

  So Fang Ting then chose to immigrate to Australia, and never returned to Xiangjiang since then.


  Over Dongxing, the leader was killed, the two hall masters were arrested, and other big bosses with dirty backgrounds were all anxious, fearing that the crow and the smiling tiger would confess, and many even ran away early.

   As a result, Dongxing is naturally precarious. At this time, it is necessary for a powerful boss to come to suppress the situation, so as to revive Dongxing up and down.

  Thus, Zhou Benchu, nicknamed Pulsatilla, returned to Xiangjiang from Malaysia, and also brought his favorite student, Lei Yaoyang, nicknamed Ben Leihu.

  Pulsatilla is a bigwig of the older generation. He went to Malaysia to develop in the late 1980s and is very powerful in the local area. Now back to Xiangjiang, he has money, people, and prestige, so he was soon elected as the new leader of Dongxing.

  After returning to Xiangjiang, Pulsatilla and Jiang Tiansheng talked about making peace, and the two sides stopped, living in peace and making money.

  Because the camel is dead, and the crow and the smiling tiger have been brought to justice, Jiang Tiansheng is also willing to sell Pulsatilla vulgaris for a thin noodle.

  So, the two sides settled down and ushered in a new period of peace.


  In July, "God of Gamblers 3: The Young God of Gamblers" was officially released in summer.

  After its release, the box office was surprisingly good. In the first week, the box office exceeded 5 million Hong Kong dollars, and the total box office of Xiangjiang is estimated to be around 16 million Hong Kong dollars.

  For the Hong Kong film market that is becoming increasingly sluggish, such a box office is already considered very good.

   Therefore, the film company specially held a celebration banquet in order to fight for publicity and to reward the people in front of and behind the scenes. As an investor and sponsor, Xiang Nan was naturally invited.

   "Director Wang, congratulations, the box office is really good." Xiang Nan laughed.

   "Actually, it's very average. In the early 1990s, the first week's box office should have exceeded 10 million." Wang Jing shook his head and said, "It's really not good now, even "God of Gamblers 3" is almost unwatched."

  His previous "God of Gamblers 1" and "God of Gamblers 2" both achieved box office miracles. The Hong Kong box office of "God of Gamblers 2" even reached 52 million Hong Kong dollars, and the box office in the first week exceeded 20 million Hong Kong dollars. That's really making money every day.

  Now the box office in the first week is only 5 million, which is a huge difference of four times.

   "Don't be discouraged, there is always a chance to recover." Xiang Nan comforted.

   "Mr. Chen, I would like to borrow your good words." Wang Jing said with a smile, "By the way, Mr. Chen, since you are so interested in movies, are you interested in investing in a film company?"

   "Okay, we can talk about it. I don't know which company it is?" Xiang Nan asked curiously when he heard it.

   "My senior brother Du Qifeng wants to start a company by himself, but he lacks start-up funds. If Mr. Chen thinks it's good, I can introduce you to him." Wang Jing said.

   "Are you brothers with Du Qifeng?" Xiang Nan was taken aback when he heard that.

  Du Qifeng, known as Du SIR and Du Dapao, was one of the few filmmakers in Hong Kong who could still stand firm during the decline of Hong Kong films. The productions of "Urgent Urgent", "Dark War", "Dark Flower", "PTU", "Dragon City Years" and so on are all classics.

   Moreover, his film style is cold, realistic, and full of fatalism, and his evaluation among movie fans is quite high.

  In comparison, although Wang Jing has made many good films, such as the "God of Gamblers" series, "Chasing Girls" series, "Gambler" series, "The Deer and Ding Tale" series and so on.

  However, most of his movies are comedies, and are filled with all kinds of vulgar jokes. Although they are very entertaining and the box office is not bad, their reputation is far worse than that of Du Qifeng.

  So Xiang Nan didn't expect that Wang Jing and Du Qifeng would be brothers.

   "Du Qifeng is my father's student, so of course we are brothers in the same school." Wang Jing explained with a smile.

  Xiang Nan nodded, "Okay, I can meet him."


   Later, at the celebration banquet, Xiang Nan also met Chen Farong.

  After she heard that he was a Macau tycoon, she kept winking at him.

  Xiang Nan knew that she wanted to marry a rich man.

  Despite all this, she is still persevering, and the more frustrated she is, the more courageous she becomes. Now that I heard that Xiang Nan is a Macau tycoon with a net worth of at least 500 million yuan, I immediately fell in love with him.

  Xiang Nan was also somewhat interested in this short-haired beauty, so the two hit it off right away, and went to the hotel to exchange their feelings that night.

   In the next few days, he also kept sticking with Chen Farong, and for this reason he gave him a luxury car worth hundreds of Hong Kong dollars, which made Chen Farong very happy.

  However, when Chen Farong proposed to disclose the relationship, Xiang Nan refused.

   Joke, they were just a dewy marriage. When the time came and the dew dried up, they dispersed. He doesn't want to marry a female star.

  To be honest, those actresses in the entertainment industry may not be as clean as the dancers in Temple Street.

  At least many of those dancers have their own difficulties, and they have no choice but to do so. And those actresses are mostly following the trend, seeking profit only. The heart is much dirtier.

  Chen Farong was very dissatisfied with this. She dated Xiang Nan because she wanted to marry him. But he doesn't even want to disclose the relationship, let alone marrying him.

   It's just that Xiang Nan gave too much, which made her reluctant for a while, so she could only perfunctory for now.

   Both parties know that each other is not sincere, it is just a transaction, and it is much easier to get along.


  While "God of Gamblers 3" continued to hit theaters, the final Hong Kong box office was 16 million Hong Kong dollars, which is not too high, but it is not too low either.

  The release of this movie brought a lot of exposure to Xiang Nan's hotels.

  Because the most important scenes in the movie were filmed in his hotel. Magnificent and magnificent, it left a deep impression on the audience.

  Xiang Nan also used this to make a big publicity, and even organized a "Global God of Gamblers", inviting masters from all over the world to compete here.

   With such a gimmick, tourists naturally want to see it quickly, so the hotel business is booming, and the turnover has more than doubled than before.