MTL - Save the Bachelor of Heaven-Chapter 2614 2616【The dinosaur is dead】

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   After another day, Xiang Nan and Jiang Tiansheng went to Thailand together.

   "Wow, what a big manor." Once there, seeing Jiang Tianyang's manor, Xiang Nan pretended to admire, "If this manor is placed in Xiangjiang, the land alone will cost hundreds of millions."

  Jiang Tiansheng smiled and nodded, "In Thailand, you don't need that much, tens of millions is enough."

  Xiang Nan laughed when he heard this.

  After landing, Jiang Tiansheng introduced Jiang Tianyang to Xiang Nan.

   "Okay, Chen Haonan, I've known you for a long time, and I'm a fit person in Yau Ma Tei, that's amazing." Jiang Tianyang said with a smile.

   "Mr. Jiang, you are welcome. I have today, and I am also supported by Brother Sheng." Xiang Nan laughed.

   "Okay, you are indeed the talent that the eldest brother is looking for." Jiang Tianyang nodded, "I heard that your business is also very prosperous. Well, if you want to achieve great things, you must have money, and money can make great things happen."

   "Mr. Jiang is right, I think so too." Xiang Nan nodded.

   "That means you are smart enough." Jiang Tianyang said with a smile, "You have to use your brains to be a dwarf mule, or you will be a dwarf mule for the rest of your life. Anan, work hard, Hong Xing's future depends on your generation."

   "Don't dare, Mr. Jiang, I still have to rely on you to lead the way." Xiang Nan laughed.

   "Haha, okay, I appreciate you, let's watch the boxing match together tonight." Jiang Tianyang said with satisfaction.


  In the evening, everyone drinks and watches boxing together.

   In the boxing arena, two muay thai boxers punched and kicked, playing ping-pong sound, quite hard.

  Their movements are simple, effective, ruthless, and ferocious, and they are indeed very lethal. Ordinary people are afraid that their bones will be cracked if they get hit.

   "Anan, I heard that you are known as Hongxing Fighting God. How about it? Are you interested in going up to challenge it?" Jiang Tianyang asked with a smile after the end of the round.

  Xiang Nan nodded with a smile when he heard it, "Okay."

  He knew that this was a test Jiang Tianyang gave him. As a superior, he likes to test his subordinates.

  Xiang Nan immediately took off his suit and came to the stage.

  Afterwards, Naichai, the boxer who had just won, stepped onto the stage.

  He is a direct disciple of Thai boxing champion Tong Tian Knee, he is quite capable of fighting, and he is a strong contender for the new generation of boxing champions.

  Xiang Nan bowed his hands to him, and then showed his Wing Chun posture.

  Nai guessed it and curled his lips. He seemed to know this kind of punch, and he didn't like it very much.

   This is not surprising. A lot of punches are just very powerful on the screen, but they are not the same in real fights.

  Like Wing Chun, it has always been a small boxing style.

   Before the release of the movie "Ip Man", few people learned this kind of boxing. Even in eastern Guangdong, they are not as famous as Hongquan, Cai Lifo, Baihequan, Mojiaquan, Dasheng Pigua, Tiger and Crane Double Shape, etc.

   But Nai Guai, as a Muay Thai champion and number one in actual combat, thought that the Wing Chun that Xiang Nan used was the kind of showmanship that only looks good but is actually a mess, so he naturally sneered.

  Xiang Nan was not angry at all, he stepped on the two-word clamp sheep and horse, and rushed towards Naicai.

  Nai Guess saw this, and immediately kicked him sideways, heading straight for Xiang Nan's waist.

  He usually practices kung fu, and he can break a banana tree as thick as a bowl with one leg, which shows that it is extremely powerful. If you kick someone, your kidneys will explode.

  Xiang Nan dodged, and when there was no time, he dodged this leg, and then kicked Naicai with the same leg.

  Nai Cai relied on his physical strength and was ready to resist.

  It turned out that when he practiced kung fu, in order to improve his ability to resist blows, he often beat his whole body with wooden sticks. As time went on, his skin became thick and hard, as if wrapped in a layer of cowhide, so he could withstand blows to a certain extent.

  He originally wanted to resist this leg, so as to get close to Xiang Nan, and then punched hard with both fists, so as to win.

   But what he never expected was that Xiang Nan's leg was so powerful that he kicked him flying. Immediately, it slammed into the guardrail heavily, and was bounced back after a while.

  Xiang Nan looked in the right direction and punched again.

  Nai Cai was knocked down to the ground, and passed out simply and neatly.


   "Okay! As expected of Hongxing Fighting God!" Jiang Tianyang stood up and clapped his hands in praise.

  Jiang Tiansheng smiled and nodded.

   "Thank you, Mr. Jiang, for the compliment. In fact, he was careless and looked down on my Wing Chun. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to defeat him so easily." Xiang Nan said to Jiang Tianyang after he got off the ring.

   "So this matter teaches us, never be careless, treat any opponent with contempt strategically, and pay attention tactically, then we will never make mistakes." Jiang Tianyang smiled.

   "Yes, Mr. Jiang is right." Xiang Nan nodded.

   Just then, the phone rang suddenly.

  Xiang Nan took out the phone from his suit pocket, and when he answered it, his face froze, "Okay, I see, I will go back as soon as possible."

   "Anan, what happened?" Jiang Tiansheng asked curiously when he saw this.

   "Han Bin's younger brother Dinosaur had an accident in my territory." Xiang Nan quickly explained.

   "How could this be?" Jiang Tiansheng was also surprised when he heard it.

  They, Hong Xing, managed to settle down for a while, but they didn't expect this kind of thing to happen again in less than three months.

"I don't know for the time being." Xiang Nan said helplessly, "Mr. Jiang, I think we have to rush back as soon as possible. Dinosaur is a fit man from Tuen Mun. His ability has always been good, and he has made Hong Xing in Tuen Mun all the same. He now If you die, if you don't deal with it as soon as possible, I'm afraid someone will step on it soon."

   "You are right." Jiang Tiansheng nodded, "Okay, we will go back tomorrow."


   After another day, Xiang Nan returned to Xiangjiang with Jiang Tiansheng.

  After returning to Xiangjiang, Jiang Tiansheng immediately convened a meeting of the fit people in various halls.

   "Han Bin, I heard about the dinosaurs, I hope you are sorry." Jiang Tiansheng comforted Han Bin.

   "Thank you, Mr. Jiang." Han Bin nodded.

   "Who did it, do you have any clues?" Jiang Tiansheng asked again.

   "Mr. Jiang, since the matter happened on Chen Haonan's territory, of course it must be on his account." Fatty Li, a fit man from North Point, said immediately.

   Fatty Li was nominated by Jiang Tiansheng as a fit person in North Point a year ago.

   "What did you say, do you have evidence? Nonsense!" Big Brother B said angrily when he heard it.

  He has some grudges with Fatty Li. Fatty Li is a well-known tycoon of salty books, and the cover of a magazine is actually the sister-in-law of Big Boss B. After Big Brother B knew about it, he originally wanted to buy the photo, but Fatty Li refused.

  Big Brother B was so angry that he sent Chen Haonan, Pheasant and others to burn down Fatty Li's printing factory. The two became enmity because of this. Fatty Li not only hated Big Brother B, but also hated Xiang Nan, Shan Ji and others who were in charge of the operation.

  So I didn't find out the truth of the matter just now, so I threw the **** pot on Xiang Nan's head first.

  Big Brother B, as Xiang Nan's boss, naturally wouldn't let him suffer this kind of grievance, so he immediately quarreled with Fatty Li.

   "Okay, that's enough, don't talk nonsense without evidence, and don't do things that affect unity." Seeing this, Jiang Tiansheng quickly persuaded him.