MTL - Scumbags Follow the Good System-Chapter 79 Juvenile Delinquent in Shura Field

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Cong Liang glanced at Jiang Yin's smile and backed away silently. He was very sensible and did not step forward to stop it. Instead, he honestly squeezed a black garbage bag and stood behind Jiang Yin waiting for him to cut it.

After Da Bao'er's anger was over, Congliang used a bag to put the broken corpses on the ground regardless of yours and mine, thinking that this is the way to go, right?

As a result, Jiang Yin pulled him downstairs again, and threw Tin Ding Gou's "corpse" door into a garbage bag with his own hands.

"Is it the head office this time? Little ancestor." Congliang asked helplessly.

Jiang Yin glared at her, walked into the corridor with his hands in his pockets, took two steps and turned around, dangling the elbow of his right hand, squinting at Cong Liang.

Cong Liangli followed with small steps like a dog's legs, and put on Jiang Yin's right arm very cleverly.

At breakfast, Cong Liang called the system twice but did not come out. She fry the oil and served Jiang Yin with porridge. The third time, she simply went into the house to see Xiao Fang Fang, who had always been dying to meet me, but she still didn't come out after calling twice. What is the situation.

The entire system was stuffed under the quilt, with only white hair scattered all over the room from the bed to under the bed, with a few strands floating on the windowsill.

Congliang lifted the quilt, looked at it for a second, then quickly put the quilt back, pulled out the head of the system along the white hair, and asked in a low voice, "Where are your clothes? You...from Are you ready?"

The system was swept away by Congliang's hair, and his eyes were half-open. He glanced at Congliang and closed it, "It's uncomfortable to sleep in work clothes, I took it off..."

"Then that's it," Cong Liang thought of the state of the system slipping away just now, and leaned closer to the system, "Hurry up and explain what happened last night!"

"The system didn't care about Congliang's hair, the whole person was soft like a noodle, and slipped out of the bed, "I'm sleeping, what else can I do, Lianger, I may be the aftermath of my transformation and I'm so sleepy now. now, let me go..."

Cong Liang paused for a while, rolled the system into a roll with the quilt, pushed it into the bed, and the system just buckled there and went back to sleep. He checked the quilt, the cabinet, the balcony washing machine, and the paper basket in Cong'an's room. .

After there was nothing to do, Cong Liang went to wash his hands with peace of mind, sat down to eat breakfast, Jiang Yin first finished eating and opened the door and went back to the room.

After washing the dishes, she boiled the oil and poured it on the face, carried it into the room, first taught the system to wash like a human, and then when the system had eaten the noodles and was going to sleep, she found another set of unopened ones that she bought. Women's pajamas for couples, called the system to put on.

"You'll either turn into a snake, or come and sleep with me. Anyway, you can't sleep with me like this anymore." Cong Liang said bitterly.

"I'm not going to sleep with you, and your eldest baby doesn't stab me to death while I'm asleep," the system said slowly, "I'm a **** outfit that I managed to grab, I can't die..."

"I'll tell you straight," Congliang didn't have the patience to go around it, "Cong'an is a normal man, he hugs you to sleep with a woman every day, and one day he can't hold back and wants to **** you, I'll see what the **** you do! "

In fact, Congliang is more worried about Cong'an than the system's chastity. After all, if the system doesn't want to, and suddenly turns into a snake or a small square face, no matter how powerful and majestic a man is, he will be scared and wilted.

"What are you talking about," the system seemed to be stimulated by Cong Liang's straightforwardness, and became a little more energetic, "Cong An is not that kind of person at all!"

The system said eloquently, "I showed him my new body last night, and he complimented him on how good-looking it is," the system said impatiently, "Of course I know he's a man, so I've asked him directly, I'm a woman now, If he is interested, as long as it doesn't break, you can play with him..."

Cong Liang: "...Are the systems so open?"

The system drilled his head into the quilt, "I can get my mind out of it! Oh, don't worry about those who are invisible, Cong An is not the kind of wretched human who thinks about hehehe all day long."

Cong Liang was about to refute, and said in his heart that we were in love with each other. The system immediately changed the subject and said, "Don't hurry up and have a look, he may have to go out to change his clothes."

"Hurry up, hurry up!" Jian Congliang's system urged again, "He opened the door and left, hurry up and chase, I'm going to sleep, close the door tightly when you go out..."

Cong Liang paused for a while, and really didn't know what to say. He flicked the system's forehead hard, connected the broken link, and then ran back to his room.

She originally thought that the system was there to save her, but when she returned to the house, Jiang Yin was really gone!

Cong Liang chased down the corridor, but didn't see Jiang Yin, she rubbed her nose and sighed, Liu Gao hoped that Cong An had already said hello, Jiang Yin didn't need to go, Cong Liang originally planned to have a good talk with him today , let him go back to school to go to school, learning pastry is very good, when they are almost finished, they will open a cake shop by themselves.

After she planned to persuade Jiang Yin to go back to school today, she would take Jiang Yin to see the cake shop she was looking for. The location was okay, and it was the only way for an experimental middle school. Fresh noodles and small packaged pastries with hot milk are sure to sell well.

In the past two lives, she has enjoyed great wealth, great honor and poverty. What she cares most about is not what kind of life she lives, but who she lives with.

Without chasing Jiang Yin's figure, Cong Liang chased after Liu Gaoyuan with intentions. After thinking about it, he dismissed the idea. Although Jiang Yin is a little boy under eighteen, he has been stubborn and stubborn since he was a child. Face it.

She couldn't find him like this. When Jiang Yin revealed his true feelings last night, he also said that he would be able to leave at the end of the month. Today, there are only two days left until the end of the month. She has to save enough face for his big treasure.

Cong Liang went upstairs, changed his clothes and went out, and went to the cake shop to hang out again.

Little did she know that her beloved eldest treasure was not going to work to watch the door, but went to Liu Gaoyuan to "make a lot of money".

"What's your relationship with the president of Hengan Real Estate?" Liu Gaoyuan held a wine glass, buttoned his clothes up to his belly button, and acted like a fool, "Or if I ask, you follow Congliang..."

Liu Gaoyuan smiled and swallowed the **** word on his mouth, "You are on good terms with her? That's a **** who can play people to death, I remember her eyes were always on the top of her head, what? Is it time that even a brat like you eats with such relish?"

Liu Gaoyuan sneered and took a sip of wine, "Wang Yi, do you know? Let her brother go to hell."

"He called me and asked me to let you go. Naturally, I didn't dare to let go. I still have a piece of land in my hand that I'm cooperating with him. Cong'an's wrist, this Qinglin City is notoriously poisonous, and I don't dare to mess with it. ."

Jiang Yin's face was gloomy, his tensed side face was shaking, but he stayed in place and didn't move, Liu Gaoyuan stepped forward and patted his shoulder, "Brother doesn't sound nice, don't take it to heart, brother, you want me to say it's okay. There's no need to get on a boat, that **** always has eyes above the top, but this time she's willing to take her eyes off you, and it's definitely not whether you have money or not."

Liu Gaoyuan laughed loudly, " live very well?" Liu Gaoyuan laughed twice, then choked up, and drew his eyes around Jiang Yin, remembering that the woman once called him "Liu Sansian" with blue veins on his forehead All jumped up.

Just put it away at will, he was also deceived at the beginning, that **** asked him for so many things, and in the end not only gave him a green hat, but also disliked his "job" for being bad. not go down.

"If you really want to get on the boat, it's not impossible," Liu Gaoyuan took out a document from the drawer beside the bed and threw it on the table. "You sign this, and I'll let you get on the boat."

Jiang Yin turned over hastily. He knew that before boarding the ship, he had to sign a "life and death certificate" to express his willingness to board the ship. Although strictly speaking, this thing has no legal effect at all, but in the hands of these sons and brothers, it really happened. thing, this thing can play its role.

"Brother, I promise you, the last time I got off the boat, I could at least have this number." Liu Gaoyuan sat on the edge of the bed, put the wine glass on the bedside table, and crossed his index fingers, "Although raising your little love is not enough for her to buy a bag, But she loves money and will definitely like you more."

"Because you have been with me since you were a child, if you get off the boat well and don't earn this amount, I will make up for the rest." Liu Gaoyuan poured another glass of wine slowly, Yu Guang saw Jiang Without any hesitation, Yin signed his handprint.

"I'll get on the boat once," Jiang Yin said. "After getting off the boat, I won't be with you anymore." Jiang Yin paused and said sincerely, "Brother, thank you for taking care of you all these years." A **** is not as good as a dog. At least he was not allowed to survive in the orphanage. He starved to death when he was still young and unable to survive.

Liu Gaoyuan paused, glanced back at Jiang Yin, drank the wine in the glass, pointed at Jiang Yin and smiled, and said, "Brother, I advise you to stay away from that vampire **** as soon as possible," Liu Gaoyuan gestured to Jiang up and down. Yin, "Don't worry about what she's drawing on you now, you can't imagine that mother-in-law's trousers are loose. You can't tell when you will be green into a grassland..." And then she will advertise that your "work" is not good.

Jiang Yin remained silent, but his fists were clenched tightly, as stiff as a stick.

As soon as Liu Gaoyuan saw him like this, he knew that he had poured an indescribable amount of ecstasy soup for the woman, and there was no cure. His dissuasion against this boy stopped there, and waved his hand, "Get on the boat at the end of the month, and get off the boat at the beginning of the month. For a month on the ship, whether to get off with all the head and the tail, or lose an arm and a leg and lose a little life, it is up to you to make it yourself."

"Just come and report tomorrow night." Liu Gaoyuan said, "I will give you training on how to do it after boarding the ship."

Jiang Yin nodded, clenched his fists and turned to go downstairs. There was a guy who got off the boat with full head and tail. It was only in the first two years. He got hundreds of thousands, and now he is a fruit seller. Small business, doing pretty well.

Jiang Yin heard him talk about the boat when he was drunk, saying that those who were called up under the flag of the dealer did not stand to deal cards at all, but were human targets for the rich businessmen to have fun.

Although there are protective measures, those who drink alcohol and take medicine are lunatics who are unwilling to see blood, and injuries are inevitable. money.

Jiang Yin still owes Congliang money, he can't just because he is with Congliang, he can't not pay it back so unclearly. Even if Congliang might dislike it, he still wanted to learn from the gangster who quit before and start a small business.

He wasn't afraid to endure hardships in a small business, and he didn't want to continue working. He didn't want to think deeply about everything before Congliang. He just wanted to stay with Congliang all the time. He would get on the boat at the end of the month and get off the boat at the beginning of the month, which happened to be his eighteenth birthday.

He wants to gamble on a future for himself, he wants to propose to her...

The author has something to say: Don't worry, I won't abuse, believe me, (sincere face)