MTL - Seizing Dreams-Chapter 98 Risk escape

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Zhou Sheng wiped his face and slid down from the mountainside. He joined one person, and Huang Hao held a gun in his hand. The situation suddenly reversed.

Yu Yu looked at Zhou Sheng, Zhou Sheng couldn't help but gasp, his elbows and his knees were all bruised, but he was not seriously injured. He nodded and said nothing, but his eyes fixed on the movements of the enemy.

Surrounded by heavy rain, the driver shouted a dialect, and the four of them dispersed and rushed up again, actually to win the scorpion's gun! Huang Wei was obviously well-trained, opened the distance, and fired a shot in the rainy night. Yu Yu heard the gunshots in reality and suddenly shocked.

"Rely!" Zhou Sheng was also the first time to see such a fear of death, immediately turned over the top of the yellow scorpion, and rushed up again!

Four enemies, when they were smashed by Huang Wei, the other two entangled the scorpion and grabbed his wrist. Another shot was fired, but the gun was not hit. When Huang Qi was close, he began to fight with the enemy, avoiding the gun being taken away, and the car was driven up the hillside. The distant light shone and the crowd suddenly smashed. Do not open your eyes.

"Their reinforcements are coming..." Zhou Sheng retired, "Run right away! Run one is one!"

After Ou Qihang and Fu Liqun and Yu Yu retired, the door opened immediately, and Zhou Laichun shouted: "Own people!"

Immediately after the car rushed down four people, Zhou Laichun also carried a stick.

Zhou Sheng: "..."

"Hide back!" Zhou Laichun said, "Go on my car!"

The scene was in chaos, Zhou Laichun joined the battle group, Huang Hao’s pressure was suddenly light, and the third shot was fired. Zhou Laichun was also shocked. “Who’s the gun!”

Huang Wei: "Open the distance! Don't fight!"

"Our!" Zhou Shengdao, "What are you doing here?!"

Zhou Laichun was furious: "What are you doing?!"

The two sides opened the distance again. Huang Wei pointed the gun at the other side and was still very calm. He said: "Our people are back."

The other party realized that Huang Qi was actually going to kill them all. For a moment, he refused to be beaten by his companions, and slowly retreated and prepared to withdraw.

The next moment, the helicopter rang, the engine of the car roared, two strong lights came down, and the embers looked up, Zhou Sheng took him and raised his hand to block the light for him.

"How come with a movie." Zhou Shengdao.

Yu Yu wheezed, and he couldn't say a word. This is the first time in his life that he has escaped.

The above began to shout, the enemy can not escape, and they kneel down, put their hands on the back neck, the armed police came over, first put them all on. Huang Wei got on the bus and showed the police officer's card. He pointed to the people. Everyone got on the bus and someone untied their handcuffs.

"Mr. Chen?" Yu Yuran saw Chen Yukai pale and his body was sweaty.

One and a half hours after the end of each finishing work, the hospital.

Chen Yukai’s arm was bandaged and splint, sitting on the chair.

"Let's go back." Chen Yukai's left arm fracture, after the anesthetic was connected, it was still very spiritual. Yu Yu soft tissue contusion, Fu Liqun nose and face swollen, fortunately did not break the phase, the nurse gave Zhou Sheng elbow, lap and other wounds on the wound iodine.

"It's still early." Yu Yu looked at the time, this is only ten o'clock at night.

Zhou Laichun went to the public to pay the registration fee and the medicine fee, and let the driver buy four boxes of lunch and watch them eat. Chen Yukai hangs on his chest with his left hand and a spoonful of food in his right hand.

Zhou Laichun: "..."

Everyone: "..."

"I'm sorry." Chen Yukai took the initiative and said, "I am dereliction of duty, taking students to do such a dangerous thing."

Everyone immediately said the same thing: "Not your fault!"

Zhou Laichun is busy: "No, no, Teacher Chen, you are amazing."

Zhou Sheng said: "I am busy with Kaikai."

Chen Yukai added: "If I know the situation is so dangerous, I will not..."

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter." Zhou Laichun said, "The little rabbit scorpion said, he is the mastermind of this matter, and I am tired of you. I am too overwhelmed by Zhou Chunchun. Teacher Chen, you have to take care of your injuries, what is necessary, even though !"

"What is the mastermind?" Zhou Sheng angered.

Zhou Laichun didn’t say anything more. He smiled and thought about it. Yu Yu said, “Uncle, you can’t smoke here.”

"Yes." Zhou Laichun replied immediately. "I am going out to smoke, I see either..."

"See you." Zhou Shengdao.

Everyone: "..."

Zhou Laichun sighed a few more words, especially let Yu Yu pay attention to Zhou Sheng's injury, do not take a bath when the infection is inflamed, then got up and left.

When Zhou Laichun left, the atmosphere in the ward was finally relaxed. Fu Liqun said: "Mom seems to be shooting a police film. The first time I met, this life is really not live."

Chen Yukai said: "The next time you have to be careful, it is too light enemy. It’s too... too, now I’m afraid of it.”

"Well, don't make a hypothetical morality to torture yourself." Yu said, "With Junjun sister for so long, what I learned is that there are always many unexpected situations in life. If you pass, you will pass, and be careful next time."

Zhou Sheng said: "If you don't keep up, Ou Kaihang is now mostly dead."

Fu Liqun fluttered and said that he was fighting with the kidnappers. Zhou Sheng just listened with no expression. Finally, Fu Liqun said: "Of course, the young master is the most powerful."

Yu said: "You have been entangled in three at first, and two have been dealt with later."

"Zhou Sheng is too much." Chen Yukai also sent a feeling.

The group was simply a desperate, and apparently also trained professionally, and the continued strength was too strong. In the end, Huang Hao fired two shots. When the armed police asked about the process, they did not guess the true identity of the other party. They only took them away, but they could always ask questions.

"I'm sorry, Kaikai." Zhou Shengxi said, "I hurt you so badly."

Chen Yukai smiled and said: "I always want to be a hero in my life, but I have no chance. Thank you for giving me this opportunity."

Everyone laughed, and Fu Liqun said: "Hero is still good."

Chen Yukai said: "When there is no way, I will come forward. I don't regret it. China's gun control is very strict. This is really very good, otherwise it will not be this situation today."

Chen Yukai has lived abroad for many years, knowing how the guns will be controlled regardless of the results, and everyone is "hmm". At this moment, Yu Yu’s heart is no longer afraid, and there is no excitement. The four people are like a fierce basketball game. It feels that everyone has died together for the same time, and they have established a relationship beyond ordinary friends. Friendship.

Knocking on the door, Huang Hao came in, followed by Ou Qihang.

"Come and see you." Huang said.

When Ou Qihang saw four people, he was a little overwhelmed and no one spoke. In the end, Chen Yukai smiled and said, "Sit, take a shower?"

Huang Wei used to look at Chen Yukai’s hand and said, “Is not hurt badly, does it hurt?”

Chen Yukai said: "It has to be hang for two or three months."

"There is a hundred days of injury." Huang Wei said, "I didn't get it off when I got back." He said that he showed his wrist again and showed Chen Yukai: "There will be no problem after recovery."

Chen Yukai said: "I don't worry."

Ou Qihang only sat quietly, and the gauze was attached to the embers. Zhou Sheng was a large piece of iodine, and Fu Liqun looked at Ou Qihang.

The rain stopped, and Yu Yu looked out the window of the hospital.

"Give you a task," Huang said to Ou Kaihang. "Mr. Chen is responsible for feeding you every day."

Everyone suddenly laughed, but Chen Yukai was right: "Huang Wei!"

"I'm sorry." Ou Kaihang said slyly, "Sorry, it hurts you so badly, sorry, Kaikai."

Fu Liqun solved the sentence in one sentence: "The person who wants to feed him can go to the river from here."

Everyone is laughing again.

Yu Yu knows that Huang Hao, as a good buddy, has always wanted to help Chen Yukai to find an object, but it is too embarrassing to say that Chen Yukai should not be interested in the love in this situation.

Zhou Sheng pressed his forehead with one hand, quite a bit unbearable expression.

Huang Wei opened this untimely joke, sat down and took off the police cap. Zhou Sheng asked: "How? I have to give a statement? The buddies are almost lost."

Huang Wei: "The investigation was handled by the investigation team. The suspects were all controlled. The city bureau is now a bit messy. It takes a few days to understand the situation. The identity of the kidnappers is a bit complicated. One of them is the retired provincial team Sanda athlete... ..."

Everyone is a little surprised.

Zhou Sheng said: "Will you fight with me?"

"Yes." Huang said, "It's quite difficult to deal with. The current guess, I think one of them should be familiar with the county environment and road conditions. I am going to take the flight there, find a ruined fish pond, and then... ""

"They want to find a place to kill me." Ou Qihang said, "This way no one will know any secrets anymore."

In a quiet moment in the ward, Yu Yu had to admit that this was the most reasonable. Previously, Ou Kaihang had had a suicidal thought, forged a suicide scene, and temporarily let him disappear for a while, then found the body, and many clues were completely cut off.

Perhaps Ou Kaihang can also guess that he was in danger, so he left the data compression package in Xiao Yujun's computer and prompted the Zhou Sheng password.

"I can't figure it out," Zhou Sheng ate, and his face was still sticky, and Yu Yu took it for him. Zhou Sheng said to Ou Kaihang, "How did you make your hand, send me a message for help, and inform us to save?" your?"

Yu Wei: "..."

Ou Qihang knows for a moment and says, "I am blind, I touched the mobile phone immediately after being caught. In the back pocket, after I sent it out, I deleted the news and they were searched."

Zhou Sheng "hmm" sounded and said: "The cow fork, the wall will not help you."

I don’t think you are too embarrassed, and I can’t help it in the face of Huang Wei’s face! And the question and answer is so natural, and at that moment, I feel that my IQ is really crushed.

Fu Liqun took a call and it looked like he was coming from Fushan. He got up and went out to answer the phone. Everyone chatted for a while, and Yu Yu didn't know what Huang Qi could say and couldn't say. He discussed a few words that Zhou Sheng Dad gave.

Huang Wei: "I haven't eaten yet."

Yu Wei: "Tear a lunch box cover, point you?"

Huang Wei: "Thank you." He didn't even give up. He took it and started eating. Obviously he was very hungry.

After eating, several people started chatting again. Huang Wei seemed to be thinking about closing his eyes. However, after a while, he even sounded a uniform breath and fell asleep.

Yu Wei: "..."

Chen Yukai said: "Too tired."

Yu Yu looked at Huang Wei, then look at Chen Yukai, Zhou Sheng finally finished the meal, received the lunch box of other people, and headed to the Ouqiu channel: "Will the cigarette go?"

Ou Qihang got up, and Yu Yu knew that they had something to say, but they didn't follow, and stayed in the ward to play mobile phones.

"What about the car?" Yu Yudao.

"The informant went to drag." Chen Yukai said, "It doesn't matter, I bought insurance."

Chen Yukai looked at the back of Ou Qihang who left, saying: "Not as strong as you said."

"The psychological defense has finally collapsed." Yu Yu smiled. "Just as my brother took me to the hospital that night, all the persistence disappeared."

Chen Yukai smiled and looked at Yu Yu.

Zhou Sheng went to the back door of the hospital. Here is a wide grassland. There was a heavy rain, and there was water on the grass. A cold autumn rain and winter came.

The sound of the lighter, Zhou Sheng gave Ou Qihang a cigarette, and the two were relatively silent.

Ou Qihang has always been a bit embarrassed, want to say something, but do not know where to start.

"Hey, you are like a bag." Zhou Sheng laughed.

Ou Qihang also laughed, Zhou Shengman said inadvertently: "Why are you so ruthless? Gao Tisheng, let me guess? Because I have super power? Or because we have seen your heart?"

"Yes." Ou Qihang said, "What better do I have in front of you?"

Ou Qihang took a long breath and squatted down at the back door of the hospital. Zhou Sheng stood, and Ou Qihang groaned like a prisoner, looking up at the starry sky of autumn night.

Zhou Sheng said: "Do you really think that you are all zombies by your side?"

Ou Qihang glimpsed and looked at Zhou Sheng sideways.

"Your teachers and classmates," Zhou Sheng did not look at Ou Qihang, explained, "I am writing a letter of love to the procuratorate, I hope you can cheer up."

"The sister who was robbed of the computer by you is willing to risk being fired and will do justice for you."

"I don't want to say that Huang Wei is a policeman. Like Kaikai, people who have no interest in you. Can not be afraid of life to save you." Zhou Sheng said, "What are you, only in your eyes?" What can you see, you have made yourself a zombie, and in your eyes everyone else is a zombie, you can't see a living person with temperature, so your heart becomes a ruin."

Ou Qihang: "..."

"People can only redeem themselves." Zhou Sheng pressed the cigarette **** at the trash can and said, "Come on."

In the ward, Yu Yu checked Chen Yukai's bag, and the driver's license and the one-on-one certificate were there.

"You don't think about setting sail?" Yu Yu smiled.

"There is no interest at all." Chen Yukai casually said, "The child is a little sensitive, be careful not to joke in front of him, don't want to shoot peach."

"But your model is not right." Yu Yu joked.

Chen Yukai said: "The model can be changed, not a problem."

Yu Wei: "Oh?"

Chen Yukai smiled and said: "Of course, let the other party change, do you doubt my ability?"

"This is a kind of domineering." Yu Yu said with a smile.

"What is the most troublesome thing for Mr. Chen every day is, don't provoke a peach blossom debt everywhere." Huang Wei yawned, took a nap, and woke up.

Chen Yukai's clothes are all muddy, the hair is also very messy, and the plywood is also hit in one hand. From the time he arrived at the hospital, he was happy. Yu Yu knew that he was afraid of their sadness and embarrassment, and he always smiled. . This should be one of the most embarrassing situations in Chen Yukai's life, but even if he is so embarrassed, Yu Yu feels that he is very handsome and very handsome.

It’s a pity that such a good person has been single.

Zhou Sheng and Ou Qihang smoked cigarettes and found Fu Liqun. They came back together. Huang Wei put on the police cap and looked at the crowd. When he wanted to say something, Chen Yukai said: "First, I have a class tomorrow morning. ”

"There will be a lot of investigations recently." Huang Wei said, "I try to let them not bother you too much. If they can solve them once, they will solve them one time. Don't ask questions repeatedly, but this case is very serious. Every aspect involves too much. I hope you can understand."

"Understanding." Everyone said.

Huang Wei: "Well, I have nothing to repay everyone..."


"Get it!"

Several people couldn’t help but smile. Huang Wei was silent for a moment. Finally he nodded and made a snap to the European flight, indicating that he had withdrawn.

Zhou Sheng suddenly said: "Look at him, what is going on, we are not finished with you."

Zhou Sheng’s tone is very serious, with a temperament that cannot be disobeyed.

"Yes." Huang Wei said, "Today's hard work, let his mother stew the pig's trotters and give him a supplement."

Huang Hao sang a few more sly, only to whistle and sing a song, took Ou Kaihang away. Zhou Laichun’s car was waiting at the hospital door and sent them back. The three men sent Chen Yukai to the dormitory. Chen Yukai said: “It’s okay, I can soak in the bathtub and take a shower. Come back soon.”

Although Chen Yikai is inconvenient in one hand, life can still take care of himself. Zhou Sheng no longer worried about him, and when he climbed back to the bedroom, the three talents felt completely exhausted.

"Hey! Going to fight again? Actually, don't call the buddy?" Looking at the bedroom, Yu Yu, Zhou Sheng, and Fu Liqun came back.

"Don't mention it." Fu Liqun said, "I was almost killed."

Zhou Sheng said: "A car can't sit down, and let Kaikai change a Dongfeng truck."


Yu Yu moved the bench into the bathroom, first gave Zhou Sheng a bath, Zhou Shengqi was covered with skin trauma, he had to be careful to infect, he was sitting like a big monkey, was beaten and injured, the front was still tilted, a little embarrassed .

"I will come by myself." Zhou Shengdao.

"Your dad asked me to take care of your bath." Yu Yu said seriously.

"Hey." Zhou Sheng said, "Is there a command from the top?"

Yu Yu smiled and rubbed Zhou Sheng, Zhou Sheng said: "I didn't expect that he actually came in person today. When my mother saw the old man carrying the iron bar down, he suddenly stunned, for fear that he would be so awkward."

"He loves you too, isn't it?" Yu Yu got up and took a bath towel. "Oh, sometimes it's really enough for you, it's always awkward..." He said to his feet and wiped his head and gave him one knee. Rubbing his legs, Zhou Sheng only smiled and stood watching him.

“Can you behave?” Yu Yu smiled. “It’s not safe to get hurt.”

Zhou Sheng cried: "This is a physiological reaction, and I have no choice but to make me rules..."

"You are so handsome when you hit three three times today." Yu Yu suddenly said, "Well done, go." He said that he was holding his neck and let him bow his head and kiss him.

"Where is the general, how can you fight?" Zhou Sheng took a bath towel and went out.