MTL - Show Love System-Chapter 122 What's the feeling of this picnic?

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"Let's go," Lou Yuan glanced across the crowd. He led Shi Lingxi to go out first, and the others consciously followed.

Out of the doorway, looking up, it was still a simple wooden shed pile without seeing the end. It was just cooler than usual. After they passed, many people got out of the wooden shed one after another.

The fifth level was not opened because of their arrival, but originally appeared regularly. At this time, the people who are stranded at the next level can choose whether or not to go through. Once they pass through, they can take their status to a higher level.

Even if they can't make it, there are many opportunities in the fifth level. Anything you bring back will allow them to live a good life for a while.

Shi Lingxi's curious glances swept through these crowds, some of them looked strangely, but most of them were still human shapes, but they were out of shape, and there were some characteristics unique to their race.

Shi Lingxi was watching those people, and most of them were watching him.

One person dragged nine furry tails on his way, and a furry fan in his hand. The charm of all sentient beings converged, but he showed the soft and cute feeling from the inside out, which was very touching. Desire on hand.

It didn't take long before someone came up and asked, Shi Lingxi's purchase price.

In the holy realm, the population trade is very popular, and the end of the sold person is often very bad, and the possibility of being redeemed is even lower.

Lou Yuan's face was directly dark. Others, including Lou Tongtong, showed their intentions to kill the old man who was cowering. The only exception was Shi Lingxi himself, and Shi Ai and Rhubarb.

Shi Ai Ai is a strange look, rhubarb is very confident in Shi Lingxi's brutality, and actually dare to come to buy fox ancestors, probably tired of it.

Sure enough, Shi Lingxi stood up to the old man himself, and looked at him with bright eyes. He asked, "Do you want to sell 10 divine coins?"

"I buy ... sell?" The old man was ecstatic after being shocked, and then surprised again. Shi Lingxi's words didn't mean his ecstasy.

"Ding Ding Ding ..." Shi Lingxi dropped ten holy coins to the ground. He held the fan in his hand and waved it towards the old man. Looking at it was a normal wave, but the old man from Shi Shi Lingxi flew out in front of him.

"Hey!" He fell to the ground with a startled expression, his head unable to be recovered so rolled down, circle by circle to the feet of a passing Lingtu tribe, and he was trampled by one foot Pulp.

"I don't want to keep such an ugly slave," Shi Lingxi said softly. He turned to look at Lou Yuan, and smiled softly, still beautiful and soft, but now dare to raise anything to him The heart is definitely too long.

And Shi Lingxi was so beautiful that he killed that person cleanly. It was Lou Yuan who fought first. Lou Yuan could not control the person and could not make any defense. So he was so impressed by Shi Lingxi. Kill, how could it not die.

"Kill then," Lou Yuan raised his hand and gently rubbed Shi Lingxi's ears, his tone was a bit cold, but the eyes of Shi Lingxi were definitely gentle.

He walked to Shi Lingxi and squatted down naturally. "I carry you."

"Okay," Shi Lingxi responded gladly. He opened his arms, and the whole person lay on Lou Yuan's back, and then leaned against his face against Lou Yuan's neck.

Backed by Lou Yuan, his vision is even better, and he can just take a good look at the landscape of this land boundary, which has suffocated him in recent months.

With the development of things, Sun Yu and others kept feeling ups and downs. Now looking at the two people who are sweet and greasy together for less than 20 minutes, at the same time, a kind of understanding is raised in their hearts.

Ji Ji Lou Yuan or Ji Ji Shi Lingxi, this is definitely the most dangerous idea in the world.

After Shi Lingxi murdered Li Wei, then there was nothing to say that the faceless person came to say something that might be fatal.

Of course, Shi Lingxi and Lou Yuan will decide to kill, not a simple lesson. There is a very important reason, because they will leave here immediately, and they are not afraid of the forces involved in the person, which will cause future troubles.

Lou Yuan was carrying Shi Lingxi and walked all the way to the central altar in Mupen District, where they would enter the boundary of the fifth checkpoint.

This altar is more primitive than Shi Lingxi's imagination. Weeds are overgrown. Without the observance of spiritual thoughts, he could not find the complex patterns buried under the dust and weeds.

Shi Lingxi's eyes glanced at Shi Ai Ai, and Shi Ai Ai nodded, indicating that the pattern had been recorded. He is more familiar with Shi Lingxi's small habits than Lou Yuan.

At this time, Lou Tongtong took out a beast wool carpet from his mirror space, and he and Shi Ai'ai lay on the ground.

"Master please."

Lou Tongtong also called the master of Shi Lingxi like Shi Aiyi. Of course, his first master was Lou Yuan.

Lou Yuan directly put Shi Lingxi on the beast wool rug. Shi Lingxi sat cross-legged with big and round eyes. He felt that Lou Tongtong and Lou Yuan were very skilled in their movements. Sun Yu looked at them strangely. No look.

Probably Lou Yuan took care of him when he was unconscious.

"Ayuan, sit over and accompany me," Shi Lingxi's surprised look folded up and beckoned to Lou Yuan. Sun Yu and others consciously put aside their faces, and then turned around Shi Lingxi and Lou Yuan with their backs.

Facing Shi Lingxi for a long time, Lou Yuan, who has good resistance, also trembled at this moment, the kind of heartbeat and stunning tremor.

He crouched down and sat on the carpet as Shi Lingxi asked. A moment later, Shi Lingxi leaned into his arms and leaned against him.

The so-called accompany is actually that Shi Lingxi wants to continue next to Lou Yuan, and many Lou Yuan will stay with him, so he won't feel embarrassed. Hmm ... the little fox is online.

He beckoned again, and Shi Ai and Lou Tongtong sat on their knees in front of him and Lou Yuan.

Shi Aiyi didn't ask Shi Lingxi, he started to explain some of the levels he knew.

"According to incomplete statistics, the first level has 3,000 level maps with completely different regional customs, the second level is 2,000, the third level is 1,000, the fourth level is 900, the fifth level is 600 ..."

Going up, there are 300 levels for the sixth level, 100 levels for the seventh level, 66 levels for the eighth level, and 9 levels for the ninth level.

Therefore, almost every team passed through the level with minimal consideration of overlap, and the possibility of complete overlap is even lower. This means that Shi Aiai could not give him instructions according to the map information of Shi Lingxi who passed through the previous life.

Perhaps, at the eighth or ninth level, he and Lou Yuan are more likely to overlap the level map that Shi Lingxi crossed in the first period, and the relevant information that Shi Aiai knows can come in handy.

But before Shi Lingxi and Lou Yuan had time to be disappointed, Shi Ai Ai would inform another important message.

"The master once spent three hundred years to walk through the first to third levels, except that some of them have been severely damaged. Almost all of the 6,000 level owners have gone through. The specific information of these levels is sealed in the S-level database."

Shi Lingxi's face showed thought, and Lou Yuan's eyes were deeply shocked.

He had a strong admiration for Shi Lingxi's great perseverance and wisdom. He did not know how many years existed in the holy realm, but absolutely no one could spend as much time as Shi Lingxi to accomplish such things in person.

After Lou Yuan was shocked, a kind of pain and sadness rose from the bottom of his heart. His eyes fell on the face of Shi Lingxi, who was silent in his arms, and he bowed his head and kissed Shi Lingxi's forehead.

He told himself that even for Shi Lingxi, he should protect himself, and he must not let Shi Lingxi repeat those things.

They have their own scenic lines, but the level is about to open, and no one will come to provoke anything at this time.

Shi Lingxi continued to ponder, his tail swayed unconsciously, and his nose was itchy, so he raised his face and looked at Lou Yuan, with a shallow smile on his face, he finally figured it out.

He lowered his voice. "There are big secrets in the first three levels ..."

Just to collect information on the maps of the first three levels, not to go through it all with his character, nor will he reveal such important information directly in the Shi Ai's database with his character.

But according to the information from the Shi Ai Ai database, if he walks again, he can definitely find his intention in the previous life.

Lou Yuan nodded, without much thought. He believed in Shi Lingxi's self-judgment, "I have time to accompany you again."

"Okay," Shi Lingxi responded with a smile. He knelt up, stretched out his hands, and embraced Lou Yuan's neck, then fell to his shoulders, and pressed tightly, "A Yuan, you and I must be fine."

He doesn't remember the past like Tan Yuanshan and Shi Aiyi, but he can experience the despair and loneliness. In the previous life, he lost Lou Yuan roar, but he also inherited the will of Lou Yuan and guarded those that Lou Yuan had been guarding.

He must not let himself fall to that point again, of course, he is also reluctant to let Lou Yuan go through these, so they must be good, and they cannot easily give up their lives at any time.

Lou Yuan gently stroked Shi Lingxi's hair. It took a while before he answered, "I remember."

In Lou Yuan's words, a stream of golden light overflowed from the carpet under him, and the keys on his body also glowed with gold. Shi Lingxi erected his ears, lying on Lou Yuan's shoulders, and did not move. Sun Yu and others turned back. Continue to approach and calmly wait for the upcoming teleport.

Like people who were not far away, they could see Shi Lingxi and Lou Yuan getting tired together routinely, but they couldn't hear what they were talking about, but they thought they were the greasy and crooked words between lovers.

The teleportation of golden light became stronger and stronger, and then they rose into the sky and randomly teleported more than 100,000 people on this teleportation altar.

There are 600 completely different transmission points, and the map size of each point is different. Some may be as large as a continent on the earth, and some three or four earths are more than the size of the splicing. The landing points are also random.

Lou Yuan was still holding Shi Lingxi, but he was ready to fight at any time, as was Sun Yu and others.

At this time, Shi Ai Ai raised his mirror in front of the crowd again. There was a clear countdown to the minute.

A huge "0" appeared, and the golden light of their entire body completely disappeared. A heat wave surged at any time. They did not fall near the monster's old nest, but on the edge of an endless lava field.

The surging magma is spliced ​​with dark brown soil. The somatosensory temperature here is as high as seventy to eighty degrees, and ordinary people cannot survive here. The temperature is still rising as the heat wave rolls over.

Shi Lingxi leaned over from the side of Lou Yuan's arms, and his fan waved again, but rolled up an ice curtain to suppress the heat wave.

Sun Yu and others felt a lot better for a while, and then they adjusted their body conditions and called out spiritual power to cover the whole body to continue to resist the high temperature here.

In fact, their luck is pretty good, the place where they descended is regarded as the periphery, and the highest temperature is a hundred degrees. For these awakenings, they can only be regarded as uncomfortable and cannot die.

The real bad luck came directly into the depths of the flames, and there was no protective measures to cope with it. It is likely to be burned to the ground when it landed. That is really an injustice.

There are many opportunities and treasures in these levels, but the danger is also proportionally increased. It is the most common and unsurprising thing to die in the holy realm anytime and anywhere.

Shi Lingxi retracted the fan and looked at Shi Ai Ai. Shi Ai Ai shook his head, indicating that he followed Shi Lingxi of the previous life and passed here in the future.

As expected, Shi Lingxi looked at Lou Tongtong again.

Lou Tongtong felt his eyes closed for a while, and he said, "This is the area of ​​flames. The master needs to find 12 high-level flames, and then find the teleportation point that leaves, and we will pass the fifth level."

And these are all the information that Jingtong can perceive. In addition, Yan Jing and Shi Lingxi have explored these methods themselves.

"They all come closer to me."

Shi Lingxi took a look at the status of Sun Yu and others, but it is OK, but in the long run, it is not good for sudden battles, and the current temperature of the ice foxtail that he brings does not consume the psionic energy. Block the heat for everyone.

"Yes," Sun Yu and others didn't hesitate. The four levels came over, and their due consciousness and cooperation were established.

They approached Shi Lingxi and Lou Yuan, and for a moment, Shi Lingxi was covered with a piece of ice crystals, and a breath of coolness shielded all 13 people and a dog.

Sun Yu shuddered, and he felt the chill in the scorched earth of a heat wave.

But after a while, Shi Lingxi adjusted the temperature within the range he could influence to the most suitable range. He not only had the foxtail of ice but also the foxtail of inflammation, and he could completely control the heat and cold.

Lou Yuan gently rubbed Shi Lingxi's ears, and the proud emotion sprang up spontaneously, and he also received the envious eyes of Sun Yu and Wang Ning, and the rare and shocked eyes of Zuo Qiuchen.

Nine tails really represent nine completely different abilities, and his little ancestors are too bad.

After entering the fifth level within three days, there will be no time limit. They are not in a hurry to go deeper and explore in this area first.

With the expedition of the field, Sun Yu felt that Shi Lingxi was a treasure, and it was also a kind of artifact-like treasure necessary for home travel.

A healer, an alchemist, and a walking thermostat. They thought it would be the limit to get here, but when they were eating, Shi Lingxi gave them live vegetables on the spot.

"Let ’s order some lettuce first, you can have barbecued meat, and then we can cook rice with rice. Ayuan, what else do you want to eat?"

Shi Lingxi has a variety of vegetable seeds in a cubic space. He has bright eyes and looks at Lou Yuan, as if Lou Yuan wants the stars in the sky, he can pick them up.

Lou Yuan, who was grilling meat, thought about it, "Let's have more tomatoes."

Not long ago, they looked for a nest of beast eggs with the breath of fire. Both Shi Aiyi and Lou Tongtong have identified that they can be eaten. He is cooking Shi Lingxi's fried eggs with tomatoes, which is one of Shi Lingxi's favorite dishes.

"Okay," Shi Lingxi nodded, holding another seed in his palm, and then visible to the naked eye, the small seeds were branched and germinated and blossomed, and the green fruits turned red, and a huge tomato hung on it. There are 9 full.

Four were left for Lou Yuan scrambled eggs, and the remaining Shi Lingxi were washed with the iced water. He and Lou Tongtong and Shi Ai Ai began to simmer. Sun Yu and Zuo Qiu Chen also came to discuss one. That's all for now.

"It's delicious," Sun Yu sighed, ignoring the contempt and envy of Wang Ning and others.

But the hard times have been used to them, and Shi Lingxi has participated in them, so that they can live such a good life, which is somewhat unaccustomed. What's the feeling of this picnic?

"This boundary is much larger than ours in the fourth level. It's been three days, and it hasn't hit other teams." Zuo Qiuchen, who had finished tomatoes, touched his chin, his eyes looked around, and there was still a flame of fire. Earth.

Their previous gathering point was just one of the countless ordinary ones. In a short time, the probability of them hitting the same gathering point is not high, but the possibility of hitting the same teleported team is quite high.

These people are also the ones they most need to be vigilant. A large part of the danger in the level is due to competition between similar teams.

It's a good thing that they haven't hit yet, but it's also worrying that they haven't been hit. This shows that the area here is too large, and the time they spend will be correspondingly increased, and no amount of preparation may be exhausted.

"Whenever you come, you should be safe. After eating, everyone will hurry and continue to cultivate."

Shi Lingxi said that he reached out to take over the lettuce wrapped rice delivered by Lou Yuan. He put it in his mouth, cheeks swelled, and slowly chewed and tasted. Sure enough, the taste of the beast meat in the higher realms became better, and he felt the beast meat Good for his Fire Fox.

The others were also rude, everyone gathered around and ate a Fire Horned Beast from a magma without eating any bones. There is enough meat and vegetables.

Shi Lingxi ate, and he stood up, raised his hands, gathered around his center, gathered a piece of his light blue ice crystal to continue to cool them, and for the first time he tried to walk without any protection. Taupe scorched earth edges.

At the same time, the nine tails that Shi Lingxi has been dragging have a flaming foxtail. He sat cross-legged and began to try to condense the fire spirit overflowing from the magma.

Lou Yuan looked at Shi Lingxi for a moment. He also sat down and started daily practice. At the same time, he was alert to the danger of coming at any time. No one else dared to waste time, and began to practice Ling Ling Dan.

This practice was one day and one night. They reached the limit of one practice at a time, and they started to move, but they saw that Shi Lingxi had submerged his feet into the magma and looked like he was washing his feet, but in fact he was still practicing.

Ten minutes later, Shi Lingxi opened his eyes, and then retracted his feet from the magma. Lou Yuan came over and squatted in front of Shi Lingxi to help him put on his shoes. Shi Lingxi continued to precipitate the excessively rich fire breath, and did not refuse Lou Yuan's actions.

However, after Lou Yuan helped him dress well, he still approached slowly, kissed Lou Yuan's forehead, and expressed his thanks.

"Yi", a low and clear voice, Jiang Ying and Zhu Nier followed the words silently.

Lou Yuan stood up and lifted up Shi Lingxi, and then Shi Lingxi's Jiuwei reappeared. Sun Yu and others of Wang Tian consciously approached and then removed their protective measures. They continued to explore in the periphery.

The strategy of Lou Yuan and Shi Lingxi is actually not difficult to understand. They try to maximize the benefits of Shi Lingxi's alchemy advantage and strive for more time for them to grow steadily.

According to Lou Tongtong's announcement, before their first breakthrough, the people in the holy city will not invade the earth in spite of this ancient rule. There is also a huge time difference between the two sides. They can continue to accumulate strength here. .

Finally, on the tenth day of orderly exploration around their periphery, they encountered similar teams, and the two teams moved forward separately before they even met. Until now, each team is unlikely to have a big gain, and they have not played before they meet.

"The tree people, the spirit of plants and trees, are also known as the longevity family, but their original continent was destroyed 10,000 years ago, and a few survivors moved to the holy realm to hide and survive. See more. "

Shi Ai Ai told Shi Lingxi and Lou Yuan only the team's information, and made the most appropriate analysis of the information he had.

Shi Lingxi nodded, and his fingertips were on Shi Ai's mirror. There were descriptions of the tree people's appearance characteristics and fighting methods. Their powerful strength was not combat effectiveness, but vitality.

This is also the place where they make foreigners ravage. There is a terrible spirit in the holy city that can plunder the life of the tree people for their own use, which is also the main reason for the destruction of their continent.

They occasionally show up and will be hunted. Shi Aiyi didn't analyze it wrong, so the team that is full of tree people is really rare.

"The rules of survival here are too strict!"

Zhu Nier frowned, and was unaccustomed to the fact that the Shuren tribe was almost destroyed because of its long life.

In the holy realm, weakness is the original sin, and the "treasure" of Huaiyang is still weak, and it will become the target of bullying of all races.

Others did not follow Zhu Nier's words, and continued to verbally crumble.

The condition of their earth is not much better than that of the Shuren people. They did not normally develop into the holy realm, but they were drawn into the realm of the holy realm similarly to that promoted by Yu Miao. They are simply not qualified to sympathize with the tree people.

As a result of this situation on the earth, these holy places and their families have to bear great responsibility.

"Come on, let's continue our exploration in another direction."

Shi Lingxi glanced at the angry Zhu Nier. He pulled Lou Yuan's hand and moved on.

Shi Lingxi's rug-like exploration method is not just a matter of time, but also gains.

On the fifteenth day, they hit a low-level firehorn beast's lair. After killing five ordinary five-level firehorns and one fifth-level lord firehorn, they also collected the rare rare millennium flame grass. .

A month later, they found three 3,000-year-old fireweeds in an abandoned fire rock cave, and a broken map of the skin of an unknown purpose. ...

Three months later, they finally walked through all the surrounding areas. Of course, their walk is only slower than that of flying fast.

Similarly, Lou Yuan broke through again to the middle of the sixth grade, and Sun Yu and Zuo Qiuchen also practiced to the limits of their respective realms. They needed a chance to make a breakthrough. They did not have Lou Yuan's constitution without any cultivation barrier.

Shi Lingxi is still in the early stage of Sipin. He has also tried to break through and has not been able to succeed, but now he has found the key. He must have the ability of nine tails to reach the initial limit of Sipin at the same time. Law breaks through again.

And Sipin is the limit that he can reach by natural cultivation. Now, from the beginning, he will aim at foxtail cultivation and make a breakthrough.

However, Shi Lingxi is not in a hurry, this area of ​​fire is very suitable for him to practice the foxtail of the yan, he can specialize in the foxtail of the yan, and the overall level is low, it will not affect his promotion of the foxtail.

Even when one of his flaming foxtails appeared, the breath on his body was faintly stronger than that of Sun Yu, who ranked second among the cultivation levels.

In Shi Lingxi's situation, Zuo Qiuchen knows nothing about the lords of the past. But all in all, the ability to improve is a good thing.

They flew to the inner fire area for three days and stopped. Obviously, they could feel that the temperature inside had risen significantly compared to the surrounding area, and the danger coefficient had also increased linearly.

"Here was fighting three days ago," the corpse was missing, but traces of the battle remained. Zuo Qiuchen checked it again, and quickly returned to Shi Lingxi's side to make an obituary. Shi Lingxi was surrounded by a comfortable world, and there was Fire Hell outside.

"Let's go on, we will continue to advance horizontally," Shi Lingxi and Lou Yuan glanced at each other, the original strategy is unchanged, and this is also to give Zuo Qiuchen Sun Yu their time to make a breakthrough.

After this day, the number of times they participated in the battle increased significantly. In addition to Shi Lingxi and the two dolls, they shot fewer shots, and everyone else fought four or five times a day.

"Roar!" An angry roar came from the depths of the flames, bringing up all the magma riots, and only a pale golden flamefish jumped out, spitting out golden inflammation points outward.

"This is the eighth time this month, and the team won't bury Yan Jing."

Sun Yu responded flexibly to the golden inflammation and muttered at the same time, but he saw that Lou Yuan and Shi Lingxi were still so calm and consciously put their worries back into their stomachs.

At the same time, this is the fourth month that they have stayed in the inner fire area.

Three months plus four months and a half months passed, and they began to be visually tired of the red world in front of them.

Sun Yu they avoided the inflammation that was fatal enough, but Lou Yuan was helping Shi Lingxi to catch these gold flame fishes. About one hundred gold flame fishes would have an inherent fire gall, and this is what Shi Lingxi uses at this stage. A great place to raise fire.

Another riot ended, and Shi Lingxi took a look at Ge Yue, who hadn't broken through again except everyone, and didn't plan to wait. The situation that Sun Yu said was not impossible.

Counting time, this is the limit they can delay at this level.

The middle period of Lou Yuan Liupin was close to completion, Sun Yu, Zuo Qiuchen, Wang Ning, Long Chongyun, the fifth period of Jiangpin, Jiang Ying, Xiao Ge, Song Shucheng, the middle period of Wupin, Ge Yue and the rehearsal of the rhubarb fifth stage.

Compared to when Shi Lingxi just woke up, everyone has improved to a large level. Their team has entered from the end to the middle. In the next face of siege or other possible situations, the situation will not be so severe.

"Ready, I withdraw the ice tail," Shi Lingxi won't let himself be a short board in the team. He talked down, and for a while, only the foxtail of Yan remained, and his breath began to rise. .

Mid-grade, late, perfect, fifth grade, early, middle, late, complete, early sixth grade!

Shi Lingxi relied on her feet to raise her Yan Foxtail to the strongest level under Lou Yuan. Before, she only compared Sun Yu's feelings, but now she is completely solid.

Even if he fights in this area of ​​fire, he still has certain advantages. The fire spirit can recover faster, and the fighting endurance is relatively long.

Sun Yu, Zuo Qiuchen, they have gone from being surprised to not being surprised. On Shi Lingxi and Lou Yuan, it is both reasonable. What was surprising was simply a waste of emotional energy.

As the strategy of horizontal loitering changed, they began to advance in a straight line.

Another month, they arrived at the boundary of the fire area closest to the center, and this road can be described by the blood and rain. They were all 30 teams, and were chased and killed by nearly 30 teams. Occasionally, the teams that collided with each other might not have a total of four or five hundred.

They are far from invincible in this realm. They rely solely on Shi Lingxi's elixir and other teams to fight for resources.

In an incredibly hot cave with thirteen people, except for Shi Ai and Lou Tongtong, who were not involved in the battle, they were all embarrassed. Even the rhubarb was so thick that it was incredibly thin and thighed. Breathing, he was seriously injured.

"Damn ..." Shi Lingxi kept filling his mouth with medicine to maintain an acceptable temperature for the crowd, and this time they also escaped from the strong enemy by using Lingtan to escape to this extremely hot flame cave.

"What are those Shuren going to do?" Sun Yu shoved four or five miracles into his mouth while holding his wounds steady.

This time, they were purely struck by a pool of fish, and after fighting with a team, they had not been able to withdraw from the rest. The Shuren brought nearly a hundred hunters into them.

They only have two options at present, one is to join the hunting team, the other is to avoid it far. However, the tree people did not give them the opportunity to choose, they stopped the counter-slayers directly, and the melee started, they had no choice.

The hundred people chased and killed the team, and secretly reached an agreement to treat Shi Lingxi as a competitor. With such a large siege, they could only flee while fighting.

Lou Yuan powerfully killed several people. Shi Lingxi relied on the fire to find the escape direction, and they hid in this extremely hot underground flame cave. It was inevitable that they were injured or seriously injured. Now none of them has fallen and it is a miracle. .

"Don't let Doge meet them again!" Regardless of whether they are an endangered species, using them to escape is the enemy.

Shi Lingxi was holding Rhubarb. He raised his hand, dragged his injured and bald hind legs to the front of Shi Lingxi, and then lay down obediently. Later, Shi Lingxi stuffed himself with a miracle, and at the same time he exhibited the mystery. Moon surgery for rhubarb healing.

The bleeding wound was crusted at a rate that was visible to the naked eye, and a layer of fluffy hair was regrown, and Rhubarb's leg injury was almost ten or eight.

Others, Shi Lingxi can no longer manage it, and the temperature is so high that the foxtail of the ice must be maintained by elixir. It is the key that he continues to resist the high heat for everyone.

Lou Yuan alone underwent nearly 90% of the attacks and was struggling to recover in seconds.

After two full hours, Lou Yuan opened his eyes. He took a look at Shi Lingxi. Then he replaced the ice foxtail of Shi Lingxi with a spiritual barrier to continue to resist the high temperature and let Shi Lingxi breathe.

"You take a break first," Lou Yuan stroked the face of Shi Lingxi distressedly. He knew that the foxtail of Yan Yan appeared alone to help Shi Lingxi recover, but Shi Lingxi failed to choose the best for everyone. Your own way.

"Okay," Shi Lingxi nodded, and Jiuwei left one. He exhaled, closed his eyes, and began to adjust his breath to recover.

Later, he and Lou Yuan took over and recovered, and gained time for everyone. On the third day of hiding in Yandong, all the talents adjusted back to their strongest state, and the injuries of Rhubarb and Sun Yu were also fully recovered.