MTL - Smallholder Farmer-Chapter 634 Short of the parents of Xianwang

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Ps: Yesterday on the way home, this is to make up yesterday!

Lao Dingwang heard this, anyway, his son’s illness is good, and now he has a few grandchildren. He is studying the work of his granddaughter. Naturally, he does not agree. The interface says:

"This is not just a matter for your daughter. There are some reasons for my rebellion!"

The jade of the jade did not go out. He heard the father’s rebellion, and it was also a look of incomprehensibility. The old king looked at his son and he stopped to talk.

"What are you doing here? Not busy to pass the lamb to eat?"

"I am not the master of this, the natural master is going to do the hospitality!"

Ding Wang actually wants to know the memory he has lost. How can the old king dare to take the risk of getting him back, and now he is black:

"How do you become a man's uncle, do you still have to tell you that you have never been? Then again, the prince of the sage must be in the town, the Jin family entered the next door, are you finished?"

"Yes, the father is angry, the son is going to do it!"

Ding Wang Ye is gone... He is unwilling to go unwilling, and his heart is angry: I don’t know if I am angry, I think I am coming! In the eyes of Lao Dingwang, Zhong Wuyan had to sing a woman to follow, and then went to greet the guests for the sage.

"You are too mixed, then the old man is still in the hall, you are being smashed out!" Zhong Wuyan once again saw his own confession. Listening to a story, being picked up twice, this name is not directly mentioned.

Lao Dingwang watched the two go out, this is the way to Gao Yiye:

"At the beginning, he was also unconstrained. It is inevitable that there will be some knots. Brothers don't have to blame themselves!"

"Oh, this is what I said. But... I don’t want to raise my father!" Gao Haoye lamented!

Zu Yuye looked at his son for fun, and he closed his mouth. He did not say that he turned his head to the jade:

"Your mother has always been a slap in the face, so that the family is looking at it. I thought that my grandfather would have to lie in his hand. Later, it happened to meet your father and marry it. Who knows that this fate is actually the same. The daughter married the same husband!"

This edge is really not shallow. Everyone has a heart.

Yuxi knew about the old things twenty years ago. Although the mother-in-law had framed her mother, she turned to dryness. There are a lot of hidden feelings in this. The details are definitely not straightforward. Fortunately, I also know about it. It is not a good move. The next three is not enough to explain the boring degree of this move. Can be determined that Wang Ye was unable to help the woman and changed her interest. It is estimated that it is not a small scheme. The elders don't mention that the younger family is already a mother, so how can I leave some face and say it again? There are two more embarrassing things.

The high family, sitting and chatting. Waiting for the final result of the Jin family. Gao Shuai is careful to pay attention to this matter. Because, in the past, it was not good to do things that my sister controlled.

Fortunately, Dingwang quickly carried the sheep up with the next person. The high handsome man put a special one in front of the table. When the jade smelled, he knew that Dingwang was doing something, and put so much in it. In front of the coach. Had to go forward and face the king:

"Dry, you want to know, you know, you think you are wise to do this?"

"Hey, little girl, you can rest assured, I won't be fooled. I know, he knows that he won't tell me. You think that there are no elders in the eyes who learn from them. They are a teacher!"

"You can't take it!" Yuxi didn't want to take care of it. It smelled like it was a lot more, not that he couldn't eat it.

The trick that Ding Wang’s third child had done was long seen by Gao Dashuai. When everyone put the mutton in front of the table, Gao Shuai went down the table and put his mutton in front of Wang Laosi, and put the end of Wang Laosi. gone.

"Boss, what are you doing!"

"Don't do anything, you put so much, how do I eat, you love the sauce of the Hu people, it doesn't mean I like it too!"

"You can't grab my share, it's the same lamb!"

"You two will participate in the adjustments, can you still have problems?"

Gao Dashuai raised his eyebrows and looked at Wang’s depressed expression, and he was happy. Wang Laosi smelled the mutton in front of him, and it was not bad. He stopped his mouth, but Dingwang had no appetite. This kid, the things placed in front of him could not be overwhelmed. It was really useless. Ding Wang was very uncomfortable with the stunned, so he had to go to the high handsome, "that..."

"A sheep, won't you just have this plate?" Gao Shuai looked at him. I know that he is light.

"That's not a bodhisattva! Just have this plate!"

In front, on the table of several elders, it is natural to be normal lamb.

"Sit down!" Ding Wang sat down happily, followed by Gao Dashuai, in the hall of the Yinwang Bieyuan, set up a few, two seats, Wang Laosi was abandoned, not happy!

"How can you be so loyal to this person? Ask who, can this be separated?"

"I have been separated from you for a long time! Besides, you are not red, do you recognize it?" said Ding Wang, while looking at the sage of the sage,

Uncle Confucius, is the son of Wen Wang, the man of the singer, the one who is the same as the tall and handsome, so that he has to go with Wang Laosi, he also loves to laugh, then he smiles and refuses. go!

"The fourth, what you do, the consequences are at your own risk, and you have to eat yourself if you are not eating hard!"

"Kong Boda, absolutely not, I am seated!" Ding Wang immediately sat down, and then refused to leave.

The Confucius boss was taught by his old man. It was a task to eat, and a gentleman could not covet his appetite. See you, know that the plate in front of you is also normal lamb, and now stands up:

"The father-in-law, Xiao Xiao and the four sisters sit!"

"Wow, you can't afford it, come and sit, sit down!"

I am eager to leave the table and follow Wang Laosi. Uncle Kong’s grandfather is sitting with his own family. I really don’t like it. Who said that Fan Qian and Wen Wenwu? It’s really a squint. After the Confucius’s uncle has talked with him a few times, I really don’t believe that this person can give birth to the No. 1 son. Now it’s not unexpected. This is the famous Jinjia Phoenix student of the Jin family. Baby. This time I have to sit with him to eat this mutton, it really has a stomachache.

Yuxi did not sit down, and sat with her mother, who did not know whether she was an aunt or a mother. Grandpa Confucius turned to see her, um, this girl is interesting, catch it and let it go! At the moment, I was beckoning at the jade:

"Three hoes, come over, sit with my grandfather!"

Yuxi sat in the past. This person is really not frank, afraid to sit with his modest and sly! Sitting in a row, the hospital outside the door led a distinguished guest, Wang Yuanshuai. When he received the post, he was not in Beijing. He was sympathizing with his own soldiers in the big camp outside the capital of Beijing. The moment I rushed back, I went straight to another hospital.

Uncle Kong Jia once again thanked himself for calling Xiao Shantou to accompany himself, and Yuxi had already sat down. Otherwise, sitting with the grandfather to eat, it is impossible to eat!

I would like to say that the current ceremony, Wang Laoshuai pressed and pressed, said that it was free, and bowed to the top of the old Marshal, but the two eyes found the location of the jade.

"Shantou, I have only heard this time, you have a white horse under your hand. It seems to be very good. How do you actually look at my grandfather?"

"Where am I!" The jade blessing that stood up and had not finished the set, I heard such a question mark.

"You have, little girl, two years ago, you will not kill, then the dead boy all day gives you flowers to send trees, send insects to the sheep, if alive, it is ten Zhuangzi can't shut down, but my grandfather, I haven't seen you to feed anything, then you won't feed the horse!" Wang Haoye screamed!

Yuxi never knew that she actually had this reputation. Did Siqi really send so many things? Hey! That space has to be well thought out.

"I didn't!" Yuxi shook her head again.

Gao Dazhen knows that it is the one. Now he replies: "Uncle Wang, in the hands of Xiao Yan, what is the uncle looking for?"

"Oh, I heard that the horse is also a horse. I look for it. If it is the same as mine, it is just right!"

"Well, what is good, that horse is the same as what you have. If you want a good horse, you will send it to my Zhuangzi!" Xian Wang looked at the two coldly, and took a look at the jade, the two After the talents know what to do, how can this be said in front of the son-in-law, and now shut up. The look is a bit sloppy to the old Marshal:

"Uncle, what happened to this matter today? The old boy came across the road and he came back. What do you mean?" Wang Laoshuai went forward and sat down to the elders to find out the specific situation. .

So, everyone settled down safely. The mutton was served with a copper plate. There was a red peat stove with silver charcoal to continue to add heat. Naturally, there are dishes made by chefs from other hospitals. The wine is jade. The latest output of the "Manshu wine" is good, but it does not line up this lamb, or the height of the king's old toss "Wuliangye" to come to the power ~ ~ everyone to drink in a large bowl, eaten meat. Looking at Uncle Kong’s heart, how can his baby’s gimmick fall into the hands of these martial arts?

"Shantou, have they always been like this?"

Uncle Kong had a lot of loss, and the champion, the son-in-law, didn’t look like it, and followed Wang’s four hands to grab the leg of the sheep.

"Well, my grandfather, in fact, my grandfather is like this!"

Uncle Kong smashed out of the wine and pointed at his nose: "My father?"

Fan Qianhe did not like this family who bite the word, and took the words on the side: "Yes, you are jealous, eat this lamb, and it is more powerful than the uncle Wang and the old uncle Wang!"

Uncle Kong’s grandmother looked at the **** mouth of the two men’s oils, and raised a sigh of my life.

Yuxi smiled and filled him with juice: "Actually, my grandfather, you tasted the "Wangliangye", who is not deep, said that it is very palatable!" (To be continued)
