MTL - Smallholder Farmer-Chapter 681 Recovery

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Halfway through, the green mother couldn’t help but go back and salvage. No way, it’s been a long time with the surname Jin, and I really learned a lot! If you don't believe it, you have to believe it. --

"Wang Ye...Wang Ye, can this thing be 'delivered' to Bupleu and others to ask, Wang Ye is on the sidelines, for the little master to build a good relationship!"

"This is the king of the province. You can't go back and say, go back. If Wang Hao does not rest, he will say that the king is going hunting!"


Green mother got into the carriage and unveiled the back cover. Here is the small 'door' into the space! Qing mother returned to the 'medicine' Wangzhuang, 'Jade' has been rested, the people in Zhuangzi have already had a rest, raised the 'fine' god, and ate dinner, chatting for a while, They have rested, and only Pan is still waiting for the 'door'.

It was already very late at this time, and ‘Jade’ had gone to the “Being in Xianju” to rest, and the small “doors” leading to the inner court were closed! This nominal inner court is actually a passage to the time and space of 'Jade' and 'Bodhi' Caves." Inside, 'Jade' is not made by people. This is the "private" person of Xian Wang and her. space.

"Young sister, sit down and tell me, what can be done outside?"

"Run well, Wang Ye with Chai Hutong Zi Xi Wang and others are finishing!"

“Does anyone really want to be a girl?”

"Really, there are a lot of people, about one hundred, about half of the skills are not worse than me. Fortunately, the people arranged by the prince, the few who are dressed as you are masters, that is, the one who plays the girl is not an ordinary master. This is to subdue everyone!"

"Ask, is that person in the house?"

"Left is just a few of the palaces. If it is Xue, it is to find a way to die!"

"Xue's family, I can't see it. It's all time to please sell it. The girl just reaches out and the nobles are soft."

"I am afraid that I am afraid that I will be obedient. In fact, my heart is not convinced! Now her body is already good. As the saying goes, the scars will forget the pain, but I am afraid to think carefully!"

"Sister, it is unlikely, what the king said, you look at the face of the prince 'color', can you see something? Can you estimate the 'touch' 80%?"

"Don't mention how we can try to figure out the mind of the master, my sister. I heard that this prince is a young boy, and he is very prosperous! I thought that, according to you, what do our sisters see, how can they trust? But really Sister, today, I can see, it’s really close to me, I have to freeze! I didn’t dare to look at it, this time I’m a prince. I watched all the chills, so the old girl said that he didn’t like him cold. It’s not like a living person! This is true.”

"Don't talk about chaos. When you were a child, do you remember to do so clearly?"

Pan’s mother was scared to see it. Although she really only had two of her own, I was really worried that this would be heard by the prince!

"It's hard to say where the government is reaching out. However, I think the martial arts of people are different from those of the previous few! At least this kind of pie is different!" Green mother turned her head and talked about the master behind her. It is best not to.

"I don't know how to guess this kind of thing. Anyway, this lord will manage it, hehe. It's hard to be a Liu family. I really have any idea. This is the position of the prince. It's not that we have made the means, this is really destined." Who can change it!"

"Liu Jia may have a share, and the strength of the cockroaches is not afraid of death." The mother remembered the incident of the horror of the previous period, quite certain.

"Forget it, you wash and sleep! We don't know anything about this thing, and don't have to guess. When the girl comes out of the inner court tomorrow morning, how can you talk back and think about it, don't be scared, now? More than usual, this golden sister is not around, if there is any difference, we can't take it off!"

"This is natural! The girl is really a treasure. It’s time, I don’t know myself..."

"Let's go to sleep, if you talk a lot, the girl's reaction, if it's not our ‘serving' waiting for the 'fine' heart, then I can't know, right!”

The two laughed and broke up, and each went to their own room to rest, no words for one night!

The next day, the prince of the hunting did not come back. Qing mother explained to the 'Jade' that the outside was just a big mountain. When I went out yesterday, I found the tiger group. This Wang Ye was so excited that I had to fight. A few tigers are counted, chasing it!

Too much bloody, ‘Jade’ believes this reason. I don't want to know in detail, animals are also life, not to say that 'Jade' is already lofty to walk and slay the ants, but there is still reservation about the behavior of the mountains chasing animals for hunting. For these perpetrators I really feel that I don't see more peace of mind!

When the sage king appeared in front of ‘Jade’, he was already a fragrant soup. He washed it three times from beginning to end, but ‘Jade’ still smelled a strong blood.

"Wang, how many tigers did you kill this?"

‘Jade’ screaming Laomu is a kind of mood. Calling His Royal Highness is a kind of mood. You can ask the prince to add your words, that is, the worst mood is expressed. It’s not a sentimental ah, ‘Jade’ really feels that the pungent smell of Laomu’s body is too bad, and his nose frowns and flashes, and ‘Jade’ went to the inner court, and Laomu’s foot chased away.

This inner court is not the one who wants to enter, the same hospital 'door', went in, maybe went to Zaozhuang, sometimes, but can enter the Bodhi 'hole', of course, into this 'door', Where to go, it is in the control of 'Jade'. Therefore, when Laomu chased into the hospital's 'door', but saw that it was a thriving ‘medicine’ field, it was disappointing. This little girl is too unruly! Waiting for her next time, she must... What to do, when I say it, now, there is no way for His Royal Highness, or he has to go back to the 'medicine' Wang Zhuang, and he has washed three times. This body still has a taste, what is this nose? The sage king wants to talk about the dog's nose. Obviously, his own Wang Hao has a dog's nose. This self-destructive IQ is still not ready, and he has recovered his thoughts in time.

When the sage king finally became the old wood standing in front of the ‘Jade’, it was already three days later, and it was only a hundred miles away from the capital! This road is still the string of the team slowly walking...

The hooves of the slowly walking team screamed in a room in the capital. This voice caused the scalp to numb, reminding someone that the liver was about to jump out of their hearts. The horse went slower, and it was slow to walk. So, on this day, Sheng received the memorial of the prince, and the prince of the lord would enter the city. The rest of the dragon.

This is not the glory of the prince, and I want the emperor to set up a banquet for himself. It is really a rule. If you leave Beijing, you must go back to Beijing, and you must be in the palace. Long Hao and other purposes, no quasi-words are not allowed to enter Beijing, if the four marshals return to Beijing, it is the official residence of fifty miles away will be dismissed, except for the deputy, the pro-barracks, not allowed to bring troops into Beijing!

The return of the wise king to Beijing is no exception. If you do not follow the rules, you will not be able to rule the country. Therefore, Yin Wang and his party stopped at the imperial edict of Xie Longzhen waiting to enter Beijing.

The sacred ceremonies soon arrived, and it was followed by the full ceremonial ceremonies of the white boss who took the sage of the prince to stay in the sage of the sage, and the sacred pet could not say ah!

"What are you doing with such trouble?" Xian Wang really frowned and looked at the people in the ban camp. He was busy changing his car for his team. It was very troublesome! Fortunately, there were several young sons in the Solitaire, but they also reduced the boring waiting. This is a small guest brought by White Boss.

"Three sisters, my brother can be fun!" Fan Jinren, who is a little bigger, is talking. Jin Yu, who is obsessed with and apparently opposed to this argument, is staying on the side and being looked at by the 'Jade' and seeing how tall it is. It’s not convenient to insert it. It’s obvious that those sisters are more hobby. Let's go! Really, there is no point at all, too much to lose the bottom of the Fan family.

"No, how often do you like your brother?" ‘Jade’ has been amused by these few brothers who came to pick up their brothers a moment ago. I am carefully asking about the new brothers and cousins, etc.

The golden mother who was waiting for the ‘Ye’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ I heard that someone made a special trip to kill the girl, saying that it was not killing. But when I heard this, Kim’s mother was not calm. The master in front of me had no taste except the body. Everything else was normal! Can it be dropped? Listening to the younger sister said that some people on the rivers and lakes will be easy to handle. The main son in front of him seems to be a little fat, not too fat, but a long-distance traveler should not be fat.

"What do you want?" Ms. Pan looked at this good sister and started to have a headache. This is what is ill, but her face is really 'fine' color!

"Girl, is it a girl?"

"You said that the girl is can still be a girl, are you old confused?" Pan mother snickered,

"I am not asking this, I am, I mean, the girl has not been replaced, how is the smell on her body?"

This person actually thought that this world can become a living person. Is it too naive to have wood? Pan mother sighed:

"Sure enough, you are not omnipotent. This thing is wow, it is really strange. This big living person can change. Two months ago, Wang Ye and I discovered it early. The taste of the girl, after getting married, the taste is still more intense. Yes, telling the truth, my heart is really not a car, but one day before two months ago, I smelled gradually faded, Jin sister, we estimated that if the girl became a pro, wouldn’t have that taste? You are not around, don't know, the taste is strong, as if with a new sachet, suddenly faded, it is really heart-wrenching, but then I found out that the girl did not see the red, this is a bit Implemented, and then, it was not seen in a month, and Wang Ye and we only put this heart down. The girl should have a body, according to time, it should be two full months, this girl does not know Wang Ye does not call, afraid she is worried." q--51052+dsuahhh+26982709-->

