MTL - So You’re Such A Doctor Song-Chapter 643 In conclusion, he didn't like her to go to work

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Lu Qingxi listened and wanted to spit blood, "Are you my husband or did you pick it up from the outside?"

"Let ’s have a wedding not long ago, I forgot it so soon", Song Chulang's lips evoke inconspicuous smiles, but that kind of laugh is definitely not a kind smile, "Forget I will accompany you in bed tonight Recall. "

Lu Qingyan rolled his eyes, "I'm going to eat."

She got up, trot and walked away, Song Chulang held her head back, looked at her back, and thought that she was going to work, somehow frowned.


In the early morning of the next day, Song Chulang was awakened by the movement of her getting up. As soon as he used to sleep, he opened her eyes and saw her sitting on the bed and milking.

Early in the morning, when seeing such a beautiful scene, Song Chulang felt itchy in her heart. As soon as her hand was stretched out, she brought her into her arms.

"Don't be noisy, I'm going to squeeze out the milk I eat today, and then rush to work." Lu Qingxi struggled out.

Song Chulang remembered that she was going to work from today. He used to listen to her screaming to go to work, but he did n’t think so. Now she really is going, and her heart is a little weird. He does n’t like this weirdness. .

In conclusion, he did not like her to go to work.

However, women do not stay at work and stay at home every day, he is not going to get better with this man.

After milking, Lu Qingmao was as busy as a butterfly. On this side, he held the **** sent by the nanny, and on the other side, he began to look for clothes in the closet.

After she was born, she often went to the mall to buy clothes because she had nothing to do, which caused a lot of clothes at home. She was dazzled by the choice. This one didn't seem beautiful enough, and it didn't seem mature enough.

Song Chulang went into the locker room to get her clothes, and she was piled on her neat sofa.

He had always been neat at home, looking at a headache.

"Lang Lang, do you think my dress is beautiful or not enough for youth?" Lu Qingxi anxiously took a suit and came over to ask him.

"Beauty, youth", Song Chulang nodded, just wanted to send her out quickly.

“But it ’s too beautiful to go to work for the first time, is n’t it bad, and it ’s too young to look childish?” Lu Qingmao was troubled again, “You are the boss, you say you like your own employees the first day What do you look like at work? "

Song Chulang was hurt by her crippled ears. Can't figure out how difficult it is for a woman to go to work to change clothes. "I hate women who are dressed up and show off. Just be simple. If you continue to grind like this, will you be late? ".

"Yes, yes, I don't have time to choose again," Lu Qingyan heard him say, and finally anxious to wear a pair of jeans and a beige knit thin shirt and was busy going to wash.

Song Chulang looked at the pile of short skirts and long skirts on the sofa, and sighed, the woman just loved toss.

When he came downstairs, Lu Qingying was carrying his bag in a hurry to change his shoes and prepare to leave.

After finishing breakfast, Song Chulang hugged her daughter. When she went out to look upstairs, she wanted to go to work again. She was really not used to it. When he went downstairs to drive in the parking lot, he found that the Audi a8 that had been bought for her was parked by the side. She was a little strange person. He originally planned to buy a sports car for her to get married. It ’s a gift, but she has to have a long and large Audi a8. Generally, she will not like this type of car at the age of her, but the day he brought it back, she was terribly happy. He held him for a whole day, and said that he never thought that when she was twenty-four years old, she could own a car of more than two million yuan.

In fact, more than two million is a trivial matter to him. He is not very particular about things like cars. He owns more than one million Taiwan. He bought more than two million for her. He is not stingy. Person, she likes it.

But today, she did n’t drive the baby ’s terrible car and Song Chulang was a little weird. She called her and said she was on the subway. “That car is too swaying. If I drive to the company and I see it, I think I am a rich second-generation or married to a rich husband. Although my husband is indeed rich, I think I am so low-key.

"Okay," Song Chulang looked at the car, but said nothing.

It's really good to go out to work and keep a low profile.


Lu Qingying almost rushed to the company. She followed Cao Mo. Cao Mo was a severe sculpting lunatic. Another Du Fan who was similar to her was very easy to get along with. The two chatted for a few minutes. They talked very well. After all, if they did not share the same interests, not many people could bear the loneliness studied in the sculpture, but Zhu Xuechun, who was in his forties, was a bit annoyed, and often saw landing light. I'm new here, and I always say that it's not good, it's a little bad.

Although Lu Qingying looked at him annoyingly, but seeing that he was so much older, after all, he was a senior staff, so he pretended to listen carefully, but for her, he could carve out those ancient objects with his predecessors. She still likes it, especially these objects are used in the TV crew.

In the evening, the company colleagues also took the wind for her newcomer, eating and singing.

I did n’t go back until eleven o'clock in the night. When I went home, there was a cry in the room. Song Chulang Tieqing hugged his face on the sofa. "Look at what time is it. It ’s the first day at work. Come back late, have you ever thought that your daughter can't sleep hungry at home? "

"I just thought I would be hungry, so I hurried back." Lu Qinghuan was ashamed and scolded by him. "The people in the company just sang to welcome me. If I come back too late, I wo n’t give it back." They lost face, and I left in advance, and everyone else was still playing there. "

"So I should praise you, right?" Song Chulang's eyes flashed cold.

Lu Qingqi swaggered and hugged him in the past, sucking her and immediately eating with a big mouthful.

Lu Qing sighed, looking at the little girl's starvation, and seemed to be milking more tomorrow.

"It seems that you still have to make a rule to go to work", Song Chulang fingered at the wooden sofa, and the person in his heart was embarrassed. "If I go to work in the future, I must go home after work, such as a company dinner. The company has events and cannot go home more than half past nine. "

Song Chulang thinks so. He usually returns at 10 o'clock to entertain outside. He can see her and the child at home when he returns. This feeling is still good. Unlike when he came back tonight, He didn't like it at home.

"What's the matter?" Lu Qingyi was unhappy when she heard it. It was too early for her age at 9:30, but at the stage of breastfeeding, she would insist on rushing back early and reducing it. The company's activities, but his bossy attitude made her uncomfortable, "Oh, you can work outside and work late, just say hello to a few days on a business trip, I want to help you collect luggage, be fair Yes, I ’m your uncle ’s biological mother, but you ’re also her biological father. Do n’t because you are the president, you can make as much money as you like. Sister Qing and Brother Chu Yi are not like you. such".

"I'm not Chu Yi." Song Chulang snorted. He always felt that Song Chuyi was too proud of Yan Changqing. "There is a saying that you are right, I make a lot of money, I spend a lot of money on my home, and I live and eat. If you can do it, you can do it like me. "

Lu Qingmao was really angry and disappointed. "I used to think that you and your dad were not the same at all, but now I find that you and your dad are quite alike".

Song Chulang's face changed. What he hated most in his life was that people compared him with Song Huaisheng. Song Huaisheng was a man he didn't want to be in his life. He hated such people. "What do you say?"

"Same masculinity and selfishness", Lu Qingxuan said angrily: "Your men only think about how powerful they are, how much money they make, how much money they spend on this family, but have you thought about it, are you It ’s hard to make money outside, but are women easy and fun at home? We are also paying. It ’s not just paying for one family, it ’s paying for two. Why are so many families separated because some families It ’s just one person giving, some families, some people think they have given a lot, just remember what they give, they do n’t realize that others are giving too. Your dad is also such a person, he thinks he has some money, woman You have to do exactly what he wants, but I'm with you, I'm not coveting your material, your material doesn't have any attraction to me, yes, I'm not as good at making money as you, Now many women are not as good at making money as men, so can women only listen to men? "

Song Chulang listened to the temple suddenly, but had to admit that she analyzed Song Huaisheng very reasonably. Is he also such a person, he did not admit, "You don't give me strong words, I just do it for my sake."

"Then you rest assured, I wo n’t starve her, and today ’s things I wo n’t let her happen again, the rest of my own time schedule, I have my own ideas, you do not have to set rules for me, otherwise I can also give You stand, "Lu Qingxi said, holding up his breath and humming upstairs.

Song Chulang was annoyed, so he couldn't help this girl right now.