MTL - Spellcasting is a Permanent Addition and My Skills Are All Forbidden Spells-Chapter 100 Extra rewards! Showdown by natural selection!

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 Chapter 100 Excessive Reward! Showdown by natural selection!

 Immediately, Lu Cheng continued to take action, killing the flower monsters one after another.

 In less than three or two minutes, the surrounding monsters were swept away.

 Glancing at the experience bar, Lu Cheng felt satisfied.

 Sweep out the monster forces and the harvest will be rich!

These thousands of lava flower demons provided him with more than five million experience points.

 Now, he is not far away from level 25.


 Lu Cheng was satisfied and looked at the twin flower demons again.

At this time, the twin flower demons closed their eyes tightly, and the absorption had reached the final stage.

 “Boom boom boom…”

 The next moment, a roar sounded, and the red light of the totem stone pillars illuminated half of the sky!

Lu Cheng was waiting aside, and when he saw this, he threw out his True Sight.

 Suddenly, he saw the attributes of the twin flower demons.

 After using the power of the totem, the twin flower demons' level has been raised to level 30, and their upper limit of blood volume has been increased by more than 300,000. In addition, they also have the ability to control the totem.

 “That’s okay.”

 Lu Cheng commented and took out a small handful of Origin Stone fragments.

  And on the opposite side.

The twin lava flower demons stretched their bodies and opened their eyes, with fierce light in their four pupils.

 “Human, you…”

The red head opened its mouth and was about to scream when he saw flints zooming in quickly in his field of vision.

 The next second.

 “Bang bang bang bang bang bang!”

Flints roared down, bringing a series of injuries!







 With the increase of Embrace of Source Energy, the damage of each flint shot exceeds 100,000!

 Under the bombardment, the blood volume of the twin flower demons dropped rapidly!

"…Let me go!"

The pupils of the green head shrank sharply, a look of panic appeared on his face, and he wanted to run away.

However, most of its body is stuffed inside the totem, and it cannot be pulled out for a while, so it is impossible to escape!

 The remaining flint falls and is immediately emptied!


 The eyes of the twin flower demons quickly dimmed, and the leaves hung down weakly.

 The next moment, a system prompt rang in Lu Cheng's ears.

  【Ding, you killed the Bronze-level BOSS: Twin Lava Flower Demons, gained +580,000 experience points, and gained +10.6 source energy limit! 】

  【You have killed a Bronze BOSS of the same level or above by yourself, and you will get +90 free attribute points! 】

  【䱱 gained 30 reputation points! 】


Lu Cheng smiled.

 The attribute point rewards for killing the BOSS alone are so generous, it’s almost like robbing.

 Just this twin flower demon provided him with 90 points.

This is only Bronze level. In the future, when you encounter Silver level, Gold level or even higher BOSS, you will be rewarded with more free attribute points!

Thinking of this, Lu Cheng was greatly relieved.

 Then, he looked at the totem in front of him.

 After the death of the twin flower demons, the totem also lost its power, and its two stone arms hung down.


  【Lava Flower Demon Totem】

 【Durability: 10 million/10 million】

 【Special Effect 1: Recover 1000 points of durability per second, and monsters within the totem's envelope will gain attribute increases. 】

  【Special Effect 2…】


As his gaze swept across, the totem attributes were revealed.

This lava flower demon totem is very similar to the totem in the original Dementor monster force.

The durability is 10 million, and several special effects are also nearly the same, all of which increase the level and number of descending monsters.

Lu Cheng didn't pay attention and waved his staff.

 The totem has thick health and does not fight back, so it is a high-quality wooden stake.

 As his fireballs fall, the totem's durability decreases rapidly.

 After a few minutes, it started to falter.


 As the last fireball fell.

 The totem stone pillars were cleared for a long time, and cracks quickly appeared on the surface.

Not long after, there was a loud bang, it collapsed and shattered, and a piece of stone debris flew away.

  【Ding, you destroyed the Lava Flower Demon Totem and received a reward! 】

  【You have gained free attribute points +50! 】

  【You have gained experience points +500,000 and merit points +5,000! 】

  【Ding, you have reached level 25, and you have gained all attributes +3, free attribute points +25, and skill points +1! 】

 Listening to the system prompts, Lu Cheng nodded with satisfaction.

 Through this totem pillar, he stacked the passive nearly 200 times.

 Furthermore, destroying the totem will reward you with 50 points of free attributes.

 Attribute points are too intuitive to improve combat power. These attribute points are his confidence.

As long as his attributes are sufficient, it will become easier and easier for him to kill monsters beyond levels!

"Boom..." In front of him, the corpses of the twin flower demons fell to the ground.

 As the totem collapsed, the BOSS corpse embedded in the totem also fell out.


Lu Cheng stretched out his hand and activated the Embrace of Source Energy.

  【Ding, the twin lava flower demons (bronze level) are successfully refined. You gain the upper limit of source energy +106, health +177, and constitution +12! 】

  【The number of sources included in the Source Energy Illustrated Book +1. 】


 Lu Cheng took back his hand, very satisfied.

This refining is equivalent to directly increasing the upper limit of health by more than 500 points.

 Then, he looked at the light shining in the corpse.

 Next, it’s time to touch the corpse.

To his surprise, the twin flower demons actually revealed a skill book.


 【Skill Book: Energy Barrier】

 【After use, master the bronze level skill: Energy Barrier, which requires level 20 or above, intelligence 135 or above, and consumes 1 skill point. 】

 【Energy Barrier: After chanting for 2 seconds, a large energy barrier is condensed that can follow the caster. 】

  【Absorb 500 damage, consume 100 mana, magic attack bonus coefficient 1.5, cooling time 1 minute, duration 1 minute, proficiency 0/200. 】



Lu Cheng glanced over.

This energy barrier happens to be the advanced skill of energy shield!

If you use the skill upgrade card, the energy shield will be upgraded to bronze level, and it will become an energy barrier.

However, now that I have the skill book, I can learn it directly.

His mind fell on the skill book, and sure enough, a system prompt sounded.

  【Ding, it is detected that you have mastered the energy shield skill. Do you want to replace it with the advanced skill: energy barrier? 】

  【After replacement, your energy barrier skill will be directly upgraded to level 5, and at the same time, the original amplification characteristics will be retained. 】


 Lu Cheng's mind was spinning.

 Energy Barrier requires much higher proficiency than Energy Shield, so this replacement is a sure win.

 The next moment, the system prompts.

  【Ding, the replacement was successful, you used the skill book and mastered the energy barrier skill. 】


 Lu Cheng was very satisfied.

 At this point, the inventory of loot has been completed.

 The gains gained from the Lava Flower Demon's forces can be said to be quite good.

 Then, Lu Cheng glanced at the experience bar.

 The BOSS and the totem experience directly raised him to level 25.

“There are still five levels to go before we can start the second round...”

After thinking about it, Lu Cheng was looking forward to it.

 After completing the second turn, his combat power will increase dramatically.

Furthermore, many of the things in his hand will only take effect after the second turn.

Just like the Demon Exile, you can only enter it after two turns.

 There is also the pioneer qualification of the challenger sequence, which can only be obtained after the second transfer.

 After the second turn, his progress will be much faster!

It seems like it’s urgent to upgrade!

“Next, it’s time for those two monster forces…”

Lu Cheng thought to himself.

  In the previous totem power map, four monster powers were marked, and now there are three left.

 Now, he wants to upgrade quickly, and it is quite suitable to sweep the territory of monster forces.

 After these monster forces are eradicated, they will not appear again for a period of time, and the city will be much safer.


 In every monster force, the probability of producing special materials is very high!

With this in mind, Lu Cheng set off.


 In the blink of an eye, more than half an hour passed.

Lu Cheng stopped and saw a big river in front of him.

 In his ears, a system prompt sounded.

  【Ding, you have stepped into the sphere of influence of the Thunder Crocodile. 】

  【Ding, you have stepped into the blood-eyed monster's sphere of influence. 】


Lu Cheng smiled.

 The two forces, Thunder Crocodile and Blood-Eyed Monster Fish, were completely connected together, which saved him a lot of time on the road.

 But the next moment, another system prompt sounded!

 This time, it’s a settlement announcement!

  【Emergency Notice: Settlement No. 77 has launched a duel of natural selection against your settlement! 】

  1. It originally had 6,000 words, but I deleted a lot of system introductions, so I still owe an update! QAQ【10/10 due】



 (End of this chapter)