MTL - Spellcasting is a Permanent Addition and My Skills Are All Forbidden Spells-Chapter 81 The devil's gift! City Lord Trial, Soul Master

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Chapter 81 The Devil’s Gift! City Lord Trial, the soul-destroying wizard is watching you!

 The demon god’s eyes turned.

 A divine particle separated from his body, turned into a line of light and shadow, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

at the same time.

 In the Demonic Wilderness, Richard remained in a collapsed position.

 The ten minutes of punishment time has not ended yet, and he is still unable to move.

 On his face, there was an expression of despair.

 He is extremely familiar with the rules of natural selection.

But what he never expected was that Lu Cheng from Daxia would actually leave the settlement alone and instead take away his mission props!

"Why, why would he take away my demon blood..."

 Richard was filled with remorse.

Had he known this earlier, he might as well not have initiated this natural selection!

  Ten points of all attributes have been deducted, not to mention.

The key is, even the demon promotion mission failed!

 At this time.

 Over the wilderness, suddenly the wind and clouds surged.

Little bits of black and red light emerged and moved in the air, outlining a three-dimensional pattern.

"This is…"

 Richard was suddenly startled.

 He has seen this scene before. It was like this when the demon **** came before!

 Suddenly, boundless fear surged in his heart.

 Others are pretty easy to say.

 The key is that he lost the demon's blood!

That's what the demon **** gave him!

"Could it be that…"

Richard felt cold and despaired.

 While in mid-air.

The light continued to flow, and soon, the light and shadow of a demon **** was outlined.

next moment.

 The demon god's light and shadow moved, his eyes were cold, and he looked down.

The light and shadow pupils reflected two red lights, which quickly locked onto Richard.

The red light flicked upward and lifted Richard into the air!

 “Lord Demon God…”

 Richard’s feet were not touching the ground, and his eyes were full of fear.

 “Why did your demon promotion mission... fail?”

 The demon god’s voice was cold.

"It's all my fault, Lu Cheng from Daxia! He deliberately sabotaged my promotion ceremony!"

“He used the rules of natural selection to…take away all the devil’s blood and scrolls!”

  Richard gritted his teeth and mustered up the courage to speak.

 The next moment, he saw the devil's light and shadow's eyes turning cold.

"I was negligent and underestimated the other party! Lord God, give me a chance to atone for my sins! I will definitely be able to take back the devil's blood and I will not betray your trust!"

Richard's heart was frightened and he spoke hurriedly.

 “Do you think that the most important thing is the drop of blood?”

 The demon god’s eyes flashed with anger.

 He glanced across the field, and suddenly the wilderness was filled with red light!

 In an instant, Richard felt that every part of his body was cramping, as if it was heartbreaking!

 “Lord God! I know I was wrong! Ah…”

 His face was distorted under the huge pain, and he screamed uncontrollably.

 But what frightened him even more was that every attribute of his was rapidly decreasing!

In just a moment, one hundred attribute points were deducted from him!

These one hundred points of attributes were condensed into a small bead of light, floating between him and the devil's light and shadow.

“Believers, you know… you know you are wrong…”

 Richard struggled to endure the pain and spoke with difficulty.

 The Demon God snorted coldly.

 The next moment, the red light dissipated, and Richard fell downwards, plopping on the ground.

Even with the pearl of light, it also fell next to him.

 “The next promotion is your last chance.”

 The Demon God spoke indifferently.

 Then, he turned around and disappeared from the spot.

 The light and shadow disappeared, and darkness returned to the wilderness.

After a while, Richard finally pulled himself out of the ground and sat down on the ground, breathing heavily.

 “Huh...Thank you, Lord God, for your forgiveness!”

 After regaining his composure, Richard prostrated himself on the ground.

However, there was a flash of resentment in his eyes.

 “If, if…”

 Richard's teeth were broken.

 The demon **** is obviously so powerful.

One look can make him miserable, and dealing with him is like dealing with ants.

 That Lu Cheng of Daxia, even if he is stronger than him, is definitely not as strong as he is.

If the Demon God is willing to take action, he will definitely win the battle of natural selection!

If he wins the natural selection, the mission props will not be taken away, and he will naturally be promoted smoothly!

The more Richard thought about it, the more resentful he became, but he didn't dare to show it. Veins stretched on his forehead from holding it in.

 The next moment, he caught a glimpse of golden light from the corner of his eye.

 Turning around, I saw it was the light bead!

Richard was overjoyed and quickly picked up the pearl.

 After swallowing it, his attributes began to increase.

 In the blink of an eye, 100 attribute points returned to his body!

“Woo, thank you Lord Demon God for your gift…”

 Richard's eyes were red, and he felt regret in his heart.

The demon **** still favored him and did not take away his attributes!

 In this case, all the accounts should be recorded on the head of that Daxia man!

His thoughts turned and his eyes gradually became sinister.


at the same time.

 The Demon God’s eyes were equally sinister.

 The container promotion failed, disrupting his original plan!

 It doesn’t matter if you lose a drop of demon blood.

But the Exile Scroll will only be released during the Demon Promotion Quest, and he has no way to obtain it now.

 If you don’t get the scroll back, you have to wait for a month!

 “That country, in the Eastern it the land of destruction?”

 The Demon God thought for a moment and then raised his head.

 After hesitating for a moment, he released another divine particle.

 "Lu Cheng...right?"

 Watching the light and shadow condense and form, heading towards the direction of the God of Destruction, the Demon God's eyes turned cold.


 And on the other side.

 In the valley, golden light emerged in front of Lu Cheng, holding up the scroll.

【Ding, the choice was successful, you have captured the exile scroll of settlement No. 85 (burning in progress), and this natural selection battle is completely over. 】

 “Get it.”

 Taking the scroll, Lu Cheng smiled.

This natural selection gave him another 20 points of all attributes.

However, the biggest harvest is still the exile scroll!

 As Lu Cheng’s eyes fell.

 The properties of the picture scroll are displayed.

【Exile Scroll (in the process of burning)】

  【Special items】

  【A strange picture that leads to the secret place where demons are exiled. 】

  【In a special state: Demon's blood burning, the conditions of use have changed to some extent. 】

  【Conditions for use: Believe in the demon **** and possess demon blood. 】

  【After use, you can enter the Demon Exile as a follower of the Demon God and be immune to attacks by most demons and monsters. 】


"This is it."

 Lu Cheng raised his eyes.

 Now, the exile scroll is engraved with demon blood, which is equivalent to being tailor-made for Richard by the demon god.

 He had to deal with it first and separate the two items.

 Lu Cheng picked up the scroll and injected mana into it.

 【Ding, canceling burning requires 1000 mana points. Do you want to cancel it? 】


Lu Cheng's mind turned, and mana suddenly flowed into the exile scroll.

 The scroll was wrapped in mana, and the patterns on it began to change, the lines continued to shrink, and finally gathered into a drop of black-red blood.

  【Ding, the burning is canceled successfully, you have obtained the devil's blood and the exile scroll! 】

 The mana dissipates and the system prompts sound.


  【Devil's Blood】

  【Special items】

  【The blood of pure-blooded demons has the effect of attracting and suppressing low-level demons and monsters. 】

  【If you have demon blood, you can eat it directly and gain free attribute points +100. 】


This demon's blood is of high quality and can provide a full 100 points of free attributes.

 Although he has no intention of transforming into a demon.

 But after the level is high, you can also extract the attributes inside!

Glancing at the demon blood attribute, Lu Cheng put it away.

 After the demon blood was separated, the properties of the scroll also changed.


  【Exile Picture Scroll】

  【Special items】

  【A strange picture that seems to exude the aura of the abyss. 】



 Lu Cheng nodded with satisfaction.

 In this way, he had gathered both materials.

Only one more synthesis scroll is needed to combine the secret key.

 Synthetic scrolls are not rare and easy to get.

However, we have to wait until the things at hand are finished.

Lu Cheng put the scroll into the storage space and put it with the devil's key.

 Then, draw out the Gifted Breathing Staff.

 Now, his trial mission is not over yet.

 “There are four rounds of trial tasks...”

 Lu Cheng was thinking in his mind.

 Four rounds of trials, corresponding to inferior, medium, superior, and perfect ratings respectively.

 The higher the rating, the more generous the rewards will be.

Moreover, in addition to rewards, additional privileges will be unlocked!

 Think of the rewards from the City Lord Trial.

Lu Cheng was full of anticipation and quickly headed towards the interior of the valley.


Around him, a small wave of dementors spotted him and roared towards him.

Lu Cheng raised his staff and fired a fireball.


 The fireball exploded, and the fire wave spread dozens of meters, instantly drowning the group of monsters.

 Then, a system prompt came.

  【Ding, you killed 7 Dementors (level 26), gained experience points +28574, and the source energy limit +2.1! 】

 With his current combat power, ordinary Dementors pose no threat at all.

 Twenty minutes later.

 Lu Cheng came to the depths of the valley.

During this period, he continued to encounter small groups of Dementors, which became his experience.

As he went deeper and deeper, the number of dementors became less and less.

 Later, almost one by one appeared sporadically.

However, Lu Cheng didn’t care.

Since the Traveling Boots cannot be triggered for the time being, killing these sporadic monsters is just a casual matter.

 One or ten, the difference is only in experience, it does not affect his passive stack.

 “These monsters have neither shrunk nor besieged…”

While moving forward, Lu Cheng observed.

 Monster forces are different from ordinary monsters. They will react when humans intrude.

 Generally speaking, there are two reactions.

 Either gather together to besiege, or shrink down and hide.

However, what he encountered now was not among these two.

These dementors wandered purely instinctively and had no reaction to his arrival.

 If this happens, either the intelligent monster has not yet arrived.

 Either, there are other special circumstances!

Lu Cheng raised his eyebrows.

 He can determine the answer by judging the difficulty of the trial task.

 The second round of trials is to kill the leader, proving that among the monster forces, there are monsters stronger than the leader!

Thinking of this, Lu Cheng felt happy.

 In special circumstances, the rewards will be even more generous!

So, Lu Cheng quickened his pace and headed into the valley.

 Not long after, he reached the end of the valley.

A few hundred meters away, a huge rock is huge and glowing with a majestic luster.

 Under the huge rock, there is a huge dementor wearing a leather robe!

At this time, it was pressing its palms on the huge rock, with green light surging in its palms.

 Around it, there were corpses of Dementors everywhere.

Suddenly, the dementor turned its head, its eyes empty and green, looking directly at Lu Cheng.

 At the same time, a system prompt rang in Lu Cheng's ear.

  【Ding, the soul-destroying wizard is watching you! 】

 (End of this chapter)