MTL - Spellcasting is a Permanent Addition and My Skills Are All Forbidden Spells-Chapter 98 Energy value? An alternative to the sealing stone!

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Chapter 98 Energy value? An alternative to the sealing stone!

 In the wilderness, Lu Cheng kept walking through.

 More than half an hour later, we arrived near the lava flower demon forces.

Not far away, a pale red brilliance can be seen.

This is the sign of monster power.

Lu Cheng continued to move forward, and soon he arrived at his destination.

In the light red light, the ground bulges everywhere, forming a hilly area, and the hills are arched one after another, like small volcanoes.

 From the depths of these hills, there was a rumbling sound.

  【Ding, you have stepped into the sphere of influence of the lava flower demon! 】

Stepping into the red light range, Lu Cheng drew out his staff.

 Without the pressure of natural selection, he can push through all the way.

 Not far ahead, he spotted a small wave of lava flower demons.

Lu Cheng glanced over.

These monsters are as tall as a person. They are said to be flower demons, but in fact they are not much different from fireweeds. They both walk on the ground with roots.


  【Lava Flower Demon】

 【Level: Level 28】

 【Health: 31200/31200】


Glancing at the properties of the lava flower demon, Lu Cheng immediately waved his staff and blasted out a fireball.


The fireball exploded, bringing with it a series of system prompts!

  【Ding, you killed 7 lava flower demons (level 28), gained experience points +35700, and the source energy limit +1.96. 】

 With one strike, this wave of mobs will be instantly killed.


Lu Cheng stepped forward and activated the Embrace of Source Energy.

He has not yet refined the level 28 monster.

Soon, the refining was completed, and three khaki rays of light poured into his body.

  【Ding, after successfully refining 3 lava flower demons (level 28), you gain the upper limit of source energy +8.4 and the upper limit of health +115. 】


At this time, there was a buzzing sound in the distance. This was the noise caused by the flower monster.

Lu Cheng looked up and saw that the flower monsters in the distance were panicking and retreating one after another.


Seeing this scene, Lu Cheng's heart moved.

Is this shrinking under the command of a wise monster?

 In this way, he may encounter very few lava flower demons on the outskirts of the hills.

However, he doesn’t care either.

It is only the third day of the disaster, and these lava flower demons are still unable to leave the monster forces. The most they can do is retreat deep into the territory and gather around the BOSS.

 For him, it is much more convenient for monsters to gather together!

With this in mind, Lu Cheng continued to move forward.


at the same time.

  Deep in the territory of the lava flower demon.

A red totem stone pillar stands, with firelight shining from time to time on it.

What’s weird is that this stone pillar actually has a mouth and hands, and it is constantly picking up huge rocks from the surrounding ground, stuffing them into its mouth, and chewing them.


The buzzing sound kept ringing, and lava flower demons kept coming and gathering around the stone pillars.

Beside the stone pillar, there is an extremely huge twin flower demon with two heads, one red and one green, each with different expressions.

"Humans have broken in! What are those fireweeds doing? Why haven't they brought the energy stones yet?"

 The green head was a little confused.

"What a bad thing... With that energy stone, the totem's upgrade energy is enough!"

The red head gnashed its teeth and was very irritable.

 After the totem is upgraded, the monster power will also be upgraded accordingly.

 By then, its strength and level will be improved a lot!

 As a result, now, even though we waited and waited, no one came, but instead, a human came.

“Wait a minute...this human being is very powerful in combat and his energy value should be good!”

The green head stretched out from the stems and leaves, caught a ride on a flower monster, and soon showed joy.

 It is the leader of this monster force and can obtain information from other monsters.

 “Hmm? It seems really good!”

The red head thought for a moment and turned from anger to joy.

"In this case, it will work with this human being! Then shrink it, lure him here and kill him!"

As he spoke, the red head buzzed and gave instructions. “By filling him into the totem, we can hope to upgrade to a medium-sized force!”

 The green head shook happily.

At the command of the twin flower demons, all the lava flower demons were instructed to shrink towards the depths of the hills.

As a result, almost no lava flower demon can be seen on Lu Cheng's side.

However, Lu Cheng had expected it and was not surprised.

While moving forward, he alternated between energy shield and frost armor, which did not waste any time.

 These two skills are defensive. There is no such thing as missing a hit. Casting them can increase proficiency.

 Not long after, his energy shield proficiency was almost full.

 “There are still 3 proficiency points level up!”

 Glancing at the skill panel, Lu Cheng looked forward to it.

 This will be his second skill to reach level 5.

 At that time, special effects will be added!

 After thinking about it for a moment, Lu Cheng continued on his way.

 As soon as the energy shield cools down, cast it directly.

But before he had gone far, he saw a crystal red light shining behind a mountain in the distance!


 Seeing the red light, Lu Cheng's heart moved.

 Looking at this color, it is most likely a flame heart stone!

  Among the Lava Flower Demon forces, the probability of producing Flame Heart Stone is very high!

 Immediately, he stepped forward quickly.

 The closer you get, the brighter the crystal red light becomes.

 Walking around the hill, Lu Cheng cast his gaze.

On the ground in front of me, I saw pieces of red ore scattered randomly, crystal clear, and there seemed to be flames beating inside.

  True Sight is activated, and the properties of the ore are immediately revealed.


Flame Heart Stone: A first-rate material, often found near lava environments. It is used to construct buildings and can increase fire damage resistance. 】

 Looking over it, Lu Cheng suddenly felt happy.

 It is indeed the Flame Heart Stone!

 Immediately, he opened the storage space and started collecting.

  【Ding, you get 1 unit of Flame Heart Stone. 】

  【Ding, you get 1 unit of Flame Heart Stone. 】


System prompts kept ringing, and Lu Cheng was in a good mood.

 In this way, the second special material is also obtained.

The surrounding area is full of flame heart stones. There are at least four to five hundred of them, which is enough for the city mission.

But soon, he heard a different prompt.

  【Ding, collection failed! The energy of this item is unstable and cannot be collected into the storage space! 】


Hearing this system prompt, Lu Cheng raised his eyes and immediately noticed a clue.

In front of him, there was a flame heart stone that was different from others in that the fire inside was particularly strong.

  【Flame Heart Stone (Unstable)】

  【One-turn material, the energy is more abundant than other flame heart stones. At the same time, because it is rich in energy, it is in an unstable state. 】


 After a quick glance, Lu Cheng understood.

 This is the same as the original Ice Soul Stone.

 It's a pity that he doesn't have the fire attribute energy now and can't absorb it.


 Lu Cheng raised his eyes.

 At the beginning, outside the ice cave, the demonized snowman could explode ice element crystals.

So, in the area where the lava flower demon is infested, it is reasonable to produce a fire element crystal, right?

Now it seems that this possibility is quite small!

 Thinking of this, Lu Cheng was looking forward to it.

 Then, he raised his hand.

 Now, the proficiency of energy shield is just short of the last point.

The ground shook, an energy shield appeared, and a system prompt sounded.

  【Ding, your skill energy shield has been upgraded to level 5. 】

  【Your energy shield has been upgraded to level 5, and you have an opportunity to increase it! 】

  1, I’m sorry, I lost, so because the flag was set, today’s debt will be doubled, and now the debt will be doubled [9/9]

2. Today, Kavin spent 7 hours in a fit of anger to figure out the subsequent plot. He will not lose tomorrow!

3. I’m sorry, gentlemen, but I kowtow to you, Bang Bang Bang!



 (End of this chapter)