MTL - Star Rank Hunter-Chapter 394 Cooperation

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"Let the man's meat dry"

The grey cat's hair was blown up, and the claws slammed out and nailed a few claw holes into the floor.

The ice cream squinted at the gray cat, and then bit the bite on the claws.

Add oil to the fire.

"Awkwardly, I dare to arrogate on the land of the Lord."

Xilin pulled the guy before the gray cat rushed, and the gray cat pulled by Xilin was still clawing and staring at the ice cream in the hidden arms.

Looking at the gray cat with a smug look. Xilin did not have greed for Oriol, and he could hold his heart, so the cat around Xilin must have been good. The gray cat is not hostile to himself and Xiao Bing's eyes, but is prepared for it. It just frowned because he took his food. For this hidden innocence, it is like other people who are "innocent" eat small. When the ice cream is iced, this lucky one will also be the same.

If it is just defense, this is a good phenomenon.

"Sorry, little fat cat, we can pay for this sex." Said innocently.

As soon as I heard that I would pay, I struggled to catch the gray cat's ears and bounced off, but I stopped my eyes, but my eyes were still vigilant.

“Is it really going to pay?” asked the gray cat.


Gray cat sticks out the cat's claw: "Double"


The innocent answer was so refreshing, the gray cat's anger also subsided, but when it was said to be a ticket, the ice cream satirized a "dead fat man."

"What do you mean by the stinky mouse? The most hated thing is the mouse."

"Okay, stop, the visitor is a guest." Xilin gave the gray cat a chin.

The gray cat is angry and stares at the two guys who are eating their own goods, and they are moving their claws.

There was no sneer and a few laughs. I took a picture of the lucky partner in my arms. "Play with me, I have a bit of a chat with Captain Xilin."

The ice cream was unpleasant, and slowly swam from the hidden arms to the table on the side.

Xilin bounced the ears of the gray cat. "Take the guests to play next to us. We have something to talk about."

The gray cat turned his ears and didn't know what to think about. He said to Xilin Road: "Xilin, my ball is for me."

When Xilin turned around in the gray cat's ear, he knew that the guy was thinking about bullying again.

Forget it, follow it.

Xilin took the gray cat's ball and threw it. The gray cat bent the forelimbs and flexibly caught it. He hooked the claws and dialed the ball. He looked at the ice cream on the side of the cat and looked at the ball under the gray cat's paw. He said that he would not envy it. It is impossible, and the speciality of this ball can of course be seen.

The gray cat was playing and playing, suddenly picked up the ball, and jumped and flipped, and used the tail to draw the ball to the ice cream. The ice cream is also prepared, but it does not escape, but directly with the brain top, bounce the ball back.

Two guys come to me, the ball is flying faster and faster, and even the average person can't trace it. The movements of these two guys are also very fast. They are still on the table at the moment, and the next moment they flash to the side of the cabinet.

The gray cat knows that this guy is a semi-mechanical life like himself. Suddenly he saw the "same kind" triumphant heart, and the strange mouse in front of him also ate its stock, so the gray cat The speed of the ball is getting faster and faster, and it is best to give this stinky mouse a lesson.

Looking at the two guys who couldn't see the figure playing with the ball, the innocence was particularly good, and the smile on the face was deep.

"Xilin, when was your family just collecting it?" asked innocently.

"A few years ago." Xilin said that the things of the year were simple and innocent, but the white ball thing was not mentioned, slightly.

"You are so lucky, you can meet this kind of good thing when you are hunting." I said innocently, "I am different from you. My family has only been here for ten years. When I was in the most difficult time, this lucky man helped me." The men who followed me for 20 years have betrayed our entire organization for the men of other forces, but such an animal can pull me back from the line of death. If it was not Xiao Bing, perhaps the innocent leader was early. It’s dead.”

There is no inconsistency and no mention. Xilin also guessed that it should be a confrontation between "innocent" and "fog". There must be a lot of dangers in it. What Xilin didn't think was that the innocent people actually looked at this semi-mechanical life more than his own members.

"The life span of a person is short-lived after all. I hope that in the future, when I can't accompany it to eat ice cream together, there will be a companion who can communicate, even if it is a fight partner, it will not be too lonely. Over the years, the entire Star Alliance, I have found this fat cat you have raised so far."

Compared to the peculiar creatures such as gray cats and ice cream, human life is really too short. Even if it is called the human being with the longest life and the highest level of gene, it cannot be compared with this kind of creature. After all, they are also robots, their life, no one knows how long.

"How old is this cat in your family?"

"Two hundred, it's what it says. What about Xiaobing?"

"I don't know, there is no human being in the place where it lives. It is a planet with livability level c. There is no higher civilization. It does not know the ephemeris time. It does not say the language of the Star Alliance. In addition to predation, it hides in the sky. In the hole, it was very powerful, but I was afraid to see the light. When I was dragged into the hole, I thought I was going to be a chinchilla food. I didn’t expect it to make me safer because On that planet, there is no cave where the animal dares to enter it."

When you say these things invisibly, your eyes are soft, and it is estimated that people outside will not think of such an aspect of the "innocent" old assembly.

Compared to gray cats, ice cream is really low-key like a mouse that can't be seen, but gray cat? Xilin remembers that when the guy was lying in a soft milk cat, he swallowed a few wolves. Seeing this guy's usual style knows that this fat man has been arrogant.

Although it is said innocently, Xilin does not think that this uncle is so hard to come over just for ice cream.

Sure enough, after talking about some ice cream things, he said: "When looking for semi-mechanical life, I also focused on some secret research rooms of Xingmeng, and Xingmeng studied semi-mechanical life. A lot, but the results of those studies are simply unsatisfactory, and they are all failures."

"The research base of the c-star area, did you send someone to steal experimental information?"

"Yes, there is a laboratory that is studying the integration of machinery and organic life. I thought that they would make something new in such a secret. Who knows that it is still Xing." It is said that this time application is faint. But there is a ridicule and disdain in the words.

"When looking for information, I also learned some insider stories, such as the "miracle" company with the most influence of Star Alliance. There are those people behind it, I know, including those secretly in their secret transactions. Once, the group of people even joined Niebel to catch Xiaobing. I was in a rage and carried out an assassination."

"Who is that group of people?"

"Several old guys in the jade family. However, if the people who are not 'death' intervene, I will have to smash, oh, by the way, do you have a good relationship with the princess Yu Yu of the jade family? Then you know, For a while, Yu Ling’s legs were broken.”

Xilin frowned. He did remember that Yu Linglong had been sitting in a wheelchair for a while, when the area of ​​the z-star area was opened, and at that time, Xilin also noticed the presence of people with death.

"The people of 'Death' have a deal with the jade family. I don't know what trade they are, but there is a connection between them. Is there a device in the hands of the pilot who can close the starship system? It is the research result of 'Death.'"

The amount of information in this sentence is too large. The leader of the pilot has the help of "Death"? Or is it true that the jokes in the back are actually Yujia?

"There is still something to tell you, you must not know the idea that the little princess of the jade family had beaten the cat around you? Although you have protected the cat well before, some people still recognize this one. The cat is special. Only when they finally decided to act, they still hit the idea and hit the little ice that has been with me. Politicians are born actors."

For the evil that is innocent, Xilin has been silent. I don’t want to talk about the things in the jade family. I have known the gray cats so early, but I have only come out to say it now. It seems that I have been observing Xilin and the gray cats, if Xilin and Gray Cats. If the performance is unreliable and it is not reliable, it is estimated that there will be no such talk.

For a long while, Xilin asked: "So?"

"So, cooperation, I will not interfere with your own affairs, and you should not interfere with our ‘innocent.” Private affairs are private matters. When cooperation is needed, how can we cooperate? Both ‘death and ‘fog’ have cooperation, and I think we can’t find a partner. ”

"Do you cooperate with the vanguard or the eleventh team?" Xilin looked innocent.

"Of course it is the eleventh team. I can't get along with the pole. You know this."

After thinking about it, Xilin reached out and smiled: "Happy cooperation."

"Cooperation is pleasant." Hidden out of the hand and Xilin high-five. There is no agreement, the so-called agreement is dispensable for them. If you want to betray, you can't stand the two sides with a paper agreement.

During the time when Xilin and the innocent conversation, the two guys who were playing with each other's **** were now playing together, kicking their legs and clawing, and biting with their teeth. The tables and chairs next to it are now fragmented. I don't know if I was scratched or bitten like this.

"Oh, the feelings are very good." Hidden smile.

Xilin: "..." Both sides have bitten off a few pieces of hair. Is this a good performance?

"Which child is not fighting and fighting." It is invisible to see this.

"What is your family, is it a mother?" asked Xilin.

"It seems to be."

Seems to be? Also "bar"? Still living together for more than ten years? I don’t even know the gender of my family?

I can't help but look at the communicator on hand, there is an encrypted communication.

"This battle is coming to an end. This conversation is very pleasant." It is called Xiao Bing.

The ice cream that is biting the truss with the gray cats kicks the gray cat with a kick, and then jumps back to the hidden arms.

"The next time you want to turn you into a hairless fish." The gray cat spit out the white hair biting in his mouth, and he lifted his claws and pointed at the other side.

The ice cream in the innocent arms squirted from the nose, and then began to lick the hair.

Both guys were covered with bald spots, but soon the wounds recovered and new hair grew from above. For their creatures, this level of wounds is a piece of cake.

Invisible with ice cream left the starship, in addition to Xilin, Gray Cat and Xiying on the starship, others did not know that such a person had come, even if they were Ayue and Sigma, they did not know.

The gray cat buried his head in the storage cabinet and counted things. "They smashed a microphone. They didn't pay for the stinky mouse. Don't let the lord meet next time, or else kill them."

Xilin shook his head and walked to the side to pick up the forgotten ball and collect it. The cat in the province lost.

As the innocent said, the war soon came to an end, and the two sides shouted. This time the leader’s losses were greater, so it was them who first retreated. The pioneers stay here to deal with post-war matters.

On a starship of the home team, the extreme front lies in the treatment cabin. There are many wounds on his body and the injury is heavier. The various tubes inside the treatment cabin were attached to him, which was very scary. However, the consciousness of the extreme front is still awake.

Next to this treatment cabin, several high-level teams of the home team, including Stanley, reported to the polar front there.

The polar front listened with closed eyes. When Stanley spoke of the eleventh team, the extreme front opened his eyes.

"Pango wants to stay there and let him stay. I am not so easy to die. As for the eleventh team, don't worry, Xilin wants him to do what he wants."

"But the head of the team, don't you think that the factor of the eleventh team is too unstable?" said one person next to him.

"As long as you don't force him, Xilin will not be bad for the vanguard. After all, he is also a person brought by the vanguard. Moreover, the eleven teams have something that no other team or even the four major hunters have. They have extremely valuable technology there. Talent."

The technical talents have never paid too much attention to the Hunters. Even if they studied the parasites and wrote the "parasitic passwords" of Chamonidine, if Nata's help is estimated, the influence will not be great.

The technology development inside the Hunter Group is indeed limited to the Great Hunter Group. There are not many independent development techniques. Basically, it is to acquire new technology by purchasing and purchasing. But this is not the case in the eleventh team. In this battle, the armor worn by the eleven team members, the fighters of the eleven team members, and the members of the eleven teams who are extremely low-key but capable in ordinary times, These have given the home team some people have a deep impression.

For Stanley’s compensation, the extreme is not angry, but also smiled. “This is indeed the style of Xilin’s kid. He will give him as much as he wants.”

"How do you treat the eleventh team in the future?" Stanley asked.

"It's still the same. You don't have to do anything deliberately. Besides, they won't ignore other people's opinions. Xilin, I really underestimated him..."

After the polar front reopened his eyes, he admitted that he underestimated Xilin, not just him. He believes that "Death" and other forces have underestimated Xilin, and Xilin’s ability may not be clear now, but such a People, in the chaos of this Star Alliance, have been low-key.

What does Xilin want to do?

According to the information obtained by the hand, the polar front has always been puzzled about the purpose of Xilin. He couldn't understand what Xilin was thinking. Xilin is only concerned with a small number of people in the vanguard. He does not care about the entire avant-garde. This pole knows, so the pole is not afraid of Xilin’s power. However, the pole always feels that Xilin is actually a purposeful person, but now At all, you can't see what the kid wants to do.

"The head of the team, the corpses of the three killers of the 'fog' have already been sent," Stanley said.

Extremely moving the finger "How to deal with it, I don't have to say it, you can do it."

The three people in the "fog" were to be used to pay homage to the dead members, and the top three who were assassinated in this incident.

"Head, Xilin, really so powerful?" asked one of the people next to Stanley.

The pole did not answer, but let Stanley release a projection. The image is the enchantment of the blue charm, including the long knife mark on her body that almost splits the whole body in half.

"From the wound on her body and the three hands that were cut off, she didn't even fully react when she was in the middle of the move. That is to say, Xilin's knife was very fast, and it was very embarrassing, very simple, a knife Commandment."

How fast is it that the blue charm can't fully react to death?

A few people standing next to the treatment cabin unconsciously looked at the polar front. I don’t know what it would be like compared with the head.

"Is the cause of Raton's death clear?" asked the front.

Stanley shook his head. "Not yet, the eleventh team did not disclose any news."

"That's it." The polar front put his fingers and indicated that he would not continue to study.

The "head of the team" came in alone, and it was the one of the great members of the extreme front.

The polar front signaled that Stanley had left a few people first, and after they left, they took out a secret message that they had just received.

"Blue Butterfly? What is the guy? Isn't he supposed to be busy with Yushengtian?"

Despite the doubt, the blast still reported the input of a series of passwords after the exit of the calendar. Immediately, a projector was projected on the next projector. The image was the leader of the blue butterfly, the one who wrote the blue butterfly.

"How are you still not dead?"

"Less nonsense, something?"

"Yes, let's work together." To be continued.