MTL - Start with a Mechanical Hunter-Chapter 363 small cyberspace

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  Damn, you people don't play cards according to the routine!

  According to the classic style of the villain who is invincible in a group and has to be singled out, shouldn't you come one by one.

First come one or two hackers, entangle with us, then one or two helpers, carry out fueling tactics, and then we touch the old nest, bomb it, and finally have a boss battle. Li persuaded and committed suicide.

   This is the style of painting you people should have!

  How come it is king fried.

   Do not play cards according to the routine!

   If people like you are put in a novel, pig's feet will not survive three chapters.

   For some reason, the spit ** of the senior engineer skyrocketed.

   And the encrypted node to which the two hyperlinks are transmitted does indeed conform to the style of the 'villain organization's nest'.

   The blood-red data stream flows down the cliff like a waterfall.

   With the perception of the old driver, the senior engineer smelled the rich underlying code, which is an electronic sense that transcends the senses and is imprinted in the depths of the spirit.

   This feeling is very mysterious. It is a hundred times more wonderful than the shivering of your body.

  ‘So, Akatsuki, bah! Has the Quds Force rolled out all the information technology in the cyberspace? It's amazing! ’

  Although in the view of senior engineers, cyberspace is not so advanced.

   After all, in the universe, there are also super information networks across galaxies, such as dimensional networks, space-time super tunnels, and even across black holes.

   Even, some information civilizations and Zerg civilizations are born with cyberspace.

   But this is based on the perspective of the master of the sixth-level civilization.

   In fact, even if it is a third-level civilization, there are not many, or even very few, that can reproduce the cybernet.

   After all, there are too many technologies required here.

   But the cybernet is just like the mobile phone ecosystem. It is not enough to build an 'Android system', you have to have the ability to let the majors enter your ecosystem.

   At this point, hackers are powerless.

   But with such a 'mini cybernet', at least cyber killers can't come to the door.

   In addition, this kind of ecology is very terrifying for the blessing of hackers, and its development is no less than the corporate will of large companies.

The    senior engineer showed an expression of understanding.

   He finally understood how the world's number one hacker gathered ten first-class hackers to form 11 Arhats.

  The idea is one thing, and the interests are another.

  Compared to the senior engineer's surprise, the bird of paradise is much more determined. After all, he is very familiar with the members of the Holy City organization, and it is not that she has never been here.

   The two walked forward. Between the waterfalls, there were electronic altars, which functioned like the traffic portals on ancient mobile phones.

  'Good boy, actually stealing data from cyberspace, I'll report you later! ’

The senior worker stared at an altar. On the altar, a sticky black mass was constantly accumulating. On the edge of the altar, a figure was squatting on it, swallowing the black mass with a big mouth, and his mouth kept exuding a strange humming sound, like crying. Like a smile.

  ‘A hacker who devours the dark side of his personality, what a nightmare. ’

  ‘A completely blackened cyber clan. ’

   For the names and abilities of these 11 Arhats, the senior engineer remembered them clearly. …

  Although there are more exaggerated existences in the universe, but men, they still have a profound impact on the first time.

  At the beginning, 11 Arhats overthrew the Arasaka Tower, but it was a big story that shocked the entire machine cracking star player circle.

   Soon, the senior engineer saw another electronic altar.

   There is a 'Hyperlink Bridge' on the altar, like the Naihe Bridge made up of codes.

   Every ‘dead personality’ who walks over the bridge will mysteriously disappear.

  Some of the 'dead personalities' suddenly woke up, looked left and right in a panic, and then fled back, but they were grabbed by various virus arms and pulled back.

  ‘This method of feeding the virus with personality, Mr. Piece? ’

   The senior engineer can be sure that with this "experience", it won't take long for all the hackers of the Holy City organization to reach level 60 and become information creatures.

   On this planet, achieving individual information ascension is the highest pursuit of every hacker.

   is just pure brushing experience, I am afraid there will be sequelae.

  The senior worker squinted, staring at a figure on an electronic altar, Tyria.

   In other words, a clone of Tyria.

   The breath of the other party is not much weaker than that of the bird of paradise, but in a pure degree, it is far inferior to the bird of paradise that achieves ascension by his own will.

   Maybe the other party pulled the two in to show off their technical accumulation.

   But this is obviously a bad move.

   For the old driver of the universe, basically, you can know what color the other party is at a glance, cough, cough.

   This method of achieving cross-civilization level improvement through radical methods is effective in a short period of time, but from a long-term perspective, it is very problematic.

   The senior engineer immediately understood why the other party wanted to resurrect the "ancient evil gods" all over the world.

   Fighting poison with poison?

   After walking for about five minutes, the senior engineer came to the core of this encryption node, in front of a huge square table, surrounded by white pillars, and the surface of the pillars were all kinds of strange religious codes.

   On the high-backed chair, one after another silhouettes looked down at the two of them indifferently, like gods.

  'Why did the painting style suddenly change from the Xiao organization to the Tarot Club, and you are all two or five? ’

   Tyria, Cyber ​​Dream, Super Worker, Nightmare, Mr. Piece, and a new face that the senior engineer doesn't know.

   In the eleven Arhats, a total of 6 appeared.

  If that raw face is also the future Eleven Arhats.

Bird of Paradise was obviously unhappy with this angle of looking down, and snorted coldly. The next moment, the violent code flame began to burn the entire hall. Although it was quickly swallowed by the underlying code, when the 'concentration' of the flame began to rise, it turned into the information flame. At that time, even the low-level code of cyberspace could not completely digest this top-level method of second-order hackers, and cracks began to appear from the ground, and countless complex codes were entangled like 'lotus silk'.

  The senior worker didn't mind this kind of looking down, after all, he was often looked down by rich women with this posture.

   But in order to show his manly side, he resolutely took a step forward - hiding behind the bird of paradise.

  A lot of monsters, too scary, the rich woman loves them. …

   As the same masked man, the first hacker of the Mechanized Star, Tyria slowly stood up from the high-back chair.

   In the next moment, all the white pillars radiated golden light. This light was a high-density data stream formed by religious codes.

   Wherever the data flow passes, all cracks are smoothed out, and the light pushes the flame of information out of the 'application'.

  The bird of paradise’s eyes were full of fire, and a huge bird shadow was faintly visible on the back. For a time, the data structure of the entire encrypted node seemed to be ignited.

   However, as the golden light gradually spread, it was the bird of paradise, a level 60 information life, that was suppressed.

"Tsk tsk, worthy of being the leader of the Holy City organization, he is so strong in controlling religious codes, but in my impression, the core processing units of religious codes are highly concentrated, which also means that in terms of computing architecture, they are It's not stable, it's easy to be cut in."

   "This is also why they cannot form a computing power revolution alone. Only after the industrial revolution can the computing power skyrocket through chips to complete supercomputing."

   "What's the use of a virtual machine without a computer."

   As a top hacker, a few words from a senior engineer will make the bird of paradise look bright.

   In the next moment, the information flame does not fight against the golden light, but forms a knife-like data structure and is embedded in the golden light transformed by the code.

   Every time the knife goes down, a lot of cracks overflow from the golden light.

   is indeed much more unstable than ordinary simulacrum code.

   is like an ordinary person, and a mental patient, the same language, the degree of stimulation is completely different.

  The two stood up, Nightmare and Mr. Piece, and Chao Gong and Electronic Dream quickly stopped them.

   When they play, their nature changes.

   "Hey, you dare to attack our leader, but don't look down on our organization too much."

   The unfamiliar man jumped out and waved his hand full of hacker chips. Hundreds of attack methods came from Trojan horses, viruses, address attackers, personality attackers, mind replacements, and illegal malware.

   This time, the senior engineer can't ignore it. Although he is only a tenth-level hacker, he still knows a lot of tricks.

All the hacker features are all lit up. Chew your mouth twice, open your mouth and spit, and countless small bubbles are sprayed out. Each bubble is an artificial IP. and transferred to the flame.

   The next moment, the bubble burst, and under the burning of the information flame, these hacking weapons were burned into files of various formats, and then disintegrated for the second time, turning into abandoned codes.

   Bird of Paradise looked cold, waved his hand, and thousands of Firebird cracked the applet were born, rushing towards each other frantically.

   The unfamiliar face panicked and rushed to unleash the power of the chip, throwing out countless hacking skills.

The other party blocked the applet, but not the means of the senior engineer. IP bubbles suddenly spewed out from the flames and covered the other party's face, as if suffocating. The other party rolled over and fell to the ground. Data streams spilled out from the ears, mouth and nose, and the visible distortion of the facial features shrank.

   "Ahhhh, what the hell!?"

  The hands of the unfamiliar face turned into a data state, and when Meng tore, a human skin was broken, but another unfamiliar face emerged from the face.

   is another tear, another unfamiliar face.

   is not only the appearance, but the personality of the other party has also suffered the impact of many virtual personalities.

   Unfamiliar memories flooded in wildly, trying to replace him.

   The brain ip that the senior engineer did not use up in the "Fugitive Game" was given to the other party for free.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah-"