MTL - Stealing The Heavens-Chapter 1167 Take advantage of the trend

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The first one hundred and sixty-seven chapters

"Promise is too fast, there are ghosts!" Waiting for the Lantern Festival, the Emperor of Heaven, the incarnation of purple, and the ghost of the valley sighed with a sigh.

Don't play with the wine glass for a while, and suddenly laughed: "If there are ghosts everywhere in the court today, he has no ghosts in his heart. No matter what they care about, no matter what they have, as long as I am stronger than them, what is the plan? They are all empty."

Long laugh, don't vacate, and shouted in the direction of the Tongming Hall: "Your Majesty, since you are so generous, let the Ministry of Industry and the Craftsman also listen to me. I use them, but there are serious things to do. of."

The direction of the Tongming Hall suddenly flashed a thunder, and a black fog approaching was smashed by the thunder. The voice of the Emperor Yuanxiao was heard: "Alright!" Jinmu Shuiyue and the five gods and the billions of soldiers What did you give to the Ministry of Industry and the Department of Craftsmanship? In heaven, the Ministry of Industry and the Craftsmanship are important, but they are not as good as the Five Elements.

Don't laugh loudly, he immediately shot the five tokens that had just been dropped by the Yuanxiao Emperor. Five colors of light rise to the sky, five tokens suspended in the air to emit a strong light. Don't scream and scream: "Golden wood, fire, and earth, the five gods are listening to the command, and all the gods will be sent to me. If there is a violation, the gods will wait on the stage!"

斩神台, this is the punishment platform for the power of heaven after the gods, and the only punishment that can kill the gods. Hearing the name of the gods, he heard the low promises in all directions. In a short time, there were more than a thousand sacred tens of thousands of gods and countless gods from all sides, and quickly formed a large array. Come to Sanqingtian.

The five elements of Jinmu Shuiyue are sitting in the town for thirty-three days. There are five horses and horses stationed in each floor. Now, don't make a slap in the face of five horses and horses, this is a scary thing. For a time, the three clear skys were covered by five-colored clouds, and the five sacred gods formed a large array, which occupied the five-line position. The sound of the drums of the earthquake was dizzying, and some fairy tales came from time to time in Sanqingtian. Awkward cheers.

Seeing the five elements of God is such a voice, and seeing that it is actually not to send orders to send five elements of the gods, those who are in the heart of the fairy immortals have come out from their own house, a smoky caller calls friends to the guardian Miyagi arrived.

The current situation can be seen by the discerning people. The six sacred emperors and the other sacred incompetence of the heavenly courts are unable to cope with the broken-offers who are mixed into the heavens. These outer-field devils are systematically harvesting the lives of the immortals to enhance their strength. Instead of being harmed by the devil, it is better to rely on the purple-inspired inspirational support of the great emperor.

Everyone who has just happened has heard about it. The six Heavenly Emperors have no power to break the border, but they are not able to reinvent the broken-offers and drive them away. The broken-offers are raging. It is the only thing that can protect everyone's peace. Of course, under the guardian's swearing, the shelter will definitely offend the six great emperors of today, but their lives can't be saved, and what is his heavenly emperor doing?

The core disciples who were enshrined as gods were not shaken, but the immortals left by the old heavens were sacred to vote. Other disciples who were outside the small fairyland, as long as there was no fairy priest in the backstage of the mountain, They have all come over.

In short, don't let the five elements of the big line be put down, there are countless streamers in the thirty-three days to rush to the palace city of the guardian. In just one hour, the big array has just been formed, and there are millions of immortals. The newly-launched Xianguanxian is not only the fairy priests of the ruling departments, but even the heads of some powerful departments are attached to the sect.

The black mist continued to spread in thirty-three days, and there were still horrible sounds from all over the place. Stars, gods, etc., will lead the gods and soldiers to fly around, but they are just a headache, and there is no way to go to the roots. After all, they are faced with a singular and unbroken break-breaker. With these stars and gods, they can drive away them, but they want to kill or suppress them without the strength.

Don't worry about untiringly arranging the five elements in Sanqingtian, and glory and martial arts for four or five hours, this time with the mighty bursts slowly began to clean up from the northeast corner of Sanqingtian. In the five elements of the big array of water and fire, the golden light shines, the woodlei bursts, the earth and the mountains splash, and the five elements of the day after tomorrow are turned into a flood of various colors, sweeping dozens of black clouds there.

In the thirty-three days, there were exclamations everywhere. The sacred gods who watched the war were surprised. They tried their best to disperse these black mists. Why can't they annihilate these black mists easily? Is there anything that can’t be done?

All the gods know nothing about it, and all the sacred know the strength of the five elements of God. If they confront the current stalwart, they may be able to defeat the devotees. But this kind of black fog that even the six heavenly emperors could not effectively remove, but the five elements of the gods can not be destroyed anyway. Since the five elements of the big line have such a miraculous effect, then the roots must be on the body.

Nearly unscrupulous gods are swept away in the body of the beggars, and even a few extremely sturdy gods with a full malicious intention to smash into the body. He was commanding the five elements of the big battle to destroy a group of nearly 100,000 miles of dark fog, and he screamed: "Ghosts, what are the things? If you have this ability, you will come down and demon, if Without this ability, I was crying at my wife's house, dare to call me, don't you die?"

The white eye flashed over the eyebrows, and the refining Tianding was rushed out by the white fire. As the sky is shining, the refining Tianding, which is wrapped in Yuanlizheng, which is thick and hundred miles, makes a deep roar, and numerous white hairs are spurred out by the hair, following the peek of the body. I burned it back. Thirty-three days, there were fierce screams everywhere, and thousands of stars rose up to the sky.

All the gods who dared to peek into the blasphemy were severely wounded. More than a thousand sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred

Since you have already offered the refining of Tianding, don’t be too lazy to keep a low profile. With his order, the five elements of the big line constantly absorbed the innate power of the next five elements, and turned into fuel for the refining of Tianding. The white Yuan Ling really rolled over from the refining Tian Ding, and the sky was swept across the square, and the Sanqing Tianyan eyes were covered with fire.

Under the control of the gods, the Yuan Lingzhen did not burn all the black fog in Sanqingtian, but I don’t know if it was intentional or not. The palaces and palaces of Sanqingtian Jiucheng suddenly burst into flames. The temperature of this flame is extremely high, which is a million times higher than the temperature of the real fire of the Mingdao Dongjinjinxian. Whether it is bricks or beams, it is instantly burned.

But this flame is also strange, the palace pavilions have been burned, and the immortals inside are safe and sound, even a minor injury.

Don't lick your fingers and refine your Tianding. Stand in the middle of the five elements and laugh out loudly: "Thirty-three days, all the sacred listens well, I am the purple-inspired inspiration for the great emperor under the seat of the emperor. If you want to live, you will rely on purple. Inspired by the great emperor. Hey, hey, ugly words are in front, even if you save people, under equal conditions, nature is the first to save the same hall as a colleague."

According to the demon mirror, the blue celestial illuminates the void, and the thirty-three days are illuminated. A few black shadows that were smashing around in thirty-three days were covered with blue light. Don’t scream, and when you remember to take it, you heard a scream, and you were armed with a big sword and a black armor. I was caught in a five-line array.

At the same time, the five elements of the gods taunted the truth of the ministry, and at the same time spurred the power of the heavens controlled by the headquarters. The void suddenly turned into a stunning five-color light curtain. The five elements of the golden wood, the fire and the earth, condensed into a huge magical symbol, falling from the sky, and the blessings of the road were on the big array.

When he screamed at the screaming, he screamed and waved his sword and squatted down to the spirit of the head.

Don't squat in front of the shack, he greeted the sergeant with bare hands, and the two palms firmly sealed the sword of the sergeant in the palm of his hand. The stunned look of the stunned screaming and shouting: "A big strength, a strong body, who are you?"

When you are drinking, don't kick the squat leg below. Just listening to a loud noise, the soft armor of the sergeant was kicked and crushed, and mourned to release the long sword and squat back. Don't leave your long sword, your body shape flickers forward and you are approaching the slaughter. The squad screamed and screamed, and the body armor suddenly popped up with numerous sharp and sharp blades.

The figure was like a windmill spinning rapidly, and the squadron slammed into the body.

At the same time, the five elements of the sky were shouting, and the aura of the heavens and the earth suddenly stagnate, and the huge five-line law of heaven banned the void. The colorful elements are turned into a piece of crystal-clear amber, and the seals are sealed. Don’t wave your hands and waves, and Yuan Ling really turns into a rune of countless group heads. Banned inside.

"The squatting squats are already squatting, and when are you still waiting to be sent to death?" The hands were lightly beaten, and they were not screaming at the thousands of people who were still roaming in thirty-three days.

For thirty-three days, countless immortals have seen this scene of the ban on the shackles.

Compared with the incompetent Six Heavenly Emperors, don't be extraordinarily tall, extraordinarily majestic, and extraordinarily extraordinary. For a time, countless immortals and cents are tempted, especially those of the following days, those who have their own abacus.

Inside the Tongming Hall, the six Emperors are sitting opposite each other.

Yuanxiao Datian Emperor suddenly sighed and sighed: "From the trend, this kid will take advantage of the opportunity. Unfortunately, we can't hold back the guardian."

Yuanxiao Datiandi also sighed gently: "If you can't hold it, don't press it. Let's get up with the situation. Let the break-ups strike, let them attack. Whoever has the ability, whoever will deal with these The outer domain devil goes."

Yuanxiao Datiandi sighed softly: "This is good. If Daozu is going out, we can't blame the guardian. We can give him such a big real power... As long as it can give Dao's face a confession. In the past, the district-destroyer, as long as the Daozu went out, what are we worried about?"

The six people looked at each other and smiled. The Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty applauded gently, and countless fairies came in, and the six people gathered in the back hall to the incense hall.

The Fragrance Hall, the place where the Lantern Festival Emperor Tiandi held a banquet to enjoy singing and dancing!

Outside, Do not be carrying a five-line big rush to the thousands of people who fled the squad and fled.