MTL - Still Explosive-~ ☆Chapter 25

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After so many years, the relationship between Meng Huaizhen and Gu Qing'an has not been good. Back then, Gu Ming put her and Gu Lang into Gu's house under great pressure. Meng Huaizhen gathered up her courage and greeted him with a smile on her face. Gu Qingan didn't even lift her eyelids. , Chong Gu Ming said: "Have you done a paternity test? Dare to bring it home."

One sentence made all the people present changed their faces.

Gu Ming's face turned red and then white. He was angry at Gu Qing'an's merciless face, but he didn't dare to refute it in person, so he had to answer: "I have done it a long time ago, and it is correct."

Gu Qingan snorted and said nothing.

Later, Gu Ming intervened, and after all the good words, Gu Qingan reluctantly began to talk to Meng Huaizhen and Gu Lang, and his attitude was always lukewarm. Coupled with Gu Qing'an's powerful aura, Meng Huaizhen always felt trembling when facing him, walking on thin ice.

She didn't even dare to mention that she wanted to get a marriage certificate from Gu Ming. Two years passed without a name. Seeing that Gu Yuyuan would not come back from abroad, Meng Huaizhen was moved again.

She had no one else to rely on, so she had to repeat her old tricks, starting with Gu Ming.

When Gu Ming got up in the morning, his clothes were already ready, he even squeezed his toothbrush, washed his hands and made soup, not to mention soft words. Meng Huaizhen washed Gu Ming's shirts and underwear by hand. Gu Ming once told her to put them in the washing machine, but Meng Huaizhen hurriedly refused, saying that hand washing is not easy to deform.

Not only was she extremely attentive, but she also pointed out Gu Lang. Gu Lang was careful and thoughtful, with a precocious personality. He didn’t need Meng Huaizhen to say more. , which made Gu Ming even more gratified.

Gu Ming, who has a weak personality, quickly immersed himself in the gentle village that Meng Huaizhen's mother and son made up for him. Although Jiang Shu treats people kindly and tenderly, after all, she came from a famous family and was served by others since she was a child. Naturally, she has some temperaments. , quarrels and bickering are common. As the third generation of rich, Gu Yu grew up with a golden spoon in his mouth. When he was a child, he was naughty and made trouble. Because of Jiang Shu, he turned a blind eye to Gu Ming, and hid abroad and never returned home.

Such a comparison, of course, is that the mother and son in front of them are more in line with Gu Ming's heart.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Meng Huaizhen began to blow the pillow next to Gu Ming's ear every day, telling about the hardships and sins she had suffered outside for more than ten years. In fact, after Jiang Shu died, she had already said these words to Gu Ming several times. It's just that every time he mentions it, he reinvents himself to make himself worse. Gu Ming's ears are soft, and he feels a little more guilt for Meng Huaizhen's mother and son.

He asked Meng Huaizhen, "What do you want? As long as I can do it, I will promise you."

Meng Huaizhen said tearfully: "I don't want anything else, it's just that Xiao Lang has been carrying the reputation of being an illegitimate child for so many years. As a mother, my heart hurts. If, if I can give him a complete family, give him a legitimate identity... "

She didn't continue, and looked at Gu Ming's face carefully.

Gu Ming said embarrassedly: "I know that this kind of thing hits the child the most. Xiao Lang is usually taciturn, but he is a good boy, but Xiaoyu still refuses to forgive me. I can't ignore his mood, like attending Is it inappropriate to be on the news in public?"

Meng Huaizhen tried to find out his bottom line, and quickly changed her tone and said, "I understand, I understand, it doesn't matter if you don't need those things, I'm thinking, can we get the marriage certificate?"

Gu Ming was moved by what he said. This is a good way to not only satisfy Meng Huaizhen's mother and son, but also to hide Gu Qing'an and Gu Yu for a while.

He replied to Meng Huaizhen that he would consider it. Meng Huaizhen knew how to take it as soon as possible, and said that he was in no hurry.

Since then, Gu Ming has been thinking about this matter from time to time. During a small talk, he chatted with Ge Zhen about this matter.

As an outsider, Ge Zhen knew what Meng Huaizhen was planning as soon as he heard it, and hurriedly advised Gu Ming that this matter must not be hidden from Gu Qingan and Gu Yu. Husband and wife, do not do justice to the property before marriage, half of the entire Gu family will be their mother and son in the future. Are you sure not to discuss such a big matter with the old chairman? You can hide it for a while, can you hide it for the rest of your life? He knows it Angry?" He continued, "Besides, how sad Xiaoyu is to know!"

After Gu Ming heard what Ge Zhen said, he lost his opinion. Gu's group was Gu Qing'an's lifelong efforts, and Gu Ming still wanted to ask him for his opinion.

He went to Gu Qing'an, but the old man Gu almost lost his breath when he heard it, he pointed at Gu Ming with a trembling hand: "That pair of mother and son caused Xiaoyu to lose her mother, and went abroad without even returning home. You are not only majestic You even want to marry that woman after taking them into the house? You unworthy son, are you worthy of Xiaoshu?"

Gu Qingan said word by word: "Marriage? Don't even think about it!"

Gu Ming never dared to disobey Gu Qing'an's intentions since he was a child. In order to make up for Meng Huaizhen, he began to secretly let Gu Lang contact the group business, trying to compensate him. This time, he directly carried Gu Qing'an behind his back. Anyway, the Gu family's group was so large, and a small personnel change would not attract his attention at all.

After Gu Ming passed away, Meng Huaizhen believed that everything had settled, and it was only a matter of time before the Gu family fell into Gu Lang's hands. Naturally, he didn't bother to pretend any more, and only maintained a surface peace with Gu Qingan. Gu Qingan finally didn't have to look at her smiling face anymore, it was even more pure.

Since Gu Qing'an became the chairman, the atmosphere of the Gu family's mansion has quietly changed. Meng Huaizhen's attitude towards Gu Qing'an has become enthusiastic again. When he is a little unwell, Meng Huaizhen will ask for help, seek medical advice, and is comparable to his own daughter.

At the dinner table, Gu Qingan choked on the soup and coughed a few times. Meng Huaizhen immediately asked with concern, "Dad, are you all right?" During the conversation, a glass of water was brought to Gu Qingan's mouth.

The old man glanced at her and didn't move. When he changed his strength, he put down his chopsticks with a blank face, and was supported by Aunt Zhang back to the room.

Meng Huaizhen stood embarrassedly holding a water glass, Gu Lang frowned and said, "Mom, why are you rushing like this, you clearly know that he doesn't like us."

Meng Huaizhen glanced at him and said, "Can I not know? But we missed the best chance to win the Gu family, and now there is no other way."

Gu Lang said in a low voice, "Isn't the way to return it? It just depends on whether we want to do it or not."

As if realizing something, Meng Huaizhen reminded Gu Lang: "Don't think about it, we've already had enough troubles. If it wasn't for being too impatient back then, we wouldn't be able to do it now... Do you hear me, Xiao Lang?"

Gu Lang smiled noncommittally.

On the weekend, Xu Yiren drove to Gu Yu's house to pick him up as agreed. Gu Yu did not have the habit of letting girls wait, so he waited downstairs in advance. As soon as Xu Yan's car arrived, Gu Yu waved to her.

Xu still got out of the car and Gu Yu sat in the driver's seat. Seeing that it was still early, he proposed to go to the supermarket to buy some snacks for the children in the welfare home.

Xu still said yes.

When the car drove on the main road, Gu Yu accidentally saw in the rearview mirror that there was a gray bag on the rear seat, tightly wrapped.

He asked, "What's in that bag in the back seat?"

Xu was still a little embarrassed, this was the first time she took the initiative to give a boy a gift, and she blushed: "I gave it to you, I'll see it later when I get home."

Gu Yu observed her expression and teased her: "Why are you so embarrassed? Did you write me a love letter? The love letter won't be so big, right?"

Xu still stretched out his hand and said, "Don't forget it, I'll take it away in a while."

Gu Yu hurriedly stretched out his hand to block it. The two men's arms touched each other. Xu still retracted his hand like an electric shock. Gu Yu touched his nose and smiled and said, "Why do you still ask for something that was sent out? It's not authentic."

Xu still didn't know what was wrong, she always felt very shy when she saw Gu Yu today, she decided not to talk to him for the rest of the time, so she looked out the window with a serious expression.

Gu Yu wanted to laugh when she saw her pretending to be serious with a small face on the floor, so he took advantage of the red light and took out his mobile phone to quickly take a photo.