MTL - Stratholme God-Chapter 15 Unless the sky falls pie

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  Chapter 15 Unless the sky falls pie

  Stratholme City is located in the northwest corner of the territory. If it became the Eastern Plaguelands as in the original history, it would be [Sickwood Forest].

  The evil plague generator turned this place into a Jedi on earth.

   Twisted and corrupted trees, wandering undead creatures, bat monsters screaming...

   Now, it's called 【Happy Forest】!

   Of course, McDonald knew that it had the same name as a place in a martial arts novel he knew, but in this life, this forest is called [Happy-forest]!

   The name is right, no one knows, anyway, under the guidance of the tool man Barcelas, from west to east, all the way are happy people.

   "The Duke is really a living saint! Give so much wages!"

   "You don't have to be afraid of walking at night when you go to the market in the future."

   "Bah, this way, how can I use the night, I can go back to the village in the evening."

  In this world of low productivity, in addition to having children, there is no way to rely on swarming, basically, there are more people and more power.

   It has only been one month since someone ordered it, a single-lane hard rock road with a total length of 40 kilometers has been connected from Stratholme to the [North Sentinel Tower] near the northern part of the territory.

  100,000 people work in three shifts day and night from 18 points to the east and west at the same time. The efficiency is so exaggerated.

  The people are used to suffering, and they usually eat wild vegetables and black bread to live their lives, and suddenly it rises to white bread, cured meat and mixed vegetable stew, plus the Arathor copper coin wages paid by the sun, they are 150% positive.

  What is the construction of roads to boost the economy, what is this just a phase one project, they don't understand, the immediate benefits are real.

   This made the deployment of the army much smoother.

  When McDonald passed by with an army of more than 2,000 people, there were cheers along the way.

   "Long live the Duke of Stratholme!"

   "Praise you, Lord Duke!"

   Along the way, there were farmers and overseers who put down their work and bowed to McDonald.

   Riding on the horse, McDonald's smiled brightly - this is all a little bit of money lost!

   As if he was in an illusion, he saw words like [Vault-1-1-1].

As a leader, he decisively instructed the mayor of Barthelas: "Along the road, the trees within 50 yards on the left and right sides have been cut down, and you can do whatever you want. I will also build a five-story stone building every mile along the road. Lighthouses, night watchmen are arranged in each village. If there are special circumstances, the fire pot will warn you!"

   "Understood." The tool man was very knowledgeable and didn't ask why.

   These days, labor is cheap, and the lord can lead the people to serve a month of corvée without compensation. This is a freelancer. If it wasn't for someone extravagantly increasing the food and paying the so-called overtime pay, 5,000 gold coins could not be spent.

   1000 gold coins is the price of this 40-kilometer one-way street, and the price above is the price for completing all four-lane roads.

   "Anything else?" McDonald asked seemingly casually while flipping through the ledger handed over by the toolman.

   "No, the people are very happy. Shouting 'Your kindness lights up the whole territory'!" Barcelas rubbed his hands together, flattering. He figured that his performance should be good.

   As everyone knows…

   Someone cursed in his heart: Why are you so upright! What about corruption? What about bribery? As long as you hide from the system, I can pretend that you can't see it!

   What kind of honest official are you! ?

  ‘Three years of the Qing prefect, one hundred thousand snowflakes of silver. 'Understood! ?


  This tool is capable of working, but it is so clean and honest, it is difficult for me to do it!

  Bathelas wanted to be the palace minister of the duke's house, but he didn't realize that Mai X had planned to send him to Stormwind City to continue to be a tool after finishing the road construction!


  Riding is a physical activity!

  After having the warrior profession template, McDonald felt that his strength and stamina were much stronger, but he was a modern person before he crossed the road. He was naturally excited to ride a horse once in a while, but he felt tired after riding for a long time.

   The jolts of the horses as they moved around tortured someone's 22-year-old waist and kept scraping the skin on the inner thighs.

  If this is not the first day out of the city, I guess he has already scolded and hid in his specially made carriage.

   That is a 'new' carriage with spring suspension and suspension system installed!

   At this moment, Turalyon, who was wearing a priest's robe and had the boss's warhammer hanging on the side of his saddle, leaned over: "Your Excellency, our scout unit is still insufficient."

  McDonald frowned, glanced at the secret weapons that were tightly wrapped in cloth on the carriages in the back team, and whispered, "Can't find the hunter?"

   "No, mainly because of fear of death."

  Turalyon explained with a swaying beard: Of course the Stratholme family has its own scout troops, the problem is that the quality is there, if it is a war against humans, it is okay to fight with neighboring countries. It's not enough to see a troll shadow hunter in a fantasy version of optical camouflage.

   There are many people in the folk, and it depends on whether you have your life to receive the reward. After all, if you miss, you will be eaten raw by the other party. This fear frightened many people.

   Even with the current scout team, no one dared to retreat because they signed the contract early.

   McDonald sighed: "It would be great if there were a ranger army of high elves."

  Turalyon grinned, "We've never had a bad relationship with the high elves. Those long ears look down on us."

   This is the real truth. The high-precision nobles with the Master as the core have always looked down on human beings. If it wasn't for the trolls who couldn't help it back then, how could the unbearable high elves ask humans to unite at the expense of imparting the mysteries of human magic?

  Without the common enemy of trolls, according to the temperament of the elites, how can they maintain peace with humans for so many years?

   is already fighting!

   McDonald rubbed his eyebrows: "Yeah! Don't expect anything like an elf ranger. Suddenly an elf hero comes to help us unplug the troll's dark whistle? Impossible! Unless a pie falls from the sky!"

  I don't know if Mai has a B number in his heart, but his mouth feels like it has been opened.

At this moment, the army is walking on the stone road in the forest. On the treetops high above his head, a mysterious woman in a cloak is happily swaying around a pair of supermodels who are envious and jealous. leg.

  The mysterious man was covered by a hood with most of his face, revealing only a delicate little mouth, eating a Shunlai [pork liver pie].

   This delicacy, made from the liver of the blood-toothed boar with sweet spices, has only recently arrived in Stratholme. Stratholme wouldn't be able to eat in this life without those Griffin knight delivery guys in blue suits.

   Originally, the mysterious man was just out of curiosity, when she suddenly heard McDonald's say this, and when she saw the half-eaten pie in her hand, she hesitated for a second, and finally the corner of her mouth raised a charming arc.

   She released her hand and said in a low voice, "Hello! Lord Duke, this is a greeting."


   McDonald's, who was speaking with gestures, when he realized that he suddenly had a half-eaten pie in his open palm...

   McDonald: "…"

  Turalyon: "…"

   (end of this chapter)