MTL - Sugar Baby-Chapter 88 Hua Xiang and the dog (on)

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Hua Xiang suddenly announced his retirement, and no one thought of this unexpected development. +++ girls must go to the website the host is on the stage, Qiu Qiu Subconsciously chased out, but where can I find the shadow of Huaxiang?

His mind ran away, what can he do with the rest of the game?

This is live! !

The audience waiting in front of the screen all saw Huaxiang’s abandonment and fled. Everyone didn’t know what he had to do, and he was able to become a “flying soldier” at such a critical game.

At that time, the comments on the live webcast platform grew like a fly, and the fans who originally supported him were extremely disappointed with him. However, people who were not pleasing to the eye were full of scorn, and the video was smoky and full of screens were swearing.

Sitting in the understage, Feifei was also panicked. She was the head of the Huaxiang support group. She quickly appeased the fans who came to cheer him up, but in fact, she was also playing drums in her heart.

The program team rushed for two minutes of advertising, and all the responsible people gathered in the background to discuss what to do.

"Why did he suddenly leave?"

At that time, the artist standing next to Huaxiang co-ordinated the war and said: "He took it... He took a call, it seems that his dog had an accident..."

"Does the dog have an accident?! Is the dog his son?! Neuropathy!!" Director Wang violently thundered. "And, how many times have I said that the player's mobile phone must be turned off, why are you not checking?"

The artist is crying all over the world, and he usually checks carefully. I forgot this time. I thought that Huaxiang would forget to shut down. If he couldn’t get the call, wouldn’t there be so much?

The assistant director next to him quickly opened the topic. "The director of the line has gone, now Huaxiang has passed, and the main problem is how to do the show."

"What else can I do? He automatically abstained, and the remaining seven people announced their rankings according to the results of the competition!"

Execution of the eyebrows and wrinkles, and said in the ear of Wang’s ear.. "... That way, Xintian is the fourth."

The gold master father Enrui Group let Xintian get out of the top four things. In order to prevent people from being confused, only a very small number of people in the program group know. In order to make this thing "God does not know the ghosts", the judges' pressure points are very skillful. I originally intended to stop her in the fifth place. When I think that Huaxiang suddenly ran, their abacus would not be like this. Going on.

"...that's no way." Director Wang gritted his teeth. "The rules of the program have been announced. If there is still one person who is not on the scene, I can give him a point to put down the pressure on Xintian. Now everyone is finished, Xintian does not. Who is on?"

As for how the gold master father explained it... Can he explain with Hua Xiang’s dog head? ? ?

Because Huaxiang suddenly took out such a big scorpion, after the advertisement ended, the host rushed to the stage, and asked seven players to announce Qiu Qiu, Qi Qiqi, Ai Guo and Xin Tian on the spot.

Except for Xin Tian’s laughing and laughing on the stage, the rest of the three are worried about their friends, but they really can’t laugh.

After the stage, Aiguo called Qiu Qiu and asked him. "What happened to Hua Xiang? Is there something urgent in the family?"

Qiu Qiu replied. "...No, I listened to the coordinator and said that his dog had an accident. I can't contact him now."

Aiguo frowned and disagreed. "Is it for a dog? He is too impulsive."

Qiu Qiu understands Huaxiang’s feelings about beef noodles and seriously corrects him. “National brother, that’s not a dog, it’s ‘his dog’, Huaxiang is watching it as a family.”

The two said as they walked toward the background. When they thought that they had just stepped into the lounge, they were surrounded by countless "long guns and short guns." Several reporters excitedly surrounded their promotion players, holding their voice recorders in their hands, desperately Stretching forward, I have to poke into Qiu Qiu’s mouth.

These reporters were recruited by the program group before the start of the game. They gave ample fees for horses and horses, and a fee for running a pen. They wanted to broadcast the eight-in-four match live broadcast, and they were very popular.

Recently, the "Super New Voice" has a very good momentum on the Internet. The Baidu Index is climbing, and the media also want to dig up interesting first-hand information. Xintian is the most topical player. Everyone was rushing to interview her. I saw three male players coming out and rushed to pick them up.

The reporter first asked a few topics related to competitions, song selection, and promotion. Both sides were obviously absent-minded. Qiu Qiu was interviewed for the first time. The answer was very cautious. Coupled with the fact that he was thinking about Huaxiang in his heart, he wanted to hurry and leave quickly. However, the reporter blocked the all sides in a strict manner and refused to let him go.

"Qiu Qiu... Qiu Qiu! The last question! I heard that you have a good relationship with Huaxiang. What do you think of his abandonment today?"

Qiu Qiu holds a microphone in his arms. After listening to this question, he first smashed his head and tried to think for a while. He hesitated and repeated. "...What do you think of me?"


"--I was watching in the backstage lounge."


Qiu Qiu threw the microphone back and clap his hands and turned away.

On the digging of language traps, no one is better at wuli Qiuqiu.


On the other hand, Huaxiang ran out of the TV station and stopped a taxi to go to the serious pet hospital. He was sitting in the passenger's seat, his hands and feet were shaking, his brain seemed to be immersed in ice water, and his thoughts were clear.

He also painted a thick stage makeup on his face. The cold sweat from the forehead couldn't stop. The sweat washed the makeup on his face, and he wiped his hands and left countless mottled traces.

The taxi driver gave him a look and handed him a paper towel.

"Young man, no matter what happens, don't panic."

"Thank you." Hua Xiang took the paper towel.

"Really, don't panic. People are easy to make reckless things when they are panicked. Don't make this mistake."

"...I have done it."

The taxi driver handed him another piece of paper. "If you did, then don't regret it, there is no regret in this world."

On the road, Huaxiang received a **** call.

He just said "Hey", and the number of Chinese mothers crying and crying is falling. "You are a dead child! What happened in the end, you throw down the important game and say go!"

Hua Xiang can't stand the cry of his mother. When his mother cries, he will squat.. "... my dog ​​has an accident."

Mother Mama.. "When did you raise a dog?"

"It has been raised for more than half a month. It hurts very badly and may not be saved. I am now on the way to the pet hospital."

"What can you do if you go, can you give it a blood transfusion, or can you see it?"

Hua Xiang took a deep breath and slowly spit it out.

He leaned his head against the window and suddenly felt very tired. He didn't know how to explain it to his mother.

"Mom, you treat it as a dog, but I use it as a friend. I brought it back from the rain. I brought it a little bit fat. I took it to see a doctor and hugged it every day. If a friend has an accident. Is it because I can't help, I can do my own thing, do you want to miss seeing his last side?"

He knows that he is too free to do whatever he wants, so sometimes the choices made will inevitably make others do not understand.

"That shouldn't leave the game and run!" Hua Mama hated iron and couldn't make steel. "Look at your brothers, who haven't encountered the situation that 'the family is sick but they want to go on stage', so they don't want to take it out. Do you sing a full house? If everyone is like you, if you encounter a private thing and leave all the audience, then the troupe will not have to be opened!"

Hua Xiang was a slogan. He knew that his mother was right, but from his point of view, he did not feel that his choice was wrong. If he gets honor on the stage and his "good friend" falls in a pool of blood, he will be uncomfortable for a lifetime.


In the serious pet hospital, Li Weizhen sat in the waiting seat, and his back was straight. He has always asked himself to be immortal, but he is very embarrassed at this time. His clothes are full of blood and sludge, and there are traces of bruises on his elbows.

Opposite him, Miss Zhu, the original owner of the cow, sat on the ground, staring at the clean ground. Her tears have already dried up, and her hair is messy, and it can’t be overstated with unkemptness. The young girl at the front desk wanted to help her up, but she waved her hand and still sat on the ground, silent and inactive.

At this moment, the hospital door was knocked open, and Huaxiang, an anxious look, rushed in.

At first glance, he saw Li Weizhen, who was covered in blood. His heart tightened and he rushed to him in front of him. He grabbed his shoulder and asked. "Mr. Li... How are you, Mr. Li?!"

Li Weizhen finally recovered the scattered souls. He took Huaxiang’s hand on his shoulder and whispered. “I’m fine...this is the blood of beef noodles.”

Huaxiang’s throat is tight. “What happened to it?”

"I don't know," Li Weizhen shook his head and brushed his hands in the air. "The motorcycle rushed out from the side and ran directly from the hind legs of the beef noodles. When it was sent to the hospital, the entire hind legs were covered. Was smashed to the waist, the bones broke several times... The president said that he lost too much blood, and the hope of salvation was very embarrassing, asking if you should be happy."

"Absolutely not!" Hua Xiang was anxious.

Li Weizhen nodded and said calmly. "I know."

Hua Xiang was still wearing the clothes on the stage, and Li Weizhen looked at him carefully. He said, "In fact, you shouldn’t call you at that time."

But at the time, the beef noodles were dying and they were likely to leave at any time. Li Weizhen thought of Huaxiang's attention to it and immediately dialed Huaxiang's phone. When he learned that Huaxiang was about to come to power, he was afraid of affecting Huaxiang, and pretended to be in a state of nothing. Unfortunately, in order to rescue the beef noodles in the hospital, there was no quiet place at all, and the result was a mistake. All the words were heard by Hua Xiang.

"Don't say it!" Hua Xiang hammered his shoulders. "There is such a big thing. If you don't notify me in time, I will be mad!"

Regardless of anything else, Hua Xiang eagerly asked: "What happened in the end? Did the person who hit the dog catch it? Why did it hit it, didn't you wear a dog leash?"

Li Weizhen’s eyes exude a sense of coldness. “I also want to know the reason for the incident... Miss Zhu!” His eyes turned to Miss Zhu, who was sitting on the ground, once again calling her, “Miss Zhu !"

Miss Zhu shrank a little, nervously raised her head, her face was white, her lips trembled, and tears were still on her eyelashes.

Li Weizhen’s eyes are locked on her, and the sound is even more with ice.” “Miss Zhu, can you please tell us, what is going on here?”

"What...what..." She shuddered and opened a flustered smile.

Li Weizhen stood up and walked to Miss Zhu, and his voice gradually improved. "You want to say that you don't know anything? It is a dog that has been lost for a long time, but you are not in a hurry to take it home, insisting on picking up and taking away on the night of the game. ?"

"I... I am busy with work..."

"Then why did you deliberately drag on for half an hour after the meeting time, do you have to wait until Huaxiang is about to come on stage?"


"When I met today, you specially chose a corner of the park. I felt a little strange at the time. But after meeting, you deliberately took us to a place where people are less - Miss Zhu, please look at my eyes and tell I, you really don't know anything?"

Hua Xiang stunned. He stared at the original owner of the beef noodles and couldn't believe what he had just heard.

Miss Zhu had already collapsed at the critical point of the heart, and she pouted, tears falling down and hoarse.

"I really... I really don't know... I just sent a Weibo, saying that I found a dog that has been lost for a long time. The person who went to the dog is actually the player of the super new generation, Huaxiang, I also praise. He loves dogs very much... One person saw Weibo suddenly looking for me, gave me a lot of money, let me meet in that place tonight... The man told me that she was Mr. Li’s ex-girlfriend, and He quarreled and wanted to see each other alone, so he was only at that time...I knew I wouldn't agree if I knew this would happen!"

Hearing this, Hua Xiang fully understood.

The blood of his whole body was cold at this moment. He looked at the girl who was crying in front of him and regretted it. He felt that everything was too absurd.

"You don't deserve to be its owner." Huaxiang heard his voice and said, "And have you ever thought about it after the accident? If that person is a little bit when he hits the dog, it may be you, or Is my friend?"


On the other hand, when Qiu Qiu walked out of the TV station, Fu Ryan had already waited for him in the parking lot.

Qiu Qiu was unhappy and sat down in the passenger seat. Even if he took the promotion card, he still couldn’t lift his spirit. He was very worried about his friend and sent him countless WeChat, but Huaxiang did not reply.

Fu Ryan engulfed his head and handed him the folder next to him.

"this is……?"

Qiu Qiu opened curiously, and it was a photo of the accident scene. I saw it on a small road with no people smoking. The motorcycle crashed into the flower bed on the side of the road, and the ground was full of blood.

He was shocked and took a few sheets of paper to look at it carefully. Only then did he find that he had a set of traffic police records.

In the document, the scribbled is written. At 9:30 pm on August xx, 201x, a motorcycle photographed as Axxxxxx hit a large dog, and there were no casualties at the scene of the accident.

The blood in the photo was stained with the front tires of the motorcycle. The scene was very bloody. Qiu Qiu couldn't bear to look again, and quickly closed the record.

"Dry...this record is...?"

"Your live broadcast I saw. Li Weizhen called me and asked me to help investigate..." Fu Ryan stopped and said with a sigh of emotion. "...I didn't expect that he would ask me one day. This is just a In the case of a small accident, the dog was not a human being. The traffic police had made a transcript. After a fine of a few hundred dollars, he was ready to leave. I asked him to deduct the person."

Fu Ryan sneered. "There was no courage to drive a motorcycle, but it was a little punk. It scared him. He admitted that he was hired to kill the dog... the person who contacted him said that the dog had bitten. So I have to kill."

Qiu Qiu asked incredulously.. "Is it Xintian?!"

In addition to Xintian, Qiu Qiu really can't think of anyone who can make a profit in this kind of thing.

"There is no evidence now. The person who contacted him is using WeChat. The new mobile phone number is registered. After the transfer, the number is directly sold, but it must be her, or the person under her." Fu Ruien said, "You can enter the semi-finals." Inside, you have me, Qi Qiqi is still a child, Huaxiang and Aiguo, Huaxiang is the most impulsive to start. It is estimated that she only wants to influence Huaxiang in the game, I did not expect him I was so impulsive and retired directly. I was only planning to drive her out of the game. I didn’t expect her means to be so vicious."

"Wh... if he wants to start with Huaxiang, why is it against the dog, is it wrong? She can find out that Huaxiang attaches great importance to beef noodles, and should be able to find out that Mr. Li is his friend."

"This is her cleverness." Fu Ryan clenched Qiu Qiu's hand. "If she starts to trace the person and traces her, she can't escape the blame. But if she kills the dog, even if she traces her, she also It’s not illegal, it won’t cause any trouble for her.”