MTL - Summoning In the Snow, My Harem is Too Dangerous-Chapter 171

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Moreover, it mostly occurs in places where power is gathered.

For example, the dragon veins of Daxia are located below the Daxia Imperial City.

The major vassal kings have been in power for hundreds of years, and under the convergence of power, dragon veins have also been formed.

With dragon veins, if you have a foundation.

If Daxia really collapsed at the age of 800 years, then these vassal kings would have the possibility of reuniting the world.

At that time, perhaps a new emperor will emerge from these vassal kings.

As for what the dragon veins breed, Xia Ji also has some impressions.

When he first arrived at the arsenal, he obtained the seed of the dragon vein.

That seed not only gave him a cultivation technique with no upper limit, but also transformed the Great Xia National Movement into shape later.

And because the Dragon Vessel in the summer is too long, it has derived the golden liquid that can create countless innate masters.

This is already the actual product produced by the convergence of air transport.

At this level, it is already something that can enhance the country's heritage.


After hearing Concubine Yan mention this, Xia Ji also narrowed his eyes.

Although the Great Song Dragon Vein is gathering towards the Great Summer Dragon Vein, it will take years or even decades to fully integrate with the Great Summer Dragon Vein.

But if the other party holds something that gathers dragon veins, it is very likely to deviate from the direction of the dragon veins.

Thinking of this, Xia Ji looked at Concubine Yan and said, "Do you know where the East Emperor Taiyi put the dragon veins?"

As long as it is related to the dragon veins, it is related to the future of Daxia.

This matter cannot be taken lightly.

But Concubine Yan shook her head and said, "I don't know about my concubine, but I only saw that handbook occasionally, and because of this, my memory was sealed."

"It wasn't until the Emperor Dong died and the curse on the concubine's body was completely stripped away that I remembered it."

Speaking of this, Concubine Yan was somewhat apologetic: "My concubine did not deliberately hide from Your Majesty."

Xia Ji waved his hand and said: "I know this, you don't need to think about it, but..."

"Now that the Yin-Yang family has been destroyed, then you are no longer the lord of the Yin-Yang family. In the future, when I call you, I will call you Feiyan, how about that?"

"I can't ask for it." Fei Yan's eyes were filled with tears of excitement.

She couldn't control her heart any longer, and threw herself into Xia Ji's arms.

Xia Ji reached out and patted Feiyan's back lightly.

In fact, he was thinking about how to take back those divine soldiers.

The Yin-Yang family is located in the Qin state, if those dragon veins have already been collected by Donghuang Taiyi. …

I am afraid that it is also in the Qin state.


In history, Ying Zheng was the first emperor of the ages, and his people were deep in the city, and he was even better at forbearance.

When he was young and unwilling, he was extremely forbearing.

Now that Daxia has subdued King Song and killed King Yuan, it is a huge pressure for other vassal kings.

And even if Qin has a tyrannical military force, he does not dare to challenge Da Xia.

There is a high possibility that it is looking for allies.

In other words, he wanted to find a ghost among other vassal kings!

Think about it this way.

Xia Ji's thoughts became clear in an instant.

Although the body of Duke Ming is only a horizontal practice method at the level of a great master, the wisdom of Duke Ming that he brings can keep his thinking clear all the time.

Follow this idea.

Xia Ji already had a certain number of vassal kings united by Qin Wang Yingzheng.

It must be the newly appointed Yuan Wang Tuo Lei, and Li Shimin, the Li Tang Dynasty king.

All the other vassal kings were human beings, even Zhu Di, who had come to power not long ago.

And Torre and Li Shimin, although they have a city government, they have just been in power.

In the face of such temptation, it is natural to be unable to restrain yourself.


After all, these are just Xia Ji's conjectures.

If you want to determine this, you still need to send someone to investigate.


Just like when Deng Tai'a was dispatched to conquer the Qing Dynasty.

He has made so many big moves, one bad move will cause the vassal king to resist.

5.0 It's not that Xia Ji is afraid of those vassal kings, but it will make the situation chaotic.

Not to mention that there is still another eight hundred years of catastrophe.

Although Li Chungang said that the devil country doesn't need to worry too much, Xia Ji remained cautious about unknown things.

He pondered for a while.

Xia Ji intends to summon again.

When Deng Tai'a was summoned earlier, his National Luck progress reached 34%.

This time, Wang Xianzhi's suppression of Jianghu started to destroy Buddhism.

Presumably now, it has been possible to summon again.

The best thing is to be able to summon a person who has a good fortune, or a person who is good at stealth.

Once the matter is investigated clearly, it is possible to send personnel to suppress those vassal kings in an upright manner.

Thinking of this, Xia Ji also secretly said in his heart.

"Properties Panel!".

Chapter 171 The big dream is thousands of years old, and we know what happened in the book!

"Properties Panel!"


An extremely simple panel appeared in front of Xia Ji.

[Host: Xia Ji. 】

[Guoyun: Thirty-five percent. 】

[The forces under his command: Ren Mao (Dongchang), Cao Changqing (Confucian Sage), Li Chungang (Master of Kendo), Chen Zhibao (Bing Xian in white), Wang Xianzhi (No. 1 in the world), Nangong Baihu (Master of the Harem), Deng Tai (Peach Blossom Sword God)! 】

[Items owned: None. 】

[Cultivation method: Human Emperor Tiandi Sutra, do not move Ming Wang's body. 】

[Number of Summons: It can be summoned once. 】

Seeing the attribute panel, Xia Ji also knew how much control he had over the country's fortunes.

It stands to reason that Wang Xianzhi's suppression of Jianghu this time, coupled with the action of destroying Buddhism.

At least it can increase the national transport to about 38%.

But now it's only thirty-five percent.

Among them, it is very likely that it is because of Dong Huangtai's secret actions.

Otherwise, Xia Ji now controls more than that.

Thinking of this, Xia Ji is bound to take back the things that the dragon veins nurtured.

Xia Ji stretched out his hand and patted Feiyan and said: "You go back first, I have some things to deal with."

"Your Majesty..." Feiyan's eyes were full of spring water, and she was already emotional.

Seeing this, Xia Ji also said with a chuckle, "I will be waiting for you in the palace tonight."

After hearing this, Fei Yan slowly retreated.


Xia Ji was the only one left in the bedroom.

The system is his most important trump card, except that those summoned know the system.

Xia Ji would not let anyone know.

Not even these concubines who were slept with each other every day.

Once something goes wrong, what Xia Ji will face is doom and gloom.

Couldn't tolerate him being careless.

Wait until Feiyan leaves.

Xia Ji asked Li Chungang to stand outside the palace gate.

This is where the call begins.

"Make a call!"


Strange fluctuations instantly permeated the entire bedroom.

A phantom of a long river appeared in the bedroom.

It's just that there are starlights in this long river, and each starlight represents one thing.

In this starlight, Xia Ji saw the invincible demeanor of the emperor Xia back then.

I saw that the former emperor, due to pressure, divided the vassal king.

He also saw that he ascended the throne and swept the world, Yuyu clarified!


Saw a vague shadow of the future.

It was a figure full of strong luck, and behind him stood an almost endless number of land gods.

Standing in front of Tianmen, high spirited!

But this phantom only lasted for a moment.

Moreover, Xia Ji's impression of this phantom was constantly blurred.

In the end, it was completely forgotten.

However, Xia Ji was surprised to discover something.

This is not an ordinary long river, but a long river of time!

All past, present and future!

All are in this river, walking slowly.

Just when he was planning to mobilize the Great Xia Guoyun and force himself to see more of what happened in the future.

The long river of time suddenly dissipated.

It turned into a roll of bamboo slips and slowly spread out in front of Xia Ji.

When the scroll opened, a figure slowly walked out of it.