MTL - Super Invincible Battleship-Chapter 18 Kickboxing

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I killed the strong man, Yan Fei finally relieved. And this slackness immediately felt that the internal organs of the five internal organs began to ache. Under the violent attack of the strong man, he was severely injured. Fortunately, his physical fitness has greatly improved, otherwise he would have been lying down.

It's just not the time to rest. The strong man said that he had passed the situation here, so Yan Fei must leave here immediately. The drone has long explored the surrounding environment. This is a valley and there is no other way out, so Yan Fei still has to climb up the vine.

Yan Yanfei endured the physical discomfort and pulled the vine to climb the cliff. Fortunately, no one of Zhang Baocheng was found on it. At this time, he had little fighting power, and even the drone steel ball bullets had less than 20 rounds left. Once you meet Zhang Baocheng's men, the consequences are disastrous.

Ji Yanfei returned along the original road. When he returned to the road outside, he found a fire in Zhang Baocheng's villa in the distance. Everyone was busy fighting the fire, and no one came out to look for that brave man. There was some doubt in his mind, did the strong man say that the message was lying to him?

After thinking of the terrain where the valley is located, Yan Fei suddenly realized. In such a remote place, how can there be a telecommunications signal, so the signal of the strong man must not have been sent out, which is why Zhang Baocheng did not send someone to look for it.

I want to understand the key point, knowing that there is no possibility of exposure, Yan Fei is so sure. He attacked again this evening. He successfully destroyed the evidence against himself, and killed a terrible enemy. Although he was uncomfortable, he successfully completed the purpose of this attack.

Qi Yanfei began to clean up the wounds on his body, took out a suit from the general space and changed it, then took the motorcycle out of the general space again, and returned along the same path. The drone clone also followed Yan Fei's flight in the sky. Until Yan Fei reached a safe zone, the drone returned to the room in Yan Fei's home, and he himself returned to the bath center.

飞 When returning to the rest room of the bath center along the window, Yan Fei was exhausted. After he carefully checked the sign left on the door handle of the room and found that no one had come in and changed his clothes, his eyes suddenly turned black and he fell on the bed, unconscious.

In the next morning, Yan Fei shouted and suddenly woke up. He sat up, sweating coldly all over his body, and a confused expression appeared on his face. Because he had just had a strange dream, it was very strange.

In a dream, Yan Fei found herself lying on a hospital bed and met a beautiful nurse. Then he fell in love with the beautiful nurse at first sight and wanted to meet the beautiful nurse. But the pretty nurse turned and left, and he called the other party but ignored him, so he screamed anxiously, and woke up.

梦 This dream is exactly the same as the dream that Yan Fei had dreamed before, and the details such as dialogue and mood activities are exactly the same. After the dreamy dream, Yan Fei, the beautiful nurse in the dream, has gradually forgotten over time. Who knows that the beautiful nurse's appearance became clear again after the same dream.

As the saying goes, "Thinking day by day and dreaming at night", then at least you have to think about this kind of thing or have the idea in your subconscious mind to dream at night? Yan Fei didn't know if he had thought of such a thing in his subconscious, but he was sure that he had never thought of such a scene when he was awake.

And Yan Fei is now young and strong, rarely sick, let alone hospitalized, basically no chance to contact hospital nurses. This is a little strange. How did that dream come about? Besides, the beautiful nurse in the dream did not know him at all, and none of the people he knew looked like that nurse. What happened? What's even more strange is that after two dreams, Yan Fei herself was really a little tempted by the beautiful nurse in the dream ...

As before, Yan Fei dreamed this dream after killing. Is there any omen? Why not have a nightmare? Or is he something abnormal?

When Yan Fei was thinking wildly, there was a knock on the door outside the room. The waiter reminded Yan Fei to have breakfast outside the door, and then Yan Fei stopped thinking and put everything behind. Just a dream, even if it is more bizarre, there is nothing wrong with it, after all, he can even accept that he has a drone clone.

After Xun stopped thinking about it, Yan Fei found that most of his injuries were better, at least all his injuries had disappeared. It seems that when the drone refreshed its data at zero, the mysterious force acted on him in an airspace and repaired his body accordingly.

吃 While eating breakfast in the restaurant, Yan Fei paid special attention to local news reports, but found no reports of the fire in Zhang Baocheng's villa, and also did not report that the body of the brawny man was found.

I do n’t know if Zhang Baocheng did n’t report the police at all, or the police blocked the information due to investigations after the police reported, or for some other reason, anyway, what Yan Fei did last night is like being ignored, except the parties No one knows.

But it ’s okay, Yan Fei doesn't like trouble, no one finds it better.

When Yanfei Yan returned home, it was already 10 am. He has been watching the news reports, but there is no news about last night, and sometimes he even wondered if the thing last night was dreaming. However, the injuries on his body made him certain that his experience last night was absolutely true and definitely not his imagination.

At night, Yan Fei left Modu far away and drove a van to a remote mountain in Lin Province. He found a sparsely populated place, took Xiao Kong's body from the general space, and looked for him.

As a result, Yan Fei only found one sphere on Xiao Kong. The sphere is black and has the size of a longan. I can't see what material it is made of. Although its weight is very light, it is very hard, and Yan Fei cannot destroy it at all.

Apart from that, nothing was found on Xiao Kong's body.

Qi Yanfei held the black ball in front of his eyes and observed nothing abnormal. He wondered, was that strong man concerned about this black ball?

I looked for a while, but found nothing abnormal, so Yan Fei put the black globe back into the general space, and I will study it later when I have time.

The universal space has the ability to make time stand still, so although Xiao Kong's body was put in it for a long time, it was exactly the same as when it was just put in, and there was no change.

I looked at Xiao Kong's torn body on the ground, Yan Fei thought about it, and dug a deep hole to bury him. After all, this was a dead body, or a dead and tragic body. When he thought of a dead body in his carry-on space, he ran around with the dead body all day, and felt a bit infiltrating.

After Yan Yanfei dealt with Xiao Kong's body, he returned to Modu that night. In the next few days, he carefully watched the news to see if any news related to him appeared, and at the same time every day went to the Beyond Fitness Center to learn from Wang Yong.

After fighting with the violent and strong man that night, Yan Fei found that his strength was still weak. He thought he had made great progress, and it was worth mentioning in front of the real masters, not even to fight back. As the biggest card of UAV steel ball bullets, his power is still too small. When faced with a master such as a strong man, he can only play a restraining role.

So when there is no other better way, Yan Fei can only choose to improve her own strength. The kung fu routine taught by Wang Yong is the best way to improve his own strength.

Wang Wangyong is still a basic routine that teaches some kung fu, and occasionally explains some precautions of routine competition. Combining his own experience, Yan Fei also had a lot of gains. He felt that Huaxia Kung Fu was profound and profound. As for his classmates who study kung fu, they have no confidence in Wang Yong at all. They also studied for three days and fished for two days. They had nothing to gain.

On this day, Yan Fei was concentrating on practicing the Kung Fu routine at the center, and then heard the noise coming from the door, and then a large group of people came in from outside. The young woman was led by this woman. She was tall, beautiful, and fashionable. I ca n’t look away at the first sight ~ ~ The Taekwondo instructor at the training center saw the group of people, stopped training immediately, greeted the group of people, and began to communicate. While communicating, they were facing Yan Fei. Pointing and pointing. Then this group of people brought their Taekwondo coaches and trainees to Wang Yong's Kung Fu venue.

Wu Yanfei and his classmates saw the situation and immediately stopped practicing without knowing what happened.

A fitness center's Taekwondo instructor stood up, pointing at a handsome man behind the young beauty, and said to Wang Yong, "Coach Wang, let me introduce you. This is our Deputy Director of the Korean Taekwondo World Promotion Alliance, Han Junxi. He today Want to visit you. "

The Taekwondo coach introduced Han Junxi behind the young beauty, but did not introduce the identity of the young beauty. The young beauty looked curiously at Wang Yong's training venue.

Before Wang Yong said anything, the handsome man named Han Junxi stood up and said in crappy Mandarin: "Coach Wang, you are a coach who teaches Huaxia Kungfu, representing Huaxia Kungfu. Our Korean Taekwondo World Promotion Alliance is preparing to go to the world Promote Taekwondo, so I want to compete with your Huaxia Kung Fu and see who is better at Taekwondo and Kung Fu. "

Wu Yanfei and then they understood that it turned out that this group of Koreans came to kick the hall. If Korean Taekwondo is to be promoted worldwide, it must prove itself to be the most powerful combat technique in the world. Only in this way can its own signboard be opened and more people choose to learn Taekwondo.

In order to achieve this goal, they must defeat Huaxia Kungfu, so they chose Wang Yonghe to learn kungfu under his hands.


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