MTL - Super Soldier King-Chapter 19 appointment

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Not to mention, Ye Qian’s luck is really good. It may be that young people nowadays don’t like to be security guards. They think that this job has neither future salary nor salary. Therefore, Tianya Group’s recruitment revelation has been posted for a long time and has not been recruited. people. Therefore, when Ye Qian came to the interview, the security captain just asked a few questions casually, and then hired Ye Qian, let him bring a copy of the ID card and three two-inch barehead photos to register and go to work.

Ye Qian was grateful for the appearance of zero, and kept giving the security captain Zheng Xin a cigarette and saying something like "a lot of care in the future." Seeing that Ye Qian was so acquainted, Zheng Xin nodded with satisfaction and set aside the leadership of a leader, so that Ye Qian would report on time tomorrow morning.

With a formal job, the old man should be relieved. After Ye Qian’s repeated thanks, he turned and left. Although Ye Qian is not very cold on the face of this future boss, the security captain, but they have not offended themselves. Ye Qian does not need to know him.

I strolled around the street for a long time, until 6 o'clock in the evening, thinking of a soft date with Lin, Ye Qian drove back.

When I arrived at the entrance of the hospital, I saw Lin softly standing there. A white dress is like a fairy who breaks into the world, fresh and pleasant. The car was parked in front of Lin's softness. Ye Qian walked out of the car and glanced at Lin's soft dress. He smiled and said, "You are very beautiful today."

"Thank you!" Lin said softly and softly. Any woman wants her dress to be appreciated by her beloved, and Lin is soft and natural. She is happy when she hears Ye Qian’s praise.

Ye Qian opened the door and made a very gentleman's "please" action. He said, "Beautiful lady, can you have dinner?"

Lin softly smiled sweetly and got into the car.

Driving on the road, Lin asked softly and curiously: "Is this your car?"

Shaking his head, Ye Qian smiled slightly and said, "No, it’s my friend. I borrowed it for a few days. Where do we go to eat?"

Lin Rou is not the kind of girl who loves the poor and loves the vain. Therefore, listening to Ye Qian’s saying that the car is not his own does not have much reaction. In her opinion, it is more important that Ye Qian himself, not He has no car and no money. "I know that there is a Western restaurant, the steak inside is very good." Lin said softly.

The name of the restaurant is romantic, completely imitation of the European medieval decoration, and it seems a little romantic from the outside. Western food Ye Qian can eat a lot, but he still feels that Chinese food is more comfortable to eat, this is not because he is angry, but because he feels that eating Western food is too restrictive, where there is the kind of food in the Chinese food stalls Feel free to do whatever you want. However, since Lin softly likes it, Ye Qian will certainly not refuse.

After getting off the bus, Ye Qian was able to open the door softly. Lin soft lady's arm lifted Ye Qian's arm and walked toward the restaurant. Outside the door, the waiter at the restaurant saw the two and politely asked, "How many people do you want?"

"Two!" Ye Qian replied depressedly.

"Do you have a reservation location?" asked the courtesy.

"No!" Ye Qian was a little impatient. Grandma’s, it’s like being tried for a meal. If it’s not because Lin is soft, Ye Qian really wants to swear.

"Oh! Please come here!" Yingbin made a "please" gesture, pushed the restaurant door open for them and led them in.

The decoration in the restaurant is simple but elegant, and a light music is playing in the restaurant. There are not many guests in the restaurant, they are basically couples, and the voices are very small. After the two sat down, a waiter came over. When I saw Ye Qian’s alternative dress, I couldn’t help but squint. The men who come here to eat are basically suits and suits, but the man in front of him is a very casual dress. However, as a waiter, she quickly returned, politely handed the two menus to Ye Qian and Lin soft, and asked: "What does this gentleman and lady want to eat?"

Ye Qian took a casual look and closed the menu and said, "Do you have any good recommendations?"

Seeing the action of Ye Qian, the waiter is more certain that the young man in front of him is not a rich man. Even the English menu can't read and eat any Western food. I looked at Lin softly opposite him, and the beauty made her a little jealous. Such a beautiful woman would be the girlfriend of this earthen bun, and some flowers are inserted in the cow dung. Thinking quickly in her mind, she decided to tidy up the young man in front of him and let him lose face. "We have steaks that have just been shipped by air from country m, caviar from e country, red wine, I would like to choose Lafite for 82 years. What do you think?"

Ye Qian looked at Lin soft and asked: "Soft, what do you need to order?"

Lin soft face is a bit ugly, just if the waiters said that if all come up, I am afraid that no less than three or forty thousand. The reason why she chose the Western restaurant was just for the atmosphere here. It was not for Ye Qian’s real expenses. She thought that eating a steak would be fine. "No, it's fine to have two steaks." Lin said softly and kindly. Although she didn't understand Ye Qian's family, she also saw the old man, knowing that the old man was just a smashed, and Ye Qian did not dress up. Like a rich man, she doesn't want Ye Qian to be embarrassed.

Ye Qian smiled a little, and he naturally knew what Lin thought about in his heart. His heartfelt affection for Lin's softness could not help but deepen, so that the kind and sensible girls are not much now. "Well, then, let's have two steaks, seven cooked; two caviar, iced, remember, the spoon uses a silver spoon; red wine, it's 82 years of Lafite." Ye Qian is very skilled. Said.

The waiter couldn't help but stunned. She didn't think that Ye Qian, this earthen buns still know how to eat caviar. Is it because I look away? You should know that caviar is a "fresh" word, and all the complex tastes are not suitable for eating with caviar. Surprised to surprise, the waiter said politely "wait a moment" and turned away. She was thinking, Ye Qian may just listen to people saying that caviar is eaten, or read it on the Internet, and wait until he pays the original form, and can't install it.

"Ye Qian, don't need to eat so rich!" Lin said softly and kindly.

Ye Qian smiled a little and said: "How can you be so stingy when you eat with you for the first time? Don't worry!"

Lin Rou did not say anything, but he secretly touched his bag. If Ye Qian didn't pay enough, he still had his own card.