MTL - Survive in the Wilderness! The Actor King Sits in My Arms and Weeps-Chapter 384 Shrinking turtle, does it sound good?

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"Bo Xi, go ahead!" Bo Si said sternly.

"it is good!"

Xiao He acted by chance and immediately began to distribute life jackets.

"Put it on!"

At this moment, everyone has reached a high degree of tacit understanding!

at the same time.

Desperate for everything, Luo Xiong broke free from the people behind him and jumped down!

With a bang, it landed on Zhang Ma's yacht!

The housekeeper was thrown into the water, the speedboat moved forward rapidly, and the white waves splashed into two rows of waves behind him!

"Hahahaha!" Luo Xiong laughed out loud, turned his head and roared frantically, "Bo Silin, Su Yangyang, go to hell! Go to hell!"

After so many years of fighting, it is finally coming to an end!

The Bo family finally lost!

This whole ship is the person who controls the economic lifeline of the capital.

They are dead, and the Luo family is afraid that they will not be able to make a comeback?

That's a joke!

However, before the laughter stopped, Zhang Ma suddenly frowned.

"Mr. Luo, you, look there!"

She raised her hand.

Everyone looked at it.


A figure jumped straight up from the deck on the second floor.

At an incredible speed, he jumped out to the sea!

She was holding something in her hand, and she first pulled it back, and then she tried her best to throw it with all her might!

The direction is exactly Luo Xiong's side!

"Ah!!!" Luo Xiong roared, "Quick!!!! Start the boat!!!!!!"

Ma Zhang's whole face was instantly defeated, and she desperately twisted the steering wheel.

When people are in extreme fear, they lose their voices directly!

The boat galloped forward.

Roxon raised his eyes.

The pupils reflected the yellow light group that exploded above.

There were loud noises in my ears, my hair was hit by the heat wave, and it was too late to cover my face again!


It's not just yachts that exploded.

And cruise ships.

In an instant, the screams were engulfed, and the spray burst into the air!

For a few seconds, the smoke filled the air, and it was silent.

The entire sea was full of dark colors, and there was no sound.


Beautiful country, in the m group office.

"In the next three days, the capital will cool down again. This is also the first time that the capital has ushered in a low temperature of minus 65 degrees. Cold waves are coming from all over the country, and the New Year is approaching. Please pay attention to travel safety..."

Slide your finger up.

The next video appears.

"Indonesia volcano eruption, casualties close to 30,000 people..."

continue to slide.

"The Bo family has sent the best rescue, please wait for the good news."

The fingers stopped.

"People haven't been found yet?" the man asked in English.

"Yes. Two blasts, no matter what happens this time, it's impossible to survive! Even if it's a cockroach, it can't be unscathed, right?"

Lin Yan sat on the sofa chair with a smile, leaned back, turned around, and was in a good mood.

The man also hooked his lips, "This Bo Silin has some tricks."

"You don't know, I was almost killed by these two in their variety show!" Lin Yan said coldly, "Fortunately, it's too late. This time, we are destined to win."

He turned his head.

He looked at the tablet that was playing the live broadcast.

"The live broadcast has started?" the man asked.

"Of course." Lin Yan smiled, "Of course the scheduled program will continue. It's impossible to postpone it for two dead people, right?"

The two laughed.

On the screen, cheers were circling the entire outfield.

This is a castle-like place that rented a university town and an entire street to shoot the show.

The host is in a suit and leather shoes, standing in the first place.

"Welcome to Battle Royale, our first ever global live show!"

"This time, our 500 participating guests are players from seven countries!"

"Every time the program is recorded, it is usually 1 week!"

"Guests will be assigned two identities, the first is 'cat' and the second is 'rat'. Personnel from the same country will be assigned the same identity card."

"The program uses the elimination system. The two identity cards represent different skills - the 'cat' will assign props, and by killing the 'mouse', you can get points, and the points are used to upgrade the props. The 'mouse' will have hidden streets Maps, etc., if the 'mouse' successfully escaped for seven days, it is considered a victory. If you win a round, you can accumulate points for the next round. Otherwise, the points will be cleared."

"And the standard of killing is that everyone will have such a circular magnetic suction device hanging on their chest!"

The host said, showed the listing on his chest, and reached out to pick it.

"If the ball is picked, even if it is killed."

After speaking the rules, the host turned his head again.

"Unfortunately, we only have 498 contestants today." He said to the camera, "There are two contestants from China who did not participate. I regret to miss it."

【Huaguo? Escaped? isn't it? ? ? 】

[Can you speak upstairs? Don't speak, don't speak! What an escape! Sister Yang and Brother Rin will definitely appear! 】

[That is, wait online! 】

[Don't let people tell the truth? Shame on the global live broadcast? 】

There are people from every country on the entire screen.

Outgoing text will be converted into the local language.

So can be identified.

"The two Hua Guo, I know them." On the field, player No. 444 said.

The host turned his head.

When the audience in Huaguo saw the bullet screen, they immediately became excited.

【Isn't this Mike? ! 】

[I go, can he still compete? ? 】

[It's so disgusting, I guess there is no evidence to do him! 】

[People have returned to China, and someone will protect them]

"It's just cowardly, I don't dare to come." Mike said.

There was another person standing beside Mike, tall and thin, with a height of more than two meters.

"It's a pity." Darren sneered, "I would like to meet these two for a while. Let's see what kind of person killed my brother brutally."

【God! ! ! ! ! ! Darren Bull! 】

[I dare to say this in the live broadcast! 】

[After watching the show, there is no need to say that just because people are from China. In fact, Daniel has done a lot in it...]

[Huh, there are normal people here? 】

The barrage began to quarrel again.

Darren turned his head and said again: "They should be thankful that they didn't appear here. Otherwise, it's not just the two of them who are embarrassed. I'll let everyone see that people from China are all like this."

He said, gave a thumbs up, and fell down.

The barrage instantly boiled.

【So relieved! 】

[I survived for the Chinese wilderness that Daniel went to see, what is that! The script is too obvious, just let their people lie down and win! 】

【that is! Come to our show if you have the ability! Really fair and just! 】

[Hahahaha, don't say it, when you say you want to be on the show, people promise to be diligent. What's the result? Is this what they call death escape? 】

[Will you not be resurrected in two days? Then I can die of laughter, since I don't have the ability, why did I agree in the first place? 】

"Let's start." Darren said to the host, "I originally participated in the show to avenge my brother. But looking at it now, this kind of scum is not worth a second look."

The host smiles.

"It seems that Darren has a lot of opinions on the Chinese players. In fact, our strength is here, and it is normal for them to dare not come. Besides, this is a knockout program. How painful is it to be slapped in the face? Understand people."

Laughter from below.

Lin Yan in front of the camera also kept laughing.

After being pressed for so long, he was finally able to let out a sigh of relief!

"I recently learned a new The host said, "It's called 'shrinking turtle'. "

His Chinese is not standard, and it is especially funny to speak.

"Does it sound good?" He looked at the camera.

There was laughter again.

【Fuck! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Lao Tzu's 40-meter broadsword! ! ! 】

【What kind of dogs are these! There is also a degree of clamoring, right? 】

[Yo yo yo, can't bear it anymore? 】

While laughing.

A voice suddenly sounded behind him.

"It sounds good." Cold and slow, "It suits you very well."
